Chapter 527 Undersea Prophet
Mariana Trench entrance canyon.

Two great monarch-level manta ray monarchs were lying vertically on the rock walls on both sides. Their eyes were scanning, but they found nothing, and they couldn't help but express doubts.

It was clear that there was some slight touch on the body just now, and the water flow was undulating strangely, but why did no living beings come in?

For a moment, the devil fish monarch closed his eyes again and fell silent, clinging to the two bis. The movement gradually subsided and silence returned again.

Under the cover of real dreams, Lu Jun and others seemed to be separated from another level of time and space, without any interference from the outside world, so they avoided the perception of the devil fish monarch.

Ye Mei breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the manta ray fell asleep again, and then said fearfully: "This Kraken Empire is really powerful, with two great monarchs guarding just one entrance."

Hearing this, Lu Huan remained silent. Over the past few years, his strength has increased. In the past, he could defeat middle-ranking monarchs, but now he is not afraid of great monarchs.

But once they take action, the entire Siren Empire will be disturbed, and hundreds of monarchs and even emperors will hunt them down.

Lu Jun's face was solemn. The level of the monarch cannot be ignored. The manta rays themselves are good at hibernation. The current situation is that he cannot sense the manta rays, and the other party cannot sense him. It is a zero-sum game between them.

He whispered: "Be careful, the Siren Empire is not simple."

Everyone nodded, carefully walked around the two great monarchs, and continued to dive.

Every time Lu Jun and his party dived for a certain distance, the light became dimmer and dimmer. They could not see the way up, nor could they see how deep it was below. Even the sense of time was no longer shining, and the coldness of the water was getting deeper.

I don't know how long it took, the soldier Bai Lang stared into the depths, and suddenly said: "There is light ahead."

Hearing this, Lu Jun and others' brows jumped. After waiting a little longer, they saw colorful glimmers of light, which became brighter as they got closer.

When we finally arrived, we saw a large area of ​​colorful seaweed, like a dreamy seaweed field, covering a hundred miles in radius, as if blocking the bottom of the dark trench.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jun's face changed drastically and he whispered: "No, don't expose them. These are demons from the devil ditch."

Thousands of colorful algae are floating on the bottom of the sea. At first glance, they look beautiful and peaceful, but in fact they are the lower body tentacles of the Siren Prophet family.

Hearing this, Ye Mei and other senior officials who knew the abilities of Mogou Demon Ghost looked serious. If they were compromised here and were usurped by the Pacific Empire and their identities were usurped and returned to Jiuzhou, that would be a crime worthy of death.

They carefully shuttled among the dense algae tentacles, not daring to touch any tentacles.

Fortunately, the soldier Chen Zhen took action and used the transcendent power of water [True Water Gathering and Dispersion], which can turn the body into liquid water flow, which is immune to most damage and condenses when exposed to water.

He exerted his supernatural power on everyone, easily passing through the gaps between the arm-wide algae tendons.

Lu Jun praised: "What a magical ability."

"Hahaha, there are still limitations. Only the water mage can transform your body into soft water."

Chen Zhen smiled cheerfully, looking a little proud.

The six people sank slowly. In the vast "seaweed forest", they saw hundreds of graceful female figures rising and falling among the colorful algae tendrils.

They remained motionless, with their eyes closed one after another, like solemn statues one after another, entangled in seaweed and scattered in pieces.

Lu Huan couldn't help but swallowed. The Mogou demons here were no weaker than the advanced commanders in any aura. There were more than ten or twenty monarch-level ones. It was obviously the home of the Siren Prophet clan.

The Mogou Demon Ghost conquered the Mermaid Holy Spirit clan and moved the clan here.

When Lu Jun and others traveled deep into the colorful kelp forest, they suddenly lost their sense of direction.

They opened their eyes and looked around, only to see that their eyes were filled with colorful colors, and their up, down, left, right, and front were all reversed at this moment.Seeing this, Lu Jun frowned. The Eighth Realm spiritual power was no longer effective in this area. It was suppressed by some mysterious force and difficult to expand. Moreover, even if he could, he would not dare to explore at will.

Mogou demon ghosts have very high spiritual attainments, so there is no guarantee that they will not be noticed.

Lu Jun and his party were lost. Bai Lang looked at them for a while and said in a deep voice: "It's the method of Mogou demons and ghosts. They linked each other's spirits and integrated them into one body. Their power to passively protect themselves affected us."

Bailang's ability is roughly in the area of ​​investigation. I don't know which magic ability it is. It's definitely not the spiritual aspect. Maybe it's the light or sound system?

Hearing this, Lu Jun remembered the relevant description in the original work. The Kraken Prophet clan is like a network, linked to each other and progressing layer by layer.

The spiritual unity of him and Ding Yumian has reached the peak of the Nine Realms, not to mention the union of a group of monarchs and demons.

"Wait, will they notice us?"

Suddenly, Lu Jun lost confidence in his real dream skills and said with a bad expression.

Dean Xiao's face was calm. His spiritual attainments may not be higher than those of Lu Jun, so he hesitated.

Suddenly, a sudden change broke out in the kelp forest, and thousands of 'algae whiskers' spread out below everyone, revealing a graceful female figure in the deepest part.

The Mogou demon opened his eyes and stared directly at the group of people.

"No, it was discovered!"

Lu Jun's face changed drastically, and he suddenly looked around. Unknowingly, hundreds of graceful figures surrounded him, all scattered and layered. They all opened their eyes and stared at a few people.

The vast and boundless spiritual power surged out, making him feel suffocated, and he was like a small drop of water in front of it.

The actual gap is not that exaggerated, it is a mental attack.

Soon, he looked at the kelp forest. The colorful pictures were distorting, shaking, and intertwined. The yellow, red, and blue were mixed up, and his mind was buzzing.

When Lu Jun looked back at his companions, at some point, they disappeared.

He is trapped in a kelp forest and is about to be besieged by oppression.


Fortunately, at the critical moment, Lu Jun's white gold neon feathers shone brightly, inspiring hundreds of millions of divine lights to penetrate the surroundings, like thousands of rays of light breaking through the darkness, and the colorful picture was torn like a canvas, cutting out dense holes.

The water surface of the sea floor was stirred, and countless root algae were cut off by the sharp edge, and fell down one by one.

Lu Jun no longer hid, he decisively broke out his fighting power, swung the Tai'a Sword in his hand, and commanded Wan Shui with his thoughts, turning into black torrents like real dragons and attacking in all directions.

But no matter how much noise he made, he was the only one fighting here, and the other companions seemed to have disappeared, indifferent.

Countless tentacles were cut off, and then spread over one after another, as if they were endless.

Lu Jun's heart sank into the valley, looking down at the tall and graceful figure in the deepest part of the abyss, his strange eyes were frightening.

"Damn it, the Supreme Prophet is actually guarding this place?!"

He cursed secretly and guessed the origin of this figure. His cultivation level must be above that of the Supreme Monarch, and he might even be the Sub-Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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