Full-time Mage's All-Fire Surrender

Chapter 232 A Small Defect of the Magic Stockings

Chapter 232 A Small Defect of the Magic Stockings
Time goes back a little bit.

The autumn morning is cool and pleasant. Whenever a gust of autumn wind blows, the withered and yellow leaves will fall off the trees and dance in all directions with the autumn wind.

In this cool autumn morning, Ling Xiuyuan and Lingling had breakfast early and came to Mo Fan's tent, waiting for Mo Fan to wake up.

While waiting, Ling Xiuyuan found a corner, took out a wooden box from the bracelet, and took out a piece of metal from the wooden box, lit a flame in his hand, and carried out preliminary smelting of this piece of metal. time.

Lingling also found a place not far from him, and took out the information about the plague that he got from the group of healing mages yesterday from his small schoolbag.

Then, she took out a small computer, and while comparing the information, she didn't know what she was doing on the computer.

The two just went about their own business, and the scene seemed very harmonious for a while.

Time passed quietly inadvertently, and it came to the morning without knowing it.

Ling Xiuyuan has already completed the preliminary smelting of that piece of metal, and picked another animal bone from the box, and is currently conducting preliminary processing on it.

Just when Ling Xiuyuan was halfway through the work at hand, the mobile phone he put aside suddenly started ringing.

Since the processing steps of the material have not been completed at this time, stopping halfway is tantamount to announcing the complete scrapping of this material, so he had no choice but to ask Lingling on the other side for help.

"Lingling, do me a favor. I can't move my hands for the time being. Help me get the phone and help me find out who is calling."

Although Lingling was a little annoyed that her train of thought was interrupted, she still stopped what she was doing and brought the phone over for him.

Walking to Ling Xiuyuan, Lingling held up the phone in front of him, and said calmly: "The caller ID shows Zhao Wugui, do you want me to connect it for you?"

Ling Xiuyuan glanced at the caller ID, quickened his hand movements, nodded in response, "Yes, thank you."

Lingling pressed the connect button and raised the phone to his ear.

As soon as the call was connected, before Ling Xiuyuan could say hello, Zhao Manyan on the other end of the phone asked furtively: "Old Ling, is there no one around you, is it convenient to answer the phone?"

The movements in Ling Xiuyuan's hands paused, and he suddenly had some bad premonitions in his heart. He always felt that the topic Zhao Manyan raised next was definitely not the kind that could be heard casually.

He glanced at Lingling who was holding the mobile phone for him. The distance between the two was very close at this time, and Lingling could naturally hear the voice coming from the receiver of the mobile phone.

After thinking that every time Zhao Manyan came to him, there was almost no serious topic, so he decided to give up the material in his hand, and took the phone to find a private place to answer it alone.

Unfortunately, he was still one step too late. Zhao Manyan on the other side of the phone thought that he had acquiesced to the question just now when he saw that he hadn't made a sound. He restored the normal volume and told the purpose of his call this time.

"I called you this time mainly because I wanted to talk to you about the style of 'that batch' next time."

Hearing this sentence, Ling Xiuyuan trembled all over, hurriedly put down the things in his hands, and wanted to take the phone back from Lingling's hands.

But he just took the phone from Lingling, and before he could take the phone away, Zhao Manyan's next words came out of the handset of the phone and reached the ears of Ling Xiuyuan and Lingling.

"For the next shipment, can you replace some of the knee socks with rompers or suspenders, or even body socks."

When these words came out from the receiver of the mobile phone and reached the ears of the two people next to the receiver, Ling Xiuyuan froze immediately.

He moved a little stiffly, turned his head to look in Lingling's direction, and as expected, he met Lingling's eyes like looking at garbage.

Ling Xiuyuan said weakly: "Actually, I can still quibble... Ah bah, let me explain."

"Heh!" Lingling didn't say anything, just sneered, turned her head and returned to her original position, picked up the materials and computer on the table, and found a seat in the tent farthest from Ling Xiuyuan. Excuse me, and didn't pay any attention to Ling Xiuyuan's intentions.

Ling Xiuyuan could only watch her movements with a wry smile, and didn't dare to make any further noises, so as not to add fuel to the flames.

"Old Ling? Old Ling! What's going on with you? Why is there no sound?"

It wasn't until Zhao Manyan's call came from the phone receiver that Ling Xiuyuan came back to his senses, calmed down his emotions, and put the phone to his ear.

"It's okay, there was a little accident just now, you continue to talk, why did you suddenly make such a request, is there something wrong with the thing?"

On the other side of the phone, Zhao Manyan didn't hear any strange emotions on the other side, so he put the previous episode behind him and explained the reason for this request.

"This question was brought up by my girlfriend. From my personal point of view, there is nothing wrong with the item, and I like the style."

Hearing that there might be some flaws in the product he designed, Ling Xiuyuan hurriedly sat up straight and said seriously, "Speak, I'll listen."

On the other side of the phone, Zhao Manyan faltered for a while before telling the specific problems he encountered.


"The problem is mainly on the knee socks. When I usually go out or do things, I don't have any problems, but when encountering fierce battles, there are some small troubles."

"Oh, the fierce battle I'm talking about refers to the serious battle, the kind with monsters and mages."

"That doesn't seem right..."

"In short, you should understand the meaning of serious fighting, right?"

The corners of Ling Xiuyuan's mouth twitched, and there were black lines on his face. What broke him down the most was that he understood the meaning of the last few words in seconds.

He covered his eyes and sighed: "Okay, let's get down to business, what trouble are you talking about?"

On the other side of the phone, Zhao Manyan also stopped the topic that was getting off track, and brought the topic back to the business.

"It's just that during the battle, maybe because of strenuous exercise, the hem of the knee socks sometimes falls down, which is a little bit of a hindrance."

Ling Xiuyuan rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "It's over if you said that earlier, I hesitated and thought something was wrong."

"Okay, I understand the problem. When I make knee socks later, I will do some anti-slip treatment around the edge of the socks to solve this problem."

"As for the batch of goods in your hand, I will also take remedial measures. You bring them to me, and I will do anti-slip treatment for you for free."

"Well, it's okay like this?"

"In this case, how will the quantity of each style of the next batch of goods be allocated? Is it based on what was determined at the beginning, or according to the improvement plan you just proposed?"

"Then just follow the old rules." Zhao Manyan quickly replied.

Ling Xiuyuan relaxed, and said lazily: "Okay, let's do this first. If there are no other requirements, I will prepare the goods for you after I go back. I will notify you when the things are ready. Just find a chance to come and get them from me." .”

On the other side of the phone, Zhao Manyan responded: "Okay, see you then."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Hearing the busy tone coming from the receiver of the mobile phone, Ling Xiuyuan put down the mobile phone in his hand.

Afterwards, he felt a certain line of sight falling on him. Following the feeling, he found that Mo Fan woke up from the bed and was looking in his direction.

(End of this chapter)

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