'I' looked at the little girl in front of me somewhat differently. After looking her up and down, I said:

“Who told you I was here to meet someone?
Is he your clan leader?Or someone else?”

The little girl smiled like a little fox, looked at 'me' and said:
"Who are you looking down on?
Our place is not a good place, you come here for just a few things.

Come here to collect the bones and inner elixirs of monsters, but those things are guarded by heavenly soldiers and generals, so you shouldn't find them here.

The other thing is to find out about the place where our ancestor Yuan Futong was imprisoned in Jiuyou, but it has been more than 3000 years, so this is no longer a secret."

When she said this, the little girl paused, then stared into 'me' eyes and continued:
It has been two days since you arrived in the forbidden area. During these two days, you have not gone anywhere and have stayed here every day.

After all the hard work, I got to the forbidden area of ​​​​Beihai but did nothing.

If he hadn't been stimulated by something and wanted to live here for the rest of his life, then the only reliable way to say it was to wait for someone here.

Looking at you with thick eyebrows and big eyes, you don't look like a god who can't think of anything, so you are waiting here for someone.
Am I right? "

At the end of the sentence, the little girl made a face at 'me', then took out a skin bag from her arms and said:

"This is the milk of the three-eyed demon cow. Take a sip.

This is good stuff, but it's a pity that the heavenly soldiers and generals guarding this place dislike the smell of the devil's milk and refuse to exchange it.

They are really ignorant. Children here are given a sip of magic milk as soon as they are born. If they drink the magic milk, they will not get sick or die.
Adults don’t get sick after drinking it, and they recover quickly from injuries.”

Perhaps because she was worried that 'I' wouldn't drink, the little girl bit off the stopper on the bag, took a big gulp of it for herself, and then showed a satisfied expression.

After taking a sip of the magic milk, the little girl handed over the skin bag in her hand.

Originally 'I' didn't intend to take it, but I saw the little girl holding her hands up and looking helpless.

'I' couldn't hold it back any longer and took the skin bag from her hand.

'I' didn't drink myself a big sip like the little girl did, but just took a small sip.

What kind of magic milk is this? The smell of the milk is astringent and numb.

The magic milk must have been fermented, and there is still a layer of tofu-like substance in the liquid.

I can't swallow anything I say in my mouth.
Seeing that 'I' was about to spit out the magic milk in my mouth, the little girl immediately rushed over, covered 'my' mouth with her hand, stared into 'my' eyes, and said:
“Believe me this time, the first bite is a bit overwhelming.

But it'll be fine if you swallow it
I, Yuan Zheng, will never lie to my friends."

It turns out your name is Yuan Zheng
'I' looked at the little girl in front of me, took a deep breath, then pinched my nose and swallowed the magic milk in my mouth.

When the little girl saw this, her face smiled like a flower.

He patted 'me' on the shoulder and said:
"Your son's mother will never lie to you.
If you are not used to drinking it, the first sip will be a bit uncomfortable, but this stuff is really good for you. "

"You can't get too close to me"

'I' pushed the little girl away helplessly, and then continued to say to her:
“If some god comes in to investigate in the future and finds out that you are too close to me, it will be no good to you.

From now on, don’t come to me”

"I am a sinner of the Yuan family, what should I be afraid of?"

The little girl smiled indifferently, and then she came close to me again, almost face to face, and said: "If I didn't still have the dream of being able to get out of here one day.

We sinners have committed suicide long ago and our souls are gone.
How else can those gods you mentioned threaten the sinners of the Yuan family?

Scared me out of my wits?
We, the sinners of the Yuan clan, are not afraid of this.
If you don’t even care if your soul is gone, then what are you afraid of? "

When she said this, the little girl named Yuan Zheng paused for a moment. Then she stopped the smile on her face and said to me very firmly:
"I, Yuan Zheng, swear to heaven and earth,

No matter how many reincarnations I go through, as long as I have the chance to get out of here.

I will definitely marry you and give you a son.

We here are all mothers who name our children. I have to give our son a name that is not easy to mess with.
In a previous life, the heavenly soldiers who guarded this place brought in a food called chili.

After taking a bite of that thing, his mouth seemed to be spitting fire.

Our son’s name is—by the way, I don’t know your name yet.”

'I' sighed, changed the subject, and said to Yuan Zheng:

"I'll tell you my name when I'm done.

It just so happens that I have something that I need your help with.
Is there a place called Siguo Cliff near you?

Please see if the Siguo Cliff marked on this map is accurate."

While speaking, 'I' raised my right hand and wiped the air in front of the little girl.
At the same time as this action was performed, a three-dimensional transparent map appeared in front of Yuan Zheng out of thin air.

The little girl was so surprised by 'my' little trick that she stuck out her tongue
While looking for the location of Siguoya on the map, she said:
"I told you that you are also a god.
The Siguo Cliff you are looking for was the place where our ancestor Yuan Futong used to face the wall and think about his mistakes in the early years. Later, Yuan Futong was imprisoned in the Jiuyou Land, and the place became vacant.

Usually there’s no one—no, no, no, no.”

The little girl Yuan Zheng found the Siguo Cliff location she was looking for, but after seeing it, her little head shook like a rattle.

Pointing to the address of Siguo Cliff marked on the map, he said:

"This is an old address from 600 years ago.
600 years ago, a huge earthquake occurred at the end of the North Sea.

Duanchang Mountain, where Siguo Cliff is located, was moved twenty miles to the west.
If you look for it according to the map, you won't be able to find it for a year."

After listening to Yuan Zheng's words, 'I' was a little surprised and said:

"An earthquake can move a mountain twenty miles?"

"What's the matter?"

Yuan Zheng shrugged indifferently and said:
“My memory of the time I first came here with my tribe is blurry, but I can still remember that the map then was completely different from the map now.

Where we are now was a sea of ​​blood."

When she said this, the little girl showed a sly smile again, winked at 'me', and said again:

"Do you want me to take you there?
For the sake of our future son, you are too embarrassed to ask his mother to lead you for free, right?
Don't look at me like that. I'm not asking you to take me out.
I want you to promise me one thing, if I can go out and meet you outside.

You can’t ignore me”

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