Chapter 511 From

When Han Rang said these words, I was standing in front of the palace gate.

It was not fun to look at the window before, so I simply stood at the gate and used the magic method to see and hear the distant scene through the gate.

Before I could get ready, Han Rang's figure flickered, and he arrived at the door in an instant.

He pushed open the door with both hands and saw me standing in the doorway.

When their eyes met, Han Rang's face was filled with astonishment.
He really couldn't figure out how I could wake up so quickly with half of my bones broken and no external help.

I was the first to react, and I turned around and ran behind me.

The running noise alerted Jin Zhan and the others who were guarding the entrance of the cave. They involuntarily turned back and looked towards the palace.

Han Yang immediately turned his head and shouted at the generals who once guarded Beitianmen:
"Watch the entrance of the cave!
You don’t have to worry about things here.”

While speaking, Han Rang had already stepped into the gate of the palace. Worried that the people behind him would be separated, he closed the gate of the palace smoothly
After closing the gate, Han Rang cast a magic spell to block the breath of the palace.

After the magic was finished, Han Rang found that the palace was empty, and I was nowhere to be found.
However, Han Rang, who is full of immortality, still didn't take me seriously.

He walked slowly towards the center of the palace, and said as he walked:
"I really underestimated you
Did you pick the bones yourself, or did you and Jin Zhan communicate in secret?
He was the last one to come in, and he left you the healing elixir?
What did you two talk about in private - come out! "

While speaking, Han Yang had already walked to the center of the palace, and he cast a magic spell to find me out of the palace.

At this moment, the former Daoist Du Yuan realized that the situation was more serious than he had imagined.

Immediately, with a tone mixed with immortality, he roared loudly.

If I had hidden myself on the beams of the palace, this sound would have knocked me down.
It's a pity that after shouting this, there was no change in the palace.

Now Han Yang became a little nervous. He kept circling around the palace, trying to find my hiding place.

It's just that what this former Daoist Du Yuan didn't know was that at this time, I was even more nervous than him.

At this time, I was 'sticking' behind Han Yang
When Han Yang turned around and closed the palace gate just now, I was already behind him.

I originally wanted to surprise Han Yang, but the moment before I did it, I changed my mind.
Although Han Rang was demoted to the mortal world, he still carried all his immortal skills with him.

Even though the immortal magic in me has been 'expanded' several times, it is impossible for me to be a match for Du Yuan Taoist Immortal.

If one blow fails and Han Rang cannot be killed, then his bones will not be broken in half this time.
But it was too late to escape from here at this time.

Just when Han Yang closed the palace gate and was about to put something in the urn, I put my mind to one side and used the magic method to 'stick' behind him.
We say they are close, but in fact we are still separated by almost a few centimeters.

I imagined that I was as thin as the air, and followed Han Yang to make the same movements as him.

Originally, I thought that this process would not last long, and Han Rang would soon discover it, and then it would be a fierce battle.

But what I didn't expect was that Han Yang never realized that I was right behind him.
Han Rang's voice just now shocked me so much that I almost fell from behind him.

But I still gritted my teeth and insisted on sticking to Han Rang's back.

Fortunately, Han Rang didn't utter a few more voices, otherwise, I probably wouldn't be able to hold back a few more voices.
Seeing that his throat didn't work, Han Rang used his magic again and sprayed out a large cloud of white smoke.

After the smoke left Han Rang's body, it spread out in all directions.

In just a moment, the entire palace was filled with smoke.

The only thing that was not touched by the smoke was where Han Rang was, and I was naturally spared.

This smoke seems to have the function of sensing living things, but after sensing it for a long time, let alone a living person like me, I didn't even perceive it.
After feeling for a long time and finding nothing, Han Rang could only save the immortal magic and dispersed the smoke.
Han Yang became irritable when he couldn't find my whereabouts in the palace.

He kept running fast and furiously in the palace, shouting non-stop while running:

"Come out!

Where are you hiding, the boy named Shen?
Guangwu Heze has arrived outside, and you are no longer of use!

If you come out now, I can spare your life.

If you are caught by me, I will tear you into pieces and use your soul to sacrifice Zhou Zhengxian."

How dare I listen to him, I still stick to Han Yang's back.
I was never found, and Han Rang was a little anxious.

He even checked my corner of the toilet several times, and even picked up the quilt full of pickled things with his toes.

In the end, he even went up to the rafters to check carefully, but he still didn't find me right behind him.
If it just continues like this, it is estimated that he will not find my whereabouts by the New Year.

Unfortunately, the development of things is often beyond most people's expectations.
While Han Rang was looking for me in the palace, he was still thinking about the situation outside.

From time to time, I have to go back to the palace gate and take a look outside.

Just when he returned to the palace gate for the tenth time, he saw several people outside still staring at the entrance of the cave.

It's just that Jin Zhan and the others were already showing signs of fatigue, Mustache kept yawning, Jing Siniang was shaking her body back and forth, Zhao Yiren and Lu He leaned on each other's shoulders, leaning on each other
After seeing the appearance of these people, Han Yang didn't care at first.

But just when he left the gate and was about to unplug the palace to look for me, the former Taoist Immortal suddenly realized something.
He stopped suddenly, bowed his head and pondered for a long time.

At this time, I faintly felt that something was wrong, and the person surnamed Han seemed to have discovered some flaws.

After Han Rang thought for a while, he suddenly opened his mouth and said to the air:

"Where do you get such ability from?
Followed behind me all the time, even when the people outside Jin Zhan were still gods, they couldn't do it
how did you do it?
Why would you do it?"

When he said the last word, Han Yang's body turned 180 degrees in an instant.

Fortunately, I stuck close to Han Rang's back and walked around with him.

Although no one was found behind him, Han Yang was not impatient this time.

He whipped his hand back and grabbed the back of my neck
The moment he grabbed my neck, Han Yang sneered and said:

"Good magic
so daring"

Before the words of courage could be uttered, I had already moved my magic to my forehead, tilted my head back, and then hit Han Yang hard on the back of his head.
(End of this chapter)

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