When I was talking about this, Zhou Zhengxian stretched out his hand and patted my cheek provocatively, and said:

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with just a little bit of immortality.

In front of me, there are countless ways to dissolve your almost negligible immortality.

You are no longer the adopted son of the Emperor of Heaven, and there will be no gods to protect you.

Now you're meat on my chopping block"

I glanced at Zhou Zhengxian, interrupted him, and said:

"My surname is Zhou, I'm not the son of the Emperor of Heaven, but I also made friends with many gods before.

Qiu Beidou, Yang Jian, and Cui Sheng'e, the God of Killing, have a good relationship with me.
And your father Han Rang, his fate in the sky is not very good.

You move my finger, be careful they take you out.

Zhou Zhengxian, your father still has immortal skills, so it's not impossible to press another pair of eyes for you.

you can not."

Before I could finish speaking, Zhou Zhengxian stretched out a finger and inserted it into my thigh.

This blow was stronger than the sharp pain in my chest just now, and I couldn't help trembling due to the pain.

"A finger?

I move.
Just now, you just twisted the nerves in your thigh, can't you bear it?
What do you do behind the scenes?
I will cut off all ten of your fingers and give them to Guangwu Heze one by one.

If he doesn't come to rescue you for a day, I will cut off your toes again.

Then the ears, nose, lips and eyes"

I was terrified when I heard these few words, but I still had to put on a disdainful expression on my face.

He curled his lips and said:
"Then you look up to me.
I was originally used by Bu Liuxian and his disciples to take the blame, and when the blame is all gone, I am useless.

Maybe Guangwu Heze still wants to kill me, now you can fulfill his wish for him."

"Don't say that about yourself."

Zhou Zhengxian smiled slightly, and then continued:

"There are billions of people in the world, why did he ask you to take the blame?
He must have other purposes for looking for you, but you don't know it yet.

Now that the goal has not been achieved, Guangwu Heze is still reluctant to let you die.

Besides those gods you thought could protect you
Guess why I dare to come back here?
My master does not come to an agreement with them, I"

Before Zhou Zhengxian could finish his sentence, someone came in from the yard outside the door.

Zhou frowned slightly, and said to himself:
"What kind of trick is this?"

Before he finished speaking, he heard several people entering the yard, and then came the voice of conversation:
"Isn't this crazy?
Living in the big house is good, but I am not used to living in it, so I have to choose a house outside.

Tossing us in the middle of the night, the house is cleaned for him, and it will be dawn before dawn, and he still has a fart sleep."

"Brother Wang, don't say a few words.

Didn’t you just receive someone’s tip?

For the sake of money, we will admit it.

Don't let the guests come over later, and if you hear you swearing, tell our elder brother, then we two brothers can't finish eating and walk away. "

While talking, there was already the sound of someone taking out a key to unlock the door.

Zhou Zhengxian stared at the door coldly, watching it being opened from the outside, and then three staff members came in carrying sheets, new pillows, and cleaning tools.

The three of them didn't seem to see the two and one monkey in the room. After turning on the light, one of the older men took a deep breath, and then said to his companions:
"Why is there still a bloody smell?

What was this house doing before?There won't be any lives, right?

Don’t wait a while to clean up the room, and find a dead body under the bed.”

Hearing this person's words, the expressions of the other two also became tense.

Seeing the change of color on his companion's face, the man who spoke suddenly laughed loudly and said:

"Look at the bears of you two, how can there be any bloody smell?

Do you believe me when I tell you?

Hurry up and get to work, hurry up and clean up here.

Maybe the guests will give a tip of one thousand or eight hundred per person if they see that we clean up well.

Get to work now.
It's still the old rules, I clean the living room, Xiao Lizi cleans the kitchen, Jianfeng cleans the bedroom. "

After hearing what this person said, the other two breathed a sigh of relief.

The young man named Jianfeng said while pushing the vacuum cleaner to the bedroom:
"Brother Wang, you have to look at the occasion when you are joking.
People have died in this house, and the eldest brother of our eldest son died here.

At that time, he was also called Dawaner, and he disappeared for several days and could not be found.

Finally found it in this house.
When I found it, the person was under the bed in the bedroom, and the person was rotten
It was my master who found it that time, but I couldn't stand the stimulation, so my master quit after the New Year.

I heard that he is still falling ill, and when I closed my eyes, I saw the elder lying down on the bed, and asked him to go in together."

While speaking, Jianfeng shivered involuntarily. He had already reached the door of the bedroom, but he hesitated for a long time and dared not go in.

"Brother Wang, why don't you clean the bedroom, I'll clean the living room—I'll take care of the bathroom too"

The guy named Wang looked at Jianfeng disdainfully, took the vacuum cleaner out of his hand, and said:
"The old lady died of a heart attack last time, even a ghost can't find you.

Besides, he is a good man. The new house when I got married was given by the elder.

Don't listen to rumors outside, saying that your sister-in-law was with him for a while before.

They didn't know each other before"

While talking, Brother Wang carried the vacuum cleaner into the bedroom, and then heard the sound of the vacuum cleaner turning on.

The other two people also started to get busy in the living room and kitchen.
When Jianfeng packed up to our side, Zhou Zhengxian would point at him.

Jianfeng will bypass the two of us and the monkey and continue cleaning the living room.

Seeing the three people cleaning skillfully, the expression on Zhou Zhengxian's face gradually relaxed.

He opened his mouth and said to me:
"Would you like to make a bet?
These guys are here to save you.
Arranged by your little girlfriend, the three of them will secretly set up the formation while I'm not paying attention.

When they're done packing, your little girlfriend and siblings will pop in.

One breaks a door and one jumps a window, and at the same time activates the formation."

Before Zhou Zhengxian finished speaking, he heard Brother Wang's exclamation from the bedroom:


Xiao Lizi, Jianfeng, you two come in!
There was a man under the bed who appeared to be dead."

Xiao Lizi and Jianfeng, who were cleaning, immediately put down their work and ran into the bedroom when they heard about it.

Zhou Zhengxian showed a disdainful smile on his face, and said to me:
"The new script
Then let's see together, what tricks they can play."

Zhou Zhengxian hadn't finished speaking when he saw three sweaty men carrying a dead body out of the bedroom.

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