Nuclear power has come out, you say you are an undergraduate?

Chapter 6 Whether it's useful or not, give me a try!

Chapter 6 Whether it's useful or not, give me a try!


A voice of exclamation came from the memory room of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Countless people's expressions froze, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Three hundred million?
Clerk assistant Xiao Liu's voice was also a little weaker.

He looked at the mail in front of him with complicated eyes.

In the meeting just now, Liu Yuan was a little clear about the authenticity of this technology.

But he didn't have a clear position on the value of this technology.

After all, he is just a clerk assistant, and he can only understand a rough idea of ​​this kind of professional knowledge.

He looked around and repeated.

"At the end of the email, the other party asked for [-] million in cash!"

Xiao Liu's eyes were a little apprehensive.

After all, that's [-] million!
This is not a small sum!

In the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there are not many projects that can exceed [-] million.

Basically, they are national key projects!

In the quiet conference room, Xiao Liu was also quietly observing the expressions and looks of everyone.

Seeing everyone's frozen expressions and shocked expressions.

His heart sank.

Sure enough, this price may still be too expensive!

That person is too greedy.

Such a high price for a technology.

Xiao Liu said cautiously.

"Well, this price..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the trembling voice of an academician.

"That's all!"

The old academician's eyes are bright at the moment, as if there is light.

That's right!

The price of [-] million yuan is not too much for them at all!
Even, everyone felt that the price was too low.

Low to beyond everyone's expectations!
If [-] million can buy such a piece of research material, what is the difference between it and Bai Jian!
You know, the few academicians present even made plans in their hearts to spend more than tens of billions or even nearly tens of billions.

I didn't expect it to be so small!
Such an advanced piece of technical information, let alone [-] million!
Even [-] billion can't buy it!

If you start research and development from scratch, until the technology is fully mature, the investment required may exceed hundreds of billions of dollars!
Aerodynamic engine itself is a high-cost research project!
Such a big bargain made several academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences a little at a loss.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the faces of the professors even looked like they had seen a ghost.

The world is so big, there are so many wonders!

At this moment, several academicians at the scene became suspicious.

"Three hundred million, isn't it too little?"

"This kind of technology is only sold for so much?"

"Is there any problem here?"

"Yes, this price is too cheap!"

"Is there anything strange in it?"]

"What is the origin of this technology?"


At this time, some people have begun to have some doubts in their hearts.

As for the source of this technology, they also began to speculate.

Contact by email?The price is still so low?
This can't be a liar, can it?
Before that, Professor Ouyang stood up again for the network security proposal and said.

"The research data is true, there is no doubt about it."

"It's just that the source of the research data is indeed questionable."

Professor Ouyang, Ouyang Chang has a certain reputation in the network communication and intelligence industry.

He helped his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"With such a low price, I have reason to suspect that this research material may not come from a proper source."

"It is not ruled out that a hacker group obtained it from other countries through special means."

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Zhenhua, an old academician of the Aerospace Power Department, retorted.

"This can be directly ruled out!"

"The language and culture of each country are very different."

"What's more, there are many new terms in the research materials."

"If it is a translation, the grammar and some special nouns cannot be translated at all."

"It can only be replaced by English!"

"As for this piece of research material, the full text is basically Chinese, and the word order structure of the language is completely in line with Daxia's language habits."

"It is not difficult to infer that this is definitely the research result of the domestic team."

After hearing what the academician said, everyone nodded.

Even experts in this field translate research materials into Chinese.

They also have significant trouble reading.

The surprise between cultures is not so simple to solve.

Dean Ye Deyuan also said in a deep voice at this moment.

"In this research material, some veteran researchers may not be able to understand some professional vocabulary."

"Even experts in this field want to translate such a large project."

"That's definitely not an easy thing."

"At least it can be ruled out that the source of this research material is incorrect."

He paused and added.

"Although in terms of price, it is indeed a bit unbelievable."

"However, in the face of such technology, I think it is still worth a try."

"At least we can negotiate first!"

The conference room was quiet for a moment, and everyone nodded their heads one after another.

"I agree with the dean's proposal."

"Indeed, in the face of such technology, we have to try anyway."


Everyone basically agreed with the dean's proposal.

Looking down, the old dean nodded in satisfaction.

At last his eyes turned to the assistant.

Liu Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly said after realizing it.

"I also agree with the dean's proposal!"

After saying this, he also made a correct sitting posture.

Seeing that the assistant hadn't responded yet, Dean Ye couldn't help cursing.

"I agree with you and don't contact me yet!"

"Isn't it just [-] million!"

"Go quickly!"

Xiao Liu had a look of grievance on his face.

"Dean, he didn't leave any contact information."

In the conference room, there was a sudden silence.

What is this situation?
The asking price is [-] million, and there is no contact information!

This kind of e-mail, if it is not a private account.

Then there is very little usable information revealed!
It is very likely that it is temporarily created by using the Internet, and it may even be a one-time email account with a virtual address!

If this is the case, it may be as difficult as heaven for them to contact each other!
Although the Chinese Academy of Sciences does not lack talents in network-related fields.

There are even countless ways to investigate some traces.

But all of this takes time!

Dean Ye couldn't help but get angry.

"Don't you know how to reply directly by email?"

"Whether it works or not, give it a try!"

(End of this chapter)

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