Gluttonous Warlock

299 The Underworld

299 The Underworld
"Master Qinglan!"

Tao Na greeted her with cheers, her eyes full of reverence.

The girl in the green skirt nodded slightly, leaped down from the dragon's back, and flung her long hair back gracefully.

Flynn looked at the girl in the green dress.

He was deeply impressed by his slender figure, beautiful face, especially his graceful and luxurious temperament.

When he was young, he had a crush on Tao Na.

However, after so many years, I also understand that Tao Na is not interested in men, and prefers to be close to beautiful sisters.

"Tao Na, have you forgotten my sister and Sonia?"

"No..." Tao Na felt a little guilty, and defended in a low voice, "I am... just more philanthropic!"

"When you see one, you love the other, don't you like the new and never tire of the old?" Flynn sneered, and teased her in a low voice: "Actually, you and Alan are on the same level when it comes to being philandering."

Tao Na's cheeks were flushed, but she was irrefutable, so she simply pretended not to hear his teasing.

With a scent of grass and trees, Qing Lan came to the two young Galaxy Guardians, and her eyes fell on Feilin.

"You are Tao Na's good friend, Alan Panthers?"

"He's not Alan!" Tao Na quickly introduced, "This fat man's name is Fei Lin, and he's another good friend of mine."

"His bloodline and cultivation?" Qing Lan asked directly.

"Big Beast Angel bloodline, late fifth stage." Tao Na answered for Feilin.

"The cultivation base is too low, and the bloodline is quite rare, so I think it has some potential."

Qinglan nodded, then asked Feilin:
"Are you interested in coming to our Emerald King's Court and joining the Church of Life? This will be of great benefit to your future development, and you will also get a lot of free practice resources."

"Sorry, respected Master Qinglan, I have already joined the Holy Light Church."

Flynn held up his sword and showed her the holy emblem engraved on the hilt.

"The Church of the Holy Light? Haha..." Qinglan curled her lips disapprovingly, "I feel sorry for your choice."

After saying this, she turned around and walked towards the gate of the teleportation tower.

It seems that he has completely lost interest in Flynn.

Flynn's face was a little embarrassed.

Tao Na's heart was clouded.

Master Qinglan, as a middle-level priest of the Church of Life, expressed disdain for Fei Lin's choice of the Church of Holy Light in front of her.

It can be seen from this that the Church of Life and the Church of Holy Light do not seem to be so united in private.

In terms of belief, the more pious a person is, the more paranoid he will be, and the less paganism he will tolerate.

The churches established by the seven suzerains have very different teachings. Even if the suzerains can live in harmony, it is difficult to stop the fanatical believers under their respective command and regard each other as heretics.

If things go on like this, the contradictions will intensify, and I'm afraid something big will happen...

"You two, why are you in a daze? Follow up quickly."

Qing Lan urged impatiently.

Tao Na regained her senses and quickly replied: "Wait a minute, Alan hasn't come yet!"

"What time do you plan to meet?" Qinglan asked.

"Nine o'clock sharp."

"It's already two minutes past nine, and he hasn't come yet, what's going on?" Qing Lan's expression darkened.

"Uh...Maybe something happened temporarily, so it was delayed."

"I hate people who are not punctual the most in my life!"

Qinglan turned around and continued walking.

"Master! I'm sorry, I apologize to you on behalf of Allen, please wait a few more minutes." Flynn chased after him and smiled.

"Why do we have to wait, we can't do without him?" Qinglan asked back.

"Uh... that friend of mine is very powerful. Having him with us can give us a lot of help!"

"I heard that his bloodline talent is good, how high is his cultivation level?" Qing Lan asked.

"The late stage of the sixth order."

"Hehe..." Qing Lan sneered, "Then, do you know how high my cultivation is?"

Flynn shook his head blankly.

"Late eighth stage!" Tao Na whispered to her friend

Flynn wiped his cold sweat vigorously, barely maintaining his composure.

"Master, my friend Alan, of course his cultivation level is far from yours, but he has a unique skill and is good at detoxification!"

"Think about it, if we go to the underworld to perform a mission, we may encounter an eighth-order underworld poisonous dragon. The team lacks Alan, a pharmacy master, what if someone is poisoned?"

Flynn felt that his rhetoric was justified.

As a result, Qinglan sneered contemptuously.

The girl in the green dress gracefully brushed her long hair by her ears, inadvertently revealing the sandalwood bracelet on her wrist.

On the bracelet, an emblem the size of a coin is engraved, which is vaguely a budding flower.

This is the holy emblem of the "Church of Life".

"As an eighth-level natural magician, an 'Apostle of Life', an awakener of the 'Eternal Spring Domain', do you think I can't detoxify the eighth-level Leviathan poison?"

When Qinglan questioned, Fei Lin was speechless.

Seeing that Qinglan led the four silver dragon servants, they had already walked into the gate of the teleportation tower.

Tao Na and Fei Lin had no choice but to follow because of the priority of completing the task.

Three people and four dragons stood in the center of the teleportation tower hall.

Qinglan caressed the Xinghe ring to activate the teleportation authority.

The magic circle under his feet buzzed and radiated magic power.

In an instant, a thick beam of light rose into the sky.

The figures of the crowd disappeared collectively.


Shadow of the Underworld.

There is no sun and very little natural light.

Most of the area is shrouded in eternal darkness.

The darkness of the underworld is thicker and deeper than the darkness of the material world, and even "dark vision" cannot function in such an environment.

Fire and light magic are weakened, necromancer and dark magic are strengthened.

In addition to the undead, there are also living creatures in the shadow world.

The creatures that lived in this environment all year round gradually mutated their bodies, and finally turned into half-human, half-ghost shadow creatures, and even their blood became as black as ink.

The dragons transformed into shadow creatures are the so-called "shadow dragons".

The Shadow Dragon draws magic power from the darkness, becoming stronger than before, and its temperament has also changed in a vicious and vicious direction.

The primary hunting target of everyone on this trip, "Pale Moon" Qi Yaluo, is a fallen shadow silver dragon.

The "City of Memories", the branch of the Holy Demon Ancestral Court in the underworld, was once the highest power center in the underworld.

Since the fall of the "Lord of Death" of the previous generation, the new generation of Sovereign Master who has not awakened the "Origin of Death" has been reincarnated for a long time.

The city of memories that lost its owner has lost its former glory.

In the city shrouded in darkness, a tall tower was erected, with a pale gleam emitting from the top of the tower.

In the center of the dark square, a beam of teleportation light rises.

Flynn stepped out of the teleportation circle, looking around curiously.

This was his first time back to the underworld, and he found that the landscape of the "City of Memories" seemed familiar.

"It looks a lot like the Star Observation Tower, but it's not the same."

"The image is right." Tao Na followed, "It is said that the City of Memories is the distorted projection of the Star Observation Tower in the underworld."

At this time, footsteps came from the opposite side.

A petite figure slowly walked from the darkness.

A little girl in a white dress holds a doll in her arms.

Her delicate face was sickly pale, and her lips were unusually red.

The charming fox eyes should be very seductive, but they look dull and lifeless.

"Hi! Nora, long time no see!"

Tao Na didn't have much friendship with this porcelain doll-like girl, but out of politeness, she took the initiative to greet her.

Everyone temporarily formed a team to complete a task that was not easy. The relationship was too cold to be conducive to fighting side by side.

Nora was expressionless.

The rag doll Cynthia in her arms seemed quite friendly.

Waving his little hands and grinning.

"Tao Na, Felin, how are you! What about the Allen people? Where did they die?"

"Alan has something to do temporarily, and it's too late to form a team, so he may have to act alone."

Flynn explained for his old friend.

"He's the one who has a lot to do! He can't come, and he doesn't say hello in advance!"

Cynthia complained resentfully.

The tone of speech seemed to be that of Allen's old friend.

Qinglan walked over with the servant of Yinlong.

His eyes fell on Nora, revealing a trace of curiosity.

"Are you the little girl who has fused the blood of the Crimson Fog Demon, the Count Vampire and the Angel of the Moon?"

"Recently, people have often heard about you. You are very talented. After practicing in the riverside hut for a month, your cultivation has broken through the seventh level, and you have awakened the beyond-limit domain. You have a bright future."

"Big sister, you are very discerning! You can see that my mother is a genius girl!"

With her hands on her hips, Cynthia's face was full of complacency, as if Qinglan admired her herself.

Qing Lan looked at this strange mother and daughter.

Silent and sluggish mother like a doll.

The lively daughter of a ghostly doll.'s really indescribable.

"Nora, you are very good, but unfortunately, your blood is biased towards the necromantic system, so you are not suitable to join our Church of Life."

Qing Lan sighed regretfully, and then asked Nora—to be more precise, Cynthia.

"Has Black Feather come?"

"I am here."

From a corner in the darkness, a man's voice came.

A thin figure slowly stepped out of the shadows.

A pitch-black velvet cloak with a low hood.

The hair covered half of the face, only revealing a cold eye.

Black Feather, a four-star galaxy guard who lives in the underworld all year round.

In the late eighth stage of cultivation, a necromancer.

The strength is similar to that of Qinglan, and she has also awakened the beyond-limit domain.

In this operation, he will serve as the team's guide.

The treatment of Guardians of the Galaxy is linked to the star rating.

A four-star guard is like a noble jazz in the secular world.

Qualified to obtain a piece of territory in the major planes under the control of the Holy Demon Ancestral Court and manage their own forces.

Going out, accompanied by guards.

Qinglan's guards consisted of four silver dragons.

Kuroba's guard appeared to be twelve knights in full armor.

The dark and thick armor wrapped the knight's body, and his face was also covered by the visor.

Through the gaps in the visor, pale eyes can be vaguely seen.

In fact, none of the twelve knights were living people, but the so-called "ghost armor".

Take off their helmets and you will find that there is nothing inside the armor.

The incorporeal ghost, possessed by the magic armor, made the steel shell move.

Fight like a true armored knight.

The twelve ghost battle armors around Hei Yu, each of which has a sixth-level combat power.

Qinglan's silver dragon guards have an average combat power of level seven.

For the entire team, the combat power of the two rookies, Tao Na and Fei Lin, seemed dispensable.

Qinglan and Heiyu don't mind if they make contributions with the team, but they won't deliberately hide their contempt for them.

Talking on his own, he didn't even bother to introduce the new people around him.

Nora, who has been cultivated at the early stage of the seventh level, has awakened the beyond-limit domain, which is worth Qing Lan and Hei Yugao to take a look at.

It's just that Nora is too introverted, and she has to communicate with others, and Cynthia does it for her, and she refuses to say a word.

Qing Lan and Hei Yu couldn't afford to lower their self-esteem, so they took the initiative to strike up a conversation with her.

Black Feather led the way to Styx Wharf.

Everyone will take a boat at the pier and sail on the River Styx until the place where the roots of the world tree and the vortex of the River Styx intertwine.

Xiguang City, an elf city that fell into the underworld, hangs precariously above the river, entangled by a clump of thick tree roots.

If the roots of the tree are cut off, the entire city will fall into the river Styx and be swallowed by a huge vortex.

The root of the world tree, infinite regeneration.

There are only very few weapons in the world that can completely cut it off.

One of them is the dragon tooth soaked in Leviathan toxin.

For this purpose, "Pale Moon" Qi Yaluo is preparing a blood sacrifice in the city to summon the Styx poisonous dragon.

Everyone must rush to stop her crazy behavior before this shadowy silver dragon completes the summoning ceremony.

"Master Heiyu, can we cast a spell to teleport directly to Xiguang City, isn't it more time-saving than sailing by boat?"

On the way to the dock, Flynn asked Kuroba.

Hei Yu glanced at him, and said lightly: "This question is too troublesome to explain, I don't want to bother, you just follow me."

Flynn scratched his head embarrassingly, but remained silent.

At this time, Cynthia's laughter came from beside her.

"The matter in the underworld is always flowing, without a fixed direction and coordinates."

"In this ghost place, teleportation magic is difficult to accurately locate, coupled with the interference of dark magic power, if you are unlucky, you will be directly teleported into the Styx River, filled with river water, and become an idiot!"

"So it's safer to sail on the river."

"The ghost ship we are going to take has its own 9-ring magic special effect 'traveling in the spirit world'. It can pass through the obstacles on the channel, take a shortcut directly, and arrive at the destination soon."

After listening to her explanation, Flynn was stunned and cast a grateful look at the doll.

Compared with the silent Nora, Cynthia seems to be easier to get along with.

In the city of memories where the lord is absent, the security situation is worrying.

Near the dock, there are a large group of monsters with strange shapes.

Smelling the breath of a living person from a distance, he screamed and rushed over.

Tao Na and Fei Lin hurriedly prepared for battle.

"What kind of creature is that? It's black and disgusting..."

Tao Na muttered to herself.

"Mourning demons, the most common demons in the underworld."

Cynthia was as helpful as ever with the introduction.

"Mourning demons, there are five sub-types in total."

"The one with the largest number is the little black-skinned monster you saw, which looks like a ghoul and is called 'miserable'."

"They hunted in groups, and when they saw living creatures, they rushed to bite them and sucked blood frantically."

"The phantom in the air, called 'Lost', is floating in the wilderness, exuding a depressing aura."

"A tall, thin monster with arms like harpoons called 'Lonely'."

"Usually standing still in the shadows, when someone approaches, I rush up to embrace like crazy, and plunge my sharp arms into the opponent's body. The flesh and blood fuse together and never separate."

"A fat, grinning monster called 'Hunger', driven by an insatiable appetite to devour all prey in a frenzy."

"There is also the leader of this group of mourning demons, a deformed giant with two heads, called 'Wrath', if you hit him, you will immediately receive double counterattacks."

"How strong is this group of mourning demons?" Tao Na asked.

"Misery is the weakest, with an average combat power of only Tier 1."

"Loss is about level 3, loneliness is level 4, hunger is level 5, anger... level 6 or level 7 depends on how angry he is."

Cynthia hugged her shoulders and analyzed seriously.

"It looks like a tough battle is going to be fought."

Flynn drew out his sword, his expression solemn.

Qing Lan frowned slightly, turned her head and said to Hei Yu: "Don't waste time here, you and I will fight, and the battle will be settled quickly."

As he said that, he opened the "Eternal Spring Field", and the whole body radiated soft light, and the surrounding area was several miles away, shining as brightly as day.

The radiation range is super large, which is the characteristic of "Eternal Spring Origin".

Within the light range, no matter what season the reality is in, the weather will become sunny and warm like spring.

Qinglan's allies can also obtain the special effect of "Rejuvenation Circle", which will slowly heal wounds and restore blood every second to replenish energy.

On the basis of Changchun Domain, Qinglan can mount two over-limit skills.

She chose "Daylight" and "Spiritual Guardian".

In the underworld, light magic such as "Daylight Art" is suppressed, but the superimposed light of the domain itself basically offsets the suppression of the law of darkness in the underworld.

The Mourning Demon, who was born in the underworld, fell into panic immediately under the radiance, covering his eyes and roaring in pain.

The "spiritual body guard" was mounted on the domain, and its coverage expanded a hundred times, covering all the mourning demons near the dock, continuously inflicting radiant damage, and slowing down its movement speed.

Four majestic silver dragons spread their wings and flew towards the group of demons.

Amidst the roar, they swooped down in turn, breathing out cold currents.

The mourning demon was frozen into pieces of ice.

The survivors were frightened and fled with difficulty.

"Hehe...all come back to me!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Hei Yu's lips, holding a ball of pearl powder mixed with honey in his hand.

The deep Weng Ming was aroused from his palm and spread around.

The 8th ring "resonance technique" is applied to all mourning demons and dominates their will.

Forcing the group of demons to give up their escape, they turned and walked straight to Hei Yu, as if he held a treasure in his hands that the group of demons desperately pursued.

The demons trudged through the area covered by the "Ultra-Limited Spiritual Body Guard", and were struck by the light every few seconds, falling one after another on the way.

The ghost knights behind Heiyu took off their big bows one after another, aimed at the mourning demon, and shot arrows infused with magic power.

Swish swish!
The arrows shot by the ghost knight are not only powerful, but also enchanted with the special effect of "ghost".

Even the incorporeal demon "Lost" couldn't dodge, and was instantly killed by an arrow.

In just ten minutes, thousands of mourning demons were slaughtered.

Hei Yu walked up to the trestle where corpses were strewn all over the place, and raised his left hand.

On the pale and skinny middle finger, the galaxy ring was shining.

Kuroba squirmed her thin lips, chanting the mantra in a low voice.

In response to his call, the river made waves.

A huge black three-masted sailing ship surfaced.

The water stains on the deck sizzled and turned into steam.

This is the "ghost ship", a means of transportation on the River Styx.

Kuroba led everyone onto the boat.

On the ghost ship, no ghosts can be seen.

In fact, the ship itself is "alive".

The so-called ghost refers to the will of the sailing ship itself - the ship spirit.

Hei Yu established a spiritual link with the "ship spirit" and issued an order.

The sailboat started slowly and sailed on the wide river automatically.

The pitch-black river flows quietly, the river exudes a biting chill, and the ice floes drifting with the waves are as sharp as knives.

Flynn stood by the side of the boat, touched the fishing rod in the storage bag, and resisted the urge to flick it.

In the River Styx, there are countless inexplicable monsters.

In case of being dragged down, he would be filled with Styx water, but even his own mother would not recognize her.

At this time, a pillar of light suddenly appeared in the distance by the river.

Qinglan looked up, her face changed slightly.

"Who is teleporting in the underworld? I really don't know how to live or die!"

"Fortunately, he didn't crash into the Styx."

"But next, he still has to suffer."

Qinglan's assertion was quickly verified.

In the dark and empty wasteland, the magic light is too conspicuous.

It soon attracted demons and ghosts wandering in the wilderness, and surrounded them in groups.

A blinding flash of lightning suddenly split in the sky, and the dim sky of the underworld suddenly exploded with thunder!
Boom! !
Many demons and ghosts were instantly shattered by the thunder.

Everyone on the boat was also deeply shocked, and all of them changed their expressions.

Immediately afterwards, another strange scene appeared over the wasteland.

The huge golden palm is brilliant and covers the sky and the earth.

With a random wave, a large group of demons were swept away, their bones and flesh were shattered, and black blood splattered everywhere.

There was an endless stream of screams coming from afar.

"Snap your fingers... That's Allen's unique skill!"

Flynn jumped up excitedly.

"Our late teammate is on the shore!"


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(End of this chapter)

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