Gluttonous Warlock

Chapter 193 Sister's Wedding Night

Chapter 193 Sister's Wedding Night
Allen's experiment on Renee was a great success.

He intends to use the same method to strengthen the bloodlines of his elder sister and junior junior sister.

The results were mixed.

The blood essence of the ogre wizard is compatible with Kaili's leopard blood, and it only costs 1 point of potential to perfectly integrate.

Angie's bloodline of the cat-eared bee mother is too incompatible with the bloodline of the ogre wizard.

Even if Allen exhausted the potential of the inventory, he couldn't achieve a perfect fusion, so he had to give up.

Junior Sister An Qi was quite open-minded, and comforted Alan not to mind.

Her cat-eared bee maiden bloodline is a fusion of cat people and bee people, which is already good enough, and continuing to merge is nothing more than icing on the cake.

In contrast, Kaili's leopard bloodline is too ordinary, and her growth rate is not as good as that of Angie. She has strengthened the "magic leopard wizard bloodline", which can be said to be a timely help.

But before the second awakening of the blood, Kaili had to ask her younger brother to help solve an unspeakable little trouble.


Meditation World, Mulan Province.

Magnolia Castle, decorated with lights.

Today is the day of great joy for Lord Arthur and Miss Lily.

On the eve of their wedding, Kelly was nervous.

She doesn't know much about men and women, and now she is asked to pretend to be a man and enter the bridal chamber, she doesn't know what to do!

How to do?
She was too embarrassed to ask Renee for advice on such things.

An Qi is a baby just like her, so it's useless to ask.

After thinking about it, I finally had to bite the bullet and come to my brother.

Allen can understand her sister's distress, and of course she must try her best to help.

Compared with the previous life, the technological level of the warlock world was too backward, and Allen could not find suitable video materials for teaching.

I had to do it myself, show my soul painting skills, and gave my sister a vivid pre-marriage training class with writing and drawing.

Kelly complained about the two stick figures drawn by her younger brother, thinking it was too abstract.

After one class, I only learned dry theoretical knowledge and lacked actual combat experience. I couldn't help but feel a little guilty, so I made an unfeeling request to Allen:
On the wedding night, hide him in the bedroom closet.

Peep at her and Lily's bridal chamber through the small hole opened in advance in the closet.

"If there is something I don't do well, you can use the mind spores to remind me quietly, so that I can correct it in time."

After listening to my sister's bold and almost crazy idea.

Allen was shocked.

If it was in reality, Kelly would definitely not dare to do this, and he would not dare to agree.

However, in the world of meditation, it is nothing more than a ridiculous dream, so don't worry about it.

Allen accepted her sister's request.

On their wedding night, they hid in the closet and used psychic spores to establish a spiritual connection with Kelly.

Kelly put her bride to bed.

Make out with Lily by mimicking the flirting skills you learned in class.

Allen secretly guided, and told her sister not to be impatient and take her time.

Lily has a weak body, so she has to be gentle with her and cultivate the atmosphere patiently.

A little roughness may leave a psychological shadow on her and affect the harmony of the relationship between husband and wife in the future.

Kelly had already learned about her younger brother's various romantic deeds from Maria and Renee.

Although a little uncomfortable, I have to admit that Allen is indeed a master in this field.

In contrast, I can only be regarded as a primary school student.

Be patient, listen to Allen's guidance with an open mind, and learn and sell now.

It went well at first, but when it came to the real thing, Lily refused to fulfill her duties as a wife and cried.

"Honey, what's the matter with you?"

Kelly put her arms around the half-naked Lily and asked softly.

Using herself to push others, she guessed that Lily was too nervous and afraid of pain, so she couldn't help sobbing.

However, Lily's answer was far beyond her expectations.

"You've been nice to me, but... you're not the real Arthur."

At this moment, Kaili was so frightened that her blood turned cold!
After a brief shock, she hugged Lily who was crying into tears without thinking.

The finger pressing Lily's neck artery instantly turned into a sharp leopard claw!
Allen could still hold his breath when he heard Lily questioning the identity of her new husband.

Seeing my sister trying to strangle Lily to death, killing her to silence her, I couldn't hold back any longer!

"No Kelly! Stop it! Calm down!"

Through telepathy, Allen quickly poured cold water on his overheated sister, warning her not to mess around.

Under his persuasion, Kaili finally reined in her horse from the precipice and suppressed her murderous intentions.

The leopard's claw turned back into a finger, caressing his wife's neck.

"Lily, what are you talking about..."

"Stop pretending, I know you're not Arthur." Lily choked up and said, "You imitate very much, but...some details that only Arthur and I know, you can't fake it."

These details can be hidden from others, but Lily, who is smart and careful.

In fact, she had discovered the clues a long time ago, but she didn't have any real evidence, so she couldn't help but suspect that she was oversensitive.

What's more, Kelly treats her very well, and Lily can't find any reason to doubt her, so she can only hide her suspicion deep in her heart.

Until the wedding night, at the most critical moment in her life, the more she thought about it, the more suspicious the man beside her became.

Finally, I couldn't help crying, feeling aggrieved that I was about to lose my life to the counterfeit.

After listening to Lily's confession, Kelly was deeply touched.

If I were in Lily's position, I'm afraid I would also feel hesitant and depressed.

Sighing, Kelly ignored her brother's repeated dissuasion, resolutely took off the magic ring, and recovered her daughter.

"Ah?! You really aren't Arthur..."

Lily raised her tearful eyes and stared blankly at the person next to her pillow.

The horror in his eyes quickly turned into ecstasy.

"You are... Anna?!"

"Ancestral Spirit! My dear friend, you are still alive!"

"Yes, dear Lily, I am still alive, but in a different identity."

"It was my brother Arthur who was shot and killed by the arrow."

Kelly took Lily's hand and told the ins and outs of the swapping of identities between the siblings.

Lily made the worst prediction about Arthur's fate as early as the day she found out that her fiancé had been swapped.

The truth is indeed cruel, but it is much better than her prediction.

At the very least, it was not some conspirator who pretended to be Arthur, but his own sister, Anna, who was also her best friend.

Lily felt sorry for what happened to Arthur, but admired and sympathized with Anna, who took the place of her younger brother to support the family business.

I admire her courage and sympathize with her willingness to live as a substitute for her brother at the expense of her own life and even her gender in order to fulfill her brother's last wish.

"Anna! Arthur's wish, I will help you realize it!"

Lily held her best friend's hand and made a firm promise.

"In the future, in public, I will be your wife, but in private, we will still be good sisters."

"I'd rather you be in private than my sweet wife."

Kelly made a joke in a complicated mood.

"Otherwise, my pre-marriage training course will be for nothing!"

Lily seems to have misunderstood Kelly's joke.

Biting her lower lip, she pondered for a long time, then said softly with a blushing face:
"Anna, as a noble lord, you are obliged to carry on the family line."

"This mission must be done by me, the wife, for you."

"It sounds unbelievable that you have a baby with me, but it's actually not as difficult as you imagined."

"With the 'transformation ring', you can become a man, impregnate me, and give birth to an heir for you."

"But to be honest, I'm more used to getting along with you as a daughter..."

"Anna, do you remember when we were in the monastery, we took a bath together, and you taught me to do bad things..."

Seeing Lily's shy expression, Kelly froze for a moment.

And this thing?
Anna is so good at playing!

She hurriedly searched for the memory of the ancestral spirit.

Sure enough, in Anna's memory, she found a scene of her bullying Lily, and more than once.

"Uh... Lily, those are all ridiculous things I did when I was young, I hope you don't hold grudges."

Kelly scratched her head in embarrassment, avoiding Lily's scorching gaze.

"Hold grudges? How could it be!" Lily shook her head and smiled, "In my heart, that is the best memory."

Lily, who was petite and weak, suddenly became extraordinarily bold.

He took the initiative to hug his best friend's neck and whispered in her ear.

Kelly shook her head embarrassingly.

However, Lily couldn't stand it and begged again and again, reluctantly said:
"Well, Lily, if you insist on this, I can only use this method to prove my sincerity to you!"

Allen hid in the closet. Hearing this conversation, he naturally had some associations and couldn't help but secretly excited.

Is this something I can watch without paying?
I thought I would be able to feast my eyes, but my sister put on her coat and got up and got out of bed.

"Lily, don't worry! The closet over there ruins the atmosphere. I'll move it out of the house and come back to make out with you!"


In the cupboard, someone had question marks all over his face.

Kelly!You're just a white-eyed wolf crossing rivers and tearing down bridges! !


Kelly and Lily have no time to enjoy the sweet life after marriage.

Before the honeymoon was over, I received an expected bad news.

General Gandolf couldn't hold back his eager ambition.

Declaring that his nephew was an illegitimate child and not eligible to inherit the title, he flagrantly set off a rebellion.

The reason why General Gandolf dared to openly rebel was not only relying on his own troops, but also receiving a strong foreign aid.

Sir Karn, the current lord of House Wilwolf.

Kelly's rival Robert, who was killed at the tournament, was Kahn's eldest son.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why the lord of the Wolf family supported the rebels in Mulan Province at all costs.

Sir Kahn plans to personally lead a force into Magnolia Province, and cooperate with Gandolf's rebels to besiege the capital.

At the swearing-in meeting of the coalition forces, Sir Kahn publicly swore in the name of the ancestor of the wolf family that he would cut off Arthur's head with his own hands and avenge his beloved son Robert!

In order to resist the enemy forces advancing on both sides, the entire Mulan Province was mobilized urgently!
Allen, Kelly, and Lily, on the one hand, raised their troops, recruited mercenaries, and prepared for war.

On the other hand, actively seek foreign aid.

Now, Kelly's only ally she can count on is her father-in-law, Earl Lancer, who will send troops to support her as soon as possible.

Earl Lancer is willing to marry his precious daughter to Kelly, and he has already chosen a side in the civil war in Mulan Province.

The problem is, Weng and son-in-law's family affection is one thing, but the benefits of real money are another.

Earl Lancer sent troops to support his son-in-law and suppress the rebellion. It was a lot of expenses for people to eat horse chews and pensions.

The son-in-law can't let the father-in-law work hard, can he?

The cunning old lion wrote back to his son-in-law, besides polite words, he also made a list.

Including ceding territory, sharing resources, sharing military expenses, and providing soldiers, there are a lot of conditions listed.

If Kelly accepts these conditions, the father-in-law is willing to send troops for his son-in-law.

If you are reluctant to cut the meat, then I am sorry...

Married daughter, splashed water, it is inconvenient for Earl Lancer to interfere in the internal disputes of the Mulan family.

Of course Kelly could see that the shameless old man was taking advantage of the fire!

Earl Lancer didn't expect his son-in-law to agree to all the conditions. Anyway, he was not in a hurry and was ready to bargain.

The problem is that Kaili is so impatient here, there is no time for letters and negotiations.

Lily marries Kaili, and her heart is tied to her husband-in-law, and she is very dissatisfied with her father's greedy face.

Actively help Kaili to make suggestions and strive to invite reinforcements from the Lancer family as soon as possible at the lowest cost.

Dad is not good at fooling around, it doesn't matter, Lily can go back to her mother's house to complain to her mother!

The Earl is a lion outside, but when he returns home and closes the door, he becomes a kitten in front of his wife.

It would be disrespectful to speak of the root of this fear of guilt.

The earl was quite frivolous when he was young, sleeping in flowers and sleeping in willows.

Now that I am old and exhausted, I am powerless in sex.

The countess is in her thirties, a half-mature lady, with a still charm, just at the age of a wolf and a tiger.

The earl couldn't satisfy his beloved wife's needs, so he was somewhat unable to hold his head up.

In addition to starting from her mother, Lily did not forget her brother.

Leon, the earl's son, can be called a young hero.

Leon will not touch bad habits such as eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

His only hobby is to hold knights conferences and martial arts competitions.

Recently, Lyon has added another trouble.

Since losing to his brother-in-law Arthur in the martial arts tournament half a year ago, his weakness of being allergic to catnip has been spread by good people, and everyone knows it.

"Thunder Lion" Leon, secretly called "Golden Cat"... What a shame!
Lily has a lot of research in pharmacy.

When the catnip essential oil was first refined, it showed a profound skill in refining medicine.

Lily felt sorry for her elder brother, causing him to make a big joke in the arena, embarrassing him.

Decided to refine a potion to completely cure my brother's allergies.

Unfortunately, this work did not go well.

The formula is fine in theory, but the refining process is too complicated.

Lily wanted to refine the potion before returning to her natal family to visit relatives, but she was about to succeed, but in the end she fell short.

She was so angry that she almost smashed the laboratory!
Seeing her beloved wife sobbing and wiping tears, Kaili quickly hugged her to comfort her and asked her what happened.

"Anna... blame me for being so useless. The catnip allergy treatment has not been made yet."

"At the beginning, I caused Leon to make a big embarrassment, and I couldn't come up with an antidote. Leon, who is narrow-minded, will never forgive me!"

"Leon doesn't speak for us, relying on my mother alone, I am afraid that my father will not compromise!"

"I'm going back to my mother's house tomorrow, what should I do?"

Lily said frowning.

"Refining medicine..."

Kelly rolled her eyes and suddenly smiled.

"Lily! My good brother Alan is actually a master of pharmacy, maybe he can solve your problem."

"Ah? This..."

Lily was dubious.

In her impression, Allen was a tall and burly man.

Infinite strength, unstoppable courage, the enemy of thousands on the battlefield!
This kind of thick-line style guy really can't be associated with the "Pharmacy Master".

"Lily! Trust me, it's fine!"

Kelly has absolute confidence in her younger brother's medicine refining skills.

Lily had no other choice, so with the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, she agreed to let Alan try it.

At the invitation of his sister, Allen came to his sister-in-law's alchemy laboratory.

After a little inspection, it shows that the equipment and medicinal materials are complete.

The failure to reconcile the potion is mainly due to the flawed technique of the sister-in-law Lili.

Instead of doing it yourself, it can be done in minutes.

Lily was quite dissatisfied with his coquettish attitude.

However, after a short time, she had to bow down.

Allen not only helped her get the allergy remedy, but also helped her open her mind and came up with a clever plan.

"The earl's hidden illness, in fact, I can also cure it."

Allen's words are really not bragging.

Among the loot captured from killing the dungeon lord Akuma before, was a prescription for an aphrodisiac.

Allen himself didn't need this medicine, but out of curiosity, he made some by the way.

Distributed to relatives and friends for trial, everyone said that the effect of the medicine was excellent, and no side effects that hurt the body were found.

This prescription is just right to please the Earl.

Lily agrees with his idea, but with a small modification.

The aphrodisiac medicine refined and packaged into medicinal wine cannot be given directly to her father, but she will give it to her mother.

Lily's family visit was a great success.

After taking the medicine, Leon completely cured his allergies, and since then he has no sensitivity to catnip, and his heart disease has been removed.

Earl Lancer had a drink with his lady and was pleasantly surprised to find himself reinvigorated.

After many years, the earl was once again in harmony with his beloved wife Qinse, blending oil with honey and feeling proud.

The countess took the opportunity to blow the pillow wind and praised her son-in-law for his filial piety.

Leon also said good things about his brother-in-law in front of his father, and pointed out the reason why his lips were dead and his teeth were cold.

Earl Lancer was surrounded by his wife and children to lobby, and finally softened his attitude, thinking that Arthur was a good son-in-law.

If for the immediate benefit, the son-in-law is defeated and the territory is occupied by the rebels, the consequences will be disastrous!

Finally, Earl Lancer voluntarily gave up most of the conditions, and sent Lyon to lead the army to stop Sir Kahn's troops.

In this way, Alan and Kelly will be free from the enemy, and can concentrate on suppressing Gandalf's rebels.


Fort Magnolia, located on the Estuary Peninsula.

Surrounded by water on three sides, it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The two bridges across the river have been demolished by Kelly.

During the flood season, the river is wide and the current is fast.

The rebels were temporarily unable to cross the river and set up camp on the opposite bank.

General Gandalf ordered the erection of pontoons and the collection of ships.

As soon as the pontoon bridge was erected, Kelly sent someone to lower the wooden rafts tied with oil barrels from upstream, lit them, and drifted down.

The fire raft hit the pontoon, setting it ablaze.

The pontoon bridge that the rebels worked so hard to build was easily destroyed in this way.

General Gandolf was still able to hold his breath, and cast a message magic to secretly contact the old subordinates in the nephew's camp to inquire about information.

Gandolf has long had the ambition of rebellion, so he laid out the chess pieces in advance.

Among the officers under his nephew's command, there are many undercover agents he secretly planted.

Now, it's time for those pawns to come into play.

General Gandolf quickly received a tip that there was not much food in the castle, and he was urgently collecting food and grass from the rear.

Most of the military rations were stored in Windmill Village, eighty miles south of the castle, and would be escorted into the city when the weather cleared.

General Gandalf immediately realized that this was a godsend opportunity!
If they can cut off the grain roads, burn down the granaries, and starve Magnolia Castle, they will have to surrender in a short time.

In the middle of the rainy night, General Gandolph personally led an elite force to cross the river on a barge.

One-third of the fleet that was put together with great difficulty capsized in the rapids, and finally less than 1000 people arrived on the other side.

General Gandalf did not care about his drowned men.

He hurriedly led the team on the road and raided the granary overnight.

After a day and night of forced marching, Gandolph's troops finally came to the windmill village.

The scouts came back with good news.

The defense of the granary was weaker than expected.

However, there is also bad news.

After four consecutive days of rain, it finally cleared up.

If there is no accident, the military ration escort team will leave Fengche Village early tomorrow morning, and the rations will be delivered to the castle under the support of the defenders.

General Gandalf knows the value of speed.

Regardless of the long-distance raid by the troops and the lack of people and horses, they led their troops to attack Fengche Village overnight.

General Gandalf took the lead, smashed the latch with his sword, and broke into a warehouse.

Seeing the neatly stacked sacks, he breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ordered the warehouse to be set on fire.

One by one torches were thrown out, and the granary was suddenly engulfed in flames.

The burning sack made a crackling sound, and the fire was stronger than expected and spread faster.

General Gandolf vaguely sensed something was wrong, and swiped his sword to split open an unlit sack beside him.

The scene in front of him made his heart sink!
Instead of grain, the sack contained straw!

The guards beside him also noticed that something was wrong, and hurriedly split open the sack, which was full of straw, weeds and even sawdust!

"be cheated!"

General Gandolf's heart was cold.

Suddenly a horn blew outside the warehouse, and shouts of killing arose everywhere.

Countless rockets shot from all directions.

Like a meteor shower, falling from the sky.

In an instant, Gandalf's troops were in flames.

The rebels who fled in haste fell under the arrows one after another.

"It seems that our anti-indirect plan has succeeded."

Kelly was riding a steed, looking at the burning warehouse, the corners of her lips raised.

Allen stood beside his sister, his eyes condensed slightly.

He had already guessed that there were spies placed by General Gandalf among the officers under his sister, who deliberately released the news that the castle was short of food, and lured the enemy troops to cross the river to attack the windmill village where the food was temporarily stored.

I didn't expect to catch a big fish!
"Perhaps, this is all an arrangement of fate."

Kelly's words were full of murderous intent.

"Gandalf, the traitor, is doomed to die here today!"

"General Gandalf, he will not be burned to death easily."

Allen reminded her sister that it is not yet a sure thing.

"It is said that he has awakened the blood of the Yan Leopard, a rare fire-type lycanthropy. In the ancestral form, he is immune to high-temperature damage."

"When he rushes out of the sea of ​​flames, there will inevitably be another fierce battle."

As if to confirm his prediction, the roar of a wild beast suddenly came from the fire.

Kaili's war horse, and even the guards beside her, couldn't help trembling from the terrifying roar.

Kelly quickly gathered the reins to calm the horse down.

At this time, a huge fireball suddenly flew out of the burning warehouse!

Draw a shining parabola in the night sky, like a meteor falling down!
The guards around Kelly collectively raised their shields, forming an impenetrable shield wall to protect the lord.

The fireball hits the shield and explodes violently!
Amidst the roar, flames soared.

The terrifying shock wave pushed the heat wave to expand in all directions.

Within ten meters around the explosion point, all the guards were blown away, and the ground turned into scorched earth.

Such terrifying destructive power is obviously not an ordinary explosive.

Kelly got off her horse and exchanged glances with her younger brother.

"It seems to be... 3rd ring 'fireball'?"

Allen nodded slightly, confirming his sister's guess.

"Fireball", with a simple and vulgar name, is recognized as the most destructive third-level magic.

Normally, only warlocks with awakened fire blood can master this magic.

Unfortunately, "Flame Leopard" General Gandalf is a late third-tier fire magician.

Under the cover of raging fire and thick smoke, Gandolf blasted out "fireballs" continuously, blowing up Kaili's party.

Kelly had to order the troops to retreat and evacuate the formation to avoid casualties.

During the chaos, a tall figure strode out of the fire scene, arousing her vigilance.

It was General Gandalf who came.

At this time, he had already turned on his ancestral form and transformed into a three-meter-tall red leopard man.

The magic power radiated from his body, forming a circle of fire wall, moving forward with his steps.

The arrows shot at Gandalf the Returned were burned to ashes by the wall of fire before they touched him.

This is Gandolf's famous martial art - Lie Yan Dou Qi!
Kelly took a deep breath, activated the second-order atavism, turned into a leopard, and was ready to face powerful enemies.

Yanbao Gandolf, who was still ten steps away, suddenly exploded on his own, and his body disintegrated into countless flying flames.

Kelly had never seen such a strange move before, and couldn't help being startled.

In the moment of astonishment, a pile of embers of wheat straw in front of him suddenly burst into flames and condensed into a vague human shape.

Teleport in fire!
A unique teleportation skill for fire creatures.

Living in a continuous burning zone, you can come and go freely.

The ancestor Gandalf rushed in front of Kaili in an instant, with a grinning grin, stretched out a fiery red leopard claw, and grabbed her forehead.

Allen stepped in in time, blocked his sister behind, and took the blow for her.

He was a bit taller than his sister, and the leopard's paw that had been grabbing Kelly's forehead landed on his chest.

Returning to his ancestor Gandalf, he regarded Alan as the bodyguard next to his nephew, and ignored him, grabbed Alan's skirt, and lifted him up.

"Hmph! Stupid scapegoat!"

Amidst the sneer, flames suddenly erupted in the palm of his hand, blasting Allen out, turning into a human-shaped fireball, and falling into the sea of ​​flames.

The leopard claw, which is equivalent to a second-level fire-type enchanted weapon, grabs the enemy and releases the "fireball technique" at zero distance, directly blasting into slag.

This is Gandolph's strongest ultimate move - the red lotus wrist!

Wiping away the soot from his hands, Gandolph's fiery gaze fell on Kaili's face again.

"Arthur, I have to say that you have grown and become smarter."

"However, human wisdom has its limits. Playing tricks will not change your fate!"

"In this world, in the final analysis, we still rely on strength to speak!"

"Next, I'll use this trick 'Red Lotus Wrist' to send you to meet the short-lived Anna!"

Gandolph raised his right hand, and the raging flames surged at his fingertips.

"Hehe!" Kelly smiled lightly, "I'll give you a piece of advice, the villain always dies because of talking too much!"

Before she finished speaking, her figure disappeared out of thin air.

Instead of her, there was a taller and more muscular figure.

Allen was shirtless, with only half of his burnt sleeves hanging on his arms.

The moment the "Red Lotus Wrist" exploded, he activated the "Flesh Armor" in time to avoid the vital points and absorb most of the impact of the explosion.

There were only minor burn marks on the body.

Gandolf's pupils contracted, unable to hide his astonishment.

"You kid, you were hit by the 'Red Lotus Wrist', but you didn't die?!"

"It's only worthy of tickling tricks, so don't waste such a nice name."

Allen wiped his itchy nose choked by the thick smoke casually, and hooked his fingers at Gandolph.

"Old guy, which hand did you hit me just now?"

"Within one move, I will cripple your dog's paw."

"What a big breath!"

Gandalf's eyes burst into anger, his body exploded, and flames flew up.

In an instant, it was teleported to Allen.

Do your best to blast out the "Red Lotus Wrist"!
The palm that was as crystal as ice firmly grasped the burning leopard's claws.

The biting cold air seeped out from Alan's fingertips, instantly suppressing the "red lotus wrist" and extinguishing the flames in Gandolf's hands.

"That's the paw, isn't it?"

Allen grinned grinningly, and suddenly put his fingers together!
"Ice Soul Palm" and "Steel Crack Rake" are applied to the fingertips at the same time!
boom! !

The extremely cold magic power burst out suddenly, like a white lotus blooming.

Gandolf's entire right arm was first frozen by Bing Po's palm strength, and then crushed to pieces by the "Steel Crack Rake".

Bloody ice crystals splashed all over the sky.

Allen kicked Gandalf with a broken arm, too lazy to look at him again.

Gandalf's strength is considered top-notch among warlocks of the same level, even stronger than Phoebes.

It's a pity that Allen has mastered the "Ice Soul Palm", which is designed to counter the "Red Lotus Wrist".

Waiting for his end is destined to be a tragedy.

To deal with Gandalf, Allen didn't have to return to his ancestors and transform, and he still beat him.

By not killing Gandalf, it was to give my sister a chance to exercise.

After all, this is Kelly's meditative world, and she's the main character.

Gandalf, who lost an arm, still has [-]% of his strength.

Kaili's cultivation is only at the early stage of the second level, and it is not so easy to accept this head.


Of course Kelly will not let her brother down.

After a fierce battle, he personally killed Gandalf.

The leaderless rebel army quickly collapsed.

Upon receiving this news, Sir Kahn had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​avenging his son, and led his army to retreat in desperation.

The war of succession in Mulan Province ended with the victory of the orthodox heir Arthur Magnolia.

A year after the war ended.

Lily, the baroness of Mulan, gave birth to a pair of twins for her husband and best friend.

After discussion, the couple decided to name their daughter Anna and their son Arthur to commemorate the lost youth.

So far, Kelly has achieved perfect meditation.

Promoted to the late stage of the second level, and awakened the blood of the magic leopard wizard by the way.

Allen discovered that although there is only one word difference between the sister's bloodline of the leopard wizard and Renee's bloodline of the tiger wizard, they have different emphasis on growth.

Kelly is upgraded this time, and her agility attribute is +1.

Physical and mental attributes, +3 respectively.

Among them, 2 points of physique and 2 points of spirit belong to blood correction.

The transformation talent of the magic leopard wizard is similar to Renee's.

The second-order atavistic form, on the basis of the original attribute bonus, gets an additional 4 points of spiritual bonus.

Kaili's "anti-magic barrier" is currently only level 1.

In contrast to Renee's situation, Allen predicted that when her sister reaches the third level, she will be able to awaken the level 2 anti-magic barrier.

The magic growth of the magic leopard wizard is also excellent.

Kelly has awakened two 2-ring magics this time.

"Invisibility" and "Spoken Words".

The former is the magical skill of stealth backstabbing, which complements the high-agility Leopard Girl's talent.

The latter is like a universal simultaneous interpreter, who can understand and use any language fluently.

After the meditation, Kelly looked a little tired.

He yawned and lay on his side on his younger brother's bed with his chin resting on his back.

Allen opened the curtains.

The lazy afternoon sun shines on my sister.

Delicate light wheat-colored skin with a charming luster.

"Alan, I'm a little sleepy, is it convenient for me to take a nap on your bed?"

"Do you still need to ask?" Allen looked at his sister in surprise, "You were not so born before, do you want to get married?"

"Marry you bastard!"

Kaili managed to sculpt the elegant lady look, but her younger brother broke her defense with a single word, and rushed over angrily and scuffled.

The siblings had a quarrel for a while, and Kelly couldn't help insinuating.

"Alan, I'm here, won't it affect you?"


Allen looked into his sister's eyes, waiting for her to speak clearly.

"Renee often sleeps in your room?"

Kelly smiled strangely, and pulled out a piece of white lace fabric from under the pillow.

Alan took a look and recognized the garter that Renee had left on the bed last night.

Sloppy Huniu, she forgot to take it when she left in the morning.

Now being held by his sister, he seemed to have caught some criminal evidence, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Renee occasionally spends the night with me."

Facing his sister's scorching gaze, Allen chose to confess.

"But that doesn't stop you, Kelly, you will always be the mistress of our family."

Kelly seemed to be moved, and there was a little more tenderness in her eyes.

"I'm not blaming you, Alan. After all, at your age, it's time to get married and have children."

"Renee is not bad, she is kind-hearted, hard-working and capable, and has the temperament of a good wife and mother."

"Have you noticed? Renee has a wide pelvis, a big butt, and big breasts. Such a woman is suitable for childbirth. Having more children is good for our family."

Allen couldn't help being amused when his sister seriously analyzed Renee's fertility potential.

"If you measure it by this standard, Kelly, you yourself belong to the type of having many children."

"Don't interrupt!"

Kelly gave her younger brother a white look, but she didn't deny that she was also a monster with big breasts and wide buttocks.

"Alan, I have nothing against you maintaining the current relationship with Renee. It doesn't matter if you treat her as a maid, mistress or concubine, but she is not suitable to be your first wife."


"Because her talent is not good enough!"

"Is this important?" Allen couldn't help laughing.

"Of course it's important!" Kelly said sternly, "Renee's qualifications are only average, and she's not good enough for you!"

Allen wanted to tell his sister that Renee had integrated the blood of an ogre wizard, and her aptitude had been raised to the highest level.

However, the crux of the problem is not here, but a certain ideological tendency revealed in Kelly's words, which makes him feel very uncomfortable!
"Sister, don't forget that your qualifications were not as good as Renee's. It's inappropriate to say that you dislike the poor and love the rich, and praise the high and depress the low, right?"

"What does my aptitude have to do with you?" Kaili's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't choose what to say for a while, "Anyway, you won't have a baby with me!"

"The warlock family is all inherited by blood! The mother's qualifications are very important!"

"With all due respect, Renee is not good enough. If you marry her as your wife, what if you are dragged down by her and give birth to an eldest son with mediocre qualifications?"

"It stands to reason that the family should be inherited by the eldest son, but if an eldest son with mediocre qualifications is pushed to the position of the first heir, there will be endless troubles!"

"Your first-in-line heir determines whether our family can continue to prosper, and we must find a woman who is good enough to give birth to!"

Speaking of this, Kelly also felt that it was a bit too much.

"I think it's really unfair to Renee, but I can't lie to you, I can't lie to myself..."

"Alan, my sister hopes that you can marry the best woman in the world, otherwise... I am really unwilling!"

Kelly was inexplicably excited, trembling all over, as if there were tears in her eyes.

Allen was stunned and speechless.

Although they are brothers and sisters, he really can't figure out what his sister is thinking now.

Kelly seemed jealous, but not quite.

"Alan, you are my sister's treasure and my darling. I don't think any woman in the world is worthy of you, but you will marry a wife and have children after all..."

Kelly lowered her head, trying to stay calm, but what she said still seemed logically confused and ridiculous.

"If possible, I hope you marry a real goddess, at least an empress..."

"It must be the kind of god-like perfect and radiant figure, so that I can feel ashamed, worship from the bottom of my heart, and dare not feel the slightest jealousy."

"I will sincerely bless you, just like fanatical believers look up to the gods."

"If you marry an ordinary girl, I will feel that my god has been tainted, and I can't help but hate her, be jealous of her, and breed vicious or even crazy thoughts..."

"So, Alan, in order not to turn my sister into a bad woman, you must marry a woman who is ten thousand times better than me!"

Kelly squeezed his hand hard, eyes almost crazy.

"It's so hard..."

Allen suddenly understood his sister's mood a little bit, and couldn't help having a sore nose.

"Kelly, you are embarrassing me... Is there any better woman in the world than you? In fact, think about it, it's good to be a bachelor all the time."

Kelly looked at her brother with a look of guilt in her eyes.

She came closer, hugged him distressedly, and whispered softly in his ear.

"Alan, I was just nervous just now, and I'm fine now."

"Don't take my crazy words to heart, forget them all."

"After dinner, remember to find An Qi. She has encountered a bottleneck in her practice recently. I can't help her, but you can."

Allen nodded and kissed her cheek.

Kelly kissed him back on the cheek, picking up the lace garter casually.

"This, I'll return it to Renee on the way, don't you mind?"

"of course not."

"That's good."

Kelly smiled relievedly, and before going out, she emphasized to her brother again:
"Women can't help but lose their nerves on certain days of the month... Don't take my crazy words seriously!"


Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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