Daqin: Qin Shihuang can hear my heart

Chapter 638 Duke Xiang finally appears

Chapter 638 Duke Xiang finally appears
This was puzzling, but he didn't delve into it. He followed Han Xin to a place with stairs.

What is surprising is that the snow on the main peak is thick, but here it is very thin and scattered on the steps.

The stairs are built with bamboo and extend upward.The hills above are not high, but they are wide. Pavilions and pavilions can be vaguely seen, and there is a special beauty under the light snow.

Li Zhao couldn't help but murmur, looking at such a building, it must have been built for a long time, which means that people have lived here for a long time.

Could it be the residence of Duke Xiang?

Li Zhao felt that it was possible. The snow-capped mountains were between the three countries. In order to avoid disputes, the countries naturally had little interference. It could easily become a no-nonsense zone, and it was most likely to be occupied by some powerful people.

Just like Xiang Gong.

But this is just Li Zhao's guess. Such a mysterious and capable person as Xiang Gong must not stay in one place for a long time, otherwise he might have been dug out by the emperor.

After the emperor learned of the existence of Gong Xiang, if his guess was correct, he must have sent people from Heibingtai to secretly investigate, but Heibingtai could not find anything. No, he might have found something, but he didn't find anything. Xiang Gong, it can be seen that his residence is uncertain.

Perhaps, this is the origin of the mystery.

"General Li, please!" Han Xin made an invitation gesture and invited Li Zhao to the bamboo steps. The steps were winding towards the pavilions and pavilions. At first glance, they looked like silver snakes meandering. It was quite impressive. Surprise.

Li Zhao did not retreat, strode out and walked along the stairs.

When we reach the end of the stairs, we are already halfway up the mountain. The pavilions and pavilions are more conspicuous, and the trees are lined up side by side. In fact, it is just the area in front of us. Farther away are sparse wooden houses, which look decayed.

This is a small place. Judging from the snow on the ground, even though the snow is very thin, it does not leave many footprints. It is not difficult to see that few people usually set foot here, and the new footprints are only three. Just three, two and two, there was no crowding.

Perhaps, Xiang Gong is a quiet and solitary person.

"Xiang Gong, Li Zhao has arrived."

When he arrived at the pavilion, no one was seen. Han Xin seemed embarrassed and raised his hands to the pavilion.This loft is quite elegant, but it is a bit old and must have had some age.

"Let him in!"

The voice was not loud, but slightly hoarse. It came out from the attic lightly, and you could feel a hint of weakness in it.

"No!" Han Xin handed over his hand again and said to Li Zhao, "Go, Mr. Xiang is waiting for you."

Li Zhao didn't pay much attention to Han Xin. He squinted at the attic and found no danger, so he walked slowly and stepped onto the wooden stairs.

The window lattice of the attic was half-closed, and a back figure could be seen faintly. The figure was wearing this outfit, and Li Zhao became wary. This was not the clothes of the Qin Dynasty, nor the clothes of the Ming Dynasty, but more like modern clothes.

"This" Li Zhao felt like a lump in his throat.A few years ago, he heard that Duke Xiang was dressed differently. From the attire, he judged that it was from the Ming Dynasty. What he saw now was clearly wrong.

This is a perfect suit.

Gong Xiang actually wears a suit, so everything he heard before is false. He is not a time traveler from the Ming Dynasty, but his soul comes from modern times like him?Or came directly through time?Is he also a person with some modern consciousness?
Li Zhao had the wrong feeling of being threatened, but also felt the sympathy of meeting an old friend in a strange place.

"Is it strange?"

As Zhang Mo stepped forward, another light voice came from behind.

Li Zhao saw it clearly. This person was sitting cross-legged on the cushion, with a table in front of him. He was moving his hands and drinking tea. He was very leisurely, but his back was turned to him.

Judging from its back, it is not very strong, but it is very long, estimated to be eight feet, which is about two meters.

What a tall man.

(End of this chapter)

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