Daqin: Qin Shihuang can hear my heart

Chapter 590 The shock of soldiers

Chapter 590 The shock of soldiers

Then, someone really stood up, dropped the weapon in his hand, and walked back slowly.

With No. 1, there will be a second person, but some still don't move, or continue to flee. In the end, Li Zhao ordered another burst of shelling to frighten all survivors.

"Tanks attack."

This was Li Zhao's order from the walkie-talkie, and Heihe Shi's village immediately issued an attack order.

In fact, they didn't know what happened fifteen miles away. They only knew that after a series of shell attacks, the Huns did not attack the Great Wall, let alone saw any Huns.

Some people think that the shells must have deterred the Huns from acting rashly, but being deterred does not mean that they will not kill people.

At this moment, when they heard the order to attack, some people felt palpitations. So far, no killing weapon has been released in the village, and the halberd is still a halberd, which has no effect on the battlefield.

Chu Chu Chu!
The tank started, there was a frightening sound, and then it slowly started to move.

As a successor to the tank, their garrison was instructed to follow the tank.

The military order was like a mountain, and no one dared to disobey, so they bit the bullet and attacked, but the speed was very slow, and some people's legs were trembling constantly.

The head of the village is not a good-tempered person, he urged him vigorously, and would reprimand anyone who fell behind.

In this way, after each tank, 50 people crawled among the hills.

To the pawn's comfort, there was no obstruction during this process, no shadow of the Huns, let alone the sound of the killing weapon, which was completely different from what he had imagined.

"It's been ten miles."

The head of the village reminded that everyone couldn't help but became worried. Ten miles away, they must be at the place where the Huns were stationed. Are they going to face the killer weapon of the Huns?Are they about to get angry?

Many people have this idea in their minds. The further they walk, the more difficult they feel. It is not caused by physical strength, but by fear in their hearts.

But, to their surprise, when the head of the village said that he had reached fifteen li, he was still not attacked by the Huns, and the surroundings were as quiet as when they were under the Great Wall, and there was not even the sound of animals moving around, as if they were here. A dead end.

What they thought was right, this place is a dead place.

After stepping into the land of fifteen miles, what did I see? I saw black ash all over the ground, traces of burning everywhere, and the ground was full of potholes, which was very messy.

There are no beasts, and even the trees are stumps. They can imagine that a disaster must have happened here, and all living things here have died.

Not far away, some people vomited, because, because they saw corpses all over the ground, none of them were intact, there were too many people with broken legs and hands, and heads in different places.

Looking further ahead, the situation was surprisingly similar. Under the messy ruins, there were human and horse corpses, some of which were moving, but they were all dying.

They couldn't imagine what it was that caused them to be hit so hard, were they the three major killers?Those who thought of this shook their heads. They had seen the three major killers before, and they were not that scary at all.

Of course, there are not many people in the Qin army who have the three major weapons. According to the head of the village, the imperial court sent two thousand elites, one thousand guarded Xiaoguan, and the rest were here, but they did not see the elite attack.

"Could it be caused by the shell just now?"

Everyone has thought of this point, and this is the only way to explain all of this. The elite did not attack, which means that nothing can hit the Xiongnu so hard. The only explanation is the shells fired just now.

When they came, they remembered that there were only twenty cannons called 'multiple rocket launchers' that could emit shells. At that time, they looked very inconspicuous.

As long as twenty vehicles can kill the enemy, the three views have been subverted.

"I have paid attention to it, and started to search for the three major killers. Anyone who finds it will discard the halberds in their hands and gather at the designated place." The head of the village issued an order.

But the soldiers couldn't listen anymore, they are just a lot of killer weapons, they can just pick them up.Some of these weapons were destroyed and some were incinerated, but many of them are still intact.

They thought that the order issued by the head of the village to seize the killing weapon in the hands of the Huns was to snatch food from the tiger's mouth, but they did not expect it to be so easy.

That's not snatching, but picking. There is absolutely no pressure to pick it up, let alone search.

"Haha! I thought the general ordered me to advance to stop the advance of the Huns. I was the vanguard, but I didn't expect to clean up the mess. I was overwhelmed."

Some people have experienced a long period of inner suffering, and found the killer at this moment, and laughed out loud.

This is a kind of smile for the rest of life, a smile of relief, and a smile of getting rid of threats. They thought that the process of seizing the killing weapon would be a mountain of corpses, but they didn't expect it to be so simple.

"I misunderstood the chief general and General Li. He didn't ask me to die, but he accomplished us and obtained such a powerful weapon for us."

Some people screamed, some danced.

The big killer is a rare thing in the army. Even if the Qin army has a million armors, only two thousand elites have it. At this moment, they are the second to get it, and it is still very easy to get it. How to teach them not to be excited.

This is a kind of honor, and it is a life-saving thing. They can imagine that with such a powerful weapon, even if they are about to face the Huns, they dare to face it. This is the confidence that they did not have at all just now.

The soldiers discarded the halberds in their hands one after another, and easily picked up the killing weapons.

After walking for two miles, everyone picked up a lot of machine guns, and even some horses that could walk, so they were sure that they were not the main fighters, but the ones who cleaned up the battlefield.

The head of the village estimated that there were hundreds of machine guns picked up in this village, and some of them were quick, with more than a dozen guns, so heavy that they couldn't even walk safely.

This is only the harvest of their village. I am sure that the harvest of other villages is also good. They even saw 1 people walking behind them and going straight ahead.

The head of the village probably got acquainted with one of them and found out amazing news.

Everyone gathered around one after another, trying to get news from the head of the village.

The head of the village was not stingy, and shared it with them.

"I asked just now. This ten thousand army is under the command of General Meng Tian. They went to collect the spoils twenty miles ahead. I heard that there are grenades and anti-aircraft guns."

"Twenty miles, are all the Huns dead?"

"Yes!" The head of the village nodded proudly, "My fellow villager got the exact news that the Xiongnu dispatched [-] troops, each armed with machine guns, grenades, etc., and [-] anti-aircraft gunners, trying to take Shangjun in one fell swoop. I want to be bombarded by General Li, and they are all gone, no, there are hundreds of people left, but they have all become soldiers."

(End of this chapter)

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