Daqin: Qin Shihuang can hear my heart

Chapter 566 Beauty Confessions

Chapter 566 Beauty Confessions
On the way back, Elder Confucian was very curious about why the thing disappeared, even more curious about what it was, and why it made people dizzy. Seeing that Li Zhao had been silent, he didn't dare to ask more questions.

Back in the city, he couldn't bear it anymore, and caught Li Zhao's chance to be alone, he asked, "Master, what is that strange thing? Is it also the Tao?"

Li Zhao smiled wryly, this old guy's thirst for knowledge is really strong, he is still so curious at this age, but he is also moved by the old man's spirit of living and learning.

This person often puts the Tao on his lips and keeps searching. How many people have it?He didn't want to spoil the old man's interest, so he organized his words and said solemnly: "If you want to destroy one side of the land, who can do it?"

"Naturally, Your Majesty." In today's world, only the emperor can do this.

Li Zhao nodded: "That's one, there is another way."

Elder Confucian became interested, and his complexion changed even more. Besides His Majesty, who else can destroy it?

"It's not a person, but a thing."

"Oh!" Elder Ru tilted his head, staring at Li Zhao with piercing eyes.

Everything in the world is man-made, there is nothing that can destroy a place by itself, so what does this mean, young master?Is there any strange thing that can do it?
He seemed to have discovered another way, and his eyes became more eager.

"It's that strange thing. If it is used properly, it can make the whole of Xianyang disappear, and no grass will grow for a hundred years."

Elder Confucianism was stunned, feeling that his entire Three Views had been greatly impacted, and he was in constant panic.

That thing can turn Xianyang into nothingness, what kind of thing can do this.He had seen all kinds of killer weapons of the young master in Shanglin Garden, even the most powerful thing like a bamboo tube could kill dozens of people with one blow, far from being able to compare with the destruction of Xianyang.

"What is this thing?"


Old Ru was completely lost in thought and couldn't extricate himself. He searched every corner of his mind, but couldn't find what "uranium" was, but uranium could destroy Xianyang, so he found that he couldn't move.

Since the beginning of the steam engine, he realized that "searching things to gain knowledge" is not just sitting quietly and contemplating. When he entered Shanglinyuan, he knew that weapons can kill people without being close to him. It can be used by people by lowering the voltage.

All of this is something he has never known, and it has nothing to do with what he has learned all his life, and all of this is so wonderful, it is completely beyond what he has learned.

And all these acquisitions were brought by that young man, then, who is this young man who is so powerful.

Old Confucianism entered into meditation, but Li Zhao walked out without disturbing him, and he found Yan'er.

Yan'er was originally the daughter of the magistrate, she was supposed to stay in the mansion, but because Young Master Cui coveted to follow her, now that the magistrate has fallen, naturally there is no threat, so she doesn't have to follow her to leave.

"Yan'er, you go back! I think my father is very worried." Li Zhao said straight to the point that he didn't have much time to entangle with this woman. The appearance of the giant key made him feel a sense of crisis. He wanted to find Yin Man as soon as possible and cash in. The promise of the previous life, even if the crisis comes, he will have no regrets.

If some things are unstoppable, it is not a kind of happiness to embrace and swear to the person you love.

Besides, Yan'er, ever since she learned that the young man she brought back is someone she admired, she couldn't calm down, and the whole trip to Orion's house was in a trance. Now that Li Zhao came here alone, she couldn't help but her heart pounding. rattle.

He didn't respond directly, but said: "Since you are the master of Shanglin Garden, why didn't you tell me at that time?" Some blamed.

"If you didn't ask, I wouldn't tell."

These words directly eliminated Yan'er's blame.

Yan'er didn't mean to blame, but suddenly stared at it fieryly, her eyes full of curiosity: "Are you really Xuan Mo? Are you the one who wrote all those poems?"

These words really stumped Li Zhao, he is indeed Xuan Mo, but those poems were not written by him, but he could not deny it, he could only vaguely say: "I am Xuan Mo."

But she didn't respond to whether he wrote the poem, Yan'er was satisfied, she didn't care about the source of the poem, as long as the person in front of her recognized that it was Xuan Mo, she must know that Xuan Mo was the person she admired, the feeling was self-evident when she was in front of her eyes .

"No wonder, no wonder you can recite 'wine makes you sad and your heart is more sad', and you can even tinker with the method of abacus calculation. There is nothing in the world that can defeat you."

Maybe it was Fang's heart moved, or the girl's restraint, but Yan'er actually lowered her head, her cheeks flushed.

Talented people are often the most exciting.

Li Zhao couldn't help backing away when he saw Yan'er's strange expression, he was very familiar with this expression, he had seen it on the faces of Shiya and Xiaoqing, it seemed that this was the legendary love affair.

However, Man's heart, which was pretending to be sinister, was unmoved, and just smiled.

"My lord, do you know where Yan'er's heart is going?"

Li Zhao still had no words, he didn't have the heart to think about what this woman was thinking.

"Actually, I want to go to Shanglinyuan. I heard that there is a school there, and there are many novel things."

"Oh!" Li Zhao responded. Indeed, Shanglin Garden has something that is not available in other places.

Yan'er saw that Li Zhao had no words from the beginning to the end, she couldn't help but blame again: "Can't you say something?"

"what do you want me to say?"

Yan'er was at a loss for words, this person chatted to death.

"Say what I want to hear."

Li Zhao focused his eyes on Yan'er, turned his back one by one, looked at the distant scenery, and was speechless for a long time.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk, but he can't speak, let alone what she likes to hear.

Yan'er stomped her feet angrily.He is the person she has had physical contact with, and he has even seen her body. There are some things he cannot deny, and there are some things she wants to fight for.

"Okay, I'm leaving, I'll order someone to take you back to Jun Cheng's mansion! Naifu should be very worried about you."

In the end, Li Zhao spoke. He really wanted to leave, but he couldn't take Yan'er with him. A lady with a big family would always attract people's gossip, even in this era where there are three wives and four concubines.

Yan'er couldn't help being angry when she heard this, she was reserved and wanted Li Zhao to say something more, but she didn't know that she said something that made her angry, she couldn't help abandoning her daughter's attitude and became domineering.

"Just say it clearly, I won't go back to Jun Cheng's mansion, I will go with you and become your woman."

Straightforward and brave enough, it is completely impossible to put it on other women.

"Don't try to refuse." Yan'er didn't give him a chance to speak, "You saw my body and hugged me, I am your woman, you want to bring me back to Shanglin Garden, I don't ask for anything Fame, as long as I stay by your side and serve you."

This is not asking for anything, just to stay by the man's side, Li Zhao was touched, such a woman was a rare animal in the previous life, and only this era is so pure.

Li Zhao wanted to refuse directly, but he couldn't do so, he was afraid of chilling the girl's heart.Indeed, he had seen her body, and with the strong concept of chastity in this era, he had to marry her.

"In short, I don't need anything, just stay by your side."

Li Zhao is silent. Compared with Shiya, this woman is open and forthright without any affectation. It is a rare good woman. Of course Shiya is also good, but she is too restrained and unwilling to express her feelings. Even though she is still staying in Shanglinyuan, she is still in love with each other. But rarely meet.

"You should have heard of Princess Yangzi!"

The story of Li Zhao and Yin Man didn't know who spread it, but now Daqin actually spread it as a kind of palace gossip, Yan'er had heard of it too, but she didn't care.

"I've said it all, I just want to stay by your side and don't ask for fame."

Enough to understand.

Li Zhao was at a loss for words. The love affair came a little too soon, but he was not mentally prepared for it, let alone the idea.

Often emotions are tangled, and he is no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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