Chapter 477

The Qin army came within [-] steps from Dingtao City, which was the range of the artillery. A thousand artillery pieces neatly surrounded Dingtao City, and tens of thousands of troops behind them displayed various weapons to their heart's content.

This is a situation from which there is no escape.

Even if the Chu army has the advantage of the city wall, it cannot resist it.

Xiang Liang knew this, and the other soldiers knew even more. Some people would have thought that the myth of invincibility in the past few days would come to an end at this moment, and they would all die here.

Seeing all this, Xiang Liang tightly closed his eyes. Only he knew how frustrated his expression was, but the Chu army is bloody, so they can't back down at this moment. If they want to fight, they will fight to the last man left.

The Chu army would rather die on the battlefield than shrink back and become a prisoner of war.

However, this is a word of encouragement after all. In fact, no one is sad when facing the moment of life and death.


The general of the Qin Army issued an order, and the surroundings suddenly moved. One after another, the artillery was aimed at the city wall, aiming at the demoralized Chu army.


As the sound fell, the artillery made loud bangs, and black objects blasted towards the sky one after another, smashing hard at the city wall, and the city wall was suddenly crumbling.

Even those who were hit died on the spot.

This was an irresistible weapon, which made the Chu army helpless. They watched helplessly as the city walls were blasted, the city gates were smashed, and more people died in this battle.

"Heaven wants to kill me, Chu Jun."

"Yu'er, avenge my uncle."

Xiang Liang's face was full of vicissitudes, and his whole body revealed despair, but he was extremely passionate. He suddenly stood on the city wall and drew his long sword out of its sheath.

"Our warriors from the Chu Kingdom dispatched, went out of the city gate, and killed."

At this moment, defending the city wall will only become meat sauce, so why not kill it heartily, and die heartily.

"Xiang Gong, don't do it!" The lieutenant held Xiang Liang tightly, "The young master's artillery hasn't shown up yet?"

"Artillery? Don't think about it, I know the young master's intention is to let us disperse the troops of the Qin army in order to win in Julu."

"I'm afraid the artillery is just putting on a show. It must have gone back to Julu by now."

Yes, look around, there is no sign of artillery for a mile or even two, they are gone or what.

"Warriors, come out of the city with me!" He ran towards the city gate, but at this moment, he heard a dense loud noise, which came from the surrounding dense forest, and smoke rose.

Immediately, hundreds of black objects flew out and headed fiercely towards Qin Jun.

"This is." Xiang Liang suddenly stabilized his running pace, staring at the place where the smoke was coming out of the dense forest, "Young master's artillery?"

"Exactly." The lieutenant general was overjoyed, pointing to one side of the city wall and said, "It must be the young master's artillery."

Xiang Liang was pleasantly surprised, but the next moment he became frustrated again, "It's too far away from the Qin army, what use will it be to the Qin army?"

But as soon as the words fell, his eyes widened in the next moment, and he saw the black object flying across the sky as if with the help of a god, and landed on top of Qin Jun, and then slammed it hard, causing many screams.

"I hit it, I hit it, and it still has such power."

Xiang Liang, who had just finished speaking, became excited again. It was a bit unbelievable that the black object from the artillery could hit the Qin army at such a long distance.

According to visual inspection, the distance is more than two miles, and it is a shocking thing to hit the target at a distance of more than two miles.

I heard that the artillery helped Yingbu defeat Su Jiao before, and I thought this artillery was comparable to the Qin army's artillery, but it was not. As far as the attack range of the Qin army's artillery was concerned, it was only a few hundred paces, but the young master's artillery was actually Can reach more than 1000 steps.

"Very good, very good, my Chu army is saved."

With such artillery assistance, the Qin army may be difficult to deal with, and will definitely retreat. Naturally, the Chu army will be saved.

But he was wrong.

After encountering the black object attack, the Qin army just panicked for a while, then turned its artillery and fired towards the dense forest, while the Qin army behind quickly retreated to avoid the distance that the black object bombardment could attack.

Even so, many people died tragically under the shelling.

This is the rhythm of artillery against artillery. Immediately, artillery from all over the Qin army mobilized and bombarded the dense forest one after another. Xiang Liang on the city wall saw this, whether it was worry or surprise.

Although the Qin army's artillery could not reach the young master's artillery, there were too few artillery, and the artillery's targets were more inclined to the retreating Qin army.

"What should I do? If this goes on like this, at most the artillery soldiers will be wiped out, but it will not be able to kill tens of thousands of Qin troops."

The lieutenant said anxiously.

At this moment, he understood what the young master meant, that it was a good strategy to let them lure out the Qin army and the artillery to wipe them out in one fell swoop, but there are too few artillery, so how can they be eliminated in a short time? To destroy it, once the Qin army withdraws, the young master's goal will not be achieved, which will put enormous pressure on Julu.

Presumably Xiang Liang also thought of this, and drew his long sword out of its sheath again, and said awe-inspiringly: "Warriors, follow me to fight out and grab the artillery, and attack the Qin army."

At this moment is the best chance to seize the artillery, because Qin Jun's artillery was aimed at the dense forest, but ignored them.


Seeing this scene, the remaining [-] Chu troops' morale was stimulated again, and they rushed out of the city with Xiang Liang, cavalry in front and infantry behind, frantically rushing out.

Maybe it was the artillerymen of the Qin Army who saw this scene, and there were people who turned the muzzles one after another. However, Xiang Liang and others clearly saw that when the people who turned the muzzles made a move, they immediately fell to the ground and the artillery fell to the side.

"Great, this is the young master's weird method. They didn't leave, but were waiting for the last moment."

After discovering this, the Chu army's offensive became more violent, and the Qin army who turned their cannons died more violently.

But there are too many artillery pieces. Even with the strange help, many Chu soldiers died under the bombardment. However, 2 people rushed madly, and with the addition of long-range shooting and strange help from the artillery, a thousand artillerymen were quickly defeated. .

Meng Yi also led the artillery out and assembled with Xiang Liang. Immediately, thousands of artillery were aimed at the Qin army.

Qin Jun found that he had already discovered this, and retreated faster, but so what, 2 people charged with hundreds of artillery, and there were red-clothed cannons behind them that could shoot from a long distance, and soon scattered Qin Jun.

The Qin army was defeated and suffered heavy losses.

Zhang Han's troops are currently gathering 60 troops outside Julu City, preparing for a decisive battle with Xiang Yu. The next moment, scouts come to report that Tao is destined to be defeated. seized.

Yes, Zhang Han sent [-] troops to besiege Dingtao.

As everyone knows, this is the result.

When Zhang Han heard this, he retreated, his eyes widened in anger.

"What, [-] troops plus [-] cannons can't resist the mere tens of thousands of Chu troops. What are they doing?"

The scout quickly lowered his head and reported: "General, the Chu army has even more powerful artillery to help. This artillery can strike from a long distance. It is not our Qin army's artillery that can resist it. Moreover, the artillery suddenly died suddenly for no reason, and their morale plummeted. Being taken advantage of by the Chu army, it ended in a disastrous defeat."

The scout told what he saw.

"Cannons for long-distance strikes? They are better than mine. What's the matter? What's the matter with inexplicable sudden death? Could it be that they have divine help?"

"I don't know how humble they are. They are too scary. Presumably that artillery is the artillery that defeated General Su Jiao. Its power is not comparable to my artillery."

"What's going on? When did Xiang Yu have such a powerful artillery?"

"Humbleness does not know."

"Quickly, let's see what kind of artillery and how many there are."

Zhang Han kicked the scout away, but he was pacing distraughtly.Since Xiang Yu had such powerful artillery, he wanted to change his strategy, but not long after, another scout came to report.

"General, Zhou Wen's troops have captured Hangu Pass, and they are leading hundreds of thousands of troops into the pass, marching towards Xiting. I am in danger!"

"What?" Zhang Han was shocked.

It's just one bad news after another.

"Hangu Pass is a natural moat, and I have tens of thousands of troops stationed there. Even a million coalition troops can't break it. Zhou Wen is a young general. How can he break it? How can he have hundreds of thousands of troops?"

The scout lowered his head, he didn't know why, he was just monitoring the situation at Hangu Pass, as to why there were so many troops all of a sudden, it was really unimaginable.

Zhang Han turned angry, but calmed down, and shouted: "Deputy General, you immediately lead an army of 20 to the Xiting, and you must stop Zhou Wen from leaving the Xiting, otherwise you and I will become sinners of the Great Qin Dynasty."

"Promise!" The lieutenant general didn't dare to say anything more, he promised on the surface, but he didn't leave.

"What? If you want to disobey the military order, you must know that Zhou Wenru broke the theater pavilion, and my Xianyang is in danger."

If Zhou Wen captured Xiting, Xianyang would be in danger. If he had 70 soldiers and was defeated in Xianyang, it would be his incompetence.

Zhang Han reprimanded, and the deputy general bowed his head and said: "General, since Zhou Wen's troops can take Hangu Pass, they must have seized the five hundred artillery pieces. Will the general allow the last general to take the five hundred artillery pieces?"

Zhang Han slapped himself on the head with a sound of 'Yah'. He almost didn't expect this. At that time, he sent [-] cannons there, but Zhou Wen could still take it down.

"Check for me to see if someone is obstructing it."

Zhou Wennai is just a small person, and he is guarded by artillery, it is impossible to take Hangu Pass, unless someone secretly tricks him.

At this moment, the scout could no longer hide so much, and told what he saw.

"Zongzheng had been to Hangu Pass before Zhou Wen's troops came to Hangu Pass."

"Zongzheng? That old man, he must have been the hindrance." Zhang Han was extremely angry, and his face turned green and black, but now was not the time to blame. It was important to intercept Zhou Wen's troops, so he also agreed to let the deputy general take away the [-] artillery pieces.

However, he was in trouble.

Originally there were only [-] cannons, Zongzheng took [-], encircled and suppressed Dingtao took [-], and guarded Hangu Pass with [-], now he wants to take another [-], he has no cannons anymore.

Even if he still has an army of hundreds of thousands of prisoners, but without artillery, can he still resist Xiang Yu's army with more powerful artillery?

He shook his head and sighed.

Kind of hard.

After the deputy general's 20 troops left, immediately another scout came to report that Xiang Yu's army was coming here, and there were [-] artillery pieces as the vanguard to open the way.

Zhang Han collapsed on the spot.
A camp originally belonged to the artillery, but there were only a dozen or so people. Li Zhao was standing on a high place, looking at the dust and smoke in the distance, and smiled slightly.

"Has it started? Zhang Han will definitely be defeated." He muttered, and immediately walked into the telegraph station. He wanted to make a final effort to defeat the Qin army in one fell swoop.

He knew about Dingtao's victory, and he also knew about Zhou Wen's capture of Hangu Pass. He also knew that Zhang Han's cannons were almost separated, and it was time for harvest.

How can Zhang Han, who does not have many cannons, have an army of hundreds of thousands, against Xiang Yu's army, which has [-] cannons in red, even though they are more numerous than Xiang Yu's army.

The next step is to send someone to persuade Zhang Han to surrender.

In history, after Zhang Han was defeated by Xiang Yu, he led an army of 20 to surrender to Xiang Yu. Will this be the case at this moment?It should be about the same!
In fact, Zhang Han couldn't beat Xiang Yu at all.

Another thing he couldn't figure out was why Zhou Wen took down Hangu Pass so easily. In history, it was Zhao Gao who caused the trouble. Now that Zhao Gao is gone, who is responsible?This is destined to be unexpected for him, but it is unnecessary, things are moving in a good direction, and it is destined to destroy Hu Haizhi Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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