When I just got divorced, I was overheard

Chapter 490 I heard that the head of the Sun family recently hired a new oiran.

Chapter 490 I heard that the head of the Sun family recently hired a new oiran.

"Master Zheng, do you miss your family and your family?"

Zheng Jingren stagnated. Who is a serious person who misses his family and his family?

This prince looks kind and kind, but he is really not a good person.

Zheng Jingren lowered his body a little.

"My lord, a villain naturally doesn't want his family to be destroyed. As for the imperial businessman you mentioned... I wonder what conditions are required?"

Li Xiuzhu smiled, hugged Li Canghai and kissed him, and then said, "Isn't the road to imperial business just around the corner?"

Both of them are human beings, and they immediately understood.

Sun Qirui hurriedly said: "Youwei, take good care of the good prince."

Although Sun Youwei doesn't want to, she is also a member of the Sun family, and she is

However, Sun Qirui was definitely not satisfied with an imperial merchant, and continued: "The prince has not yet said how to contract the canal trading rights."

"Imperial merchants already have the right to trade through the canal."

"The imperial merchants are the imperial merchants of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the canal is the canal of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"In addition to the imperial merchants, the imperial court will issue laws to limit the load and category of goods."

"For non-imperial merchant fleets, limit the category and weight of cargo, so that even if there is a small-scale breeding fleet, it will not threaten the status and interests of the imperial merchants."

"Of course pleasure boats, that is, boats that transport people, are not subject to restrictions."

"In addition, there is also a canal cleaning surcharge, which will be used by the court to clean up the silt in the future."

"This is the general operation and benefits of the canal. I wonder if you two are interested?"

The restrictions on the Grand Canal had little if any impact on their business.

But with the opening of the Grand Canal, costs were reduced and there were profits for the imperial merchants.

You must know that the market price is not what you can sell for as much as you have, especially food that is often damaged because it cannot be sold in time.

If the Grand Canal is opened, they can get more supplies and make more money.

Both of them could imagine the profits and nodded quickly, fearing that Li Xiuzhu would not give them this benefit.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we are interested."

Zheng Jingren was more familiar with the general situation and immediately said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Zheng has a small gift. I will give it to you when your Majesty leaves the ship."

Li Xiuzhu looked at Sun Qirui, and Sun Qirui immediately said: "Your Majesty, the Sun family also has a small profit, and I will give it to you when the prince leaves the ship."

Li Xiuzhu played with the wine glass noncommittally and said, "I heard that the head of the Sun family recently hired a new oiran, who is beautiful, fragrant, sweet and pure?"

Sun Qirui was stunned for a moment, wondering which bastard had leaked the news.

Thinking about his beloved concubine and Huang Shang, he suddenly became entangled.

At this time, Li Xiuzhu smiled.

"I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious. Since Master Sun's baby is so tight, let's forget it."

Sun Qirui breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of whether Li Xiuzhu really wanted to give it away, after saying this, he didn't have to give it away.

At worst, I'll give you more money then.

"Come on, let's have a drink and celebrate in advance that Suzhou and Hangzhou have two new royal businessmen."

The two of them suddenly became even happier, and Sun Qirui really relaxed.

When Li Xiuzhu said this, he must have given up on his concubine.

Also, it is not important for a woman to have money, not to mention that Li Xiuzhu has never seen his concubine, he only heard about her and knew she was a stunning beauty.

For a while, cups were changed, wine and meat were served, and someone fed him when he opened his mouth. Li Xiuzhu also experienced treatment that even an emperor could not experience.

After having enough wine and food, Li Canghai finally showed his fox tail.

"Your Majesty, Canghai has always admired Your Majesty's poetic talent, and today I would like to ask Your Majesty for a small favor."

The four of them knew as soon as they heard that Li Canghai was talking about poetry, and they all showed interest when they heard this.

Although the Sun family and the Zheng family were engaged in business, how could they be illiterate in such aristocratic families? Poetry was one of their major hobbies.Li Xiuzhu was also a little interested when he heard this.

"Oh, Cang Hai, tell me, I am also curious."

Li Canghai then said: "The day before yesterday, after Canghai woke up from a dream in a painting boat, he suddenly became interested when looking at the green cypresses in the Cangshan Mountains, and he started writing and borrowed two ounces of ink from the human world."

"However, after I put down the pen, my inspiration faded, and I couldn't write anything for more than a month. I am bold enough to ask the prince to help fill the gap."

Of course, if the two family heads are interested, they can also give it a try.

Let's borrow two liang of ink from the human world. This composition is extremely beautiful, extremely fairy, and extremely charming, but it is precisely because of this that it is difficult to make up for it later.

For a while, the three of them, including Sun Youwei, thought about it for a while, but they couldn't come up with a suitable one.

Sun Qirui, on the other hand, came up with something a little less neat and appropriate.

"The younger one actually came up with a song. It's not very neat. It's just a good idea."

"Master Sun, please speak."

Sun Qirui then opened his mouth and read out the poem he thought about.

"Let me borrow two ounces of ink from the human world, one to express deep joy and the other to express sorrow. I am happy and joyful year after year, and I have no worries until every day."

Well, it's just average. Although he was unhappy, Li Canghai was not embarrassed. Instead, he looked at Li Xiuzhu and asked, "Do you have any good poems, Your Majesty?"

"I do think of two or three."

"Two or three poems?" Li Canghai was somewhat unconvinced. With her talent, it was difficult for her to write a truly satisfying poem.

But you only had a cup of tea and you actually said two or three poems.

At this moment, Li Canghai felt a little disappointed, feeling that he might not be able to meet his inner expectations.

But it's just a little bit. I can't do it for more than a month, so asking others for a cup of tea is really too much.

"Your Majesty, please, the whole world is listening."

Li Xiuzhu didn't know what Li Canghai was thinking, and thought that the girl was really looking forward to it. Hearing this, he said, "Let me borrow two ounces of ink from the world to dye the mountains, dye the water, and dye the flowers."

"I would like to repay the mortal world with three coins of wine, dream of life, dream of death, and dream of prosperity."

Hearing this, Li Canghai paused, and this beautiful artistic conception immediately made her drunk.

The kind of drunkenness in which everyone gets drunk even if the wine is not intoxicating.

"Your Majesty, please wait."

At this moment, Li Canghai became anxious. He quickly ran to the back with his skirt in hand and took out a pen and paper.

Li Xiuzhu: ...

So this is what you expected, right?Did you lie to me when you said you were all ears?

Woman, you have gone too far.

As Li Canghai's pen and ink moved rapidly, Li Xiuzhu's poem was finally finished.

"My lord, what else?"

Li Xiuzhu said nothing and looked at Li Canghai meaningfully.

For a moment, Li Canghai blushed, and then he realized that his lie had been exposed.

He blushed and opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain.

But there was definitely no way to hide, especially since she wanted to know other poems.

"Your Majesty, forgive me. Canghai just thought that the two or three poems that Your Majesty came up with in his cup of tea must be good poems, but he didn't expect that they would be good poems that could be passed down through the ages."

"If you don't write down such a good poem with a notebook, Canghai will be the sinner."

As he said this, Li Canghai walked up to Li Xiuzhu and whispered softly: "Please, the prince, give Canghai some thin noodles."

"When you go to bed at night, everyone in the world will be happy with you."

(End of this chapter)

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