Chapter 695 The Great Voyage ([-])

Autumn of the second year of the Republic 480 (692)
On the vast sea, three shabby expedition ships sailed towards the due east. This was Wang Zhi's request. He was worried about getting lost.

It has been more than a month since they went to sea, and many sailors have begun to feel dissatisfied with Wang Zhi and Li Huamei.

"We promised that we would arrive in Rome soon, but we have been wandering on the sea for more than a month. There is nothing but the sea!"

The sailors had not bathed for a long time and were stinking all over. They ate smelly dried fish every day and were about to vomit.

"If Boss Wang refuses to return, then we will return ourselves!"

An old sailor was manning one of the expedition ships, and he was bewitching the new sailors on board.

"We go to sea to find wealth and open up new routes, not to die in the vast sea!"

"We were deceived. There is no Rome in the east, and the world cannot be spherical. It's still too late for us to go back, otherwise, everyone will be buried in the sea!"

At night, taking advantage of Wang Zhi's sleep, the old sailor subdued a crew member that Wang Zhi arranged to supervise on the expedition ship, and then led the crew back to the country of Yan.

"If the court asks, we will answer that Wang Zhi died at sea and we have to return."

The old sailor negotiated a confession with a group of new sailors.

During the voyage, it is illegal and criminal to betray the captain and leave the route without authorization. If the Republic's Navigation Court finds out about this, they will inevitably be imprisoned.

Early the next morning, when Wang Zhi learned that an expedition ship had deviated from the route without authorization, he first roared angrily, and then lost his mind and lost all energy.

"Maybe I, Wang Zhi, am really wrong. There is no Rome in the East."

"Go back? If you go back, although you will gain nothing, at least you can save your life."

Even Wang Zhi, who was full of hope, lost hope in opening a Roman route eastward.

"Captain, let's go back!"

"Yes, they have all gone back, let's go back too!"

The sailors were unwilling to continue heading east to die, and they all wanted to return to the Republic.

Of the three expedition ships, there were only two left. He himself commanded one and Li Huamei commanded one.



A huge whale flipped out of the sea, creating huge waves. The waves covered Wang Zhi's head, and his whole body was wet by the sea water.

In the east, the sun was slowly rising, and the red sun warmed his heart.

"No! There must be Rome in the east!"

"I can't give up! I can't give up halfway!"

Suddenly, Wang Zhi was extremely determined. He shouted to the sailors: "Everyone cheer up! Continue eastward! Look for Rome!"

Afterwards, the expedition ship continued sailing eastward.

Late at night, Li Huamei came to Wang Zhi's ship.

"Miss Li, thank you for your support. If you don't believe there is Rome in the East, you can return to the voyage on your own. I won't stop you."

"But I, Wang Zhi, will continue to head east!"

Wang Zhi looked at the nautical chart he bought from the government and said so.

On the nautical chart, there is a sea route from the Republic to Dashi, but the east of the Republic is a vast sea, and there are four big characters [Endless Ocean] on it. The Republic believes that the sea in the east has no boundaries and is endless.However, Wang Zhi pointed to the end of the endless ocean on the map and said: "This must be Rome!"

"I will support you!" Li Huamei was still so devoted to the sailing career.

"Thank you." Wang Zhi smiled wryly as if mocking himself, and drank a glass of fine nectar before he regained his energy.

After the Hou Jing Rebellion ended a long time ago, the Republic had lifted the ban on fine wine. In other words, fine wine could not only be sold abroad, but could also be bought and sold freely within the Republic.

However, the fine wine sold in the country needs to be marked on the wine jar: the fine wine contains poisonous and harmful substances, please drink with caution.

However, the wine sold abroad does not need to be labeled in this way and can be sold as desired.

In this era of the rise of the bourgeoisie, everything is for profit. Even if you sell wine to your own country, you are free.

Li Huamei did not touch the wine, she just broke open a coconut, poured the coconut water into the wine glass, and drank the coconut water.

"I have grown up listening to Mr. Zheng He's stories..."

"If I fail, no one will remember me in the future, and no one will know that hundreds of years ago, there was a fool named Wang Zhi who actually believed in the theory of a round earth and wanted to look eastward for Rome."

Wang Zhi laughed at himself while drinking.

persist in?or stupid?
Everything depends on success.

If successful, Wang Zhi will be the second Zheng He, and his name will go down in history from now on.

If he fails, no one will know about him in future generations. No one will be interested in knowing about a clown who ran into the sea to die.

Wang Zhi talked a lot in his sleep. He aspired to become a navigator like Mr. Zheng He since he was a child. When he grew up, he became a pirate/employee of the Taoyuan Guild, plundering people everywhere. When he was plundering people in the Fujian and Yue areas, he was accidentally captured. Local villagers shot him in the cheek with arrows, leaving a horrific scar on his face.

"If I have the chance, I would like to be Mr. Zheng He's student and listen to his lectures on navigation."

Wang Zhi is self-taught and has never learned any navigation knowledge. He learned all navigation knowledge through practice.

In this way, Wang Zhi was laughing at himself and encouraging himself. More than a month passed, and they finally saw land on the vast sea.

"It's land! It's land!"

The already listless sailors suddenly became excited. They pointed to the distant coastline, their eyes full of enthusiasm.

Finally, I finally saw land, and finally it was no longer the vast blue sea.

However, when they got closer, they discovered that wherever there was land, there was a group of islands. (Hawaiian Islands)
"This should be the British Isles of Rome!" According to the description in "Journey to the West", Wang Zhi believes that these islands should be the British area of ​​Rome.

In Xu Xiake's "Journey to the West", there is a British Isles in the northwest offshore of Rome.

The sailors were excited after hearing what Wang Zhi said. They finally arrived in the legendary Rome.

The two expedition ships began to dock and the sailors boarded.

In order to facilitate communication, Wang Zhi also learned a little Persian in advance.

"Journey to the West describes that Rome and Persia have had long-term exchanges, so if I speak Persian, someone in Rome should be able to understand it, right?"

After landing on the island, Wang Zhi, Li Huamei and the sailors saw some "Roman-Britons" with black hair, wearing grass skirts and bird feather ornaments on their heads on the island.

These "Roman-Britons" were gathering wild fruits from the trees. When they saw Wang Zhi and others, they immediately became alert, holding stone spears and staring at Wang Zhi and others.

"We are merchants from the Yan Kingdom. We have no ill intentions. We just want to start trade with the great Rome."

Wang Zhi expressed his kindness to these "Roman-British people" in Persian, which he was not fluent in.

(End of this chapter)

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