Established a thousand-year family from the end of Qin Dynasty

Chapter 672 Competing in the Central Plains

Chapter 672 Competing in the Central Plains (97)

Six months later
Republic 460 Seven Year Winter (677)
In the autumn of this year, after the Xueyu Zhou Kingdom regained its vitality, it sent troops to attack the Hexi Corridor, but there was no progress. It only plundered some people and livestock, but failed to occupy a city or a pool.

Facing Zhou's repeated violations, the emperor and queen could not bear it, so they sent 20 troops to regain the Hehuang Valley and launch a counterattack against the snow-covered Zhou.

While counterattacking Zhou State, Datang sent envoys to win over the Shiwei people, hoping that the Shiwei people would sneak attack on the northern border of Yan State.

The tribes of Nanshi Wei in the south of Heishui ignored the Tang Empire. They were deeply favored by the Yan State and had cooperated with the Yan State for many years. Unless the Tang Empire was willing to bleed heavily, they would not easily defect to their new master.

However, the tribes of Beishi Wei were very interested in the olive branch extended by the Tang Empire. They were a little far away from the Yan State, so at the end of the Sui Dynasty, they could not enjoy the technical capital support of the Yan State. , and always invaded them, plundered their clansmen as slaves, and sold them to merchants in Yan State.

Therefore, they are disgusted with the Yan Kingdom. Now, the envoys of the Tang Empire came to confer them, and they were naturally overjoyed. They all accepted the canonization of the Tang Empire and became the nominal vassals of the Tang Empire in the Northeast. king.

[Shiwei Governor's Mansion] was established easily in this way.

Yes, it's that simple. Send a dozen envoys to confer titles on the local indigenous tribal leaders, and then you can claim that this is the land of the Tang Dynasty. The indigenous tribal leaders here are all Tang Dynasty vassals.

Obviously, among the many Duhu mansions/dudu's mansions in the Tang Dynasty, the Shiwei Dudu's mansion has the most moisture.

There is no garrison, no officials, no tax collection, and even the number of land and population in the area is not clear, and no city is built, but the court envoys are sent to confer the titles of the Tang Empire on the local indigenous leaders, which is equivalent to the ownership of this land In Datang.

Yanran Dufu has garrisons, built cities, and regularly collects the livestock of herdsmen as taxes.

Not to mention the Anxi Dufu Mansion, which has the strongest control among all the Dufu Mansions/Dudu Mansions. Hundreds of thousands of troops are stationed to fight all year round, and the local small country trembles against the Great Tang.

The indigenous leaders of the Beishiwei tribes didn't think so much. In their view, they don't have to pay taxes, don't have to fight for the Tang Empire, and don't need to be managed by the officials of the Tang Empire. The canonized title has been transformed from a barbarian to a prince of the Tang Dynasty. Why not do it?

Datang was honored by all nations coming to the DPRK and "expanding the territory", and the indigenous leaders were recognized by the civilized world.

What's this?It's a win-win!
Di Yu ignored Datang's map to open up borders. Anyway, the Tang army didn't really control Beishiwei, so it couldn't really threaten Yan's northern border.

The response given by Emperor Yu was to let the Jurchen Kingdom speed up the conquest of the Northern Wei tribes, plunder more people and livestock, and then sell them to the Yan Kingdom.

The Tang Empire expected the tribes of Beishiwei to unite to deal with the Yan State, but they really thought too much. Facing the invasion of the unified Jurchen Kingdom, this group of Beishiwei indigenous tribes had little power to resist, so they could only They were independent of each other and were defeated by the Jurchen Kingdom one by one. One tribe after another was annexed and enslaved by the Jurchen Kingdom.

Due to the country's vast land and sparse population, Yan State relied heavily on machines and livestock during the process of opening up wasteland in the Northeast.

Every farmer is eager for new farm tools that can improve the efficiency of land reclamation.

Of course, even if the land is vast and sparsely populated, it is impossible for Yan to divide the land.

The excess land would rather be reserved for cultivation with more efficient machines in the future than distributed to slaves for cultivation.

The land can be abandoned, but it must not be distributed to slaves!

Even if the land is deserted, after a few decades, the production efficiency will increase, and it will naturally be able to be reclaimed.

But if it is distributed to the slaves and passed on from generation to generation, sooner or later there will be a situation of more people and less land, which will eventually lead to a social crisis.

In order to prevent human-land conflicts and large-scale uprisings in a few hundred years, it is necessary to prohibit the division of land and land now, and starve the redundant population to death in batches in advance.

This is called taking precautions before things happen and taking precautions for a rainy day. Without long-term worries, there will be immediate worries.

Slaves who only work without dividing the land, the more the better, free people who want to divide the land and ask for human rights, it is best not to have any of them!

Since the free people of the Republic did not have to pay poll taxes or perform corvee labor, their living standards were higher than those of the people of the Tang Dynasty.

However, their higher standard of living is based on the misery of countless slaves.

When the Republic counted the population, slaves were not included in the population. As a result, the total population of the Republic was only 80.

The land area is equivalent to half of the Tang Dynasty, but the total population is only 80, because slaves are not counted as people, and slaves are only counted as farm tools/livestock.

Nobles + Citizens + Freedmen = 80.

After learning that the Tang Empire was preparing to attack the snow-covered plateau on a large scale, the Republic did not paddle, and formulated the "Guangzhou Plan" urgently. It was prepared to wait for the main force of the Tang Empire to attack the snow-covered plateau, and take the opportunity to attack Guangzhou on the Shandong Peninsula (called the for Dengzhou).

The Khitans were at odds with each other. Although they ostensibly surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, if the Tang Dynasty failed in their attack on the Snowy Plateau, the Khitans would immediately rebel and plunder Hebei. If the Tang Dynasty succeeded in their attack on the Snowy Plateau, the Khitans would He will continue to be a dog for Datang, and even help Datang attack Yan State.

As a small country, who to help depends on who is the winner, and whoever wins will help whoever!

A big country helps the losers, balances power, and prevents any one party from dominating.

A small country is to help the successful, take the opportunity to make a fortune, first grow itself, and the big country will support it when the sky falls.

As a weak person, the Khitan people have a very simple idea. Whoever wins will help them, take the opportunity to get some credit, and even rob the loser to strengthen their own strength.

The same is true for emperors and aristocratic families. The emperor, or the top aristocratic family, will choose to help the failed family and suppress the successful family to balance power and prevent one family from dominating.

And weak families, or ordinary aristocratic families, will choose who wins and helps whom, first earn some credit and benefits to strengthen their own family, and then, their own small arms and legs are not qualified to balance the strength of others, all they can do is beat them up Reservoir dogs, taking the opportunity to devour the losers, thereby increasing their strength, when their strength is strong enough, they will naturally consider helping the losers in turn, and start to balance the strength of others.

At the beginning, the Liaodong royal family was like this.

When I was still very weak, I would help whoever won. It didn't matter who was the master of the world, as long as I could take advantage of the opportunity.

When you are strong enough, you have to do the opposite, help whoever is weak and who loses, and prevent the winner from dominating the family and eventually threatening yourself.

If you understand this principle, you will be able to understand international relations.

(End of this chapter)

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