Chapter 669 Great Voyage ([-])
Wang Bo had a very long dream. In the dream, he was shipwrecked in the vast sea and finally sank to his death.

When he died in a shipwreck, he was only 26 years old, and it was the time of youth, inspiring words, and pointing out the world.

When he woke up, the surrounding area was pitch black, and there was a smell of fish and rancidity.

He just wanted to stand up, but found that his hands and feet were tied.

I remembered... Not long ago, the merchant ship he was on was attacked by pirates, the captain and others were all captured alive, and he himself was also knocked unconscious.

"Am I about to be thrown into the sea by pirates?"

"Well... Probably not. If they want to kill me, they don't need to tie me up. Could it be that they want a ransom?"

The stench around him almost suffocated him. After a long time, the feeling of the ship shaking disappeared. There were many footsteps on the deck, as well as seagulls and various noisy human voices.

Listen to this sound, is it at a certain port?

Wang Bo guessed in his heart, and he was also very disturbed, not knowing how these pirates planned to deal with him.

Sure enough, after a while.

Bao Bao Bao...

A figure entered the cabin, looking a little thin.

The cabin was too dark, and Wang Bo couldn't see clearly.

Finally, the figure spoke: "We've reached the shore, get up quickly!"

Listening to the voice, it seems to be a little girl.

Can women still be pirates?
Wang Bo was a little surprised.

A group of captives left the cabin under the guard of the pirates. The glare made them turn their heads away and block the sun with their palms.

After slowly getting used to the bright sunshine outside, Wang Bo and others saw the bustling and busy port outside the ship.

Hundreds of merchant ships often returned, carrying spices, sugar cane, fruit, rice, slaves, silk, porcelain, woolen cloth, glass, ale, livestock, iron ore, silver, gold, copper, etc. .

"An overseas place is as prosperous as Yangzhou."

Wang Bo never thought that in this wild overseas land, there are places that are as prosperous as Yangzhou/Jiangdu.

Everyone was still bound, and under the supervision of the pirates, they all got off the ship one by one.

On the pier, there is a huge stone tablet with three blood-red characters written on it - Hangu Pass.

This is Hangu Pass (Singapore), which the Republic has been developing for 30 years.

There are [-] residents and [-] soldiers in the city. Countless merchant ships pass by every day, most of them are from the Republic, and there are also a small number of Tianzhu merchant ships and Dashi merchant ships.

People in the Central Plains are not very interested in sailing. They only sail in the coastal waters, waiting for other civilizations to cross the sea to trade, instead of actively crossing the sea to trade with other civilizations.

On the pier, you can also see many "slave recruitment advertisements".

That was last year, the Xingfan Kingdom's parliament passed a resolution to destroy the Srivijaya Kingdom, and dispatched troops to unite with the Marayu Kingdom to completely destroy the Srivijaya Kingdom with a population of 15.

Subsequently, a large number of plantations were opened up on the ruins of the Srivijaya Kingdom, and 15 Srivijaya died, all of whom became slaves and worked for the plantations.

But only this is not enough. 15 slaves were quickly consumed, and the death rate of land reclamation was very high.

The Xingdao plantation had a huge demand for slaves. Most of the slaves were local aborigines, and some slaves were purchased from South Tianzhu, and only a small number of slaves were purchased from the Central Plains.

In order to facilitate transactions, most of the transactions use [money tickets], and even many guild merchants would rather ask for money tickets than gold, silver and copper coins.

"Gold, silver and copper coins will depreciate, and there will be bad coins, but the money bills made of paper in the Republic have never depreciated, let alone bad coins."

The president of the Taoyuan Guild said so.

This is due to the fact that the Republic attaches great importance to the stability of money bills. Even when the country was subjugated, the Yan Kingdom’s noble council did not issue money bills indiscriminately. The treasury ran out of money. They would rather rob, steal, and cheat than abuse The issuance of money bills made the money bills of the Republic very stable, and reassured the merchants of the Republic more than gold, silver and copper coins.

Money tickets were born in Yan State as early as the Southern and Northern Dynasties. At the beginning, only guild merchants used money tickets in large-scale trade, and gold, silver and copper coins were still used at other times.

After 200 years of development, the money bills of the Republic have been stable for 200 years, and finally gave all the citizens of the Republic great confidence in the money bills!

Banknotes are not earth-shattering once they are issued.

Yan Guo had money tickets 200 years ago, but at that time, people didn't have a high degree of trust in money tickets, and they were only used in special circumstances.

Whenever there is a spam incident during the period, it will cause everyone's distrust of the money ticket, and then the money ticket will be completely abandoned.

However, Qian Piao has been stable in Yan State for 200 years, and this is the real horror.

What is amazing is not the banknotes, but the fact that the banknotes can be stable for 200 years without depreciation!
The captured Central Plains crew members were all packaged and sold to the Taoyuan Guild, and then the Taoyuan Guild would retail these slaves.

That is to say, there is such a form of slave trading, in which the guild buys slaves uniformly, labels different slaves, and then sells the slaves corresponding to the needs of each plantation owner piecemeal according to the different needs of slaves.

This is called specialization, processization, and standardization.

It not only solves the corresponding needs of plantation owners for slaves, but also helps pirate slave hunting teams save time in slave trading, and have more time to capture more slaves, which greatly improves the efficiency of slave hunting.

It is against this background that the production efficiency of the Republic has been improved step by step.

Some plantation owners want female slaves who can work and also be able, some planters want strong slaves who work fast, some planters want gifted slaves for breeding, etc. wait.

Plantation owners also think about sustainability, and they don't want to always pay for slaves, so they also breed slaves.

For example, let a male slave who is born with supernatural power become a breeding machine. He does not have to work every day, but is only responsible for having children with other female slaves, so as to give birth to more young slaves who are born with supernatural power. When these little slaves with natural supernatural power grow up, they can give birth to The plantation does a lot of work, which greatly improves the efficiency of plantation land reclamation.

As the saying goes, where there is demand, there is a market, and where there is a market, there is business.

Therefore, some guilds started the slave breeding business.

Specially select gifted slaves for breeding, raise them/them in a wooden fence, and only be responsible for breeding every day, so as to provide more high-quality slaves for the guild, and these high-quality slaves can often be sold for a good price.

Unknowingly, the Republic has become a capitalistic civilization that only cares about making money.

In order to make profits, the new and old nobles, guild merchants, republican citizens, free people, and all social classes have burst out with strong motivation to challenge the bottom line of everything in the world, and at the same time greatly promote the development of technology and productivity.

Wang Bo was at a loss, did he want to become a slave?

However, when other captives were escorted to the pier to sell for money, he was specially kept by the pirate girl.

(End of this chapter)

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