Chapter 662 The Republic and the Emperor (22)

Republic 460 Year One Spring (671 Years)
The news of the disastrous defeat of the Tang Empire in Dafeichuan excited the excitement of many countries that were forced to submit to the Central Plains Dynasty.

In Gaochang and Dunhuang, there was a wave of rebellion, and many tribes rebelled against the Tang Empire.

In the southwest, the indigenous tribes who had just been annexed by the Tang Empire killed the officials sent by the Tang Empire and re-established their own country.

In the north, the Khitan rebelled, united with the Yan State, and attacked Kumoxi who was still subject to the Tang Empire.

The Tang Empire relied on the authority of the army to rule many nationalities. Once the army was defeated, the authority would be lost, and rebels would naturally swarm.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Tang Empire was still recovering, Di Yu plundered the Kumoxi people fiercely, and let the Kumoxi people understand that this is their fate when they surrendered to the Tang Empire!

Although the Republic is temporarily unable to counterattack the Central Plains, it is still no problem to fight the younger brothers of the Tang Empire.

After gaining the war authority from the Kumoxi people, Di Yu immediately held "forums" in various cities of the Republic.

The core content is to hope that everyone will firmly believe that the parliamentary republic will have a bright future.

Because the strength of the Tang Empire is too strong, and from ancient times to the present, people think that everything about the strongest is the best.

Therefore, Confucian scholars in Yan State have regarded the Tang Empire as a spiritual motherland these years.

Some Confucian scholars in the Republic hope that the Republic will perish and establish an enlightened autocratic monarchy similar to the Tang Empire.

There are even Confucian scholars in the Republic directly claiming that the Tang Dynasty is orthodox, demanding that the nobles of the Republic surrender to the Tang Empire immediately and accept the autocratic monarchy of the Tang Empire.

"Enlightened autocratic monarchy is civilization and advancement, while parliamentary republic is ignorant, pathetic, and has no future. Only Yan people, because of their national inferiority, will implement a backward and barbaric political system like parliamentary republic."

The Confucian scholars in the Republic hate the republic extremely, so they still use Yan State to call the Republic.

"Our country of Yan should be in line with the international standards, learn from the advanced enlightened autocratic monarchy in the Central Plains, abolish the backward and ignorant parliamentary republic, and embrace the Tang Dynasty, so that we can move towards civilization. Confronting the Tang Dynasty is nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg beyond our control!"

"It is the Tang Dynasty that gave us civilization and the advanced thought of the Four Books and Five Classics. We Yan people, everyone should be grateful to the Tang Dynasty. Thanks to the Tang Dynasty, we can feel the great thought of the Four Books and Five Classics without being fooled by the backwardness of Yan State A pathetic heresy that binds and defiles."

"We are only grateful to Datang!"

Confucian scholars in the Republic believe that the Four Books and Five Classics are the truth, and the gunpowder technology, equipment technology, and navigation technology of the Republic are all barbaric, ignorant, backward, uncivilized, dirty, and shameless.

Mu Qiang, it's normal, it's human nature!

When the Tang Empire was invincible in the world, the intellectuals of the Republic naturally believed that everything in the Tang Empire was beautiful, advanced, and civilized, while everything in the Republic was backward, ignorant, and barbaric.

If one day, the Republic is invincible, then the intellectuals in the Central Plains will naturally...

"Yan country has one and only one way, that is to take the initiative to embrace Datang, open its arms to Datang, and learn from the advanced aspects of Datang. Our country of Yan can't rest on our laurels, and we can no longer retain the backward and ignorant parliamentary republic. We must learn from the advanced Central Plains. The autocratic monarchy is the only hope and way out for the people of Yan."

Since the Tang Empire is currently the strongest, the autocratic monarchy of the Tang Empire has become the most advanced system, and the Yan State/Republic that opposes the Tang Empire is naturally backward and ignorant. Since the Yan State/Republic was backward and ignorant, then The parliamentary republic of the Yan Kingdom/Republic is naturally backward and ignorant.

Not only the intellectuals of the Republic hated the parliamentary republic to the extreme, but even many low-level people were also affected by this trend of thought. They also had a good impression of the autocratic monarchy. It's all because the country of Yan implements a backward and ignorant parliamentary republic. As long as the country of Yan learns from the advanced autocratic monarchy of the Central Plains, the people of the country of Yan can live a happy life.

They were not instigated by anyone, but they really felt that the autocratic monarchy could save the common people.

Faced with the above situations, Di Yu knew that he had to stand up and make a final conclusion on the future of the Republic.

"Whether it is an absolute monarchy or a parliamentary republic, as long as it can make the republic rich and the people strong, that is a good system!"

"Now more and more people have lost confidence in the parliamentary republic of the Republic, and want to go back to the autocratic monarchy in the Central Plains, and think that autocratic monarchy is the truly civilized system."

"This is a classic mistake!"

"The autocratic monarchy in the Central Plains has experienced more than 800 years and has matured, while the parliamentary republic of our Republic has only been established for more than 100 years since Xianjun Yanji formally established the principle of parliamentary supremacy."

"It's wrong to compare a new system that is only 100 years old with a mature system that has gone through more than 800 years."

"It's not that a parliamentary republic is inferior to an autocratic monarchy, but because our parliamentary republic has just entered its initial stage, while the autocratic monarchy in the Central Plains has entered a mature stage."

"Comparing a three-year-old child to an adult, and then saying that the three-year-old child is not as talented as that adult, how can there be such a reason?"

Although the Republic has always claimed that its parliamentary republic is more advanced, the Central Plains' autocratic monarchy is a more backward system.

However, the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains is far stronger than the Republic, so everyone thinks that the autocratic monarchy is more advanced and more civilized than the parliamentary republic.

Why?Because Datang is the strongest!The reason is as simple as that!
Not only that, but in this spring, Emperor Yu learned the system of prefectures and counties in the Central Plains and carried out autocratic rule.

This behavior of Di Yu naturally aroused the resentment of the republicans.

They naturally like self-government, and they hate the prefecture and county system the most. Therefore, when they saw that Emperor Yu was a pilot city for the prefecture and county system, they questioned: "Don't even your majesty the emperor believe in our parliamentary republic? You want to Have you betrayed the Republic and implemented the autocratic monarchy of the Central Plains?"

Di Yu was tired. On the one hand, he had to be vigilant against the Mu-Tang thoughts of the scholars of the Republic, and on the other hand, he had to appease these republican aristocratic congressmen who were always worried about the subversion of the republic.


The empire on which the sun never sets in the fifth century fell into an ideological crisis. The people in the republic themselves did not believe in the republic, and the people in the republic themselves wanted to overthrow the republic and establish what they thought was a more advanced autocratic monarchy.

Does this all look familiar?Our current Song Dynasty is also caught in an ideological crisis. The people of the Song Dynasty no longer believe in the autocratic monarchy. The relatives of the emperor and the literati in the Song Dynasty want to overthrow the autocratic monarchy and establish what they think is a more advanced parliamentary republic.

The empire on which the sun never sets, which practiced a parliamentary republic, believed that a parliamentary republic was backward and wanted to establish an autocratic monarchy, while the Central Plains, which practiced an autocratic monarchy, believed that an autocratic monarchy was backward and wanted to establish a parliamentary republic.

Why is there such a situation?

Because, in the past, the Great Tang Dynasty of the Central Plains was the overlord of the world, but now, the empire on which the sun never sets is the overlord of the world.

Whoever is the overlord of the world is advanced and civilized, nothing more! ——"General History of the World Song Dynasty Li Qingzhao"


God Bless the Republic, although I don't understand what kind of medicine the people of Yan State took wrongly hundreds of years ago, they actually think that autocracy is more advanced.

But, God Bless the Republic!

It is the Republic/Empire on which the Sun Never Sets brought civilization to the world, and it is the Republic/Empire on which the Sun Never Sets brought advanced technological ideas to our Song Dynasty, so that we do not have to be left behind by the backward, dirty, ignorant, and uncivilized Autocratic ideology binds and defiles. ——"General History of the World Song Qin Hui"

(End of this chapter)

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