Chapter 659 The Republic and the Emperor (Twenty)
The queen forgave the nobles, but the nobles did not intend to forgive the queen.

Spring of the Ninth Year of Yan State 440 (659)
New Year
Chang'e City

Bang bang bang!
Firecrackers and fireworks were released, and salutes roared.

The queen came to Chang'e Street in a carriage.

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

People in the streets and alleys shouted to the Queen from the bottom of their hearts.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been a person with such a high reputation. This is the real elected emperor, not Wang Mang's kind of show.

The queen loves her people, and the people support the queen!
The queen dismisses her guards and engages her people at close quarters.

"The people won't hurt me!"

However, this gave the assassins arranged by the nobles a chance.

An assassin rushed forward suddenly, pulled out the dagger in his sleeve, and stabbed the queen directly.

"His Majesty!"

The guards who were dismissed were shocked and rushed to protect, but it was too late.

The assassin's poisoned dagger pierced the queen's lower abdomen, and the assassin was arrested on the spot by the guards.

A guard drove a spear into the Assassin's thigh, preventing the Assassin from escaping.


There was a dead silence at the scene, and then the crowd became angry.

"Your Majesty the Queen!"

"Who arranged the assassin?!!!"

The people flocked forward, but were stopped by the Praetorian Guards.

The queen's guards treated the queen's wound briefly, and urgently notified the divine doctor to come.

The assassin stabbed the dagger into his own neck and avoided interrogation by committing suicide.

"Don't use the army, don't liquidate anyone, Yan country can't have civil war!"

At the last moment of her life, the queen left only this sentence to the officers of the Imperial Guard.

Even when she was dying, the queen still cared about this country and its people.

In the early morning of the next day, the aristocratic council declared that the queen was a tyrant and had died suddenly. The council needed to elect a new emperor, an emperor who supported the republic.

The news spread throughout the capital, and the people in the capital were completely outraged.

The parliament wanted to mobilize the army to suppress public anger, but found that the army could no longer be mobilized.

"If the Queen cannot be rehabilitated, then there is no need for this country to exist!"

The generals of the Praetorian Guard acquiesced to the popular rebellion and allowed the angry people to rush into the palace and the parliament hall.

"The black hand behind the public trial!"

"The black hand behind the public trial!"

The angry people smashed the parliament hall, ignited a raging fire, and burned the parliament hall.

The MPs hid in the Queen's inner palace and dared not go out.

"I really want to kill them." Wuyoufei said viciously.

"The queen said that the country of Yan cannot have a civil war." Wuyouming shook his head. He obeyed the queen's words. Since the queen left a last word on her deathbed and did not want a civil war in the country of Yan, the imperial guards would not kill these nobles, but Will think of another compromise.

In just one day, the congressmen realized the horror of the Queen's legacy.

Some people died, but she will always live in the hearts of the people.

The status of the queen in the hearts of the people cannot be changed by force and power.

What is human heart?This is the human heart!

Due to formalities, the members re-drafted their external rhetoric in the early morning of the third day, declaring: The shameless assassin of the Tang Empire assassinated Her Majesty the Queen of all the people of the Yan Kingdom. We will never be reconciled, and we will never yield. Declare war!

At the same time, the parliament declared that the last parliamentary decree was not announced by the parliament, but a Tang Empire spy who had been lurking for a long time stole the seal of the parliament, secretly wrote a decree, stamped the decree, and then Despicably and shamelessly slandering the Queen as a tyrant.

Now, this despicable and shameless spy of the Tang Empire has been arrested, and he will be executed by capital punishment.

On the fourth day, the angry people in the capital began to disperse, and public opinion gradually subsided.

The poor senior official who signed and stamped the congressmen and issued the imperial edict had his tongue cut out and he was forbidden to speak. Then he was taken to Chang'e Square and executed by Ling Chi in front of all the people of the imperial capital.

The word "spy" was also engraved on the face of this senior official.

The generals of the Imperial Guard actually vaguely knew the truth, but the Queen's dying words made them choose to believe the explanation given by the parliament.

The country of Yan cannot have a civil war, no more civil war!

This chaos lasted for half a year
After arguing with each other between the parliament and the imperial guards, the candidate for the new emperor was finally determined, that is... King Yanyu of Fuyu.

The parliament voted unanimously to elect King Yanyu of Fuyu as the emperor of the republic.

In recent years, Yan Yu's contribution to the country of Yan was second only to the queen. Now, the queen was assassinated by the "shameless assassin of the Tang Empire", so naturally, Yan Yu, the King of Fuyu who contributed the most to the Republic, was unanimously elected as the emperor.

Spring of Yan State/Republic 450 (660)
King Yanyu of Fuyu came to Chang'e City in a carriage, and under the watchful eyes of all the people of the Republic, he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

During this period, it was heard that there was another civil strife in the country of Yan. Li Zhi, the emperor of the Tang Empire, wanted to take the opportunity to attack the country of Yan, but he did not expect that the worry-free generals of the Imperial Guards of the Republic were very restrained and did not use force to eradicate political enemies. Still firmly guarding Shanhaiguan.

Tang Jun suffered a small loss in front of Shanhaiguan, and then withdrew his troops.

The Battle of Shanhaiguan suffered a small defeat, and the emperor Li Zhi became more and more angry, so he appointed the famous general Su Dingfang as the commander-in-chief, and completely wiped out and annexed the Western Turks.

"If you can't defeat the country of Yan, you can't defeat the Western Turks? Hmph!"

After annexing the Western Turks, the Tang Empire focused its expansion on Cuan's Tusi in the southwest and Yan Turks, Xiren, and Shiwei in the Xianbei Mountains.

Since Emperor Li Zhi came to the throne, the Tang Empire has been expanding. Today, the territory of the Tang Dynasty reaches Linyuguan (southwest of Qinhuangdao) in the east, Leizhu Sea (Aral Sea) in the west, the northern end of the North Sea (Lake Baikal) in the north, and the northern end of the North Sea in the south. Arrive in Anyuan (central part of Vietnam).

At the same time, after more than ten years, the Xueyu Zhou Kingdom finally annexed the Zhang Zhung people completely, turning all the Zhang Zhung people into land reclamation slaves of nobles with the surname Ji.

In terms of the skill of working hard to open up wasteland, this branch of the Wang family is not far behind.

After completely annexing the Zhangzhung people, Jifa VI, who was nearly 50 years old, began to conquer the Dangxiang people in the northeast.

The Dangxiang people are the mixed blood of Xianbei people and Qiang people. They are not the opponents of the state of Zhou with the surname of Ji at all. They can only leave the snow-covered plateau where they have lived for generations and enter the territory of Datang. They become subjects of Datang and serve as mercenaries for Datang. , Relying on fighting for the Great Tang, and thus obtaining the rewards from the Great Tang.

There is Yan State in the east, and Zhou State in the west. One is fighting for hegemony over the sea, the other is fighting for hegemony over the land, one sea and one land, one east and one west, forming a two-sided attack on the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Although Xueyu Zhou Guo is still an ally of Datang on the surface because of Princess Wencheng's marriage, but such an ally cannot last for a long time.

Once the state of Zhou unified the snow-covered plateau, the next step would be to get involved in the Tuyuhun area of ​​the Tang Dynasty.

This is not determined by a certain Zhou monarch, but the geographical location of Zhou determines the expansion direction of Zhou, so that sooner or later Zhou will conquer the Tuyuhun area/Hehuang Valley, which is also located on the snow-covered plateau.

(End of this chapter)

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