Chapter 654 The Republic and the Emperor ([-])
The proletarians have no perseverance, but the proletarians have perseverance!

Yan State only has a population of more than 200 million, but an uprising of nearly 100 million people can break out. The fundamental reason is that Yan State’s 300-year-long national policy of condoning land annexation has led to a large number of proletarians in Yan State, and the corvee poll tax is just an accelerator .

When a farmer owns land, houses, and children, no matter how severe the oppression of the court is, as long as he does not starve to death, he will never dare to resist, because he is worried that if the resistance fails, his land, houses, and children will all be lost.

This means that those who have property have perseverance, and when they have their own private property, they have weaknesses.

If you really have nothing and have no weakness, you will naturally dare to rebel, and those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes.

Success also merges land, and failure also merges land.

The 300-year national policy of condoning land mergers has allowed Yan's urban economy to develop rapidly, the guild bourgeoisie to grow rapidly, the speed of land reclamation to be greatly accelerated, and the small peasant economy to be transformed into an industrial and commercial economy.

However, it also caused the society of Yan State to be very unstable, with frequent uprisings, too many proletarians in the country, and too many people without perseverance (weak underbelly).

The land reclamation policy suppressed the scale of the uprising and extended the lifespan of the Yan State. If the Central Plains dynasty condoned the land annexation, it would usually only last for about 100 years. However, it took 300 years for the Yan State to condone the land annexation before such a serious rebellion occurred. , this is already the result of the relaxation of the national policy of land reclamation.

The uprising of the lower class failed because the rebels were suppressed, but the uprising of the lower class succeeded because their demands were granted by the noble council.

Although they failed, they succeeded!
The poll tax and corvee were abolished, and the slaves were freed. From this perspective, the uprising was successful.

An insurgent said: The reason why they (the noble council) are willing to abolish the poll tax and corvee, and the reason why they are willing to free the slaves, is not because of their kindness, but because we have been here.

In his book, Gu Yanwu commented on the development of Yan State in the past few hundred years, and attributed the reason why Yan State could break out such a large-scale rebellion to land annexation.

From the period of the ancestor Kang to the period of Wang Bian, which is also the period of the legendary Nine Dynasties Mingjun, is the "Era of Wangzheng". From the period of Wang Bian to the period of the Great Rebellion is the "Era of the Republic". The republic was overthrown and an autocratic monarchy was established, but in the end, the nobles maintained the republic, and now, our country of Yan will enter the [Era of Empire] under the leadership of the queen.

Gu Yanwu divided the social system into four stages: citizen system, feudal system, dynasty system, and civil rights system.

Gu Yanwu wrote in the book: In the beginning, all members of an ethnic group/family unite to conquer other ethnic groups/family, enslave others, and suck blood from other people/slaves/free people to maintain the interests of all members of the family/ethnic group, while The Patriarch/Yanjun is nothing more than the representative of the interests of all citizens/family members, which is the citizenship system at this time.

And when the scale of free people/slaves becomes stronger and more geographically distributed, citizens can no longer suppress the power of free people/slaves. In order to maintain the stability of the system, they must gradually transition to feudalism. Founding of the nation, bringing the freemen/slaves into the feudal system.

Afterwards, with the continuous development of the power of the feudal vassals, annexation wars between countries, great unification and absolute monarchy also appeared, and the society entered a dynastic system.

However, with the maturity of papermaking and printing and the development of various production technologies, the power of the people at the bottom will become stronger and stronger. The dynastic system will eventually disintegrate, and society will develop towards the civil rights system.

According to the division of social stages that Gu Yanwu realized by himself, the Yin and Shang Dynasties were civil systems, the Zhou Dynasty was a feudal system, the Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties were a dynastic system, and the Yan State was giving birth to the dawn of a civil rights system.

These things were all written by Gu Yanwu in his spare time during the battle.


"As the size of the free people/slaves becomes larger and larger, the citizens/royal nobles have become more and more difficult to suppress the free people/slaves. Can be forced to spit out part of the benefits, and gain the support of the free people/slaves for the republic by making concessions to the free people/slaves."

"By the time freedmen/slaves became part of the full membership of the republic, the traditional republic system had become so untenable that the shift to empire seemed irreparable."

"A republic? Or an empire? Slaves want an empire! Nobles want a republic!"

—— "The Republic and the Emperor Yan Gu Yanwu"


Xiping City

"The army of Yanlu blocked our food road, which prevented our food from being delivered to the front line. Should we attack immediately and capture Pingshan?"

"No, Yanlu has the advantage of commanding the sea. Their main force may be watching us at sea. Once we go out of the city to encircle and suppress the Yanlu in Pingshan, the Yanlu in the sea will definitely take the opportunity to go ashore and seize Xiping City."

"Uh... the main force of Yanlu is in a decisive battle with General Xue in the river valley. How could they come to attack our Xiping City?"

"Yanlu has the advantage of commanding the sea. As the saying goes, soldiers never tire of deceit. Who knows if they will pretend to fight Xue Shuai in a decisive battle, but in fact they want to lure us out of the city and then attack Xiping City."

This is the advantage brought by the command of the sea. The Tang army can never be sure whether the Yan army will land suddenly, so even if the Yan State did not send troops to attack Xiping City, the defenders of Xiping City were still too scared to go out to support Xue Rengui.

With zero soldiers, the [-] troops in Xiping City were restrained!


Tens of thousands of cavalrymen of the Tang army dismounted and fought on foot, charging towards Pingshan.

Pingshan and hills are stuck on the grain transportation channel. If the Yan army in Pingshan is not completely wiped out, the Tang army's grain transportation troops will be robbed by Yan captives at any time.

Wuyou Su on the top of the mountain led soldiers to shoot arrows with strong crossbows.

The hills have long been dug with potholes and several ditches.

In addition to long-range crossbows, there are also short-range firearms and shield vehicles.


Lieshui Valley
Boom boom boom!
The artillery fired together and once again defeated the Tang army who was crossing the river.

Seeing the retreating Tang soldiers, Xue Rengui frowned and worried.

The food was about to run out, and the barracks had begun to reduce the food for the soldiers, and organized the soldiers to dig wild vegetables in the nearby forests.

"Order General Ouyang to capture Pingshan within five days and clear the grain roads, otherwise, military law will do it!"

Xue Rengui gave the order to die, but still worried, he arranged for a lieutenant to lead 2 people to Pingshan to help, destroy the Yan army in Pingshan as soon as possible, and dredge the grain road as soon as possible.

"I don't want casualties, I just want Pingshan!"

(End of this chapter)

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