Chapter 629 The Republic and the Emperor ([-])

"Republic? Or Empire?"

In a word, Yan Guo was silenced.

Is it to continue to maintain the state of the aristocratic republic?Or build a universal empire with a shared vision?

In the past, Yan people never considered this issue.

However, with the gradual development of Yan State's strength, it is actually possible for Yan State to take over the Central Plains and establish a universal empire.

However, the nobles of the Yan Kingdom did not have the idea of ​​building an empire. They still regarded the Central Plains as a blood-sucking pool.

Going forward, take over the Central Plains and establish a universal empire?Or take a step back and treat the Central Plains as your own blood bag, so that Yan Guo can sustainably suck blood from the Central Plains?

As for those vassal states, whether they should be directly annexed or kept for blood-sucking, the ruling class of Yan Kingdom also has no conclusion.

For those slaves, whether to give them the status of free citizens and make them subjects of the empire, or continue to squeeze them and let them provide nutrients for the citizens of the republic, is also a problem.

Taking a step back, it is a republic that sucks blood and supports itself, and stepping forward, it is an empire that shines on the world, and the whole world is the land of the king, and the land on the coast is the empire of the king's subjects.

For Yan, the difference between a republic and an empire is that.

The aristocratic republic has never regarded this world as its own home, but has regarded the world as a super blood bag to support itself.

The empire, on the other hand, means to govern the world as one's own home, to stop the unscrupulous blood-sucking behavior, and to make all the people of the world the subjects of the empire.

The idea of ​​the empire is great, to establish a unified super regime, and thousands of subjects are subject to one.

This one can refer to a certain emperor or a certain spiritual leader.

However, most of the nobles of the Yan Kingdom only want to maintain the regime of the aristocratic republic and treat the world with blood-sucking.

The Kingdom of Yan has fought wars in the Central Plains for hundreds of years. Except for the nearest Guangzhou, it has never thought of annexing a certain territory in the Central Plains.

Because from the beginning to the end, Yan State only regarded the Central Plains as a blood bag for sustainable blood-sucking, not as a digestible territory.

Yan Guo 410 Ninth Year Summer (629 Years)
The war in the Central Plains has come to an end. The emperor of Xia, Liu Heita, was eliminated by Li Shimin, and the land of Youdai in Hebei was occupied by Li Tang.

Soon after, Lin Shihong of Yuzhang was also wiped out by Li Shimin, and Feng An of Lingnan directly surrendered to Li Tang, and he was mixed up with the merits of Conglong.

Looking at the Central Plains, only the vassal states of Yan State and Li Zitong, the emperor of Wu State in Jiangdu, are still resisting the unification of Li and Tang.

Faced with this situation, some people proposed to send troops to directly intervene in the war in the Central Plains to prevent the unification of Li and Tang.

Then, someone mentioned by the way, if Li Tang is defeated, how will the Central Plains be dealt with next?

Direct annexation?Or split the Central Plains into countless countries and let them check and balance each other, so that no one can pose a threat to Yan?
Unexpectedly, most of the nobles of the Yan Kingdom were not interested in annexing the Central Plains directly, but wanted to split the Central Plains into countless vassal states subject to the Yan State, so that these vassal states could check and balance each other and could not pose a threat to the Yan State. Then, the country of Yan can unscrupulously suck blood from the Central Plains.

Defeating the Central Plains, but not wanting to rule, but only wanting to suck blood, this kind of thinking is incomprehensible to normal people, and it is simply torture to people with territorial dyeing obsessive-compulsive disorder.

But the nobles of Yan Kingdom, they really think so.

If you rule the Central Plains, if you suck blood too hard, you have to worry about the rebels in the Central Plains rebelling and overthrowing you.

On the contrary, if they don't rule the Central Plains, but only suck blood from the Central Plains, even if the troublemakers in the Central Plains want to rebel, they will overthrow the puppet regime supported by the Yan State, not directly overthrow the Yan State.

As for not sucking blood, implementing benevolent government, and governing the Central Plains as their own home, most of the nobles of the Yan Kingdom did not have this idea.

The cost is too high, there are too many rebels, which will affect their own enjoyment, the risk is too high, and if they fail, they will all be in vain, and other factors, so that the ruling class of Yan Kingdom has no idea of ​​​​directly ruling the Central Plains for the time being.

"It's too early to argue about this, we haven't defeated Li Tang yet!"

Yan Ming skipped this embarrassing topic, the most urgent task now is to curb the crazy expansion of the Tang Empire.

at the same time
Old Capital Barracks
An arrow hits a wooden target.

The archer was none other than "Zhen", the only daughter of Yan Ming, Princess of Yan.

"Jane" is 21 years old this year, and has joined the army since the crowning ceremony at the age of 20, and has been in the army for a year.

During this year, he mainly conquered the Goryeo people in the north, and occasionally went to the Central Plains to assist the princes of the Central Plains to resist Li and Tang's army.

Although she is a woman, she has good archery skills, is a well-deserved marksman, and has high military talent, and is surrounded by many in the army.

If you want to describe the beauty of "Zhen", you can only describe it as the sinking fish and falling geese in the Central Plains. Even Feng Xiaolian, Zhang Lihua, Changsun Shi and other Central Plains beauties are a little inferior.

[Jane] also has her own ideals. She is tired of the aristocratic republic and the blood-sucking rule day after day.

"If the land equalization system is implemented, more than 200 million slaves are freed, and the vassal states are also brought under direct rule, the national power of Yan State will greatly increase."

"After the slaves are assigned to the fields, they will explode with strong fighting power and become the cornerstone of Yan's strength."

"But the members of the aristocracy don't want to obtain this powerful power. They think that releasing this power is drinking poison to quench their thirst."

"Obviously there are so many opportunities to unify the world, but I only want to suck blood safely and treat the whole world as my parasitic object."

Yan Guo has developed for so many years, if it can explode its potential, why be afraid of Li Tang?
But it is a pity that the nobles of the Yan Kingdom have always been uninterested in building a universal empire. For them, since they can safely parasitize and suck blood, why should they unify the world?
"The purpose of establishing a country is to make it easier for our Wang family to suck blood. Since we can already suck blood, is there still a need to unify the world?"

"If you give up parasitic blood-sucking in order to unify the world, isn't that putting the cart before the horse? To build a country that cannot suck blood, it would be better not to unify at all! Not to build!"

"In this day and age, there are still people who want to establish a unified universal empire. In my opinion, some people clearly want to follow the example of Wang Ting and establish an autocratic rule under the banner of establishing a universal empire! "

The republican aristocrats sneered at those aristocrats with a unified concept.

The nobles who hold the concept of great unity occupy only a small minority in the Yan Kingdom. Most of the nobles in the Yan Kingdom are staunch supporters of the Noble Republic, and they are called [Republicans].

Anti-Wang Ting and anti-authoritarianism have become the political correctness of Yan State. This kind of political correctness has been formed subtly over the long years.

The country of Yan has gone too far on the road of the aristocratic republic.

Of course, the nobles knew that the implementation of the land equalization system could release the powerful power of the vast number of slaves and instantly increase the strength of the Yan Kingdom.

However, we refuse!
The Yan State is the Yan State of all nobles, not the Yan State of the monarch, nor the Yan State of the low-level people.

(End of this chapter)

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