Chapter 592 The Great Showdown ([-])
"Yuanshin, activate!"


A Yuanshen cannon threw flints and hit the earth wall in the distance, smashing the earth wall down.

Gu Yanwu is an offshoot of the nobles of the Yan Kingdom, and is also an official in charge of equipment management.

Today, he was ordered to check the quality of the original cannons, register these original cannons in the list, and then hand them over to Yan Jun.

Although he is a branch of the nobility, he does not have much sense of belonging to the nobility. On the contrary, he regards Lin Zhi and Huang Zongxi as his idols.

Ten years ago, Gu Yanwu, who was still a teenager, went to visit Huang Zongxi and listened to him talk about the relationship between the rights and obligations of the monarch and his subjects, and he very much approved of his theory.

It's a pity that Mr. Huang died seven years ago, and a leading figure in the ideological world passed away.

Yan Junxu personally attended Huang Zongxi's funeral and highly praised Huang Zongxi's outstanding contribution in resisting Hou Jing's tyranny, but kept silent about Huang Zongxi's thoughts and theories.

"The rise and fall, everyone is responsible!"

"The country of Yan is the country of Yan for all the people of the country of Yan. It needs every one of us to protect it. From the monarchy to the common man, they are all part of this country. There should be no distinction between them. Everyone is different in position. .”

He believes that nobles are not more noble than ordinary people, and scholars are not more elegant than peasants. Everyone's dignity should not be determined by birth, but only the difference in position. No matter what position they are in, they are all members of the Yan Kingdom. Dedicate your sincerity to the survival of the country.

Now that the Sui captives have invaded with millions of troops, isn't this the time for the rise and fall of the world?

Save the nation!It is the responsibility of our generation of scholars!
There are scattered white papers in the streets and alleys. The papers are all describing the atrocities of the Sui army, and some ink paintings are drawn on the atrocities of the Sui army. On the picture, it is a soldier of the Sui army, stabbing a spear into On the back of a 14-year-old girl, the girl's expression is exaggerated in horror, and there are dots of ink representing blood spattering.

In recent years, a new technology has emerged, namely printing.

Over the past 20 years, due to the increasing demand for foreign publicity in Yan State, more and more scholars make money by writing propaganda articles and drawing posters.

Because there is a demand in this area, some people will come up with ghost ideas in this area.

So, some scholars, in order to speed up the earning speed, after all, the government of Yan State pays by share, so they found craftsmen, carved pictures and characters on wooden boards, then smeared ink on the wooden boards, and then covered them with white paper , You can simply complete the transcription of articles and pictures, and you can copy many copies at the same time in a day, making money very fast.

This method actually existed in the Han Dynasty. Cai Yong, a great Confucian in the Han Dynasty, once carved Confucian classics on stone slabs, then smeared them with ink, and finally covered them with precious paper.

Wang Feng, the great Confucian of the Wang family, also built stone slabs of Confucianism in the Western Regions, and covered them with ink with paper.

However, at that time, paper was too expensive, and everyone who had paper copied it by hand. The handwriting was clearer, and there would be no waste of paper. They were reluctant to cover it with ink. If they were worried that the handwriting would not be clear, the paper would be wasted.

In other words, an important prerequisite for the birth of printing is that papermaking is so developed that the price of paper is so low that people are willing to cover ink with paper and don't care about the loss of paper.

The development of technology is always so natural. When the productivity is achieved, it will come out naturally.

People before have thought of this method, so why didn't they use it?Because the productivity was too low and the paper was too expensive in the past, I was reluctant to use this method!
The walls of the houses were covered with white paper, and there were also paintings describing the atrocities committed by the tyrants of the Sui Kingdom.

In one painting, Yang Guang, Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, is a fat old man, hugging many beauties on the left and right. The chest of a little girl below was dug out by him, and a heart was dug out to feed the dog.

Obviously, the Yang Guang in the painting is nothing like the real Yang Guang. The real Yang Guang is suave and suave.

But it doesn't matter, most people have never seen Yang Guang anyway.

Is this you?Is not it?I said this is you, then this is you!

Yan State's preparations are sufficient, whether it is propaganda, mobilization, materials, personnel, all-round preparations.


Dense bunkers stand here, there is also a city wall and several castles, and the warships of Yan Kingdom are moored on the sea.

It will take some time for the Sui army to march, and they will not arrive here so soon. At this time, Yan Xu can check the defenses of Shanhaiguan.

The foundation of Shanhaiguan is very deep, more than 40 feet long, and the foundation continues to be artificially deepened every year.

Therefore, it is impossible to dig through Shanhaiguan by digging tunnels with the technical conditions of this era.

The several castles in Shanhaiguan are also concave and convex castles. From a distance, the walls of the city walls seem to be like gears, not the traditional square city walls of the Central Plains.

The advantage of this shape of the castle is that there are fewer dead spots, and it is easier to defend and difficult to attack. The disadvantage is that the area inside the city is smaller.


Seabirds fly by, and their light calls add beauty to the calm Shanhaiguan.

The sky is red at sunset, and the condensed clouds seem to be falling all the time, giving people a sense of depression.

Dusk hides in the clouds, only a little corner is exposed, shedding a heavy light to the world.

There are wooden plank bridges connecting each bunker, which can support each other without leaving the enemy with a passage to enter the bunker.

The soldiers of Yan State were practicing a fierce battle in the bunker, and they shuttled back and forth above the bunker.

Among each pile of bunkers, there will be a tallest bunker, which is the commander-in-chief of the nearby bunkers and is responsible for commanding other bunkers.

The officer of this bunker will observe the real situation and issue instructions with the flag, such as the need for personnel support, the fall of a certain bunker, and so on.

I saw an officer in a high bunker, and the standard-bearer beside him was waving a blue triangular flag, and pointed to a low bunker.

Afterwards, logistics soldiers brought various military supplies to the pointed low bunker through the wooden bridge above the bunker group.

A soldier also drilled out from above the short bunker. After receiving the military supplies, he returned to his bunker to continue fighting.

It is said that it is a low blockhouse, but it is actually seven or eight feet high, which is as high as the city wall of a county in the Central Plains, and a high blockhouse is actually ten feet high. Even if it is placed in the Central Plains, it is still a strong city.

There are thousands of such bunkers in Shanhaiguan, forming a spectacular group of bunkers.

Zhuge Liang's Jianmen Pass is nothing compared to Yan's Shanhai Pass.

Yan Xu stood in the watchtower, observing the military exercises of the bunker group from afar, with no expression on his face.

Beside him is one of his personal guards, who is holding a notebook, ready to record what Yan Jun said at any time, and record Yan Jun's important instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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