Established a thousand-year family from the end of Qin Dynasty

Chapter 586 Competing in the Central Plains

Chapter 586 Competing in the Central Plains (69)

Two years later

The second year of Yan State 390 (602)
Daxing City

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"

All the civil and military ministers of the Sui Dynasty bowed down and shouted long live.

After two years of conquest, the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River was put down. Yang Jian also sent troops to crusade against the Western Turks and defeated the main force of the Western Turks Datou Khan.

After the main force of the Western Turks was wiped out by the Sui army, those countries in the Western Regions who were enslaved by the Western Turks also started to rebel.

Yang Jian followed suit, sent envoys to the Western Regions, and spent a lot of money to instigate rebellion against the countries in the Western Regions that originally wanted to rebel, and let them completely expel the remnants of the Western Turkic forces from the Western Regions.

Datou Khan fled to Tuyuhun with the remnants of his defeated generals.

Following the example of Wang Jue at the end of the Han Dynasty, Yang Jian matched battle and recuperation with each other. After decades of perseverance, he planned to cut off the main wings of the Yan Kingdom.

"East Turks have surrendered to us, Great Sui."

"Western Turks, now only the Kangju Grassland is left. The old Khan ran away to Tuyuhun, and the new Khan is busy fighting with other legal heirs of Western Turks."

"The rebel forces in the Guandong and Jiangnan were all wiped out, and the Sui system was extended to every corner of the empire."

"Now, in the entire world, only Tuyuhun, Linyi, Yan, Khitan, and Kumoxi are left, and they have not yet been conquered by our Sui Dynasty."

Yang Jian looked at the thousands of subjects below, and his heart was full of pride.

The strict Queen Lonely Jialuo died, and finally she was able to accept concubines crazily. The prince Yang Guang was a filial and wise heir, and he would carry forward the empire. The country has also been cut off its wings.

Is there anything more enjoyable than this?
He decided to let the soldiers rest for a year and launch a tentative attack on Yan State next year.

If the country of Yan is vulnerable, then simply solve the country of Yan once and for all; if the country of Yan is a hard bone, continue to accumulate strength, first solve the two worries of Tuyuhun and Linyi, and leave the most difficult country of Yan to Yang Guang to solve.

We must believe in the wisdom of future generations!

We have to believe in Yang Guang's ability!

"Order all over the world, anyone who is familiar with Liaodong's customs, terrain, history and culture, etc., can come to the imperial capital. As long as the information provided is true and useful, everyone can be rewarded!"

"Recruit craftsmen from all over the world to build ships! Build ships! Build ships!"

"Go to the south of the Yangtze River to find folk talents who are familiar with water warfare. It would be better if they are familiar with naval warfare!"

"All the granaries have been taken care of by me. Corruption is not allowed, disaster relief is not allowed, and they are reserved for me. I will use them to supply the army for expeditions!"

"Go to the Eastern Turks, order their khans, mobilize soldiers and horses, and be ready to cooperate with the imperial army at all times!"

"Build a canal! A canal that runs from north to south! It can facilitate the transportation of food from the south to the north, so that it will be more convenient for the expedition to Liaodong!"

"Talents, I am short of talents, especially those who understand Liaodong! Talent recruitment order! Promulgated!"

"The governors of all states, immediately search for talents who understand the Yan Kingdom in their own jurisdictions, and bring them to the imperial capital. I will personally meet them!"

"Yanlu has bullied me, Da Sui, for too long, and I have endured it for too long. It's time to end everything!"

The entire empire was mobilized like a terrible machine, and everyone in the empire was acting for the same goal.

This is a terrifying executive power, one that frightens Yan Guo.

In the following year, the entire Sui Empire was in operation for the conquest of Liaodong, and all people and affairs revolved around the theme of "destroying Liaodong".

For the first time, people in the Central Plains regarded Yan as a real opponent, and for the first time paid attention to the threat from Liaodong.

During this year, Yang Jian discovered the more and more real Yan Kingdom from more and more collected information.

Yan State not only has Liaodong and North Korea, but also has a huge territory overseas.

The business of the Yan Kingdom is much more prosperous than that of the Central Plains. Their fleet is very large. Although the population is small, there are countless warships.

"Is this the real Yan Kingdom? It has been developed secretly for hundreds of years, and has developed into such a terrifying giant?"

"The national policy of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is really interesting, ha ha!"

Spring of the fourth year of Yan State 390 (604)
The Sui Dynasty formally declared war on the Yan State, and submitted the letter of credence, demanding that the Yan State surrender, otherwise it would flatten the land of Yan and razed Liaodong to the ground.

"Cough cough~"

Yan Xu, who is over 70 years old, coughs constantly.

He was old when the country needed him most.

As an antique that survived from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, Yan Xu has witnessed too much history.

"30 troops!"

"Pu Liuru Jian, you are so generous!"

Yan Xu stared closely at the map, especially the Shandong and Youyun regions.

After getting to know the Yan Kingdom, Yang Jian didn't intend to smash Shanhaiguan, the first pass in the world, but to eliminate the large number of Yan Kingdom's vassal states first.

Destroy all Yans belonging to Liang State, Yan to Chen State, Yan to Jin State, Yan to Wei State, and Yan to Qi State!

Over the years, the Yan Kingdom has found its way in the Central Plains, gnawing a piece of meat here and a piece of meat there, gnawing the coastal areas of the Central Plains to pieces, and the sphere of influence of the Yan Kingdom is everywhere.

Yang Jian's 30 troops were divided into five groups to attack the five vassal states of Yan State, and also let Tuli Khan (Qimin Khan) attack Khitan, Kumoxi, and Yan Turks to contain Yan State's allies .

"In the Central Plains, we are not the opponents of Puliu Rujian. It is meaningless to fight to the death. Let's transfer all the population and wealth of each dependent country to the mainland of Liaodong."

Looking at the map, Yan Xu didn't intend to stick to these sites. Instead, after learning about the Sui Dynasty's offensive plan, he immediately launched a large retreat to transport all kinds of population and materials on these sites to Liaodong. It can't be cheap Sui Dynasty.

"The necessary retreat is for future victory!"

"I'm not selling out the country, I'm just trying to save the country!"

"Please trust me!"

In the noble council, Yan Xu explained this to the nobles.

Like Xian Junji, he is a monarch who respects the opinions of nobles very much, and he will never do arbitrary things.

The father and son pushed the aristocratic parliamentary system to a new peak, making Yan's autocratic monarchy weaker and weaker.

"My lords, there is nothing to be afraid of. Back then Sima Zhao's 20 troops invaded our country of Yan, and the entire army ended up being wiped out. Fu Jian's [-] troops invaded our country of Yan, and finally ended up being killed!"

"There will be no exceptions. What has happened will happen again!"

"If they want to attack the homeland of our Yan Kingdom, they will be beaten to death!"

After the aristocratic council ended, Yan Xu continued to give speeches in various cities to encourage the people of Yan.

"Yan country will not be defeated, Yan country will not perish!"

"A free people will surely win!"

(End of this chapter)

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