Chapter 573

Under the scorching sun, Wang Kang is working in the farmland with the cattle.

This kind of daily repetitive work, in Wang Kang's memory, seems to only exist in ancient times hundreds of years ago.

In a book that has been popular for hundreds of years, the farming activities in various regions in ancient times are recorded. This book is called "General History of the World", which was written by a Song Dynasty man named Qin Hui hundreds of years ago.

He doesn't understand this world, why his "grandfather" would rather go hungry than eat the cow in the field.

"The food is right in front of you, but you are going to suffer from hunger?"

Although the books say that hundreds of years ago, the backward production method of machines was used to plow the fields, and the ancient times of thousands of years even used even more backward livestock to plow the fields.

But reading other people's descriptions is not as good as experiencing it yourself.

"If there is hell anywhere, this place called Central Plains must be there."

Everything here is too barren and backward, unimaginably barren and backward.

A well-informed old man in the village always flaunts that he has been to Xinzheng, the capital of the country. It is beautiful, with all kinds of beautiful buildings, and there are many beautiful girls among his wives.

But these descriptions, to Wang Kang, are like a kid showing off his victory over an old hen in front of an adult.

In Wang Kang's era, all he needed was an idea of ​​wanting food in his mind, and his body would automatically absorb the energy from the world to replenish it. There was no need for chewing, digestion, and excretion, such backward energy replenishment methods.

Reproduction is generally asexual reproduction. In Wang Kang's era, there were no men, no women, or even people... The traditional combination of male and female reproduction has long been behind and eliminated.

It was only in this era that Wang Kang felt the difference between men and women. Before, he didn't know his gender, because in his era, there was no traditional gender of men and women.

When he opened his mouth to eat for the first time, Wang Kang was very surprised, and when he felt like having diarrhea, it was an experience he had never experienced before.

Food is digested in a place called the "stomach", and then becomes a thing called "shit", which finally comes out of the body through the excretory opening.

This is really too old an experience for the "people" of His time.

I heard that those great figures are even more mysterious. They don't even have a plastic shell, only their consciousness exists in the universe forever, like a piece of code, which has no entity but exists forever.

If one had to use a term from ancient times to describe those great figures, it would be... Dao?

Yes, only this term is more appropriate. Those people, instead of calling people, they should call Tao.

"Hmph!—ah! What a headache!"

Whenever Wang Kang wanted to think back to his era, he would have a severe headache, especially when thinking about those mysterious big men, the pain would be even worse.

The sound of the soles of the feet stepping on the muddy ground came, followed by a familiar voice.

"Brother Kang! Brother Kang!"

The young girl Wang Shu came to the mud field with her bare feet, a woven bamboo basket was hung on her slender bronze arms. There were several corn and rice balls in the bamboo basket, and a lot of honey was stored in a bamboo tube next to the rice balls.

Bare feet are because they are afraid that the shoes will be soiled by the mud. The cloth shoes of this era are of poor quality. Once they are soiled by the mud, they cannot be washed casually, and they are easily damaged after washing.

Girls can’t afford new cloth shoes, so they wear straw sandals on weekdays, and only when they go to the city will they wear the pair of cloth shoes that are kept at home. Just go to work in the field with bare feet.

The bronze color of the arms is due to working in the fields all year round and being often exposed to the sun, so most of the girls in this period are not as white as the later generations.

Only those ladies from aristocratic families who stay at home all year round and don't have to work in the fields can have firm skin. Ordinary peasant girls almost have bronze or even light black skin.

The honey in the bamboo tube was obtained when Wang Kang poked the beehive last time, and the price was several swollen bumps on his body.

Before he knew it, Wang Kang had been in this world for almost a year.

As a, from Qin, Wang Kang naturally also had to submit to corvee and military service.

A year ago, Qin State destroyed South Korea, and He who lived in South Korea naturally became a Qin person.

The main purpose of the old man in accepting Wang Kang as his grandson was to have a labor force who could do farm work for the family in peacetime, and could replace him in the court's corvee and military service in wartime.

Wang Kang didn't know about this. After he was taught the skills of farming by the old man, he has been working in the farmland, working every day at sunrise and resting every day. He has no leisure time to think about life.

"Brother Kang, here you are!"

The girl Wang Shu picked up the rice balls in the bamboo basket, broke them into two pieces, stuffed the big ones for Wang Kang, and kept the small ones for herself.

"Thank you." Wang Kang was neither polite nor shy. He just took the rice ball and started eating.

It's not that he's cheerful, it's just that he really doesn't know what it means to be shy, or even feel like it.

As a person of His time, He has never been shy, nor has family affection.

Everyone reproduces asexually, and you are your own parents, so how can you have any feelings of family affection.

Not only is there no family affection, there is no love.

It's not that he doesn't have love, but that there is no such emotion as love in his time.

Wang Kang has not figured out until now why the female gender in front of him is so much weaker than the male gender.

This cannot be blamed on Him, because in His time, there was no distinction between male and female.

What is a man?What is a woman?For Wang Kang who was originally in His era, these only exist in history books!

Because women are weak, the efficiency of farming and production is far inferior to that of men, so everyone wants to have boys, who can work after birth, and do not want to have girls, because girls are too inefficient to work, and they will only waste the family's money food.

Of course, this kind of thinking is slightly weaker among the princes and nobles. This is not because the princes and nobles are more enlightened, but because the princes and nobles can afford daughters who do not work, while ordinary people cannot afford daughters who work inefficiently. .

All social customs are essentially determined by economic production.

It is just a kind of sophistry to use the importance and love of women by princes and nobles to prove that women have a high status in backward times.

When women cannot independently become a part of economic production, the so-called high status of women in a certain dynasty is just because the upper class has no daily necessities, and the ample choices brought about by it.

Ordinary people have no right to choose at all, and the distress caused by daily necessities will make them desperately want a son.

Naturally, Wang Kang didn't understand this, he didn't know the reason why the old man took him in, and he just accompanied the girl to repeat labor in the farmland every day.

(End of this chapter)

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