Established a thousand-year family from the end of Qin Dynasty

Chapter 568 Competing in the Central Plains

Chapter 568 Competing in the Central Plains (55)

half year later

Spring of the first year of Yan State 370 (581)
This year, Yang Jian, the Duke of Sui, usurped the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. Originally, the name of the country should be "Sui", but because he thought the word "Sui" was unlucky, he changed it to "Sui".

After Yang Jian proclaimed himself emperor, he further deepened the reform and canceled the Xianbei-given surnames. All Xianbei-given surnames were changed back to Han surnames, such as Dayeyuan, which was changed back to Li Yuan.

And banned some systems of Zhou State, absorbed the system and laws of Qi State.

While promoting Zhou Guofu's military system and land equalization system, he also absorbed Qi's provincial and ministerial system and improved it, reducing the departments he thought were redundant, and became [three provinces and six ministries system].

The "Three Provinces and Six Ministries System" of the Sui Dynasty was not much different from Gao's Qi State's provincial and ministerial system, but according to the actual situation, some new departments were added and some old departments were deleted, finally forming six departments.

At the same time, the order was ordered to check the population of the field, and at the same time, the states were ordered to recommend three people to the central government to become reserve officials every year. The recommendation is divided into four subjects. Local officials can recommend talents who meet the four subjects. This system is also known as the imperial examination system.

It can be seen that at this moment, the so-called imperial examination system of the Sui Dynasty still carries serious remnants of the imperial examination system and the Jiupin Zhongzheng system. It does not mean that the imperial examination system was established in an instant. The difference is that there is one more step of examination and inspection.

However, the probation system of the Han Dynasty also had to pass the examination, but the content was relatively small, and most of the time it was just a formality.

At the same time, Yang Jian ordered the construction of more free warehouses, that is, when the harvest is good, the common people voluntarily store the surplus grain in the big warehouses, and the people themselves recommend a respected person to manage the large warehouses. Release warehouses to save people.

During the Han Dynasty, this kind of work was undertaken by the government. The government bought grain from the harvest area at a low price when the harvest was good, and sold the grain to the disaster area at a low price when the harvest was bad. In special cases, the grain was not released for free.

However, as the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty became more and more corrupt, the granary basically became the private property of corrupt officials, and the system of saving the people of the Han Dynasty became useless.

After the fall of the Han Dynasty, famines became more and more frequent in the chaotic times that lasted for hundreds of years.

In order to cope with famine, granaries must be built to store food.

But a single family simply cannot afford to build a granary, let alone have the time and energy to take care of the granary.

As a result, some common people spontaneously united together. More than a dozen of them joined forces to build a granary, and then elected a highly respected person to take care of the granary.

When everyone has a good harvest, they store grain in the granary, and when the harvest is bad, they take out the grain from the granary.

The power of the people is great!
Without the protection of the government, they spontaneously invented this system to protect themselves and reduce the probability of famine.

This kind of behavior gradually spread among the people spontaneously during the troubled times of the Wuhu, Southern and Northern Dynasties for hundreds of years.

Today, Yang Jian uses the power of the government to actively help the people build granaries, and the operation mode is still the same as before, and the local people organize and manage it spontaneously.

But it is only temporary, Yang Jian is very stingy, he has long been eyeing the food of the common people, and plans to find opportunities in the future to turn all the food stored by these private organizations into the food of the court.

"Your granary was built by the imperial court for you, so the imperial court swallowed your grain stored in the granary. Is there something wrong with it? No problem!"

The righteous warehouse system is not someone's whimsical idea, but it was created spontaneously by the masses of the people during hundreds of years of troubled times, and then it was regulated by the government and became a system.

People of later generations feel that this is an era of great change. It seems that at the moment when the Sui Dynasty was established, everything suddenly changed.

However, for the people of this era, there must be changes, but it seems that they are not big.

Three provinces and six departments?Isn't that the provincial and ministerial system that Gao's Qi State has had for a long time?Just the number of administrative departments is different?

Imperial examination system?Isn't that the subject-based admissions and examinations that have been practiced in the Southern and Northern Dynasties for hundreds of years?It's just that now that the Sui Dynasty has been established, this scale is even bigger?More formalized?

Free warehouse system?Isn't that something that people have been doing spontaneously since hundreds of years of troubled times?But now the government has come to help us?
Fubing system and land equalization system?Hasn't that been practiced for 100 years?It's just that it's nationwide now?
Grand Canal?Isn't that what the Southern and Northern Dynasties have been building?It's just that now connect the last few sections that are the most difficult to build?
For the people of later generations, a certain era was turbulent, and at a certain moment, everything became different.

But for the people at that time, the changes were not great, everything existed long ago.

People of later generations thought that at a certain moment, the country of Yan suddenly had a parliamentary system, but for the people of the country of Yan, they did not know when the parliamentary system began to be implemented. The parliamentary system, at the beginning, was just a house where family members discussed with each other?But after discussing and arguing, slowly, little by little, slowly changed, and then there is the current parliamentary system?

There is no sudden change, it is just the accumulation of hundreds of years and thousands of years, and finally quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes!
The changes in the Sui Dynasty were essentially the sum of the hundreds of years of changes in the Five Hu, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

This dynasty changed a little, and that dynasty changed a little, and the accumulation of less made more. Each dynasty was not much different from the previous one, but changed a little bit. But by the time of the Sui Dynasty, hundreds of years had passed, and the accumulated changes were enough. , it seems to be completely different from the Han Dynasty era.

After Yang Jian established the Sui Dynasty, he appointed his eldest son Yang Yong as the crown prince, and he was entangled in the choice between the Southern Expedition and the Northern Expedition.

"The northern Turks have plundered the Central Plains all year round, so that our people in the Central Plains have no means of living."

"The Nanban Chen family, a small country, steals Jiangnan and refuses to accept the orthodoxy of the Central Plains."

"These two countries are a big problem for our Central Plains!"

The Northern Dynasties considered the Southern Dynasties to be barbarians, and the Southern Dynasties also considered the Northern Dynasties to be barbarians.

In the end, someone relieved him of his doubts: "The southern barbarian Chen family is not enough to protect themselves, how dare they become enemies with our Central Plains? Just need to be intimidated, and they will be safe. Our great enemy in the Central Plains should be the Northern Turks. Now The Turkic Khan died of illness, and the new Turkic Khan has many conflicts with other nobles. There are several others who have the right to inherit. They all want to be a great Khan, so why not win over the weak among them, attack the strong among them, and divide them! "

Today, although the Turks are powerful on the surface, they have fought all the way west to the sight of the Romans and occupied many cities in Sasanian Persia.

But there are many internal factions. After the death of the previous generation of Turkic Khan, the throne was passed on to Ashina Daluo, but Ashina Daluo was born in a humble family, and his mother was a slave girl, so his brothers looked down on him. Also unwilling to obey this man of low birth.

In the end, after repeated struggles for power and profit, the Turks formed a situation where the four khans stood side by side.

There were many conflicts among the four khans, and they were only temporarily united to send troops to plunder the Quartet, but they were wary of each other, and the fragile alliance was easily broken.

After hearing this suggestion, Yang Jian was very happy.

In the past, when the Central Plains split into Zhou and Qi, the Turks also used this method to divide the Central Plains. If Zhou gave less money, they would unite with Qi to attack Zhou, and if Qi gave less money, they would unite with Zhou to attack Qi.

As a result, Zhou Guo and Qi Guo desperately sent money and women to Turks, for fear that Turks would form an alliance with each other.

The same thing happened between Qi State and Chen State. If Chen State gave less money, Yan State formed an alliance with Qi State. If Qi State gave less money, Yan State formed an alliance with Chen State.

As a result, Qi State and Chen State desperately gave money to Yan State, for fear that Yan State would form an alliance with the other party.

Today, the trend of offense and defense is reversed. In the past, it was the Turks who divided the Central Plains, but now it is the turn of the Central Plains to divide the Turks.

Yang Jian's strategy is to unite with the weaker of the Four Great Khans and suppress the stronger of the Four Great Khans together.

When the strength of the various Turkic forces is balanced, the Sui Dynasty only needs to wait for the Turkic people to send money and others to ask for an alliance.

Whoever sends less will form an alliance with his opponent, forcing the Turks to give away desperately.

The King Yan family is really familiar with this trick.

In the past, when King Yan's family conquered Sanhan and the Japanese, they relied on splitting and disintegrating. Whoever was weaker would unite with them, and whoever was stronger would suppress them. When their strengths were balanced, they would naturally scramble for it. Come and kneel and lick Wang's house.

(End of this chapter)

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