Chapter 553 Huang Zongxi ([-])
Yandu (Xindu/Yutucheng)
Hou Jing was escorted to the guillotine, and countless people were watching.

Yousi declared Hou Jing's various crimes, and then, amidst Hou Jing's cursing, the guillotine fell and a head rolled to the ground.

As Hou Jing's head fell to the ground, cheers erupted from the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, firecrackers and fireworks were set off, and the firecracker troops fired ammunition "bang bang bang".

Huang Zongxi in the audience recorded this scene:

[Simple and kind Yan people, after they killed the devil Hou Jing, the thrill of revenge made them happy, this is what Mr. Lin Zhi said about human spirituality.

They understand good and evil, and have their own love and hatred. They are not numb machines that can only work, eat and give birth, but living people. 】

In the past few years, Lin Zhi's reputation has gradually improved, and the government can't do anything about it. It can only watch helplessly as the people praise Lin Zhi more and more.

In addition, due to Hou Jing's destruction of Yandu, the original "Journey to the West" was read by many people, and the original real content was completely exposed. More and more people began to realize that this world is very vast, not just the Central Plains. One-third of an acre of land.

More and more derivative works of "Journey to the West" have begun to appear. Many scholars have adapted "Journey to the West" to increase the storyline and delete some boring historical records.

Of course, it has been the style of scholars since ancient times to add erotic content to the adaptation of literary works, and the adaptation of "Journey to the West" is no exception.

Such as "The Princess of Persia Falls in Love with Me", "The Roman Lady Laid My Bed", "The Ghost of Guishuang Enters the Room at Night", etc., etc., there are everything.

If this kind of book was placed decades ago, it would definitely be criticized by old Confucian scholars.

But now, Confucianism in Yan State has also begun to decline. Many people promote their ideas under the banner of reviving the literature and art of hundreds of schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. It can be said that demons are dancing in Yan State, and all kinds of messy things have begun to appear.

Some people who claim to be reviving the "Yang Chu Thought" openly criticize traditional social morality, thinking that these so-called noble morality restrict people's freedom. If a person is not selfish and unwilling to love himself, how can he be to love others.

There are also people who imitate famous artists and engage in sophistry every day.

There are also people who are obsessed with the Yin-Yang School and study the art of ghosts and gods all day long.

There are also many craftsmen who claim to revive the Mohist school and set up the [Xing Mohui]. While they specialize in gunpowder technology, they also hope that the government of Yan State can protect their inventions.

Because some craftsmen have worked hard to invent a certain idea, once it is released, it will be pirated by others in a short time, and the painstaking efforts spent in technology research all their lives have become a joke.

That's why many old craftsmen have the idea of ​​"passing on males but not females" [teacher-student inheritance], because they really don't want their life's hard work to be reproduced by others in a few days.

At present, the government of Yan State is also very troubled by this matter, because many inventions and creations cannot be seen in a short period of time, so they don’t know how much to give. The creator was disheartened, but if he gave too much, it would make other craftsmen dissatisfied, thinking that the government was treating one more than another.

It seems that it is no longer enough to simply use wealth rewards to stimulate the inventions and creations of craftsmen and doctors. A better method or long-term system is needed, but the government of Yan State can't think of any better way at present.

Not only the Mohists, but the Legalists also imitated some people, and some even imitated the "Shang Junshu", based on the "Shang Junshu" and improved it according to the actual situation of Yan State, and wrote various articles, all expressing their belief that the monarch How to control power and govern the country.

Those who wrote these "theories of monarchy" dedicated their articles to Yan Ji, hoping to get Yan Ji's approval.

After reading those theoretical articles, Yan Ji expressed his satisfaction and admiration for the monarchy depicted in the articles, but he finally refused. He did not want to be the second Wang Ting to be guillotined.

The last Wang Ting, who practiced autocratic monarchy, was pushed to the guillotine by the nobles and beheaded for public display.

What you said is very reasonable, and it makes me look forward to it, but I refuse, because I don't have any great talents, and I just want to spend my life quietly.

Some people revive Legalism, advocating big government, autocratic monarchy, and absolute authority, so naturally there are also people who revive Taoism, advocating small government, individual freedom, and opposing absolute authority, especially the personal authority of the monarch.

Both Legalism and Taoism have their own reasons. For a civilization or country that is in danger of extinction, only absolute authority can gather the strength of all people to unify the outside world, stop internal friction, and sacrifice individual freedom. Only in this way can the entire nation and country be protected. , The survival of civilization.

Just like the Qin State during Shang Yang's reform period, relying on the absolute authority of the monarch, the old Qin people who were divided into various tribes to fight each other were temporarily united and united to the outside world, and the crisis of subjugation was resolved.

Some people say that because Qin State adopted the Legalists, the second generation died.

So here comes the question, have many people considered such a question, that is, if the Qin State did not use Legalism, it would not need the Second Emperor to perish, and it may have perished as early as Qin Xiaogong's time.

It is precisely because of the use of Legalism that Qin is eligible for the death of the second generation. If it is not used, it will be over before the death of the second generation.

But the destructiveness brought by absolute authority is also huge. What kind of suffering will a monarch who has absolute authority and does not care about the life and death of the people will bring to the common people? Emperor Shi Huangdi and Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty have given us the answer.

The successive rulers of Yan State were very flexible. They sometimes strengthened their authority to gather internal forces to resist external aggression, and sometimes lowered their authority to win people's hearts and temporarily unite various internal forces.

All in all, legalism, Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, etc., the successive rulers of the King Yan family did not have obvious preferences or targets, and they used whoever was easy to use.

Only relatively speaking, Confucianism is a hybrid monster, so it is more compatible with Yan State, and the Central Plains used to be Confucianism as an official school, so they thought that they inherited the Chinese orthodox Yan State, so they made Confucianism their official doctrine.

Taoism emphasizes small government, Legalism emphasizes big government, and Confucianism combines the theories of the two, so that in their own theory, there are views in favor of big government and small government, and their own theories often conflict with their own theories. conflict.

Therefore, the monarchs will selectively emphasize the theory of big government in the Confucian classics, and the aristocratic families will selectively emphasize the theory of small government in the Confucian classics.

What you pay attention to is "one Confucianism, each expression". I use Confucianism to refute your Confucianism.

Relatively speaking, these renaissances of learning are still normal, but they have been improved on the basis of previous theories.

There are also many messy literary and artistic ideas in Yan State, such as [the theory of destroying the world] [the way of fertility] [the whole sex] and so on.

The "Mieshi Theory" believes that human civilization is just like flowers and trees, which are just one of many natural laws. Flowers, plants and trees have prosperity and decline, so human beings are also like this. When they prosper, nature also perishes. death, we do not yet know.

"Reproductive Taoism" believes that reproduction is the nature and purpose of human beings, and all wealth and status are meaningless. Having more children and leaving one's own inheritance is the meaning of life. This is an animal and plant in Yan State. Scientists realized the great truth when studying the reproduction of animals and plants from generation to generation.

What resents the old Confucian scholars who abide by traditional morals most is a theory that just appeared this year, the "full-sexed person". They believe that the species [human] itself is meaningless, just like a stone on the ground , there is no so-called meaning in itself, meaning is defined by people themselves, so when you are alive, you should do whatever you want, and you don’t need to care about the so-called consequences. There is no difference between living and dying. Both are meaningless. Living It is equal to death, and death is equal to life.

Those who revive Taoism only believe that morality restricts people's freedom and suppresses human nature to a certain extent, but they still recognize the role of morality in social stability.

The "full-sexed person" is to completely abandon all moral concepts in the world, to break away from the shackles, to gain complete freedom, so that everyone can do whatever they want with all their heart and mind, and let everyone be completely released. Do whatever you want with your own nature, don't care about laws and morals, this is true freedom!
There are often some people who support the theory of "full-sexed people" who don't wear clothes during the day, walk through the city naked, and show off to others: "You are all bound by the so-called morality and shame, why don't you wear clothes? Shame? Who defined the meaning of the word "shame"? They defined that people who don't wear clothes are brazen, but we have to define that people who wear clothes are brazen!"

As they said that, they pointed to the pedestrians on the street and said proudly: "In order to maintain the rule, the rulers have formulated the so-called morality in the world, allowing people to live under the constraints of morality. Those who violate morality will condemn themselves in their hearts. In this way, their goal of maintaining the rule will be achieved!"

"Who said that not wearing clothes is a shame? Who said that betraying the monarch is a villain? Who said that being loyal to the superior is a virtue?"

"I tend to think that wearing clothes is shameless, betraying the monarch is moral, and being disloyal to the superior is virtue!"

(End of this chapter)

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