Chapter 533 Centennial Shandong ([-])

four months later
The winter of the 330th year of Duke Yan (540 years)
Hou Jing burned, killed and looted in the Goguryeo plain area, kidnapped nearly five people, and slaughtered more than 30 people. All the cities built in Goguryeo were destroyed with gunpowder, and all the buildings in the city were destroyed.

And the captured Fuyu and other cities close to the border of the Yan State were handed over to the Fuyu people and the Wuji people, so that they could restore the country again and prevent Goguryeo from going south for the Yan State.

Not only that, but the State of Yan also issued the [Reduction Order], that is, every summer when the rivers and swamps thaw, recruits should be sent to the Goguryeo area to burn, kill and loot. , while capturing some slaves.

Hou Jing didn't dare to go deep into the mountains. After all, the Goguryeo people were good at fighting in the mountains, and if they entered the mountains rashly, they were easily ambushed by the Goguryeo people.

Woju City (Vladivostok)
"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty... woo woo woo woo woo!"

Goguryeo's king "Gao An" passed away in grief and despair.

The fourth Mingjun of Goguryeo, who led the Goguryeo people to conquer Wuji's hero, died of depression in the fiasco.

It took more than 100 years for Goguryeo to rise from a small tribe with only 1000 people to become a powerful country in the north with a population of over one million.

Since Gaoxingan had no heirs, the Goguryeo throne passed to Gaobaoyan's younger brother Gao Baoyan.

Since the father did not succeed the son, there was turmoil in the succession of the Goguryeo throne, and Go Bo-yeon's brothers also had the right to inherit.

An internal struggle in Goguryeo is about to begin, and the state of Yan will thus gain peace in the northern border.

The plains were occupied by the Buyeo and Wuji people who returned to the country, and Koguryo now has only mountains, hills and swamps.

When the war between Yan Guo and Goguryeo came to an end temporarily, the Central Plains could be described as turbulent.

Gao Huan's 20 army was blindly confident, and was ambushed by Yuwentai's cavalry. Gao Huan was defeated and returned to Kanto with the defeated army.

Soon after, Yu Wentai launched a counterattack and attacked Luoyang. Gao Huan led his troops to support Luoyang.

However, the matter did not end here. Gao Huan was regrouping and mobilizing troops, horses, money and food. It seemed that he was preparing to attack Guanzhong again.

When the two were fighting to death, Xiao Yan of the Liang Kingdom in the south did not take the opportunity to make a northern expedition. Instead, he built Buddhist temples in the country, and brought the aristocratic families to immerse himself in Buddhist practice every day.

It's really "480 temples in the Southern Dynasty, how many buildings are in the mist and rain."

Every year, a large amount of corvee is collected, Buddhist temples, pagodas, and statues are built, and taxes are increasing year by year. Some of the brave and heroic figures who dare to charge forward are just lifeless.

another year later
The second year of Yan Gong 330 (542 years)
In the first month, Huang Zongxi entered Yandu Academy and began to specialize in the study of Laozhuang and Zhuangzi.

In February, Yan Ji was conferred the title of Marquis of Nandu by Yan Lian, Prime Minister of Spice Islands Affairs.

In March, Hou Jing, who returned to Shandong, married the princess of Jin, and became the son-in-law of Yan Wei and Yan Jin at the same time.

In April, a civil uprising occurred in Xiangjun City on Magpie Bridge Island (Honshu Island, Japan). More than 3000 citizens revolted. The nobles of the city were captured, and the citizens demanded autonomy.

In May, the civil uprising was suppressed, and all rebel citizens were demoted to land reclamation slaves and shipped to the Spice Islands.

In June, slaves from the Spice Islands colluded with the natives to launch a riot, and many plantation owners were killed.

In July, slave riots in the Spice Islands were crushed.

In August, Gao welcomes Princess Zhuzhu to marry and temporarily surrenders to Rouran.

At the same time, a minister suggested to Gao Huan to rectify the administration of officials and punish corrupt officials, but Gao Huan refused because he was worried that doing so would make these wealthy families and Xianbei nobles go to Yu Wentai and Xiao Yan.

When Yuanxiu ran to Chang'an, he also took away many family members of Xianbei nobles, so many Xianbei nobles in Kanto wanted to go to Chang'an to reunite with their families. I can't bear to go to Chang'an.

Although Xiao Yan's military equipment was lax, the Liang State paid attention to dress and clothing, so the northern Han family regarded Xiao Liang as orthodox in their hearts, and the reason why they hadn't gone to Liang State yet was because there was money to be made in the Kanto region.

Therefore, Gao Huan did not dare to investigate corruption for the time being. He was afraid that if he checked it himself, all the noble families in the country would flee to the enemy country with their assets. Therefore, he had to wait until the domestic situation stabilized before he dared to rectify the government.

At the beginning of September, Xiao Yan ordered the prohibition of population trade. At the end of September, under the collective opposition of the Jiangzuo family, Xiao Yan resumed the population trade, allowing the Yan Guo Guild to enter Jiangzuo to purchase population.

At the beginning of October, Gao Huan ordered the prohibition of human trade. At the end of October, Hou Jing of Yan State led troops to invade Gao Huan's Bohai County area of ​​Wei State, wantonly plundering the population.

In November, Gao Huan reconciled with Yan State, reaffirmed the "Shandong Peace Treaty", and once again emphasized that the two countries should not invade each other.

However, Hou Jing still refused to end the war and wanted to continue to plunder the Central Plains, but was forcibly recalled by Yan Lian with twelve gold medals.

Since then, dissatisfaction sprouted in Hou Jing's heart, and he began to have his own ambitions.

In December, the fishermen of Yanniaocheng (Aomori Prefecture, Japan) revolted and refused to pay the government for their fishing harvest.

The second year, the third year of Duke Yan 330 (543)
In the first month, Gao Huan mobilized 20 troops to enter Guanzhong, and Yu Wentai led [-] troops to resist.

At the same time, Liang Emperor Xiao Yan ordered Buddhist monks to forbid eating meat dishes, and all monks must eat vegetarian dishes like him. He also collected more taxes from the people to build more Buddhist temples.

In February, Hou Jing, envoy of Yan State's Shandong Road Jiedu, wrote a letter requesting to take advantage of Gao Huan's emptiness to attack Hebei, but Yan Lian refused because he was busy suppressing the mob in Xuanniao City.

In March, the Buddhist monks who came from poisoning arrived in Lanfang City by sea, and were invited into Yandu to meet the female monarch Yanlian.

In April, Huang Zongxi joined the [Lao Zhuang] community to study, research, and spread the ideas of "virtual monarch" and "rule of inaction" with many like-minded people.

In May, there was a civil uprising in Busan City and Incheon City. The citizens expelled the nobles, and Yan Lian sent officials directly under the jurisdiction. All the income of the cities went into her private treasury.

In June, the two nobles who were expelled were dissatisfied. They believed that the female monarch Yan Lian had taken away their fief, and they applied to Jiuqing for the city many times, but they didn't get a reply. In anger, they spread rumors that Yan Lian's private life was chaotic.

In July, the female monarch Yan Lian allowed the citizens of Busan and Incheon to self-govern, preferring to allow the citizens to self-govern, and not to grant land to the two brothers and nobles.

In August, under the mediation of Jiuqing, the conflict between the queen and the two nobles was temporarily resolved, and the citizens of Busan and Incheon became self-governing from then on, but they had to pay fixed taxes every year, seven of which belonged to the nobles and three to the queen.

In September, there was a civil uprising in Liaodong. Some people were unwilling to let their children go to the Spice Islands to open up wasteland. When the conflicts intensified, they chose to rebel.

In October, Hou Jing, the governor of Shandong Province, once again asked to declare war on Gao Huan, but Yan Lian and Jiuqing refused again.

In November, the civil uprising in Liaodong subsided, but another civil uprising occurred in Lelang City. At the end of the month, the civil uprising in Lelang City spread to Seoul.

In December, when civil uprisings in Lelang and other places subsided, Shangshutai requested funds to relieve the people in Lelang, but Yan Lian refused, and Yan Lian ordered the construction of Buddhist temples and Confucian temples in Lelang, thinking that as long as the people recite Buddhist scriptures and Confucian scriptures more , there will be no rebellion in the future.

The third year, the fourth year of Duke Yan 330 (544)
In the first month of the first month, Huang Zongxi was arrested for the crime of deceiving people. At the end of the month, his uncle paid a huge bond for him, and Huang Zongxi was released.

In February, there was a riot in Hongyan Road on Queqiao Island, with thousands of people gathered.

In March, Hou Jing asked again to send troops to attack Gao Huan, but was still rejected.

In April, Yan Lian ordered to depose Hou Jing's Shandong Jiedu envoy. Hou Jing immediately launched a rebellion, proclaimed himself emperor in Taizhou, Shandong Province, and took the country name [Lu]. world.

(End of this chapter)

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