Chapter 523 Centennial Shandong ([-])

One month later

Winter of the eighth year of Duke Yan 310 (528)
Twelfth lunar month
Wei Guo
Xiaqiu City


"Catch the sheep talker alive, a reward of one thousand taels!"

As soon as Ge Rong was eliminated, Er Zhurong couldn't wait to send troops to rescue Yanzhou.

Gao Huan led [-] cavalry, and He Bayue led [-] light cavalry. The two attacked Yang Kan, who had [-] infantry.

Yang Kan rebelled with 20 soldiers, and claimed [-] to the outside world. It has been half a year since the siege of the city, but he still failed to break through Xiashu City, and he could not wait for Liang Guo's reinforcements.

After careful questioning, I learned that the Liang Emperor Xiao Yan was devoting himself to cultivating Buddhism, and he only asked the white-robed general Chen Qingzhi to lead the Northern Expedition with seven thousand light cavalry to attack Luoyang.

There was Xiaqiu City defenders in front, and Gao Huanhe Bayue's reinforcements in the back. Yang Kan was attacked by the enemy, and was soon defeated, and fled in the direction of Jiangzuo.

In order to fight for credit, Yanzhou Inspector Yang Dun also opened the city gate and led the defenders of Xiaqiu City to chase and kill Yang Kan.

Shortly after

city ​​gate

"I am a princess, and what I hold in my arms is the future emperor, who dares to stop me!" Yuan Ying, the princess of Changle, was very tough, and took advantage of Yang Dun's absence in the city to intimidate the soldiers at the city gate: "If something goes wrong, this princess will bear it alone!"

Afterwards, the soldiers looked at me and I looked at you, and finally opened the city gate, allowing the two princesses to leave Xiaqiu City with the "little emperor" in their arms.

After a long time, they finally saw an army ahead, which was the cavalry of Yan State.

"But Princess Wei?" The leader of the Yan State General asked Yuan Ying.

"Exactly." Yuan Ying replied.

However, on the way back, they met Gao Huan and He Bayue.

Gao Huan congratulated the two men on Bayue who had just defeated Yang Kan, and they were exhausted at the moment, so they watched the Yan cavalry in the distance vigilantly.

The nobles of the Yan Kingdom did not want to fight the people of the Wei Kingdom, they just wanted to quickly return to Huangcheng with the rescue target, so they just kept going forward while keeping Hou Jing on guard.

Hou Jing looked at Gao Huan from a distance, very wary of him, and Gao Huan also looked at Hou Jing vigilantly, worried that this reckless man would make another surprise attack.

In the crowd, Yu Wentai was eager to try. He wanted to rush forward to make contributions, but was stopped by He Bayue.

"Yanlu and the Great General are still in a neutral relationship at the moment. Don't make enemies casually. Our main enemies are the rebels from all walks of life in the Central Plains and the Liang Man in the south." He Bayue said calmly.

"Yes, the most important thing is to wipe out the rebels and guard against the invasion of the southern barbarians. As for taking advantage of the chaos and picking up cheap Yan captives, ignore them for the time being." Gao Huan also analyzed that they have many enemies now, and it is not appropriate to increase the Yan State. enemy.

"I heard that Chen Qingzhi, the Nanman general, has reached Xuchang and is very close to Luoyang." Another general of Er Zhurong reminded.

As the armies of the two sides drifted away, Hou Jingcai finally relaxed his vigilance, and the two princesses of Wei also relaxed, and began to look forward to the dream of Yan Guo helping them restore the country.

A month later, the two princesses arrived in Huangcheng, and Yan Lian personally received them.

"A seat for Princess Youbang." Yan Lian didn't call them Princesses of Wei, nor princesses of Shangguo, but a princess of Youbang, which put Yanguo on an equal footing with Weiguo.

Another month later, Yan Lian directly assigned the Jixian County, which had been conquered in the Central Plains in recent years, directly under the direct jurisdiction of Yan State, and also designated the five cities of Yecheng, Xiqu City, Dongqu City, Dangli City, and Luxiang City as " Send "to Yuanzhao, the young emperor of Wei State, to establish Wei State on the ruins of these five cities, with the capital in Yecheng.

At the same time, Sima Yi, the descendant of Sima Yuanxian, "given" Changyang City, Tingcheng City, and Buqi City to rebuild the Jin Dynasty on the ruins of these three cities, and set the country's capital in Buqi City.

These cities, which could be moved, were basically moved back to Liaodong by Yan Lian. Those who could not be moved were not damaged on purpose, but were kept intentionally and handed over to the emperors of Wei and Jin for management.

These places do not have any output worthy of the direct control of Yan State, and also waste Yan State's own administrative resources, and Yan State has no popular support in the local area, and the direct rule will encounter relatively large resistance, so it is most appropriate to throw it to the puppet regime. .

After Sima Yi returned to the country in Buqicheng, he established the ancestral ranking in Buqicheng, put the spiritual tablets of Sima Yi, Sima Zhao, Sima Yan, Sima Zhong and others into it, knelt on the ground and cried out excitedly: "Ancestors of all ages, you see Have you, your descendants have restored the country for you, restored the country for you!"

"I am a great Jin, and I am invincible in the world!"

Before he finished crying, the soldiers of Yan Kingdom outside said impatiently: "Your Majesty, are you all right? The carriage is ready and your majesty's banquet is about to begin."

"Okay, okay, I'll be fine soon." Sima Yi touched his tears, he already felt the bright future of Fuxing Dajin.

Although he is the emperor, his status is far inferior to Yan Lian, the Duke of Yan.

And in another city, Yecheng.

"Rejuvenate the Great Wei and kill the usurpers!"

"Rejuvenate the Great Wei and kill the usurpers!"

"Rejuvenate the Great Wei and kill the usurpers!"

Princess Yuanying of Changle gathered many powerful families from Wei State, gathered them in the palace (official office), shouted the slogan of revitalizing Wei, and punished the usurper. Naturally, this usurper only refers to Er Zhurong.

Three and a half-year-old Yuanzhao ascended the throne in Yecheng and proclaimed himself emperor, and formed an alliance with the state of Jin, setting up Er Zhurong and the state of Liang as old enemies.

All of this is naturally the intention of Changle Princess Yuanying, after all, the little emperor is only three years old, so how could he understand these things, he only likes those tricks of Yan Kingdom.

Yuan Ying, the princess of Changle, is gentle and kind. She used to be Xu Xiake's student, but now she is involved in the disaster of subjugation and is fighting for the restoration of the country.

As for Princess Yuan Mingyue of Pingyuan, she gradually fell in love with Hou Jing, thinking that he was a great hero in the world.

"His Royal Highness, it's time to go to Huangcheng to attend Yan Jun's banquet." The soldiers of Yan Kingdom reminded Yuan Ying and Yuan Mingyue outside that they should go to the banquet.

"Mingyue, I want to preside over the grand plan of restoring the country. I can't leave the emperor casually, so you can go to Yanjun's banquet." Yuan Ying worried that after she left, the little emperor would be controlled by someone who cared, so she didn't dare to leave the palace casually.

"Mingyue understands." Yuan Mingyue agreed. Although she is a princess of the Xianbei royal family, the Xianbei royal family has been Sinicized for decades. When she was born, she was educated like a Han princess, and all her living habits are no different from that of a Han princess. , and the Xianbei royal family kept marrying the daughters of the Han family, so as a princess of the Xianbei royal family, her appearance was biased towards Han women, with only a few Xianbei characteristics, such as the bridge of the nose was slightly higher than the Han princesses of the Southern Dynasty.

It is said to be the restoration of the country, but most of the resources in the city have been moved away by the Yan State. Yuan Ying can only rely on her status as a royal princess and the fact that Yuan Zhao once served as the official emperor in Luoyang to attract those who are interested in Wei. The Central Plains people who still have feelings took the initiative to come to seek refuge and use their power to restore the country for themselves.

This is also the reason why Yan Lian was willing to "give" the city that was finally captured to Princess Yuan and the descendants of the Sima family to restore the country. Using their appeal to absorb those talents, it can reduce the time for Yan to conquer the Central Plains. input.

(End of this chapter)

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