Chapter 509
One month later

Buyeo Castle

twenty miles outside the city
"Prepare the crossbowmen!"

"Roger that!"

"Cavalry ready!"

"Roger that!"

Two thousand crossbowmen and one thousand mounted cavalry came to Fuyu City, where they fought a bloody battle with the Goguryeo people.

"The reason why the rebels dare to make troubles is because they think that the Goguryeo people can help them. Therefore, as long as they defeat the main force going south from Goguryeo, the rebels will be terrified and they will break down without attack."

This is Yan Lian's point of view. She thinks that the inside must be settled first, and that Goguryeo must be severely damaged before intimidating the rebels.

Fuyu City is the only flat passage for Goguryeo to enter Liaodong. The other passages are winding mountain roads, so if they want to go south on a large scale, they can only take this road. Other roads are only suitable for small-scale sneak attacks.

After a hundred years of continuous expansion and development, the total population of Goguryeo has reached 80, with 20 warriors.

These tribal countries are all soldiers, so a population of 80 can produce an army of 20. Due to the heavy burden on the army, their economic development is almost zero, their social development is extremely slow, and their weapons and equipment are very backward.

Most of the 20 Goguryeo warriors were ordinary spearmen, only 3000 of them wore light armor, and only the more than 100 Goguryeo nobles could wear heavy armor.

After finally seizing the opportunity of Yan's domestic turmoil, Goguryeo went south with all its strength and recruited all 20 troops, known as a million troops to the outside world.

The 20 Goguryeo army is divided into two hundred phalanxes, each with 100 spearmen and [-] light armored infantry, which are Goguryeo's supervising troops and do not directly participate in the battle. More than [-] Goguryeo heavy armored nobles are only responsible for remote command.

Goguryeo is still the same as before, there are no cavalry, all the soldiers are infantry.

Faced with this battle of 20 against [-], Yan Lian was not afraid, but excited.

"Gu's name will go down in history in this battle!"

Each of the [-] soldiers of Yan State is equipped with top-notch weapons and equipment. Each crossbowman has prepared ten strong crossbows and ten continuous crossbows, which are convenient for replacement at any time after damage.

And Yan Lian also prepared 200 million iron arrows for [-] crossbowmen, each of them can shoot [-] arrows on average.

In the past, when Li Ling attacked the Xiongnu in the north, the 80 crossbowmen had only 200 copper arrows, while the [-] crossbowmen of Yan State prepared [-] million iron arrows of higher quality.

There are not only a large number of crossbows, but also a new weapon-the pear flower gun.

The so-called pear flower gun is to tie a bamboo tube on the spear, and the bamboo tube is filled with gunpowder and gravel. When stabbing the enemy's spear, the bamboo tube can splash sparks and hurt the enemy, just like a pear blossom. That's why it's called pear flower gun.

"They used to hide in the ravines, and it was hard for us to find them. We were afraid of being ambushed, so there was nothing we could do about them. Now they ran to the Great Plains by themselves, just in time to wipe out all their main forces."

Yan Lian stood on the watchtower, looking at the densely packed Goguryeo army on the distant plain from afar.

It has to be said that after hundreds of years of development, the Goguryeo civilization has improved a lot compared to before, and has learned to attack in formations, instead of huddling together like fighting in groups like before.

What is civilization?It includes all aspects, making fire and cooking is a civilization, making wheels is a civilization, war technology is a civilization, poetry art is a civilization, and land reclamation is also a civilization.

Civilization includes many things, not only reciting poems and composing poems like the Song Dynasty is called civilization, but the gold and iron horses of the Jin Dynasty are also civilizations, but they are just different manifestations of civilization.

Your civilization is expressed in poetry, and my civilization is expressed in horses.

When you think the other party is a barbarian, the other party also thinks you are a barbarian, so in fact, everyone in this world is a barbarian, you and I are all barbarians, this is the theory of barbarian relativity.

What is popular in the Central Plains is barbarian absolutism, which believes that other civilizations are barbarians and have no merits. The Chinese civilization is invincible and top-notch, so the Chinese civilization should not learn from other civilizations.

The theory of relativity between barbarians and barbarians is popular in Yan State, which believes that although other civilizations are inferior to Yan State in many places, there are also areas in which Yan State is inferior to other civilizations, so Yan State needs to learn the advantages of other civilizations.

When you despise the other party for not being able to recite poems and poems, the other party is also despising you for not knowing war techniques.

Sword masters despise spear masters, thinking that the opponent does not understand swordsmanship, so they are barbarians.

When the Goguryeo army gradually approached, under the command of various officers, the crossbowmen began to shoot arrows at the Goguryeo people.

As the war progresses, the role of personal bravery becomes less and less. Fighting a war does not rely on a group of reckless men yelling, but on orderly command, soldiers who obey orders, a good promotion system, healthy and nutritious meals, and continuous training.

Even a fierce general like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei only dared to rush into the enemy's formation in battles with hundreds or thousands of people at the beginning of his career. After the scale became larger, he still sat firmly behind and commanded.

Zhao Zilong, who entered seven times and came out seven times, just disguised himself as an ordinary citizen, escaped the enemy's search by relying on his ingenuity, and killed a few soldiers who were aware of it.

"Prepare... let go!"

The Goguryeo spearmen didn't even have battle armor, they were all dressed in civilian clothes, and a large number of them would die with one shot.

Usually in the mountains, you can use the terrain advantage to ambush the soldiers of the Yan State, so that the soldiers of the Yan State do not dare to enter the mountains to fight with them. Now on the plains, they are lambs to be slaughtered.

"Raise your shield!"

The Goguryeo nobles commanded, and then, after various beatings of gongs and drums, a large area of ​​Goguryeo people had been shot up, and the living behind raised their wooden shields one after another.

However, the thin wooden shields still can't withstand the improved crossbow of the Yan Kingdom, only those thick wooden shields can do it, but those very thick wooden shields are too heavy, and it takes a lot of energy to lift them up.

What's even more frightening is that the country of Yan doesn't just have strong crossbows.

Ten catapults threw many fire oil barrels tied with stones into the Goguryeo army formation, and the barrels smashed to the ground.

Afterwards, more than a dozen longbowmen loaded a small bamboo tube on the arrow, filled the bamboo tube with gunpowder, ignited the gunpowder, and ignited the solidified kerosene inside, sparks splashed, and the arrows were thrown out, igniting the Goguryeo position. kerosene on top.

There are also catapults throwing flints to prevent the kerosene in the Goguryeo position from being ignited.




The raging fire burned, and the Goguryeo spearmen were buried in a sea of ​​flames.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the Goguryeo people, Yan Lian on the watchtower pointed to the distance and shouted: "Cavalry in armor, attack immediately, cut off the Goguryeo people who are in the flames and non-fire seas, and prevent the Goguryeo people from escaping the flames!"

When the Goguryeo people in the sea of ​​fire wanted to escape, a thousand armored cavalry rushed towards them in the direction of their escape. Their throats were cut with arc-headed knives, and they fell to the ground one by one to die, allowing the sea of ​​fire behind them to spread come.

Still want to escape?snort!
(End of this chapter)

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