Chapter 264 Gold Rush ([-])
Cowherd Island

"Three teams are ready!"

"Second team, let go!"


Dozens of powerful crossbows shot at the Maoren army on the Great Plains, and dozens of Maoren fell to the ground and died.


There are so many hairy people, it seems that there are five or six thousand people, and the casualties caused by the crossbow are just a drop in the bucket.

"The second team retreats and loads arrows!"

"A team is ready!"

"Team three, let go!"

A son of the Wang family personally commanded the strong crossbow troops. The moment he finished shouting, he pointed a small blue flag at the Maoren army ahead.

Dozens of hairy men fell to the ground.

When the hairy man was about to rush in front of him, a deep trench stopped them.

The Mao people have fought against the Wang family for nearly 20 years, and they have long been accustomed to the defensive facilities of trenches, so they prepared wooden boards in advance and put them on the trenches.

"Fire oil projectile ready!"

"Fire Arrow is ready!"

The Wang family's children ordered to the three catapults behind the strong crossbow troops.

Then many security guards put sealed wooden barrels filled with kerosene on the catapult.


The sons of the Wang family commanded loudly, and an officer beside him rang the gong.


The commanders of the three catapults (each catapult has a leader named the commander) each commanded their own soldiers.



The wooden barrels of kerosene were thrown on the moat bridge built by the Mao people.

Ten fire arrow soldiers are ready to shoot fire arrows on the bridge full of kerosene.

"Team Fire Arrow, shoot!"

Ten fire arrows were shot at Duhao Bridge.

Crack crack! ——


A raging fire was ignited on the Dudeng Bridge, and a large number of hairy warriors were roasted in the flames.

"Hunting team, attack!"

At the critical moment of the chaotic situation, the children of the Wang family finally let the hunting team attack from the flanks.


More than 100 members of the hunting team rushed to the Maoren's right flank.

There was a raging fire in front of the hairy people, and a hunting team took advantage of the opportunity to attack on the right, and there was a sudden chaos.

"good chance!"

"Iron Buddha, attack!"

Five heavy cavalry rushed directly into the loose crowd of the Maoren army, thus cooperating with the hunting team's actions.

"Change to a long spear! Attack with arrows!"


The crossbowmen put down their crossbows one after another, held long spears, and formed a frontal formation to attack the hairy man crossing the trench.




The hairy people began to collapse, and some timid hairy people were fleeing.

"Servant team, attack!"

It wasn't until the Maoren soldiers began to collapse that the Wang family's children dared to order the Maoren puppet army with the weakest combat effectiveness to attack, otherwise they would be defeated by the Maoren as soon as they went up.

These puppet troops cannot be used as the main force, they can only be used as a coordination, or they can be used to chase and kill fleeing enemies.


The Maoren commander blew the horn, and the Maoren began to retreat.

More than 4000 people attacked the royal army with less than 1000 people, and ended with heavy losses, and finally had to leave the battlefield.

Moreover, most of the royal army of 1000 people is servant soldiers, and a small part is hunting squads. There are actually only sixty real royal private soldiers, including ten personal soldiers and fifty security soldiers.

As the battle ended, a group of servants began to clean up the battlefield and tied up the surrendered Maoren slaves. These Maoren slaves could be used to pave roads, build houses, walls, sewers, etc. At the same time, they dragged the Maoren's corpses back and chopped them up , used to feed livestock.

As the Wang family occupied the richest plain area of ​​Niulang Island and built towns, the hairy people who were driven into the hills couldn't bear it anymore. Under the common hatred, their various tribes formed an alliance and launched an attack on the Wang family. The second large-scale counterattack failed.

The number of Mao people on the island has dropped from 20 15 years ago to [-] now. Facing the crisis of genocide, they who originally killed each other have become unprecedentedly united. Meaningless.

In order to speed up the demise of the Mao people, the team of Wang family physicians submitted a proposal to the family council: put the plague on Niulang Island.

However, this proposal was rejected by the family council.

It's not that they feel sorry for the hairy man, but that they are worried that the livestock on the island will also be infected with the plague.

After years of research, the team of Wang family healers has mastered the use of dead bodies to artificially create the source of the plague, and then release the source of the plague on the enemy's territory.

But the price is also terrible.

A small island that was specially used to experiment with the effects of the plague is now covered by the plague. There is not even a single living creature on the island, and even seven royal healers and a royal woman were accidentally infected with the plague they created and die.

This was five years ago, and until now, that small island is still a restricted area, and no one is allowed to enter.

In addition to studying the plague, the team of Wang's physicians also studied [parasites], raising many parasites that can parasitize the human body, and then put them into water sources or food to attack powerful enemies.

Among them is the most common [schistosomiasis] in this era.

This kind of worm can parasitize in the human brain. If an enemy monarch is infected with this kind of parasite, with the current medical level, it is absolutely incurable.

However, recently, the Wang family's family council also issued a reward task worth one billion yuan to the medical team.

That is to develop a plague that specifically kills the elderly without harming the young. Through this method, the number of elderly people in the royal family's ruled area will be artificially reduced, so as to save export food and sell it to make money.

After all, these elderly people are stubbornly refusing to die, and they have to consume rations. Killing them directly is likely to cause civil uprisings, so it is undoubtedly the best way to solve the elderly population through a gentle means such as the plague.

However, at the current level of the Wang family's medical team, they haven't even figured out the basic principles of the plague, so this reward task can only be watched, and there is no way to realize it.

Not capable!
Therefore, the doctors can only drool while looking at the reward task, but there is nothing they can do, and then continue to concentrate on developing various medicines. Although there are only a few million rewards each time, there is hope to develop them. It is impossible to develop it at the current level.

However, there is a new doctor who has just joined the Wang family's team of doctors who is very interested in this reward task.

His name is Zhang Zonghan, and he belongs to a down-and-out bureaucratic family in the Central Plains.

He used to be a scholarly family who was an official for generations. He was considered a low-level noble family, but because he offended the eunuch, the whole family was almost killed. He left the Central Plains with his wife and children and fled to Liaodong where doctors were recruited at high prices.

Because his family is not only an official, but also knows medical skills, so he chose to go to Liaodong, hoping to make a living.

clap clap clap!
"A total of 650 prisoners."

A child of the Wang family fiddled with something called [abacus], and was counting the number of prisoners.

This abacus is the whimsy of a craftsman.

When calculating the property rewarded by the royal family, he used different stones to represent different numbers like most people. The big stone represents the number 100, the medium stone represents the number 10, and the small stone represents the number 1.

After using it, I found it too troublesome, and suddenly thought of whether it is possible to string these stones together, so that I can carry and calculate numbers with me.

Not long after, one of his craftsman friends saw this idea and improved it by replacing the stones with wooden beads, and stringing the beads on a wooden plate made of wood. Each bead was of a different size, representing The numbers are different.

Later, when a woman from the royal family who liked craftsman skills used this new invention, she felt that it was inconvenient for the beads to be of different sizes, and the beads were all on the same rope, which was easy to confuse. The numbers are different in size, separated in different abacus areas, and the size of the beads is changed to the same size, and this invention is named [abacus].

[Abacus] This invention is undoubtedly great, and it has greatly increased the efficiency and convenience of the Wang family when calculating numbers.

Several craftsmen who invented and improved [Abacus], as well as the royal woman, were rewarded by the family council.

(End of this chapter)

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