Established a thousand-year family from the end of Qin Dynasty

Chapter 254 Raising Bandits’ Self-Respect

Chapter 254

another six months later

Yongchu Second Year (AD 108)
Luo Yang
A group of ministers have been arguing for several months, but still have not made a final decision.

Not only that, the chariot general Deng Zhi personally led the [-] elite Kwantung Han army to conquer the Qiang people, but was defeated by the Qiang people, and the [-] Han army was defeated miserably.

The elite men in armor and iron weapons were defeated and fled by a group of Qiang people holding wooden spears and wooden shields and wearing cloth clothes and straw sandals.

What a shame!
The shame and humiliation of the great Han since the founding of the country!
Serious corruption has greatly affected the combat effectiveness of the army.

However, even so, the chariot general Deng Zhi was promoted to the general without hindrance, and his position was supported by almost all the scholars, because his relative Deng Zhi stood on the interests of the Kanto gentry without hesitation. He received unanimous praise from the gentry, and his reputation in the gentry circle was very good, and the gentry praised him as the reincarnation of Huo Guang.

On the contrary, some Kansai generals who made some achievements in the war were labeled as unfavorable in combat and then executed by the court. These generals from Kansai wealthy families without a strong background became the culprits and scapegoats for the failure of the war. Xia.

This war not only shocked the Qiang people and the Guandong scholars in the court, but also shocked the three major families in Liaodong.

They knew that the combat effectiveness of the Central Plains army had dropped drastically in the past few decades, far inferior to the army in the border counties, but they did not expect it to drop to this level.

In the former Han Dynasty, both the Han army in Bianjun and the Han army in the Central Plains could achieve "one Han as five Hus", but now, only the Han army in Bianjun can still achieve "one Han as five Hus". The Han army has already fought against the Hu people [-]-[-], and some even can't beat the Hu people.

The current Dahan is a very contradictory structure.

The contradiction lies in the fact that the powerful clans of the Bianjun have no right to speak in the court, while the Kanto gentry who have the right to speak are extremely miserable.

Liaodong, which also belongs to the frontier county, was reluctantly mixed into the circle of the Kanto gentry because of the existence of the great Confucian Wang Yan. Otherwise, it would be as miserable as Liangzhou. It worked hard to guard the frontier for the court, and then did not even have the right to speak , can only let the Kanto gentry cut leeks and wool.

The Kanto gentry are very entangled now. On the one hand, they have no fighting power and cannot put down the rebellion. On the other hand, they are worried that the Kansai nobles will rise up when the rebellion is put down, and then compete with them for the right to speak.

If you don't reuse the Kansai people who are good at fighting, you may lose the frontier, but if you reuse the Kansai people, it will lead to the rise of the Kansai people. No matter what you choose, it will be detrimental to the Kanto gentry.

What they want most is to let the Kansai people be loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and guard the frontier well. At the same time, they don't want to fight for the right to speak, and don't think about being equal to their Kanto gentry. Guard the frontier to prevent the barbarians from entering the Central Plains and destroying the wealth of their Kanto gentry's manors.

But this idea of ​​wanting the horse to run and keep the horse from eating grass is difficult to realize.

Under this mode of raising Gu, sooner or later, the Kansai region, which is like a purgatory on earth, will breed a "Gu King" that can overthrow the whole world.

Liaodong is a group between Kanto and Kansai.

Because Liaodong not only has the powerful combat power of the Guanxi nobles, but also has the same voice as the Kanto gentry, and the only one who has achieved both.

With the defeat of all the generals in the Kanto, the court began to quarrel again.

"Liang people guard Liang soil. Many armies in the Central Plains are lost in Liangzhou area. Continuing to increase troops to Liangzhou is just to die in vain. Only by letting Liang people guard Liang soil and promoting Liangzhou people can we really defeat the Qiang people's rebellion. Army, because Liangzhou is the hometown of Liang people, they are determined to defend their hometown, so they can explode their combat effectiveness, but Liangzhou is not the hometown of Central Plains people, so Central Plains people only miss their homeland in Liangzhou, and they cannot explode their combat effectiveness at all. " An official from the Kansai region said that there are very few officials in Kansai in the court.

"Impossible, there is a precedent for Liangzhou nobles to collude with the Qiang people to rebel. In the period of Emperor Guangwu, many Liangzhou tyrants colluded with the Qiang people to rebel. Support your own self-respect, then what happened to Longxi Kaixiao, Yizhou Gongsunshu, and Bingzhou Lu Fang will happen again!" A Kanto gentry said that even in the autumn of the country's critical survival, they still have to fight among themselves, and still focus on After guarding against the rise of the Kansai people, they may fight for power.

"The current strategy is to save Guanzhong only by completely abandoning Liangzhou." Pang Can, who was born in the Kwantung gentry, suggested.

"Only by giving up Liangzhou can we save money, save money and save Guanzhong, otherwise Liangzhou and Guanzhong will be lost."

"In the face of the current situation, the Han people in Liangzhou should be relocated to the Guanzhong area, so as to save the lives of the people."

As soon as Pang Shen said this, General Deng Zhi and all the Kwantung scholars agreed.

However, several officials in the Kansai area strongly opposed it: "Abandon Liangzhou today, Guanzhong tomorrow, and Luoyang the next day?"

Liangzhou is their hometown. If the imperial court directly abandons Liangzhou, wouldn't they become refugees without a hometown?
Although the imperial court said it was going to relocate them to Guanzhong, there was a death rate in the migration.

Every time a large number of people migrate to another place, a small half of them will die due to various reasons, such as confusion, hunger, cold, and fighting.

And after moving to a new area, you have to be inferior to others, because you have no land, you can only be a tenant farmer for the other party, as the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, unless it is a last resort, who wants to move to other people's land and be inferior to others?
At this time, General Deng Zhi said: "The current situation is that if one piece of clothing is broken, then use him to repair the other one. If you don't do this, then both pieces of clothing will be lost."

The meaning of his words is to say, either give up Liangzhou and preserve Guanzhong, or lose both of Liangzhou and Guanzhong. these territories.

After everyone decided to give up Liangzhou, they began to discuss whether to give up the Liaodong region.

"The Liaodong area is too close to the Guandong, and we must not give up, otherwise the barbarians outside the pass will be able to drive straight in from the Liaoxi Corridor!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's better to give [Liaodong pay] to Liaodong, and the Goguryeo barbarians must not be allowed to occupy Liaodong."

Facing the same barbarian intrusion, the Kwantung gentry proposed to give up directly when dealing with Liangzhou, and tried their best to protect Liaodong.

This is because Liaodong is too close to the fertile Kanto region. If Liaodong is lost, their manor will feel very insecure.

After realizing the importance of Liaodong, the Kanto gentry did not object to Liaodong's [Liao pay], but the specific amount of payment needed to be discussed carefully.

"Without enough military expenditures, Liaodong cannot be preserved. If Liaodong is lost, Youzhou will be lost. If Youzhou is lost, Kanto will be lost. Moreover, the barbarians can directly enter the Kanto region from the Liaodong sea!" said one of the officials in the court. The son of the Wang family was impassioned in the court hall with arrogance and righteousness: "For the people in the Kanto region, for the common people in the world, please pay Liao enough!"

He was also a scholar, and he entered the Luoyang Chaotang as an official by relying on the number of inspectors in Liaodong.

(End of this chapter)

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