Established a thousand-year family from the end of Qin Dynasty

Chapter 250 Raising Bandits’ Self-Respect

Chapter 250 Raising Bandits' Self-Respect ([-])

Three months later
Wenxiang City



Tens of thousands of Liaodong people were forced to attack the city by Goguryeo. They didn't even have siege equipment, only simple ladders.

The Wang family dug a trench outside the city long ago, and inserted bamboo thorns in the trench. Behind the trench, there was a circle of Juma. Behind the Juma, there was a trench. There were bamboo thorns in the trench. Refuse the horse.

Hundreds of temporarily recruited Liaodong hunters are drawing bows and arrows, and more than 1000 temporarily recruited Liaodong young men are holding long spears and are ready to fight at any time.

Wenxiang City is the first city on the only way to the Wang Family Manor.

The Wang family moved all the people in Xinchang City to Pingting, and the Wang family fleet transported them away directly.

Xinchang Township is not a place that must be passed through. Guarding Xinchang Township City is easy to be surrounded by the enemy, so the Wang family directly gave up Xinchang, and instead stick to Wenxiang City, which must be passed through.

It must be no problem to keep the basic position of the Wang family in Liaodong.

The Goguryeo people had no siege equipment. Even if they had 10 people, they would not be able to enter the Wenxiang City.

The Zhang family also did the same. The Zhang family gave up several Zhang cities in the hinterland of Liaodong, and then retreated to Wuli Xiangcheng.

Because Wuli Township is surrounded by either the sea or a swamp, it is also a necessary place to block the passage. Wuli Township completely blocked the passage for the Goguryeo people to go west.

The Li family was relatively far away from Goguryeo and was not invaded by Goguryeo, but they also provided soldiers and supplies for the Zhang family.

The most miserable one was the Lu family. The land of the Lu family was close to Goguryeo. The Lu family failed to respond to the sudden attack of Goguryeo. As a result, the manor was besieged by tens of thousands of Goguryeo troops, and more than 200 children of the Lu family died.

The weakest Lu family... the group is destroyed!
Of the four major families in Liaodong, only Wang, Zhang and Li are left.

The Goguryeo people are now occupying the land of the Lu family, plundering wildly on the land of the Lu family, and attempting to attack the Wang family in the south and the Zhang family in the west, but they all ended in failure.

If it weren't for the sudden attack of Goguryeo, the nearest Lu family would not have reacted and failed to recruit Xiangyong in time, Goguryeo alone would not be able to destroy even the weakest Lu family.

"Do you need to recruit soldiers from Samhan and Wa Island?" A son of the Wang family asked on the city wall.

"Don't worry, the Goguryeo people can't attack Wenxiang City, besides, the reinforcements from the imperial court are coming soon." An old man in the family shook his head and said, the Wang family doesn't have to worry about the tens of thousands of Goguryeo people, after all, the terrain is stuck here , Goguryeo people can only smash Wenxiang City, otherwise they will not be able to enter.

Recruiting troops on a large scale will do too much damage to the people's livelihood and the economy, and it cannot be done until the time of real crisis.

It is enough to have these villages to defend the city bravely, and there are more than 100 royal soldiers in the Liaohe Plain to contain the Goguryeo people, so that they dare not disperse and loot, but only dare to report to the group to squeeze into a group to loot, which leads to their looting speed. The rate of decline has dropped, and even the looted supplies are not enough for daily ration consumption.

The Goguryeo people attacked the city for two consecutive months, but they had nothing to do with Wenxiang City. It wasn’t like they ran away without thinking about robbing the Lu family. I was blocked in Liaodong and couldn't go back.

However, the three major families only let the temporarily recruited Xiangyong guard the city. Their private soldiers have been wandering around the Liaohe Plain. Whenever they have the opportunity, they will encircle and suppress Goguryeo's single troops. Once they withdraw from Goguryeo, the private soldiers of the three major families will immediately Taking the opportunity to follow and kill, the Goguryeo people suffered huge losses during the retreat.


The Grand Palace of Goguryeo snorted coldly, feeling very helpless.

He didn't expect that in Liaodong, it was easy to get in, but difficult to get out.

To the east is the hills of Liaodong, to the south is Wenxiang City and the sea, to the west is Wuli Township and swamps, and to the north there are now [-] soldiers from Liaodong County. Goguryeo's passages are all blocked.

More than 1 people gathered together, and the rations for the robbery were not enough, so the only way to do it was to disperse the looting.

But as soon as they disperse, the [-] heavy armored cavalry of the Wang family will immediately kill the lone Goguryeo troops who dispersed to loot.

The Goguryeo people are all infantry, and they still have no armor, but they have iron weapons like the Han army. The only advantage is that they have fought for 100 years without stopping. Every Goguryeo soldier is an elite who has experienced many battles. Very expensive.

But the royal soldiers have been fighting wars for 300 years. Starting from the conquest of Jianren, the royal soldiers are either fighting or on the way to war. Like the Goguryeo people, they are elites who have experienced many battles, and their equipment is more luxurious than the Goguryeo people. Countless times, the only disadvantage is that there are too few people.

Goguryeo infantry with less than 1000 people would never dare to go out to plunder alone. They could easily be ravaged wantonly by the Wang family's hundred heavy armored cavalry (the Wang family named it Iron Buddha).

A month ago, a Goguryeo raiding force of 600 people dispersed to plunder the Liaodong countryside, trying to get rations. As a result, on the way, 600 people came across the Wangjia Iron Buddha Tu, and were instantly crushed by a round of Wangjia Iron Buddha Tu's charge. The six hundred Goguryeo infantry only caused zero iron stupa deaths, zero iron stupas serious injuries, and six iron stupas minor injuries to the Wang family.

The terrifying record of 0:600 made all the Goguryeo elites who had experienced many battles feel terrified.

The cavalry troops of Zhang Li's family are also constantly looking for Goguryeo looting troops with less than 100 people to destroy.

With the strength of the Wang family's soldiers, even if 100 people directly attack [-] Goguryeo people, there is still a chance of winning.

But the Wang family will not do this, because it is not cost-effective.

Not to mention [-] Goguryeo people, even [-] Goguryeo people's lives are not as good as a hundred royal soldiers. It is not the style of the Wang family to directly exchange lives with Goguryeo.

As long as the passages are blocked, the townsmen guard the city bravely, the soldiers wander around to harvest those who are alone, and slowly wait for the reinforcements from the court, the Wang family can end the war without damage, and there is no need to force their own soldiers to increase casualties.

On the distant horizon, many black spots appeared.

"It's the reinforcements from the imperial court!" A son of the Wang family guarding the city shouted excitedly.

The morale of the townsmen who defended the city was also boosted, and the spirit of defending the city was even stronger.

Yuyang County sent [-] cavalry to support, Liaoxi County sent [-] cavalry to support, Lelang County sent [-] infantry to support, a total of [-] troops.

Now arrived are the cavalry from Liaoxi County, they are relatively close to Liaodong.

The counties in Youzhou are vast and sparsely populated, and Emperor Guangwu also abolished the conscription system of the counties and states, so it is already an effort to have [-] troops to rush to the aid of Liaodong.

The current Goguryeo Grand Palace is very uncomfortable, and he doesn't know what to do.

If he advances, he will not be able to attack Wenxiang City at all. If he retreats, the private soldiers of the three major families and the reinforcements from other counties will definitely take the opportunity to chase and kill him. Maybe there will be ambushes on the way, making his retreat turn into a rout, and he stays where he is It's just a slow death, and sooner or later you'll starve to death.

"Regret for invading Liaodong!"

The Goguryeo Grand Palace looked up to the sky and sighed, and finally had to order: "The whole army retreats! The squadron returns to the country!"

(End of this chapter)

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