Chapter 211 The Ordinary Road ([-])

"Child! My child!"

Early the next morning, a mother was crying looking for her baby.

During the night, her baby was secretly carried away by other refugees, and it should have been used to fill her stomach by now.

Among the crowd, some women's bodies could still be seen, which seemed to have just died.

So much happened in just one night.

"You motherfucker!"

A Qingzhou soldier arrested and beat several refugees who played with the refugee woman to death.

It's not because of any sense of justice, but because women are more valuable than men. Those refugees doing this kind of thing is tantamount to reducing the income of these Qingzhou soldiers.

The whips lashed the refugees so hard that their flesh was bloody.

In the end, those refugees were tied to wooden stakes and left to be exposed to the wind and sun. They would eventually become dried meat and smell of rotting meat.

The soldiers from Qingzhou want to make an example to others, and they will kill anyone who dares to block their way of getting rich!

In this way, Mei Shan spent two months in a daze.

Two months later
Sure enough, the Liaodong fleet reappeared on the sea.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze!"

"Whoever dares to jump in line, I will knock his sand melon!"

As the fleet appeared, the refugees were in a mess and crowded at the front.

Thousands of Qingzhou soldiers are maintaining order to prevent the scene from getting out of control.

Meishan was lucky to board the same cargo ship as her sister.

The sailors on the ship are nice people and will chat with refugees like them.

"When you come to Sanhan, as long as you abide by the laws and regulations and open up wasteland honestly, you can't say that you will live a prosperous life, but at least your family will not starve to death." The sailor is a middle-aged man in his early 40s, with vicissitudes on his face. There is also a scar on the back of the hand.

"When I was young, I was a boatman in Langya County. Later, the court said that I had no money and wanted to lay off troops, so I was laid off. Later, that naughty Wang Mang came to power and made our family bankrupt. I became a refugee, then I became a pirate, and finally, hey~ I became a sailor for the Wang family, and now I have my own wife and children."

The sailor said he would eat some more figs.

The cultivation of figs has spread to many overseas islands, the production has increased a lot, and it has become a snack for many middle-class people.

"Brother, didn't you say you were going to Liaodong? Where is Sanhan?" Mei Shan asked from the side.

"Hey, you'll know when you get there." The sailor smiled lightly.

The meals on board are different from those in Central Plains. In Central Plains, there are two meals a day, but here, there are three meals a day.

Since it is on a ship, the food is very simple.

A Zinai in the morning, a few pieces of pickled fish meat, some pickled vegetables, and a cooled rice ball at noon, and it is even simpler in the evening, with only a cooled rice ball and some pickled vegetables.

Although the portion is small, but fortunately, there is no need to work, there is not much physical exertion, and I will not feel too hungry.

At night, the starry sky is brilliant.

"The Master said, if you study without thinking, you will lose your life; if you think without learning, you will perish...Hungry your body, empty your body, and disturb your actions. Therefore, your heart and patience have benefited what you cannot..."

A scholar is sitting on the bow of the boat, shaking his head and reviewing the classics of saints under the moonlight.

"Hey, let me tell you, are you still a scholar?" After all, Meishan was born in a rich peasant, so he still had a little hope of getting in touch with books, so he didn't have the chance to read books like ordinary civilians, so he respected scholars very much.

Although he himself has never read a book, he admires and admires those scholars who have read a book.

"Zi said, it's hard to raise a villain and a girl!" The scholar didn't pay attention to Meishan at all. Although everyone was a refugee, he was an educated refugee.

"Alas... I think I, Xiong Fan, is also a son of a scholar, but my family has fallen in troubled times, and I was kidnapped by a group of prostitutes as slaves." an age group.

Da da da--

clap clap-


The sailors danced and sang folk songs under the moonlight.

"Little girl, turn around and look at me ~ Brother, I..."

The folk songs of the sailors are rough and straightforward, without so many twists and turns.

"It's unbearable, gentle and disgraceful!" Xiong Fan felt that these folk songs were too vulgar, and he covered his ears, unwilling to listen to these low-level things, so as not to tarnish his noble cultural identity.

Meishan is between literate and uneducated. He can read, but only literate. He doesn't know anything about those Confucian classics.

Listening to the sailors' rude folk songs, although Mei Shan thought they were vulgar, he listened with gusto.

In this way, almost 20 days passed, and everyone finally arrived at their destination - Chang'e City.

Along the way, scholar Xiong Fan covered his ears from the beginning and refused to listen to the folk songs, but later secretly listened to the folk songs, and refused to admit it after being discovered by Mei Shan.

And Mei Shan's younger sister, Mei Shan, gradually forgot the misery of the past, and her spirit began to return to normal, and now she can communicate with his brother.

Chang'e City is located at the estuary of the Hanyue River (Chanjin River). It is a new city just built by the Wang family this year.

To be precise, only one port terminal has been built in Chang'e City so far, and the city lord's mansion and the inner city and outer city have not even had time to be built, let alone the subordinate towns.

The Wang family has conquered most of Mahan, and now there are only seven Mahan tribes in the upper reaches of the Hanyue River and the east, and the rest of the Mahan tribes have all been destroyed.

Almost 150 years ago, when the Wang family first came into contact with the Mahan people, there were 52 states in Mahan, but now there are only seven Mahan states still alive.

Mou Han and Chen Han on the side were even gloating. When they were not as strong as Ma Han, they were often captured by the Ma Han people who had the custom of offering sacrifices to the gods.

Now that the Wang family came, the Mou Han people and the Chen Han people took the initiative to capture the Ma Han people and sell them to the Wang family, without any understanding of the truth.

The Wang family has now built nine cities in the Mahan area. According to the chronological order of the cities, they are: Incheon City, Seoul, Dayao City, Dayu City, Dayu City, Suiren City, Youchao City, Yutu City, Chang'e city.

The total population of the nine cities has reached over 33.

In addition, Ryukyu has more than [-] people, Penglai has more than [-] people, the rest of the islands have [-] people here and there, Taxiang has [-] tenant farmers, and Taohuagang has more than [-] people.

The population under the rule of the royal family has reached 39, and the fertile land has reached 900 million mu (38 hectares in Han Dynasty, about 14 hectares in later generations).

Mei Shan got off the boat with his younger sister in confusion. The first thing he saw was that many craftsmen were building a tall stone statue of Confucius.

"Line up, go take a shower first, someone will give you new clothes, and then go to [City Lord's Mansion-Shangshutai] to get a land reclamation certificate. Everyone, regardless of gender, can receive a land reclamation certificate with a limit of [-] acres. After receiving the land reclamation certificate , you can go to the [City Lord’s Mansion - Land Reclamation Department] with the land reclamation certificate to receive various materials needed for land reclamation for free, such as farm tools, seeds, fertilizers, grains, etc.”

"No tax is paid for the first three years of land reclamation. From the fourth year onwards, no matter whether you succeed in land reclamation or not, the land tax will be calculated as 31 acres of good land. , assuming that it is two and a half shi, that is to say, regardless of the specific harvest, you need to pay [-] shi of grain as land tax every year."

"At the same time, we have to pay five baht of 120 yuan per year as poll tax like the Central Plains."

"Although the land tax here is very high, we don't have to perform corvee and military service, and there are no other exorbitant taxes. Moreover, the [-]% land tax is already lower than the [-]% or even seven-story rent of the Central Plains tyrants."

Chang'e Cheng is leading some officials and security guards to publicize the policy here for the refugees who migrated to Chang'e City, encouraging them to work hard to open up wasteland and abide by the law.

Fifty acres of fertile land!
And regardless of gender!

And all the materials needed for land reclamation are provided free of charge by the Wang family.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, wishing they could start to open up wasteland now, open up a piece of fertile land of their own, and settle down from now on.

Mei Shan was even more energetic, he silently praised in his heart: Liaodong royal family, virtuous!
(End of this chapter)

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