I was kicked out by Sun Quan, and I turned to Cao thief

Chapter 292 Middle-aged, 3 happy events

Chapter 292 Middle-Aged, Three Happy Events

At this time, Xu You's wife walked over from the backyard with steps that her relatives did not recognize.

The name of this shrew is indeed well-deserved, she is a well-known tigress.

Before the person arrives, the voice arrives first.

"You stinking mounds, who sent you here?"

"If you don't open your eyes, let me see clearly what this place is."

"This is Xu's Mansion, is this the place where you bunch of poor people run wild?"

"I don't even ask, who is our master? Our master is Prime Minister Cao's friend, and Mr. Cao Pi's guest." Xu You's wife came to Tai Shici while speaking, and shouted at Tai Shici Shouting loudly, Tai Shici's ears "buzzed" with a loud voice.

Tai Shici thought, Xu You's wife has a really loud voice, the last time he met someone with such a loud voice was Liu Bei's third brother Zhang Fei.

In his heart, Tai Shici compared the voice of Xu You's wife with Zhang Fei's.

Xu You's wife thought that Tai Shici was afraid of her by not saying anything.

As a result, she pushed even further.

Seeing that, Xu You's wife stretched out her finger, poked Tai Shici's chest, and shouted: "Get out, get out!"

"I tell you to get out, can't you hear me?"

"Are you really deaf, or are you pretending to be deaf to me, I tell you to get out, get out."

However, an unexpected scene appeared.

With a sound of "Zeng!", the sound of the knife clanging sounded.

Seeing blood gushing out, Mrs. Xu You's head fell to the ground, and her obese body fell heavily on the ground.


As Mrs. Xu You's body fell to the ground, all the servants and nurses present were stunned.

No one thought that Tai Shici would explode and kill people. Mrs. Xu You, who was arrogant and domineering just now, turned into a corpse in an instant.

Not to mention these servants and guards, even Mrs. Xu You herself never thought that Tai Shici would dare to kill her.

When her head was rolling, her eyes were still wide open, full of incredible expressions.

It's unbelievable, it's too unbelievable, she can't believe it until she dies, she actually died?

"Madam! Madam!"

After a long time, the servants and nurses present realized this, and shouted loudly one by one.

Tai Shici put the saber back into its sheath, and said in a cold tone, "You noisy thing."

Who is Tai Shici? He won't say that he won't kill you because you are a woman.

When they were on the grasslands, when they killed Wuhuan people, they never let go of women, even infants.

Tai Shici only has missions in his eyes, and if you don't interfere with his completion of missions, he won't bother to talk to you.

However, if you stand in front of him and prevent him from completing his task, then he is a god blocking and killing a god, and a Buddha blocking and killing a Buddha.

It doesn't matter who you are, he's going to kill you.

Tai Shici grabbed a servant and shouted angrily, "Where is the treasure house of the Xu Mansion, take me there!"

When Tai Shici yelled, the servant's crotch immediately smelled of urine, and he was so frightened that he peed on his pants.

This servant was really terrified, you know, Tai Shici even killed their wives, killing a few of their servants was no different than chopping melons and vegetables.

"Back, back!"

"But we don't have a key!" the servant stammered.

Tai Shici thought, do I still need the key?Just open the door.

The gold, silver and jewelry in the mansion belonged to Xu You, but his life belonged to him.

Therefore, the people in this mansion were still very careful with their luggage, and under the guidance of the servants, they quickly found the treasure house in the mansion.

Tai Shici directly ordered his officers and men to tear down the door, and after opening the door of the treasure house, count the gold, silver and jewels inside and pack them into boxes.

After Tai Shici had someone count the quantity, he hurriedly went to Su Ming to report.

This amount is a bit wrong, and it is still a lot worse than what Xu Gan said before.

"Young master, the number is not too many!"

"It's much less than what Xu Gan said!" Tai Shici reported to Su Ming.

The family property of the Xu family's main branch was calculated by Xu Gan based on the Xu family's business.

It may not be too accurate, but it should not be too different.

Su Ming thought for a moment, and said, "The place you found is the Ming Treasury, and there should be a dark vault."

"The servants of the dark storehouse must not know about it. Interrogate Xu You's heirs, concubines and the like. Someone must know about it."

After receiving Su Ming's instructions, Tai Shici immediately turned back and began to interrogate Xu You's heir, concubine.

Due to time constraints and heavy tasks, Tai Shici's interrogation method is also very simple.

Just kill!

Gather all Xu You's concubines and heirs together, and then kill them one by one.

Don't say this, just kill the next one, one by one.

At first, Xu You's heirs and concubines said they didn't know, but after Tai Shici killed three people in a row, finally one of the concubines couldn't hold back anymore and told what he knew.

Under the guidance of this concubine, Tai Shici and the others found a secret room.

This secret room is Xu You's dark vault, and the treasures in the dark vault are much more than those in the open vault.

Tai Shici immediately called for another person to count the gold, silver and jewels in the dark vault, pack them into boxes, and transport them away.

Outside Xu You's mansion, there are all carriages, and there are boxes of gold, silver and jewelry on the carriages.

Not to mention how many concubines Xu You has in the mansion, he also has a concubine outside.

This is called, a wife is worse than a concubine, a concubine is worse than a thief, and stealing is worse than not being able to steal.

After Xu You and his concubine survived for a while, they were ready to go home.

At this time, a rogue in the city happened to see Xu You leisurely walking on the street.

The rascal stretched out his hand to stop Xu You, Xu You saw it, and sneered, "Boy, you are looking for death, and your Master Xu dares to stop you."

The poppy rogue said quickly: "Master Xu, I have some news here, let me tell you, how about giving me some rewards for drinking?"

Xu You smiled and said: "I made up my mind, it hit you, Uncle Xu. Let's listen to it. If I am happy with what you said, I will reward you with a few coins."

"Your shrew is dead!" the rogue said quickly.

Upon hearing this, Xu You was overjoyed, threw a few copper coins over and said, "Your Master Xu loves to hear this."

The three major happy events for middle-aged people are promotion, fortune, and death of their wives.

When he was promoted, he switched to Cao Cao. Cao Cao was much more powerful than Yuan Shao, so he was promoted.

To get rich, when Xu You was under Yuan Sha's command, he made a lot of money by reselling military rations, and he also got rich.

Now, the three major happy events are short of his wife's death.

His shrew wife kept nagging all day long and refused to let him continue to take concubines. In desperation, she raised a concubine.

If his wife died, Xu Youke would be able to take concubines without any scruples.

Therefore, Xu You loves to hear this.

(End of this chapter)

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