I was kicked out by Sun Quan, and I turned to Cao thief

Chapter 261 Ma Teng understands righteousness

Chapter 261 Ma Teng understands righteousness
"What news is there?" Cao Cao asked with a livid face.

Hearing Prime Minister Cao's question, the messenger who came to deliver the letter hurriedly reported: "Prime Minister, Ma Teng from Xiliang has sent troops!"

"Ah!" Hearing this news, Cao Cao couldn't help exclaiming, and couldn't help shaking his body three times, shaking three times!
Cao Cao almost fell on the city wall, but fortunately, the general Le Jin who was next to him had quick eyesight and quick hands, and helped him up.

If it is said that high-ranking cadres rebelled, maybe they can find a way to make up for it.

Then, Ma Teng sent troops, which is really difficult.

Ma Teng had great prestige in Xiliang, and Han Sui and other Xiliang warlords were willing to listen to him.

Moreover, he also has a brave son like Ma Chao under his command.

Ma Teng wants to have soldiers, to have generals, to have prestige and prestige!

Ma Teng sent troops at this time, what should Cao Cao do!

"I will die in the sky, I will die in the sky!"

"I, Cao Mengde, deserve to die in Liucheng this time!" Cao Cao couldn't help shouting up to the sky.

Seeing Cao Cao's appearance, the messenger kneeling on the ground quickly shouted: "Prime Minister, that's not the case, you misunderstood, you misunderstood!"

"Ma Teng from Xiliang didn't send troops to fight us, he was to fight high-ranking officials!"

After hearing the news, Cao Cao's face immediately changed from ecstasy to ecstasy.


"You said that Ma Teng sent troops to fight high-ranking officials!" Cao Cao said in surprise.

If Ma Teng really sent troops to fight high-ranking officials at this time, it was not to deal with him, but to rescue him!

The messenger hurriedly took out a letter from his arms, handed it to Cao Cao, and said, "Prime Minister, this is a letter sent to you by Ma Teng."

Cao Cao took the letter and slowly opened it.

Cao Cao opened the letter and saw that it was written by Ma Teng himself.

This letter probably meant so much.

This means that when I, Ma Teng, signed the Yidai Zhao, it was for righteousness.

Now, I, Ma Teng, sent troops to help you eliminate high-ranking cadres, and it was also for righteousness.

My Ma Teng's ancestor was Ma Yuan, General Fubo of the Great Han Dynasty. Back then, our ancestors fought against aliens and defended the territory of the Great Han Dynasty.

Today, you, Cao Mengde, are doing the same thing as my ancestors.

Gao Gan rebelled at this time, and it was not Cao Mengde who rebelled, but the big man.

Ma Teng is willing to suppress the high-ranking rebellion on behalf of the big Han, and Ma Teng will not take an inch of the land that has been brought down in Bingzhou, so Cao Cao can send people to accept it.

Ma Teng also stated in the letter that during the time when Cao Cao was resisting foreign enemies, Ma Teng would never harass Cao Cao's rear.

Let Cao Cao deal with the Xianbei, Wuhuan, and Huns with peace of mind, and he must play the majesty of a big man.

Moreover, Ma Teng also said that after Cao Cao solved the alien race in the grassland, he, Ma Teng, would continue to do the things on the clothes and belts.

In any case, he will definitely help the Son of Heaven to gain power, and fight Cao Cao's real sword and gun head-on.

After Cao Cao read Ma Teng's letter, he was quite moved.

Cao Cao never expected that at this critical moment, Ma Teng would send troops to help him put down the rebellion.

"Shoucheng is worthy of being the descendant of General Fubo, he understands righteousness!" Cao Cao couldn't help shouting up to the sky.

After sighing, Cao Cao handed the letter in his hand to Jia Xu, the military advisor, and said, "Military advisor, please read this letter!"

After Jia Xu took the letter from Cao Cao, he looked at it carefully, reading the letter from beginning to end.

Jia Xu slowly said to Cao Cao: "Prime Minister, I have a sentence, I don't know if I should say it or not!"

Seeing Jia Xu's hesitation, Cao Cao quickly expressed his opinion: "The military master has something to say, but please be frank. In my heart, you and Feng Xiao are the same."

"Everything can be said bluntly, nothing can't be said."

Jia Xu knew that Cao Cao was suspicious, but Jia Xu liked to protect himself very much.

Therefore, before Jia Xu spoke, the first consideration was not to offend Cao Cao.Therefore, before he spoke, he was reserved.

No matter who Cao Cao is, he understands people's hearts very well.

Cao Cao saw Jia Xu's intentions, so he told him that you and Feng Xiao are the same in my heart.

So, you can say anything, and I won't blame you.

Boss Cao has said everything, so Jia Xu has nothing to say.

"Prime Minister, I think this half of Bingzhou is tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to discard it!"

"Instead of doing this, it's better to issue an edict in the name of the emperor, and let Ma Teng be responsible for exterminating high-ranking officials and leading Bingzhou!"

"This Bingzhou will be managed by Ma Teng first, and it will not be too late to take Bingzhou when you want to rule the world, Prime Minister." Jia Xu said slowly.

After listening to Jia Xu's words, Cao Cao couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

What Jia Xu said was correct. Bingzhou is a place with a vast land and few people, and it also borders on the grassland people.

It is often harassed by the grassland peoples, and there are no strategic resources.

There is no gain in holding this place in your hands, and you have to send troops to garrison it all year round.

Moreover, Cao Cao really doesn't have the energy to manage the affairs of Bingzhou now.

Instead of leaving the hidden danger of Bingzhou, it is better to borrow flowers to present Buddha and give Bingzhou to Ma Teng first.

Among other things, Ma Teng's character can be guaranteed.

When Cao Cao's rear was weakest, Ma Teng didn't stab him in the back, and even took the initiative to send troops to help him solve the high-ranking rebellion.

After thinking through all this, Cao Cao immediately stated: "Shoucheng will not fail me, and I will not fail Shoucheng."

"If the world is supposed to have feudal feudal lords, then I also hope that there will be more lords who understand justice like Shoucheng."

Cao Cao quickly ordered people to return to Xudu, and asked Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to draw up an order, ordering Ma Teng to suppress the high-ranking rebellion and take charge of Bingzhou.

In addition, Cao Cao personally wrote a reply letter to Ma Teng.

In the letter, Cao Cao first praised Ma Teng's character, and then expressed his gratitude to Ma Teng.

After doing all this, Cao Cao's heart was put back in his stomach.

Cao Cao is a person who employs people without suspicion, and suspects do not use them.

Cao Cao trusted Ma Teng very much. He believed that Ma Teng would not harass his rear.

Cao Cao supported Yitianjian, looked at the grassland aliens who were digging tunnels under the city, and said coldly: "Now, the threat from the rear has been eliminated, and these grassland aliens must be wiped out."

"If we don't get rid of these alien races in the grassland, our Han frontier will be in trouble."

Cao Cao still has lingering fears in his heart!

Fortunately, Ma Teng is a man who understands righteousness. If at this time, Ma Teng, like Gao Gan, would stab him in the back.

Then, Cao Cao's decades of hard work will be turned into ashes.

Maybe, the pattern of this world will be rewritten.

Even, if Ma Teng didn't take the initiative to send troops to help him solve the problem of high officials, Cao Cao would have a headache for a long time.

Even, it will trigger an unimaginable chain reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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