Chapter 219
Ji County, government office.

The civil servants and military generals under Cao Cao's command were gathering together. At this time, Jia Xu had temporarily replaced Guo Jia's position and acted as Cao Cao's military adviser temporarily.

Since Su Ming told Cao Cao that Guo Jia's physical condition was not good, and he was not suitable for long-term fatigue in the bitter cold environment of the grassland.

Cao Cao began to arrange as little work as possible for Guo Jia. Not only that, he also arranged two personal doctors for Guo Jia.

One of the two doctors was in charge of the night and the other was in charge of the day. In short, they wanted to ensure that nothing unexpected happened to Guo Jia.

Here, Cao Cao is discussing how to beat the Wuhuan people with civil servants and military generals in the government office.

At this time, I saw Xu Chu coming in from the outside, came to Cao Cao and reported: "My lord, someone is looking for you outside."

Cao Cao frowned, thinking, are all his civil servants and generals in front of him?Who would look for themselves at this time?
"Who is looking for me?" Cao Cao asked in a deep voice.

Cao Cao thought about it, if it was not for some important people, he would not see him first.Didn't you see that you were in a meeting?How can I have the time to meet some messy people?
Xu Chu shook his head and replied, "I also know them. They are a group of girls in red belts and greens. They said they came to donate some military expenses to us."

Having said this, Xu Chu was stunned for a moment, then hesitatingly said: "Look at the girl who is dressed like a brothel."

A group of girls from brothels came to collect donations for the army?

Hearing this, Cao Cao couldn't help but burst into tears, and he said with emotion: "The women in the brothel still worry about the country. How can our army be invincible in this battle?"

As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, Jia Xu followed suit and said, "This way, it shows that the Prime Minister has won the hearts of the people. Once the hearts of the people have been won, there will be no troubles in this little Wuhuan."

Cao Cao looked at Xu Chu and ordered, "Zhongkang, quickly invite those girls in. The prime minister wants to meet them in person."

You have to say that under normal circumstances, these brothel girls will never have the chance to meet Cao Cao in this life.

The difference in status is too great, Cao Cao, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, is the white cloud in the sky.These brothel women are the mud in the sewer.

There will be no intersection between the two in this life.

But now, Cao Cao wants to meet these brothel women in person.

Taking Cao Cao's order, Xu Chu came to the outside of the government office, and said to the brothel girls waiting outside the government office, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Prime Minister is very grateful to you, and wants to invite you in, and personally express my thanks to you."

Hearing Xu Chu's words, these brothel girls were also very moved.

In their view, Cao Cao, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, could not dislike them and accept their money, and they were very moved.

What's more, Cao Cao wants to meet them now and thank them.

After many brothel girls were stunned for a long time, the bustard stood up and said: "General, we brothel girls don't understand any great principles."

"But we know that when Liu Yu was in charge of Youzhou, we were bullied by the Wuhuan people. When Yuan Shao was in charge of Youzhou, we were also bullied by the Wuhuan people. Only the Prime Minister is willing to support us poor people."

"Nowadays, when Wuhuan comes to commit crimes, we weak women can't do anything for the country, so we can only donate the money, which can be regarded as doing our part."

"As for the prime minister, it's gone! It's an important place in the government office. We wait for filthy women to not enter without permission. Seeing the prime minister will also pollute the prime minister's eyes."

After saying this, the bustard stuffed the wooden basin in Xu Chu's arms, and then took the girls to prepare to leave.

Seeing that the bustard was leading the girls away, Xu Chu stretched out his hand to pull, but he held the wooden basin in his arms again.

Besides, men and women can't kiss each other. Although these are brothel girls, these brothel girls are not bad.

Xu Chu didn't have the nerve to reach out to pull them, so he had no choice but to hold the wooden basin in his arms, stamped his feet and shouted: "Don't go! Don't go! If you go, I can't explain to the prime minister! "

It was fine if Xu Chu didn't yell, but when he yelled at the top of his voice, the girls ran even faster.

These girls insisted on leaving, Xu Chu really had no choice but to go to see Cao Cao with the wooden basin in his arms.

Xu Chu came to Cao Cao and put the wooden basin in front of Cao Cao. Cao Cao lifted the red cloth covering the wooden basin.

After lifting the red cloth, Cao Cao saw that most of the wooden basin was filled with copper coins, and there were also some scattered golden beans.

In addition, the most are gold and silver jewelry, some jade jewelry and the like.

Seeing these things, Cao Cao was very moved. He never expected that at this time, the first ones to solicit donations were these brothel women.

Cao Cao glanced at Xu Chu, and said angrily, "Where is he?"

"How do you bring things, man?"

Xu Chujiang told Cao Cao exactly what the old bustard had said just outside the government office.


"They are not filthy people, they are my sisters and relatives of Cao Mengde." Cao Cao said very moved.

When it comes to the emotion, Cao Cao actually shed tears.

Su Ming watched from below, thinking, Cao Cao was possessed by Liu Bei?
"My lord, the hearts of the people have been won, and great things can be accomplished."

"You should be happy! Why are you crying!" Guo Jia advised from the side.

Cao Cao wiped away his tears, and said earnestly, "I, Cao Mengde, am ashamed of the common people!"

"The people of Youzhou have suffered from Wuhuan for a long time. As the prime minister of the great Han Dynasty, I, Cao Mengde, once wanted to negotiate peace with the Wuhuan people."

"If we negotiate peace with the Wuhuan people, what face will I, Cao Mengde, face the people of Youzhou?"

"Today, I, Cao Mengde, swear here. From then on, I, Cao Mengde, will be the prime minister of a big man for one day. When a big man faces a foreign race, he will not negotiate peace or show weakness."

"If a foreign race kills one of my Han people, I, Cao Mengde, will definitely pay back a hundredfold."

At this time, Cao Cao knew the benefits of winning the hearts of the people.

He also understood why Liu Bei was so down and out, but those common people followed him willingly.

At this moment, Cao Cao thought to himself: "He Liu Xuande can win the hearts of the people, and I, Cao Mengde, can also win the hearts of the people."

In addition, Cao Cao still thinks in his heart now, thanks to my son Chongguang who killed Lou Ban and the Wuhuan Mission, I made up my mind to go to war with Wuhuan.

Otherwise, if we really want to negotiate peace with Wuhuan, I, Cao Cao, will definitely bear the eternal infamy and be cast aside by the people.

After calming down, Cao Cao told Xu Chu, "Take out thirty bolts of silk from the treasury and send them to the brothel yourself. Then say, I, Cao Mengde, rewarded the girls."

The money donated by these girls in the brothel is not much, which is actually a drop in the bucket for the entire army.

However, a single spark can start a prairie fire.

When the brothel girl raised donations and the news of Prime Minister Cao's reward got out.

All of a sudden, the entire territory of Youzhou started fundraising.

After all, all the girls in the brothel donated. If they didn't donate, wouldn't they be inferior to the girls in the brothel?
Especially those merchants who were forcibly bought and sold by the Wuhuan people, their donations settled a large amount of military expenses for Cao Cao.

(End of this chapter)

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