Five years of county magistrate, 100 million catties of grain shocked Li Shimin

Chapter 329 Successful Vaccination, Solving the Danger of the 5 Army

Chapter 329 Successful Vaccination, Solving the Fifty Thousand Army's Danger
"I've figured out a way, and I'm testing it, but the results haven't come out yet."

"If you are afraid, how about getting vaccinated now?"

Fang Yuan said in a deep voice.

He touched Li Ke's forehead, it was indeed slightly hot.

But this mild fever cannot confirm that Li Ke was infected with smallpox.

It may be due to other reasons, and it may also be slightly hot, after all, there are a lot of magic smallpox now.

"Is there any danger?"

Li Ke asked.

He was also not sure if he had smallpox.

So he hesitated about vaccination.

"The result has not yet come out, and there must be risks."

Fang Yuan said in a deep voice.

Although the success rate is already very high.

But the danger is still there, after all, they have not recovered from the vaccination.

"Then I'll wait."

"Is it okay to come to you after I'm sure I'm infected with smallpox?"

Li Ke said embarrassingly.

He felt that he could wait for something dangerous.

I have been waiting for three days, and I don't care about waiting a few more days.

"Then go back first and avoid contact with people."

Fang Yuan reminded.

After sending Li Ke away, Fang Yuan went to check the inoculated guards and soldiers infected with smallpox.

Checking again, the two vaccinated guards actually had a fever, which is a great thing for Fang Yuan and others.

"Maybe it worked!"

After Sun Simiao learned about it, he personally checked the situation of the two of them.

After the inspection, he was extremely excited and felt that it should be a success.

This inoculation method was a big breakthrough for Sun Simiao.

He feels that his medical knowledge has a new direction and will go further in the future.

In the afternoon, the two guards who received the vaccination woke up, their spirits recovered a lot, and they even shouted that they were very hungry and wanted to eat.

Regarding this, both Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao knew that the vaccination was successful!
It was almost evening.

The barracks was dead.

It doesn't look like a barracks of [-] troops at all.

The soldiers hardly left their camps, and even the cooks were in no mood to cook.

Many people developed fevers, and many in the army showed signs of smallpox.

This was an extremely torturous encounter for the soldiers who were terrified themselves.

Some people still want to escape.

But more believe in Sun Simiao.

Suddenly, a gong sounded in the barracks.

"Good news, good news, Dr. Sun and Fang Shilang successfully found a way, please gather the soldiers in an orderly manner immediately!"

"Good news, good news, Dr. Sun and Fang Shilang successfully found a way, please gather the soldiers in an orderly manner immediately!"

"Good news, good news, Dr. Sun and Fang Shilang successfully found a way, please gather the soldiers in an orderly manner immediately!"

Several guards were notified separately in the barracks.

The voice sounded like nectar in the hearts of the soldiers.


The soldiers exclaimed.

All weakness is swept away.

They walked out of their tents, as if they had found a new hope.

Everyone scrambled to the direction of the deployment platform and assembled in an orderly manner.

Li Ke, Li Daliang, Niu Jinda and others also heard the news, and their faces turned red with excitement.

In the past few days, the three of them felt that they had been infected, and they all felt uncomfortable.

But as generals, they didn't dare to tell the soldiers below about such things, for fear of greater confusion.

Now, finally hearing the good news, they were so excited that they were about to cry.

"Light the torches and light up the soldiers' platforms!"

Li Ke arranged excitedly.

Let the obedient cronies arrange the next order.

He didn't know what Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao's methods were like.

But we can know that it will definitely take a long time for an army of [-].

Not long after, [-] troops, whether they were infected with smallpox or not, gathered at the point of soldiers.

The fire here was soaring into the sky, igniting the darkness, and also igniting the hearts of the soldiers. They all looked anxiously at the deployment platform.

Not long.

Sun Simiao appeared.

At this time, he took off his mask.

The appearance of no masks cheered up the soldiers.

They believed that Sun Simiao had really found a way.

But what surprised them was that it was not Sun Simiao who explained the method, but stood aside and Fang Yuan presided over the scene.

"Not much nonsense, we have successfully found a way."

"Did you see the ten cows in front? All of them cut a wound on their bodies with a saber, and wiped the wound with the abscess from the milk, and the vaccination was successful."

"After inoculation, there will be symptoms similar to smallpox infection, fever, etc., but it doesn't matter, it's a normal phenomenon, my officer and Sun Simiao will operate it for everyone on the spot!"

Fang Yuan said loudly.

The voice should be as loud as possible for everyone present to hear.

The soldiers were in an uproar, surprised and suspicious of Fang Yuan's method.

But Fang Yuan thought of encountering doubts, so he decided to vaccinate with Sun Simiao on the spot.

At this moment, the sky has not completely darkened, and one can still see the situation clearly and see people's behavior clearly.

When Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao cut their palms and vaccinated, most of the soldiers believed it.

The two generals, Li Ke and Li Daliang, who had been notified by Fang Yuan in advance, also took the lead in inoculating themselves.

But instead of scratching the palm, they scratched the wound on the arm and then vaccinated.

"Start vaccination!"

Following Li Ke's order.

The [-] troops lined up in ten teams and vaccinated themselves.

Time passed slowly, there were too many people, and it took a long time.

It is also because there are too many cowpox needed.

But fortunately, Fang Yuan has already made preparations, not only the ten cows in front of him.

He also collected dozens of infected cattle at a high price on the first day.

Vaccination was carried out for a day and night, and finally everyone was vaccinated.

At this moment, Fang Yuan felt unwell, started to have a fever, and appeared smallpox.

Not only him, but also Li Ke and others, smallpox appeared one after another.

The soldiers began to panic.

But it is still stable, because Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao have mentioned the phenomenon.

Moreover, Fang Yuan, Sun Simiao, Li Ke and others were vaccinated one after another.

Slowly, the barracks fell.

Some soldiers wanted to escape, but they were too tired after running for a long time.

In the next few days, Fang Yuan and others recovered one after another, and more people recovered, the smallpox was finally resolved.

But among them, many soldiers did not make it through, and hundreds of people died.

Although this is sad news.

But for an army of [-], a few hundred people is really too little.

So Li Ke rewarded the three armies, entertained Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao, and hurriedly sent the news back to Chang'an City within [-] miles.

"Okay, that's great, smallpox can also be cured!"

"Come here, pass on my will, and make Du Miaoyan the wife of Yipin Haoming."

After Li Shimin learned of the situation, he was overjoyed.

Fang Yuan's trip not only saved [-] troops, but also saved the smallpox problem.

In the future, Datang will no longer worry about the emergence of smallpox, and no more people will die because of smallpox.

This is a historic breakthrough, Fang Yuan must be rewarded heavily.

But Fang Yuan's current position is not good enough to reward him.

And Fang Yuan is not in Chang'an City now.

Then Du Miaoyan is the best to accept the award, and no one will talk too much.

As the news spread, the city of Chang'an was shaken very quickly, and everyone from the dignitaries to the common people was horrified.

The smallpox that was rumored to die was actually solved by Fang Yuan and Yao Wang?
Moreover, without their knowledge, smallpox appeared in the [-] army in Hebei?

People can't believe it.

But smallpox appeared in the [-] army, it must not be a fake.

So after learning that Li Shimin named Du Miaoyan as Yipin Haoming's wife, no one had any objection.

In Fangfu.

After Du Miaoyan learned that she was rewarded, she was relieved.

Yes, he was relieved, not happy about the award.

Because getting the reward proves that Fang Yuan's trip was a success.

Since it is a success, it means that there is no danger, Fang Yuan's safety is no problem.

As the news spread, the entire Tang Dynasty knew about this, Fang Yuan was known to the people of the whole country for the first time.

However, people mostly think that the credit goes to Sun Simiao, the medicine king, after all, that is where the medicine king's ability in the medical field lies.

Hebei, military barracks.

After the [-] troops celebrated, the old order was restored.

Those soldiers who died were cremated on the spot, lest sending them back would bring smallpox with them.

After the mission was over, Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao were ready to return to Chang'an City.

Counting the time to go back to this trip, half a month has passed.

But before they even started, new problems arose.

Smallpox patients appeared outside the barracks.

In Hebei, besides the military camps, there were other places where people were infected with smallpox.

The smallpox in the barracks was contracted from outside, but no one knew about it.

Now the people in Hebei learned that Sun Simiao and Fang Yuan solved the smallpox in the barracks, and they rushed over one after another.

At a glance, there are thousands of giants.

"Your Highness, the scouts have reported that smallpox has appeared in many places in Hebei."

"People infected with smallpox are imprisoned, and life and death are at stake."

"I came here when I learned that we had solved smallpox."

A soldier reported.

These days, the rebel army in Hebei did not attack Li Ke's army.

They were afraid of being infected with smallpox by contacting Li Ke's army.

Although they were not infected with smallpox, people in many places in Hebei were infected with smallpox.

The common people who were infected with smallpox were treated as before, which was to isolate them in one place and let them live or die.

"Fang Yuan, Doctor Sun, please save them."

Li Ke said in a low voice.

They are all ordinary people, and they can't ignore death.

This time the army invaded Hebei, deterrence has not yet played a role, but it is unnecessary.

As long as the smallpox is cured, the people in Hebei will be grateful and have the effect of subduing them.

"Let's start with this matter, and leave the rest to His Highness."

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said.

It's been too long since I left, I don't want to stay for so long.

After all, Du Miaoyan is just pregnant, so it's not good to leave her for too long.

At the same time, giving Li Ke can sell Li Ke a favor, he has to be grateful to himself.


Li Ke's eyes lit up and he nodded heavily.

As long as Fang Yuan tells him the method, then he will be more credited for implementing it.

At that time, after the class teacher returns to the court, his own light will overwhelm Li Tai and so on.

Regarding Fang Yuan's favor, Li Kecheng followed suit.

"By the way, there should be no more wars. I want to take Xue Bowu back."

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said.

He has met Xue Bowu several times.

Now Xue Bowu's situation is good, and this trip to Hebei has made some contributions.

"no problem."

Li Ke did not object.

He can decide this matter.

Afterwards, Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao began to vaccinate the common people who came and went.

When the people in Hebei saw Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao walking over without any protection, they were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

This situation shows that the [-] army has really solved the smallpox problem.

"Fathers and folks, I am Fang Yuan, Minister of the Household Department, and this is Medicine King Sun Simiao."

"We have found a way to defend against smallpox, please don't panic, line up, and we will treat you."

"In addition, treatment is risky, because you have already been infected, and some people may have accidents during the treatment."

Fang Yuan said loudly.

Soldiers were ordered to take control of the scene.

Li Ke is also here, and he personally presides over the scene.

After learning that Li Ke, the king of Shu, was also there, the common people were moved to tears again.

Afterwards, Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao demonstrated vaccinia vaccination, and then handed over the scene to Li Ke.

The number of people is not too large, so it is not a problem for Li Ke and others to operate.

Seeing that Li Ke already knew what to do, Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao took Xue Bowu and started the return journey.

In the car, Fang Yuan and Sun Simiao were sitting in Li Shimin's chariot.

"Fang Xiaoyou, why don't you stay?"

"This will greatly improve your reputation."

Sun Simiao was puzzled.

Officials want more fame.

Fang Yuan is the servant of the household department, he will definitely cherish his reputation even more.

"It's almost enough, it's too late."

"And Miaoyan is just pregnant, I have to go back and be with her."

Fang Yuan smiled lightly.

The reason why he didn't want to stay was that Du Miaoyan was just pregnant, and there was another reason.

That is to solve the smallpox virus involving the entire Datang, and even other countries farther away.

This kind of reputation is almost enough, otherwise it will cause bad consequences and bring other troubles to yourself.

"You really have a calmness that ordinary people don't have."

Sun Simiao laughed.

The understanding of Fang Yuan has deepened.

Given Fang Yuan's age, it's really rare to have such a calm personality.

Cooperating with Fang Yuan to study human experiments, Sun Simiao felt that he could not be wrong.

"It's just more experience."

Fang Yuan laughed.

Being a human being in two lives, he encountered many hardships after traveling through time.

Nowadays, such composure is taken for granted.

There is still a long way to go, life has just begun, Fang Yuan knew that he had to be more careful.

"By the way, how on earth did you know that cowpox protects against smallpox?"

Sun Simiao thought of this question again.

When he came over, he asked Fang Yuan this question.

However, Fang Yuan said it later, he didn't think of this question until now.

For a civil servant, knowing the smallpox method that all doctors don't know how to defend against, how can he do it?
"Actually, I saw it in an ancient book."

"But I thought, no one would believe me when I said that."

"So I thought I'd tell you the truth after the test."

Fang Yuan smiled and said.

He had already thought of the words.

Just wait for Sun Simiao to ask.

"Are the ancient books still there?"

Sun Simiao's eyes lit up immediately.

Ancient books that can record the method of smallpox defense must be invaluable.

"Sorry, I don't know where it went."

Fang Yuan shook his head and said.

"Oh, what a pity."

Sun Simiao shook his head and said.

Afterwards, the two chatted.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped and someone blocked the way outside.

(End of this chapter)

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