Chapter 324 Returning Home, Long Time No See

Everyone moved to the guest house.

The guest house is still the same as before.

It seems that nothing has changed, but the staff has changed.

As the former manager of the guest house, Lu Xia is still highly respected after returning.

To say it's respect, it's better to say that Lu Xia is their superior.

The Guest House is now also under the Bafang Group.

And Lu Xia is the veteran of Bafang Group.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone was drunk, and the banquet was finally over.

After the banquet is over.

Fang Yuan bid farewell to them and returned to his home in Liaozhou.

Someone has already cleaned it up, and someone is waiting for Fang Yuan and others to come back.

It was Yang Xiulan and Zhao Zixuan's mother and daughter.

They didn't attend the banquet, they were waiting for Fang Yuan and others in Fang Mansion.

"Brother Yuan!"

After seeing Fang Yuan, Zhao Zixuan rushed over.

If it wasn't for Du Miaoyan being beside her, she might have jumped into Fang Yuan's arms.

"Girl, you've grown up a lot."

Fang Yuan looked at Zhao Zixuan, smiled and said.

I haven't seen her for many days, and this girl has developed a lot.

She has the temperament of Yang Xiulan's noble lady.

At this moment, Yang Xiulan also came over with a smile on her face.

"Aunt Zhao."

Fang Yuan bowed to her.

Du Miaoyan and others also followed.

"Family, don't see outsiders like that."

Yang Xiulan held Du Miaoyan's little hand and said.

After experiencing several hardships, Yang Xiulan truly regarded Fang Yuan as a family.

Thanks to Fang Yuan, Zhao Yingcai is now able to serve as the governor of Liaozhou, and there is a possibility of going further in the future.

"Aunt Zhao is right."

Du Miaoyan smiled and said.

Everyone went back to the house and sat in the living room.

The Fang Mansion was cleaned very well, all thanks to Yang Xiulan's mother and daughter.

After Chang'an City in Fang Yuan's hemisphere, this place is empty, no one is left here.

But with Zhao Yingcai around, Yang Xiulan would ask someone to come over to clean up the dust every now and then.

Knowing that Fang Yuan was coming back yesterday, they came here early today to clean up for Fang Yuan.

"Brother, how long will you stay here this time?"

Zhao Zixuan looked at Fang Yuan eagerly.

God knows how much she misses Fang Yuan.

If it wasn't for the girl's family, both Zhao Yingcai and Yang Xiulan forbade her to go to Chang'an City to find Fang Yuan.

During this period of time, Zhao Yingcai and Yang Xiulan were looking for a partner for Zhao Zixuan, and she was afraid that she would be terrified.

Now seeing Fang Yuan coming, she feels that she has a savior, she can ask Fang Yuan to intercede.

"Depending on the situation, we should stay for three to five days."

Fang Yuan said uncertainly.

We'll have to see how things go to be sure.

But Fang Yuan just asked for seven days leave, two days already on the way.

Normally, five days is the longest period to stay here.

"It's only been five days."

Zhao Zixuan was obviously a little disappointed.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Yuan asked with a smile.

"It's nothing."

"It's my parents who are forcing me to marry."

"Brother Yuan, tell me about them, I don't want to marry yet."

Zhao Zixuan glanced at Yang Xiulan secretly, and said aggrievedly.

Fang Yuan only stayed for five days, he didn't know that he would be busy for a few more days.

Taking advantage of the opportunity now, ask Fang Yuan to intercede with himself, so that Fang Yuan doesn't have time.

"Zhao Zixuan, don't mess around!"

Yang Xiulan immediately put on a straight face.

My daughter is not young anymore, so I can't delay any longer.

In the past, Zhao Yingcai felt that Fang Yuan was good enough to entrust her daughter's life, but at that time she was not happy.

Now Fang Yuan is indeed very good, but he has already married Du Miaoyan, his daughter cannot become a concubine, so Fang Yuan is already impossible.

Since it's impossible, then we can't procrastinate any longer. We have to marry our daughter earlier, so as not to miss the time and find a husband in the future.

"I think you are not young, and it's time to find someone."

Fang Yuan smiled and said.

Women in this era marry relatively early.

People like Du Miaoyan, according to this era, are already old girls.

And like Zhao Zixuan, it can be said that it is biased toward the later stage.

"I don't want it, I don't want it!"

"I'm looking for someone as good as you, Brother Yuan!"

Zhao Zixuan felt aggrieved immediately.

Even Fang Yuan doesn't help him, so who else can help her?
"I want to find someone as outstanding as your brother Yuan, it's rare in the world!"

Suddenly, Zhao Yingcai's voice sounded outside the door.

Fang Yuan and others stood up one after another to welcome Zhao Yingcai's arrival.

"Sit, all sit."

Zhao Yingcai doesn't dare to let Fang Yuan be too polite to him now.

The footsteps quickened a little, making Fang Yuan and Du Miaoyan sit down quickly.

"Father, I'm still young, I don't want to get married so soon!"

Zhao Zixuan said aggrievedly.

She knew that what her father said was right, there are few people in the world as outstanding as Fang Yuan.

But if not, can't I get married later?

"It's not up to you to decide, sit down quickly."

Zhao Yingcai glared at Zhao Zixuan and scolded.

Zhao Zixuan snorted heavily, and sat down reluctantly.

She wanted to leave, but she was not willing to part with Fang Yuan she just met.

"It's all spoiled by me."

"Fang Yuan, there are many people outside who want to see you, do you want to go out and meet?"

Zhao Yingcai shook his head and sighed.

Then he talked about the scene he saw before coming in.

The people in Liaozhou City probably knew that Fang Yuan was coming, and many people gathered around the entrance of Fang Mansion.

Now Fang Yuan can be regarded as returning home, the common people who have been helped by Fang Yuan all want to see Fang Yuan and be grateful.

Especially those refugees who were taken into Liaozhou City, now Fang Yuan is like a god in their hearts.

"No, it's not suitable."

"Hongxu Qingxiong, you go ask them to leave."

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said.

I am not the emperor, and I am not ordered by the court to come back.

Just ask for a leave and return as an ordinary person. It is not necessary or appropriate to meet them.

"you're right."

Zhao Yingcai suddenly realized.

He also wanted to say that Fang Yuan's reputation in Liaozhou City is still very high, so it's good to meet him.

Now that Fang Yuan said this, he suddenly felt that Fang Yuan's political comprehension had surpassed his own.

"Uncle Zhao, are you still used to it during this time in Liaozhou?"

Fang Yuan asked with concern.

"Already adapted."

"Management has also been aggressive."

Zhao Yingcai laughed.

When he arrived in Liaozhou, he just didn't get used to it at first.

But with a little familiarity, there is no problem.

The officials and natives here have been trained by Fang Yuan, no one objected to him.

Therefore, any policy released is surprisingly good, so there is no problem.

According to this situation, when his term of office is up, the possibility of being promoted is very high.

After all, the situation in Liaozhou City is almost the worst in Hedong.

"That's good."

"I came back this time to ask Uncle Zhao for help."

Fang Yuan nodded and said.

From Zhao Yingcai's expression, he could tell that he was doing very well in Liaozhou.

If his situation is good, then his next plan will be easy.

"What did you say."

Zhao Yingcai said generously.

It must be a big event for Fang Yuan to come in person.

Since it was a big deal, he had no reason to refuse.

He and Fang Yuan are uncles and nephews, there is no reason to refuse.

"I want to promote the Tang Dynasty banknotes with Liaozhou as the center."

"I've already chosen the candidate. Uncle Zhao, you can just change hands when she needs it."

Fang Yuan pointed to Lu Xia and said.

Lu Xia immediately saluted Zhao Yingcai.

"For this matter, you can just send a letter."

Zhao Yingcai was surprised.

It's not a particularly difficult thing to do.

It's just to cooperate with Lu Xia, Liaozhou will cooperate with him.

"There are other things."

"I'll tell you one by one later."

Fang Yuan smiled and said.

Since he came in person, it must not be the only thing.


"It seems that you are tired from the car ride, and you drank a lot of wine just now."

"Then let's go back first, and we will have dinner together tomorrow or sometime."

Zhao Yingcai could see that Fang Yuan and the others were a little tired.

After thinking about it, I immediately felt that I should give Fang Yuan and the others a rest.

"Yes, I forgot that you have to rest first."

"Fang Yuan, you guys don't cook in Liaozhou these days, go to my place to eat."

Yang Xiulan followed Zhao Yingcai's words.


"Brother Yuan, sister-in-law, I just learned a few dishes, you must come over for dinner."

Zhao Zixuan nodded repeatedly.

She felt that this way she could spend more time with Fang Yuan.

You can also use these opportunities to persuade Fang Yuan to let Fang Yuan speak for himself.


Fang Yuan glanced at Du Miaoyan, seeing that she nodded and had no objection, he agreed to Zhao Yingcai's family's invitation.

"Then we're going back."

Zhao Yingcai said with satisfaction.

Immediately the family of three got up and left.

Fang Yuan and Du Miaoyan sent each other to the door.

At this time, there were still some residents of Chang'an City at the gate.

As soon as they saw Fang Yuan appearing, they immediately became boiling.

"It's the governor of Fang, it's the governor of Fang!"

Someone yelled, their faces flushed with excitement.

"You're stupid, that's Fang Shilang!"

"Fang Shilang, we miss you so much!"

"Fang Shilang, thank you, my family has a place to live."

Everyone shouted to thank Fang Yuan.

Among them, many people were arranged by Fang Yuan to live in the community housing and provide jobs.

Not only did they give them a good place to live, but they also gave them a job to make a living, but none of them thanked Fang Yuan yet.

Now that I know Fang Yuan is back, I will come immediately, I want to see if I can see it, thank you personally.

"If you can't, if you can't, that's what Fang Yuan should do."

"Everyone go back quickly, everyone go back quickly."

Fang Yuan's eye sockets were a little moist.

Kindly wave to them and let them go back.

At the same time, it is not suitable for Fang Yuan to stay for too long, so he returned to the residence after speaking.

I thought that many people would think that Fang Yuan was cold, but it caused a bigger sensation.

The people who were invited away by Hongxu Qingyan just now rushed back after hearing the news and gathered outside Fang Yuan's mansion.

However, although there were a lot of people, Fang Yuan did not appear again, and they left one after another after dark.

This night, Fang Yuan and others also went to Zhao Yingcai's place for a meal, and then went home without going anywhere.

The next day, Du Miaoyan and others were in Fang Mansion, Fang Yuan had his own affairs to attend to.

He went to the governor's mansion and went directly to the state prison.

Not long after, Fang Yuan saw Qin Liangcai again.

This person was almost forgotten by Fang Yuan and everyone else.

Seeing him again, Fang Yuan found that he was as thin as a normal man.

I don't know if it was locked for too long, but his eyes seemed a little unclear.

"Fang Yuan?!"

After Qin Liangcai saw Fang Yuan, he immediately exclaimed.

He quickly approached Fang Yuan, and looked at Fang Yuan in disbelief.

I heard that Fang Yuan is already the servant of the household department, why does he still appear here?

"Qin Liangcai, long time no see."

Fang Yuan is outside the cell.

A jailer brought a stool, and Fang Yuan sat down.

"It's been a long time indeed."

"How long has it been, you are already a senior member of the fourth rank."

Qin Liangcai sighed.

When meeting Fang Yuan for the first time, Fang Yuan was still a governor.

Now that we meet again, he is already the household servant of the fourth rank.

This contrast is really big.

And he was still imprisoned in this cell.

"Things are unpredictable."

"Qin Liangcai, do you want to go out?"

Fang Yuan smiled and said.

When he arrived in Liaozhou, the first thing he did was to meet Qin Liangcai.

This is a talent. He used to be in charge of Sanxing Yaxing, and almost got rid of the control of the Pei family.

"You, you're not kidding me, are you?"

Qin Liangcai was greatly surprised and said in disbelief.

He used to only want to die, but after being imprisoned for a long time, he wanted to live.

But wanting to live is not wanting to die in prison and no one knows about it.

Instead, think of living wonderfully outside.

But the appeal was invalid, and Zhao Yingcai never saw him.

He is like a forgotten person, no one cares about him anymore.

"I came all the way from Chang'an City, am I joking with you?"

Fang Yuan shook his head and laughed.

People, if they are in adversity for too long, they will also become unconfident.

Qin Liangcai has been imprisoned for too long, and all his vigor has been imprisoned.

I don't know if I can still do things for myself after being released.

"You, what conditions do you have?"

Qin Liangcai took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

Since Fang Yuan is not joking, then Fang Yuan must have conditions.

If the conditions are too harsh, then I will agree.

"I want you to use whatever means you can to circulate banknotes in Hedong Road and occupy all the markets within half a year."

Fang Yuan said in a deep voice.

"It's that simple?"

Qin Liangcai was probably surprised.

He was in prison and heard a lot of outside news from the jailer.

Regarding the appearance of banknotes, he also knew about it a long time ago, and was amazed at Fang Yuan's ability.

Wouldn't it be a simple matter for him to push the money from the bank to the entire Hedong Road?
"It seems simple, but the five surnames and Qiwang have already promoted their seven-star banknotes."

"They are very powerful in Hedong, and it's not easy for you to snatch food from them."

"And what I want is that you occupy all the markets, not simply circulate."

Fang Yuan said in a deep voice.

It will become much more difficult to keep up with the five surnames and seven surnames in anything.

Similarly, anyone looking at the five surnames and seven surnames will become much more cringe-worthy.

Only people like Qin Liangcai who have no way out can be fearless.

"Five Surnames and Seven Hopes."

Qin Liangcai murmured, with retreat in his eyes.

He Dong Pei's family is already very powerful, and he is not an opponent.

Now it turns out that there are five surnames and seven Wangs, isn't any of them better than the Hedong Pei family?


Fang Yuan said with a half-smile.

"I'm afraid that's for sure."

"But I'm afraid it's not an excuse to back down."

"Don't worry, I'll win Hedong for you within half a year!"

Qin Liangcai fixed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Fear is indeed fear, but so what?
In order to go out, to live wonderfully, any condition will be agreed.

"it is good!"

"As expected of me."

Fang Yuan laughed.

He waved his hand and asked the jailer beside him to open the door.

(End of this chapter)

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