Chapter 171 A Difficult First Day

The translation of the people who were brought out.

The Eastern Turkic General suddenly suppressed his smile, raised his scimitar and roared.

The people who were led out did not translate this sentence.

The rampant laughter stopped slowly, the atmosphere outside the city suddenly became oppressive, and a turbulent momentum rushed towards Fang Yuan and the others.

Immediately, part of the cavalry walked out, pulling away the people bound by the rope.

"Find someone who understands East Turkic."

Fang Yuan ordered with a cold face.

Xu Shihui immediately sent someone to look for it.

Not long after, a young man dressed as a state academy student arrived.

Fang Yuan knew this person, it was Ge You who was brought to him by Zhang Ji to apply for a student loan.

At this time, the part of the cavalry who had left returned again, and the people who had been taken away came back with a tree on their shoulders.

The tree is thicker than an adult's thigh and has been trimmed. It is estimated to be three to four meters long, and one end of the head has been cut into a pointed shape.


The East Turkic general roared.

"Let the two-legged sheep attack the city!"

"Whoever is disobedient will be eaten!"

Ge You for translation.

The voice of the Eastern Turkic general fell.

Some of the people who were pulled by the rope were let go.

They were pushed to the front, about five hundred or so.

There are men, women and children, but mainly men, mostly young and strong.

The people were terrified, and under the yelling of the East Turkic cavalry, they lifted the trees.


The East Turkic General roared again.


Ge You translated again.

The people who carried the tree acted.

But some people were exhausted and fell down.

The next moment, an Eastern Turkic cavalry rode out.

Under the horror eyes of the people, he got off his horse and stood in front of the fallen people.

"Forgive, forgive, forgive."

The fallen people knelt on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy.

His face was full of panic, without a trace of blood on his face, as if the East Turkic soldiers in front of him were demons.

With a cold face, the East Turkic soldier grabbed the commoner's hair to stop him from kowtowing, and pulled the commoner's hair forcefully to make him stand up.


The East Turkic soldiers shouted angrily.

The machete in his hand chopped off the commoner's neck.

The begging for mercy stopped abruptly, and blood rushed out like a column of blood.

A human head was held by Eastern Turkic soldiers, but the body had already fallen to the ground.

It seems that because of the inertia of the body, the fallen body twitched slightly on the ground.

The enslaved people were frightened and backed away one after another, and the trees on their shoulders fell to the ground.

"This is what happens to those who are disobedient!"

East Turkic soldiers raised their heads and drank.

The heads are facing the enslaved people.

The terrible death made them turn pale with fright, and they retreated one after another.


"Whoever falls down is the end!"

The East Turkic soldiers shouted again.

The head in his hand hit one of them hard.

The man screamed, nearly out of his wits in fright.

The people nearby also screamed again and again, their faces ashen.

A moment later, the enslaved people lifted up the tree again.

city ​​wall.

Fang Yuan and the others were furious.

He was furious at the behavior of the Eastern Turkic cavalry.


"Damn beast!"

"Fang Inspector, do you want to let go of the arrow?"

Li Danqiu clenched his fists and his voice was cold.

Her face also turned pale, shocked by what she saw.

This is the battlefield, a terrible battlefield, and the enslaved Tang people are no match for animals.

What's even worse is that they used compatriots from the Tang Dynasty to attack the city, so should they use bows and arrows to intercept and kill them?

Li Danqiu was the commander in chief, but it was difficult to make up his mind in this situation, he looked at Fang Yuan beside him.

"Don't kill us, don't kill us, we were forced"

The enslaved people in the city cried out in agony.

They carried the trees and ran towards the city gate in unison.

The sharp end is in front, rushing towards the very center of the city gate.

"Master Inspector, be careful!"

Xu Shihui reminded with a heavy face.

The cruelty and horror of the East Turks in front of us is beyond imagination.

Do not take human life seriously, the moral bottom line is lower than that of animals.

He even used enslaved people to attack the city, so that he had to carefully consider whether to shoot arrows.

If this arrow is released, those who were originally credited may be charged with mutilating compatriots and impeached by the officials.

Some people don't like to do personnel affairs when they are full. They always like to find fault with the eggs.

And there is another problem to consider, that is, there are about [-] compatriots in the city, and after killing the tree-carrying group, there will definitely be the next batch of anti-trees.

Looking at the current situation, at least five hundred or so people must be killed to stop the East Turkic cavalry from attacking the city.

Before the war started, one's own arrows shot at one's own compatriots first?
"Can the city gate be blocked?"

Fang Yuan's voice was hoarse.

There is a monstrous anger in it.

"Persist for a day at most!"

Shoucheng Xiaowei said in a low tone.

Liaozhou City is a small city with little defensive effect.

If there is no other behavior to prevent it, it can only stick to it for a day at most.

"Let's discuss strategy first!"

Fang Yuan said with a cold face.

His brows were furrowed into the word Chuan, his eyes were as cold as a knife, and he stared down.

If you shoot arrows, let's not mention the consequences of killing these compatriots in front of you, but you have to consider the reaction of the Eastern Turkic cavalry.

They will have two options.

One is to personally attack the city, and the other is to kill the county seat.

If you are a general, you must go to the county seat, after all, the city in the county seat is easier to capture.

In this way, the people in Liaozhou will still bear the trampling of the Eastern Turkic cavalry, which is not what Fang Yuan wants to see.

In the best case, Liaozhou City will leave the Eastern Turkic cavalry behind, waiting for the imperial court to send troops to support them.

It was confirmed that when the Eastern Turkic cavalry came, Fang Yuan had already ordered someone to report to Chang'an city.


There was a knock on the door.

The defenders in the city were knocked backwards.

After stabilizing their bodies, the city guards stared at the city gate again with their bodies to increase the defensiveness of the city gate.

This collision seemed to hit the hearts of the people in Liaozhou City, making them even more panicked.

Most of the people in the city were afraid to go out and hid at home, but there were still those who were brave enough to approach the city gate.

There are even spies from some aristocratic families spreading information back and forth, so that they roughly understand the current situation, and they are also frightened.

Fang Yuan and the others also trembled in their hearts when they were hit like this, but seeing that the city gate was still firm, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

So we sat down on the spot and discussed how to deal with the current situation.


There was another shock.

But it can no longer interfere with the discussion of Fang Yuan and others.

Next, Fang Yuan and others discussed strategies one by one, and the city gate was hit again and again.

The Eastern Turkic cavalry below ordered the Tang compatriots to scold and insult Fang Yuan and others for not daring to go out to fight head-on.

This half day passed like this, the sun had already set in the west, and it was almost dark, and the people who knocked on the door were so tired that they could hardly walk.


The general of the East Turkic cavalry shouted loudly.

Enslaved people were dragged away.

Billowing smoke and dust rose, the Eastern Turkic cavalry disappeared, and Liaozhou City survived this half day.

"Check the city gate!"

Fang Yuan looked at the direction they left, said in a deep voice.

Today is only the first day, and tomorrow is the real crisis.

According to the meaning of the guarding captain, the city gate can only last until noon tomorrow at most.

"Lord Inspector, the city gate is seriously damaged, and I'm afraid we can only hold on until noon tomorrow."

The captain who defended the city returned to report.

As he estimated, the city gate can only be held for a day at most.

"Reward all brothers!"

"Turn night vigil tonight!"

Fang Yuan walked down the city wall.

It was found that the soldiers who blocked the city gate just now were exhausted.

"do not worry!"

The guarding captain's Shen Sheng said yes.

Fang Yuan and others got on their horses and returned to the Governor's Mansion.

Everyone looked heavy and felt very uncomfortable.

Although there is no war today, I have seen the brutality of the Eastern Turks.

Moreover, the city gate will last for half a day at most, and the city may be broken at noon tomorrow.

The most frightening thing is that there are only [-] cavalry on my side, which is seriously insufficient, and it is not a regular army.

If the city gate is broken, it is almost impossible to block the Eastern Turkic cavalry with only [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.

"Miaoyan, Bowu, Danqiu, Siwen, you go back to rest, recharge your batteries, and fight tomorrow."

"Xu Shihui, you use my order to notify the family in Liaozhou City to attend the meeting at the Governor's Mansion, and warn them not to be absent!"

Fang Yuan gave orders while riding a horse, and went back in the direction of the governor's mansion.

Li Danqiu and Li Siwen obeyed and immediately left with [-] cavalry to rest.

Du Miaoyan and Xue Bowu should be the same, but they left after escorting Fang Yuan back to the Governor's Mansion.

Night fell quickly, and everything was silent.

After a long time of fear, the common people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

During the day, they were all worried that the city gate would be breached and the Eastern Turkic cavalry would rush in.

Xu Shi early.

Representatives of the major families in Liaozhou City finally arrived at the meeting room of the Governor of Qi.

But the faces are not very good-looking, almost all of them are stern.

Fang Yuan's emigration ban made them very dissatisfied.

They are now trapped in the city of Liaozhou, and they may be the fish of the Eastern Turkic cavalry at any time.

"The city gate can only hold on until noon tomorrow at most."

Fang Yuan looked around at everyone, hummed coldly in his heart, and said calmly.

After the words fell, everyone's faces changed drastically, and they all showed panic.

"Fang Inspector, can you let me go?"

Ye Chengmin's face was full of shock and anger, and he begged.

Their foreign families migrated from Yunzhou and other places to avoid war.

Now Liaozhou is facing a war, but Fang Yuan trapped them here, so what's the point of them fleeing the war from Yunzhou?
Many people looked at Fang Yuan, they didn't want to stay, they hoped to leave.

At this time, if Fang Yuan lets go and secretly leaves through other city gates, there is no problem at all.

"Patriarch Ye, is it interesting to say such things at this time?"

"Many of you want to leave, but this official warns you that the official has sent confidants to guard the Sifang City Gate. If you want to escape, just try."

Fang Yuan looked at Ye Chengmin and sneered.

He has already said the bad words once, and he doesn't mind saying it again.

"Fang Inspector, what's more?!"

Ye Chengmin was angry and furious, staring at Fang Yuan angrily.

But he didn't dare to say anything more, for fear of angering Fang Yuan at this time.

The same is true for other people, they are deeply afraid of Fang Yuan at this time, afraid that he will really kill him.

"Okay, don't think about leaving, think about how to deal with the next problem."

"Liaozhou City will definitely not be able to defend tomorrow, so I decided to go out of the city tomorrow to fight head-on."

"But there are too few cavalry, only [-], which is far behind the number of Eastern Turkic cavalry. I need your support."

Fang Yuan waved his hand and said categorically.

He wants to completely cut off the idea of ​​these people leaving.

Only then will they really want to help and want to unite.

The current Liaozhou City can only survive if it is united, and there is no other way to go.

Unless it is said that the imperial court received its own emergency report and sent troops to support it.

But we can only look forward to it. After all, so many places have fallen and the imperial court has not seen troops.

"Fang Inspector, even if we collect a thousand cavalry for you, you will not be an opponent in a decisive battle with the Eastern Turkic cavalry!"

Liu Yongshou said angrily.

Quantity is one thing, quality is another.

Even if the Eastern Turkic cavalry were not elite, they fought on the battlefield all the year round.

And the cavalry that I and others gathered together were all miscellaneous soldiers, none of whom had ever been on the battlefield.

There is a huge gap between the two sides, even if the number is sufficient, it is not an opponent of the Eastern Turkic cavalry.

Everyone nodded subconsciously, agreeing with Liu Yongshou's words.

This is why they want to leave, because the gap is really too big.

"It's normal to have gaps, all we have to do is play for time."

"The imperial court will definitely not ignore our Hedong Road. As long as we unite and resist until the imperial court's reinforcements arrive, we will be saved!"

Fang Yuan said in a deep voice.

Although he is not sure when the imperial court will have reinforcements.

I can't guarantee whether there will be reinforcements.

But Liu Yongshou and others have to be given a shot in the arm, and the hope of life must be given to them.

Sure enough, after hearing Fang Yuan's words, the families present looked a little better.

It's just that everyone was silent and made no statement.

"The Xue Clan of Fenyin has fifty horses, all of them can support Fang Inspector."

"If you need manpower, you can also provide it."

"I just hope that Governor Fang can hold on until reinforcements arrive."

Xue Wenbo spoke suddenly, and said with a lot of air.

Everyone was taken aback, they didn't expect Xue Wenbo to be the first to cooperate.

"Thank you, Mr. Xue!"

Fang Yuan got up immediately, and thanked him solemnly.

It is a good sign that someone can take the lead.

And it was Xue Wenbo who almost fell out, which made Fang Yuan more grateful to him.

But I have to admire these big families, just one branch, with fifty horses in their hands.

You know, Fang Yuan, as the governor, only had more than 30 horses before he wiped out the bandits.

It can be seen how strong these aristocratic families are and how thick their backgrounds are.

"The Liu family in Xie County only has 43 horses, and they can all support the governor Fang."

"But it doesn't matter if you have a manpower. They are all scholars and can't go to the battlefield."

Liu Yongshou sighed, followed Xue Wenbo to support Fang Yuan.

There is no other way but to unite and resist the Eastern Turkic cavalry.

If he forcibly leaves at this time, Fang Yuan must be ruthless in turning his face.

You know, if the city falls, the most likely to be beheaded is the governor.

Forcibly leaving at this time is undoubtedly pushing Fang Yuan into the abyss, it's no wonder he doesn't kill people.

"The foreign aristocratic family of the Ye family doesn't have so much savings, only eight horses and they all support Fang Cishi."

Everyone opened their mouths.

The aristocratic families present all supported.

Some aristocratic families only support horses, and some aristocratic families support horses.

More than 20 families on the scene finally provided more than 300 horses.

"Thank you!"

"Liaozhou City will definitely survive!"

"In the future, our business will grow bigger and bigger, and we will make a fortune together!"

Fang Yuan once again solemnly thanked.

There are more than 300 horses, which are almost the same as the East Turkic cavalry in terms of number.

Let the Li Danqiu siblings train before the battle tomorrow, and they can be regarded as cavalrymen who can go to the battlefield.

"I'm waiting to say goodbye!"

"I'll bring the horses when I go back!"

"Also ask Fang Inspector to stick to it until the reinforcements arrive!"

Everyone stood up and saluted Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan returned the gift and personally sent them out of the gate of the governor's mansion.

Zhang San and the others are still working, and no one has a rest.

After Fang Yuan sends these aristocratic families away, let them register the horses sent by the aristocratic families.

At the same time, new riders must be arranged.

All these things were handed over to Zhang San and others, Fang Yuan's spirit was tense for a day, and he was already exhausted.

When they returned to Fang Mansion, except for Li Danqiu and Xue Bowu who were on the battlefield today, everyone else was still awake.

"Brother Yuan!"


Zhao Zixuan, Hongxu Qingyi and others came, they all looked at Fang Yuan worriedly.

Originally, I wanted to send Yang Xiulan's mother and daughter away, but later I was worried that I would encounter Eastern Turkic cavalry on the way out, so I postponed this idea.

At this time, it is even more impossible to send them away. The Governor's Mansion can't lead a bad leader, or else they can't force the families to stay.

"I'm fine, go back and rest."

Fang Yuan sent them away.

He wants to be quiet now and think about tomorrow's strategy.

Although I discussed with Li Danqiu and others today, I am still worried about tomorrow's battle situation.

Battlefield. This is the first time.

Everyone saw Fang Yuan's situation, they stopped disturbing and dispersed one after another.

Just as the crowd dispersed, Juzi appeared, holding two things in his hand.

"The war came too suddenly, there are only two life-saving things for you."

The giant handed things to Fang Yuan.

One is a golden short-sleeved dress, and the other is a strange box.

"what is this?"

"how to use?"

Fang Yuan curiously took it and asked.

"Gold silk armor, it can block ordinary knives and guns."

"The Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle can sneak attack the opponent at critical moments."

Juzi explained, and gave Fang Yuan two things.

At night, the Imperial Palace of Chang'an City.

Li Shimin was furious and scolded the spies as trash.

Time and time again, people were sent to investigate the news of the Eastern Turkic cavalry, but they missed the best time every time.

The [-] cavalry of the imperial court had already assembled, but there was no accurate information about the Eastern Turkic cavalry, so that they did not know where to send troops.

With the fall of several states and counties, Li Shimin became even more furious, and the princes of the Manchu Dynasty were also frightened and angry. Even at night, they gathered together to discuss countermeasures and deduce the consequences.


"Liaozhou City Urgent Report!"

"Eastern Turkic cavalry attacked the city, and the generals of Liaozhou vowed to defend the city to the death. Please support the imperial court."

Just at this time, the battle report reached Li Shimin urgently.

"Liaozhou City?"

The faces of the officials were happy, but soon a tragic look appeared on their faces.

Liaozhou City is just a small city. Even border cities like Yunzhou and Weizhou have been destroyed, and Yunzhou cannot be defended.

"Quick, order the cavalry to set off at dawn!"

Li Shimin thought differently from them.

He has been to Liaozhou City, and he knows that Liaozhou City is indeed a small city, and it is very difficult to defend it.

But the key is that Fang Yuan, the virtuous minister Ying Meng, is here!
Fang Yuan can solve the crisis of [-] refugees, and a mere [-] cavalry can hold on.

Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan, you must persevere, keep the Eastern Turkic cavalry, the victory will be our Tang Dynasty.

The front line has sent back news that the Eastern Turks were defeated, and Li Jing and others are encircling and suppressing the fleeing royal family such as Jieli Khan.

However, if the Eastern Turkic cavalry who entered the belly of the Tang Dynasty occupy a favorable situation, the war on the front line may be reversed.

The night passed.

At dawn the next day, the Eastern Turkic cavalry began to attack the city.

Fang Yuan and the others immediately prepared for the battle, today they will face the Eastern Turkic cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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