Chapter 176
The most embarrassing thing for Lao Zhang was that his ex-wife Tanxiu walked out of the bedroom with loose hair and sleepy eyes, and naturally hugged the young man from behind, and then saw him from the side.

Tan Xiu didn't make a fuss, but explained the same: "Oh, I didn't expect you to keep the house key after the divorce."

The stunned young man immediately relaxed: "Ah, so it's the eldest brother. It's just right, stew beef in the afternoon, and have beef hot pot together in the evening."

Lao Zhang wanted to retreat, but Tanxiu threw over a pair of slippers.It was the slippers he wore back then.Even if Chong Tanxiu didn't wipe away the traces of his existence, he had to stand up, so as not to make Hou Lang a laughing stock.

Sitting on pins and needles, I tried my best in my life, pretending to be calm and calm, always feeling that I will not be able to hold on in the next second, and will run away from the door; I have been holding on miraculously.Until Lu Zhenzhong called.

Lao Zhang claimed that a friend heard that he was coming back and insisted on treating him to dinner. The big hotel was booked and he would leave no matter what.Tan Xiu smiled faintly and watched.

After Lao Zhang came out, he felt that his back was already drenched in sweat.

He called Lu Zhenzhong and told him about his death experience in the afternoon.Lu Zhenzhong couldn't laugh or cry.He simply invited Lao Zhang to eat, to appease Lao Zhang, and to supplement nutrition for himself.

I found a time-honored Chongming hot mutton restaurant, and the two of them had a good meal.For Lu Zhenzhong, it can be regarded as making up for the regret of the unconnected insulation box.

"You don't need to go home to accompany your mother?" Lao Zhang remembered to ask when he was full.

"My son is here, she doesn't need me at all."

"It can be regarded as enjoying the family happiness. Isn't that what Chinese old people want."

Lu Zhenzhong asked Lao Zhang: "Your successor, what does he look like?"

Lao Zhang smacked his lips: "I really want to say something bad about him, but I just can't think of it. This guy is as heartless as he is as warm to me as a long-lost brother. You say, even a lost brother, I can't think of anything. You have to beware of others coming to rob property, right? He is like the stupid son of the landlord's family, he is completely defenseless against me.

He is like this, where can I put my bad intentions?The most annoying thing is this kind of playing cards that don't follow the routine. "

Lu Zhenzhong smiled.

After dinner, it's almost 9 o'clock in the evening.Lu Zhenzhong insisted on sending Lao Zhang back to the JA area.The closer to the city center, the brighter the lights.The night lights of the city make Shanghai look like a city that never sleeps.

On the way, Lao Zhang suddenly asked Lu Zhenzhong: "Are you satisfied with your life?"

Lu Zhenzhong: "Until the moment the coffin is built, you can't draw conclusions, right? For example, you don't need to go to work, and you have a good pension. If you take pictures of scenery while traveling and talk about your life experiences, you might become a unique travel blogger. Lao Zhang, you have worked diligently for 30 years, you have just passed Xinshou Village, and if you go further, there is a vast world with great potential!"

This time it was Lao Zhang's turn to smile.

After seeing off Lao Zhang and visiting his "home" which is small but well-equipped with all internal organs, Lu Zhenzhong drove back to Gingko Garden.For some reason, the car was parked, and I leaned on the car and looked up, looking at Mama Sang's window, and the light went from bright to dark.He suddenly felt disturbed.

Silently staring at the light on Sang Baiyue's window for a while, before she could understand, Sang Baiyue opened the window and waved at him, Lu Zhenzhong sat back in the car and drove back to Anting.

It was past eleven o'clock when we arrived in Anting.

She tiptoed to open the door, washed her hands lightly, and lay contentedly on the soft bed.

Is he satisfied with his life?The past has passed, and the future has not yet arrived. He is undoubtedly satisfied with the present.

Fate once lifted a heavy hammer on him. Although he had already relieved the force when it fell on him, he was a good student and had learned to be content and happy after this.There is money in the account, and the household registration book says "married". One is old and the other is young, and he is in the prime of life. Apart from being grateful, what else can he want?

On Thursday and Friday, Bingbulin did not come to work.

It is said that Lao Han also asked for leave.Lu Zhenzhong didn't ask carefully.

After Lao Zhang returned from a poor tour, Dali has been eager to move, saying that he will come to Shanghai to get together with his buddies.The only thing that made him undecided was whether to bring his wife and children.

After so long since the New Deal came to power, he thought that his son’s lawless and indifferent personality had calmed down a lot, and he was able to sit quietly and finish his schoolwork;

Next, he will push his wife out of the house and let her go to work.

The next step is to let his mother come in and live in the house, so that his mother can check and balance his wife.Well, he still needs to spare his energy and find a job outside to support his family.

Now the progress is basically in line with the plan. What if I take my wife and children to the bustling Shanghai, eat, drink and have fun, and then go home and bounce back?

Lao Zhang is not happy at all to join in the game of eating, drinking and having fun. He has to prepare for retirement, and he wants to spend every penny worthwhile.Therefore, he sincerely urged him to cherish the achievements of the revolution.Follow advice vigorously.

Friday is approaching the end of get off work, Lu Zhenzhong has already made an appointment with Sang Baiyue to go to Gingko Garden after get off work, and the next day he will drive Sang Baiyue and Xiao Zhenqi back to Anting, the first is to see his son, and the second is to visit Xiao Shitou.

Sang Baiyue didn't ask him in detail how he knew about Xiao Shitou's illness.In life, Sang Baiyue is often big and simplistic.For example, when Lu Zhenzhong was shopping, no matter what she bought, she would never ask about the price.She will only accept it as a gift.

Unexpectedly, near the end of get off work, the front desk called and said that there were visitors.

Lu Zhenzhong hurriedly checked a work schedule and confirmed that there were absolutely no visitors scheduled for that day.

Walking out of the small office hesitantly, at the front desk, he saw a back that was too enchanting.

There was a thud in Lu Zhen's center.

The figure turned around, revealing a face with exquisite makeup.It confirmed Lu Zhenzhong's conjecture: Guan Guan.

As soon as Guan Guan saw Lu Zhenzhong, he immediately walked over eagerly.Her attire is obviously different from the office style, which has attracted the peeping of many colleagues.

Lu Zhenzhong was so frightened that he almost backed away, he was really afraid that he would grab his arm if he closed it.

"Guan Guan! Why are you looking for me, not Jin Yaming?" Lu Zhenzhong asked loudly, quick to wit.

This question is really effective.

Guan Guan immediately pouted his mouth, and stomped his feet coquettishly: "That damn ghost! He really got mixed up with his ex-wife. A family of three lives in a smelly small hotel. What the hell! Is he I tore down the false face and simply stopped acting, or deliberately angered me and reminded me to treat him well, otherwise he would leave me?"

Lu Zhenzhong was surprised that Guan Guan with such a high EQ sometimes spoke regardless of the occasion.I'm really in love with my brain, and I'm obsessed with Jin Yaming.

He walked out quickly, leading Guan Guan out of the office area.

(End of this chapter)

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