Merchant and doctor

Chapter 864 Dispute

Chapter 864 Dispute
Feeling the pulse, leaning over to listen to the heart and lungs, rolling his eyelids to check... Bian Mu moved very quickly, and it didn't take long to figure out what was going on.

"Fortunately... his cardiopulmonary function is still good, at least it won't kill him right away!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu's nervous state of mind suddenly relaxed a lot.

A high-end hotel! Every aspect has its own uniqueness. Several waiters hurried over with everything Bian Mu specified. Surprisingly, two ladies followed behind them, and the two were actually wearing white coats. , wearing a disposable medical mask, it seemed that the one walking in front looked like a female doctor, and the one behind looked a little unidentified, saying doctor or nurse.

The lady who looked like a female doctor in front was holding a stethoscope in her hand. From the looks of it, she should be a Western medicine doctor. The man who followed him looked to be in his twenties, very young, and he was carrying something that looked like a very delicate first aid kit in each hand.

Bian Mu took the chopsticks from one waiter and used the alcohol to disinfect them. Then he took a small white square towel from another waiter. Using both hands together, not loose or tight, Bian Mu held the piece The small square towel was evenly wrapped around one of the bamboo chopsticks, and the other bamboo chopstick was held casually by Bian Mu.

"Come on! You two, one on the left and one on the right, use your hands and feet gently to lift the old man up from behind. Your head, neck, and back must be in a line, and your neck cannot be bent. Forget it, you can use your hands. Kill it and hold these things for me, I'll do it!" During the instruction, Bian Mu was worried about an accident, so he handed the first aid items prepared in his hand to a small waiter, and he had to handle them himself.

Half-kneeling on the ground, Bian Mu was on the right, and another more mature waiter was on the left. Bian Mu was the main one, and the waiter was the assistant. The two of them carefully helped the old gentleman up and down at an angle of about 30 degrees.

"That's it! The angle of inclination cannot be any larger. If the phlegm is in the mind, it will be even more fatal!" As he spoke, Bian Mu took advantage of the situation and gently rested the old man's head on the lap of the waiter at Lao Cheng Point.

At this moment, Mr. Huo hurried over after hearing the news.

Mr. Huo's mind was spinning very fast. He was worried that the more experienced waiter would slip Mr. Le to the ground due to fatigue. With a "plop", he half-knelt on the ground and cooperated with the waiter to push Mr. Le's right hand. Her shoulders rested gently on his legs.

In this way, the situation of Mr. Le suddenly became much safer.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Bian Mu smiled at Mr. Huo and nodded at the two female medical staff who rushed over urgently.

"You two! Hold still! I have to pry open his mouth and stuff this thing between his teeth to prevent him from biting his tongue in an unexpected situation. At the same time, I have to open the 'yang' opening so that Establish an oxygen delivery channel." As he spoke, he took out his right hand and pressed twice hard on an acupuncture point under the old gentleman's right rib with his right thumb.

Strangely enough, the old gentleman suddenly opened his mouth. Although the mouth shape was not large, it was obvious that he had some normal reactions.

Almost at the same time, Bian Mu inserted a chopstick into the old man's mouth and pried it gently as fast as lightning. The strength of his hand was just right. Before the old man could react, Bian Mu thrust forward with his left hand, and Bian Mu had successfully stopped the "stop". The stick was inserted between the old gentleman's teeth.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became more soothing.

Mr. Huo also had a look of relief on his face at the same time.

At this time, the medical staff who looked like a female doctor hurriedly suggested: "Shall I do a cardiopulmonary resuscitation?"

"No need! There's nothing serious about the old man's heart." As he spoke, Bian Mu disinfected the bamboo chopsticks in his hand again, then reached into the old gentleman's mouth, stirred, pulled, and stretched again, okay? ! The old gentleman's tongue had been gently picked up by Bian Mu.

Bian Mu didn't seem to be impatient at all, letting the fresh oxygen rush in through the bottom of the old man's tongue...

Maybe he had been deprived of oxygen for a long time, and the old man's tongue was already a bit paralyzed. If it weren't for Bian Mu's skill and skill, it would have been impossible for someone else to grasp the patient's tongue with just a bamboo chopstick. direction.

The female medical staff obviously couldn't trust Bian Mu, her almond-shaped eyes widened and she glared angrily. Just when she was about to have an attack, 120 emergency personnel arrived in time.

"Who are you! What are you doing?! Get out of the way, don't delay our normal work." The leading male doctor scolded Bian Mu in a low voice, half-kneeling on the ground and preparing to go through the regular first aid procedures. "My surname is Bian, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. This old gentleman's situation is a bit special. Normal first aid procedures are not suitable for him. Can you guys try it first, please?" Bian Muna, who was so well-educated, explained a few words pleasantly.

Explanation is explanation, Bian Mu didn't dare to stop at all. Everyone has acupoints under the tongue. The medical environment is too simple. Bian Mu couldn't turn his tongue to check for a while, so he could only use the friction of bamboo chopsticks according to common sense. Constantly changing the angle to stimulate the sublingual acupoints, I hope the old man is still in good physical condition and will show some signs of recovery as soon as possible.

"Pull him down quickly! Chinese first aid?! I've never heard of it! Stop talking and stay back! This old gentleman is not an ordinary person. He is really causing trouble. I guarantee you won't be able to eat and walk around!" In the voice of the leader, The emergency doctor greeted his two female colleagues and prepared to take over the emergency scene.

Hearing that the other party was a second-hand swordsman, Bian Mu couldn't help but feel anxious and angry. In desperation, he had no choice but to turn his head and look at Mr. Huo behind him.

Mr. Huo hesitated for a moment, frowned, and looked up to the side. At this time, four or five male staff members wearing the same style of suits rushed over from the side. They were all around thirty years old. One of them looked at Quite smart and capable.

He pursed his lips and frowned in the direction of the 120 emergency personnel. Mr. Huo was stunned and said nothing.

The head clerk in a suit immediately understood, and greeted several male colleagues, who were polite on the surface but very domineering, and persuaded the 120 emergency personnel to leave. At the same time, he warned them that if they dared to leave like this, they would bear the consequences.

Okay! He won't let you go to rescue someone; you won't be allowed to pick up the car and leave.

So domineering!
After regaining the right to treat the patient, Bian Mu asked casually and loudly: "Who is the patient's family member?"

"I am, I am! What's wrong?" At this time, a lady who was waiting nearby rushed over and knelt down next to the old gentleman as soon as he fell.

"What taboos does the elderly have? For example, is he allergic to pollen? What about pepper?"

"My dad has almost no history of allergies, but...he never lets us put pepper in when we eat at home, neither white pepper nor black pepper." The woman responded quickly.

"What about other aspects?"

"My dad... never drinks. He gets drunk easily when he drinks. He has to sleep for several hours to recover. My dad wants to save face, so he gradually stopped drinking."

"Are there any other special habits? I mean taboos." Bian Mu asked again.

"No more..."

"What's the history of cerebral infarction?"

"Mild lacunar cerebral infarction, the doctor said it is normal and natural aging. No targeted treatment is required. Usually, I just go to the hospital and receive some nutritious blood-activating and blood-stasis-removing medicine, which is very mild." That woman He quickly replied.

"What about the history of heart disease?"

"My dad has a good heart and stable blood pressure. He never takes antihypertensive drugs. His blood sugar and blood lipids are very good." The woman seemed to have realized something. Without waiting for Bian Mu to ask, she took the initiative to introduce a few of them. sentence.

"Yeah! Got it! You! Go to the kitchen and bring a bottle of good sesame oil. The higher the quality, the better. In addition, find a few bottles of white pepper. The higher the purity, the better. Then bring a bottle of good high-quality liquor. , the higher the quality, the better, so let’s do this for now, go and come back quickly!” After giving a few instructions to a waiter who looked very smart, Bian Mu motioned to the old gentleman’s daughter or daughter-in-law to get up and go to the side. .

(End of this chapter)

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