Merchant and doctor

Chapter 854 Yang Shou

Chapter 854 Yang Shou

It is said that many big businessmen are very superstitious. Some people say that this kind of thing has almost no inevitable logical connection with academic level, IQ, emotional intelligence...

Except for his somewhat poor reputation in the industry, Mr. Pan is not inferior to others in all aspects.

Maybe, Mr. Pan didn't believe in those mythical things before. When people are about to die, he feels fear in his heart? ! No matter what kind of straw you grab, use it as a lifebuoy? ! Awe suddenly arises. As long as the other party is eloquent enough, do you believe whatever he says? !

What a bullshit master! Pure charlatan.

On the phone, Mr. Pan sounded a little hopeless, and Bian Mu felt both angry and ridiculous.

"Mr. Pan! How many times have I explained to you that your vitality is only damaged. If you want to shorten your life span, it's fair to say. If this guy insists on saying that you can't see the sun on the first day of the Spring Festival in 2025, you're welcome. That's just bullshit!" At the end of the sentence, Bian Mu couldn't help but uttered a few curse words.

"Then... from the perspective of your traditional Chinese medicine doctors, how many years can I live? It's okay. It's okay to just say it. Now, I can only choose to believe you." On the other end of the phone, Mr. Pan looked a little pitiful.

"You should also have heard that our Chinese medicine is divided into different schools. As for me, I am not the one who makes complete sense and barely form my own school! According to our school, the vitality is divided into 11 levels. A person, regardless of age, Gender, as long as these 11 layers of vitality are completely broken, then... this person's life course will come to an end. With the current medical level, here, I refer to Chinese medicine, Western medicine, and other miscellaneous medicines, as long as When the person is injured to the 9th degree, it is basically time to prepare for the funeral. If the injury is to the 10th degree, generally speaking... the life expectancy is only 7 months at most. No matter what medical equipment or panacea is used, there is no way to save the day. ." On the other end of the phone, Bian Mu explained in a solemn tone.

"Then...according to Doctor Ben's diagnosis, which level am I at now?"

"You should be between the 5th and 6th levels, definitely not the 7th level!" Bian Mu replied firmly on the phone.

Bian Mu knew very well that at this moment, what the patient Mr. Pan needed most was a "reassurance pill" from a famous Chinese medicine expert. Even if he was telling the truth, he had to say it clearly, sonorously, and unambiguously.

On the phone, you can't see the changes in each other's expressions, but the tone, intonation, pauses... are very important. Often, through the plot of the tone of voice, the self-righteous Mr. Pan thinks he can capture information that ordinary people cannot detect. For him, it is very important!

Sure enough, on the other end of the phone, Mr. Pan's tone of reply became obviously different.

Bian Mu understood that Mr. Pan was out of his mind.

" Bian long as I fully cooperate with the treatment, there is still a possibility of recovery for me?"

"That's not necessarily the case. I have made it clear again and again before that your past lifestyle and work habits have long been integrated into your body's qi and blood. If you want to be completely cured, unless there is that kind of miracle doctor, they must combine your lifestyle, three views, work habits, Subconscious...these empty, abstract things are peeled off from your blood one by one, and then eliminated from the body one by one. Do you think there is such a master in this world?" Bian Mu said on the phone. Shen Sheng explained a few words.

Suddenly, it was much quieter on the other end of the phone.

Bian Mu turned on the speakerphone and lay down deep in the sofa. He was so tired! He needed to take a good rest. To be honest, at this time, he really didn't have much time to spend with Mr. Pan grinding his teeth.


"Doctor Bian! After all the detours, I still can't live long?" On the phone, Mr. Pan was still angry, but there was still a bit of dejection in his words.

Turning sideways, Bian Mu pointed his mouth at the phone's microphone and joked: "Mr. Pan! It's Chinese New Year, let's talk about something serious. I wonder if you have heard of it. There was really an elixir of life in this world."

"Ah?! Why does it sound a little weird coming from your mouth? Are you serious?"

"Of course!" "You can't be... you have the elixir in your hand?!" At this point, Mr. Pan's voice sounded a little trembling on the phone.

"How is that possible! If I had that kind of hard currency, who would be opening a small clinic on the street to make a living? Mr. Pan, aren't you too drunk?"

"No, no...that's not the case..."

"The elixir of life may not have been refined in the world. Perhaps, it is just a legend. However, from the perspective of our traditional Chinese medicine, the elixir of life and the elixir of life are two relatively independent and related pharmaceutical systems. Taking the elixir of life will You may not be immortal, and you may age faster than ordinary people. After taking the elixir, you may not necessarily have a long life. You may die at the age of forty. However, people who take the elixir for a long time, even if they are 40 He died on his birthday at the age of 15, and his appearance was still so young, even staying in the age group of 16 or . Having said that, did you hear something?" Bian Mu smiled into the phone's microphone and prompted. .

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Pan was silent for a moment.

"What Doctor Bian means is... there has never been a person in this world who is blessed with good fortune, wealth and longevity... Perfection is just a human extravagance. When it comes to perfection, no matter how awesome a person is, his life span will at least be reduced." Forty to five percent, or even more?!”

"'s Mr. Pan after all. He has profound wisdom and extremely high understanding. You already know a little bit about what I want to express. Today's of high quality! People who are sick do not necessarily have a short life. There was nothing wrong with him, he ate well, slept well, had children, and was rich and famous. However, one morning, he woke up and went to the toilet. Without any warning or pain, he sat on the toilet. Come on, there's no one..." After saying this, Bian Mu felt a little thirsty, so he got up and poured a glass of boiled water not far away.

After a moment of silence, Mr. Pan replied.

"It makes sense! It means... although my vitality is quite seriously injured, it does not affect my Yangshou right now. I can at least survive until around the Spring Festival in 2025?"

"More than that! To tell you the truth, theoretically speaking, we can also calculate the longevity of most patients, but... this method is particularly taboo, and it requires a lot of calculations. As for me, I don't understand it at all. I can't help you realize this long-cherished wish, but...according to my judgment, you still have at least ten years to live. As for whether you believe it or not, that's another matter."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Pan looked a little excited on the other end of the phone.

"No joke?"

"No kidding, but I don't dare to judge how high your quality of life will be in the next ten years or so."

"Thank you! Thank you! Then... thanks to your great kindness, I want to do something for you. Do you know Chen Yueqing?"

"Old acquaintance."

"Years ago, he had always been interested in transferring the assets of the 'Ren Geng' company to me, packing them up and changing hands. I heard... there is a Mr. Fan Sanqiao over there who is very familiar with you?"

"That's right! We usually worry about this."

"Really? Then... in return, I plan to take the company under my name and fully control it. Afterwards, I will sign a partnership agreement with Mr. Fan to determine the proportion of his technical assets. There are industry regulations in this regard. , Doctor Bian, please rest assured that all conditions can only be the most favorable."

As soon as he heard this, Bian Mu jumped up from the sofa.

(End of this chapter)

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