Merchant and doctor

Chapter 806 Heavenly Man 1

Chapter 806 Heaven and man are one

As emerging representatives of the third generation of the Qi family and the Lu family, Qi Yuewei and Lu Yisi have had more and more opportunities to come into contact with each other in recent times. Naturally, their level of identity, outlook, and lifestyle identification with each other has become much higher.

Over time, the goodwill between the two naturally increased quietly. From Lu Yisi, Qi Yuewei had seen several medical professional capability evaluation survey reports, and several Excel tables caught her attention. The data listed in the table showed , At present, the cure rate of the patients treated by Bian Mu is at the forefront of similar professional doctors, and this result has attracted great attention from the Lijin medical community.

As for where the evaluation reports in Lu Yisi's hands came from, Qi Yuewei didn't mention a word. To her, this was not only a form of civility, but also the minimum accomplishment that every lady should have.

When eating with her parents at home, Qi Yuewei mentioned this matter to her father. Qi's father said that Bian Mu should be the kind of person who has some ability to do good or evil. He hoped that he would stick to his professional mission as an angel in white and not go astray in the future. That's good.

Qi's mother implicitly reminded her daughter that she shouldn't have any special thoughts about Bian Mu just because he saved her life and cured her niece Xiaolu from a strange disease. The social class differences between the two families were too obvious. , being a pretty good friend already makes me think highly of him.

Behind the scenes, my parents still felt that Bian Mu could not reach the level of elegance.

With a faint smile, Qi Yuewei didn't make the slightest argument, but in her heart she disagreed.

In Qi Yuewei's view, among many friends of the same age, Bian Mu has always been the most special "one". He is upright, kind, intelligent, proficient in business, and righteous... In short, he has a lot of advantages, among which the most important one is One thing: Bian Mu is a very capable person. As long as he is willing, he seems to be able to accomplish many things with twists and turns. This is something that even an outstanding person like Lu Yisi cannot do.

Qi Yuewei always believed that Bian Mu was a friend of the opposite sex who was rich in some kind of magical power.

A very, very special friend.

When we had dinner together a while ago, Qi Yuewei told Bian Mu the results of the business evaluation. Unexpectedly, Bian Mu disagreed with this.

In Bian Mu's view, the so-called business evaluation should be done by a third-party private company. From a mathematical perspective, it is at best a simulated survey result. Its objectivity, accuracy, and survey purpose... are all somewhat questionable. .

Bian Mu guessed that this so-called evaluation report should be produced by special people such as Professor Mi and Lan Bingru. As for what purpose they want to achieve, it is still impossible to guess.

As an important member of Xiaobailou, Bian Mu has to provide clinic-related data to Professor Mi from time to time. This is also an important part of the semi-official and semi-private scientific research institutions like Xiaobailou. Otherwise, others will not be able to obtain relevant statistics. data.

Lan Bingru runs several quite special companies, one of which seems to specialize in market research. Moreover, such companies under Lan Bingru's name have already signed relevant agreements with Xiaobailou.

Bian Mu told Qi Yuewei that when he usually receives patients, as long as he feels unsure, he will recommend the patient to other hospitals as soon as possible and never force the patient to receive treatment. From this perspective, the first sample of data to be surveyed will not be It is incomplete and not objective. Against this background of data, how much medical significance does the cure rate have, no matter how high it is? !

Public hospitals are different. Unless they encounter special patients, under normal circumstances, the vast majority of Chinese medicine colleagues are not allowed to push out the patients they have. As a result, the differences in the data survey samples are relatively large. .

Bian Mu believes that similar evaluations have no medical significance.

But...afterwards, Bian Mu became alert, and he realized that he had been stared at by many invisible eyes...For this reason, during his daily medical practice, Bian Mu repeatedly warned himself to be careful and careful, and never let anything happen. error.

Suddenly faced with elderly patients who were complaining, Bian Mu felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and how could he dare to be careless in the slightest.

In the eyes of others, it sounds a bit absurd that Bian Mu actually relies on the patient's "birthday and horoscope" information to support his judgment when treating patients. "Doctor Bian! I've never seen you ask someone's horoscope before! Today our eyes are really opened. Diseases can be cured based on horoscopes! This is amazing! Can you tell us some popular science? Let's do it! We have also learned a lot!" At this time, a man in his early forties among the spectators shouted a few words.

"That's right! Doctor Bian! Your diagnostic process is so amazing. I believe this is the first time for everyone to see it! Tell me about it!" Another female patient waiting for treatment immediately echoed.

"Doctor Bian! Tell me!"

"Doctor Bian is a miraculous doctor with miraculous medical skills. Is there anything strange about it? I've heard that Mr. Nie once asked a patient his birth date. It's true! Don't believe it!"


Suddenly, the atmosphere at the scene changed.

Smiling, Bian Mu understood that if he didn't explain a few words in this situation, that guy would definitely ruin the good medical reputation he had finally accumulated by spreading lies in the future, yes! It is also necessary to take this opportunity to popularize traditional Chinese medicine.

Some time ago, the eldest lady of the Cao family had discussed with Bian Mu in person that the venue and expenses would all be paid for by the Cao family. They asked Bian Mu to come out and give some useful and easy-to-understand lectures on traditional Chinese medicine. On the one hand, it would expand Bian Mu's reputation. , On the other hand, it is also a beneficial promotion for the development of local traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy in Lijin.

Bian Mu did not agree.

How can Bian Mu have that free time!

In addition, businessmen value profits. What kind of person is Miss Cao? ! So free! Do you specifically discuss such small matters with yourself? ! Bian Mu believed that Miss Cao had another deep meaning. Bian Mu is focused on developing his own small business and doesn't need to worry about such things.

Even so, Bian Mu has always believed that the popularization of traditional Chinese medicine science is imperative, and he is still willing to do some useful publicity work whenever he has the opportunity.

"Okay! Okay! Then I will say a few words briefly, but let me declare in advance! The patients who are waiting later will have to go back for lunch later!" Bian Mu stood up and explained a few words to the audience.

"It's okay! It's rare to listen to Dr. Bian's lectures, so a meal is nothing!"

"That's right! People! It's impossible not to study! Learn more about medical science, so that we can see doctors clearly in the future, so as not to be deceived!"

"Applause for encouragement!" Someone took the lead in applauding.

Suddenly, the applause started again.

"This is what it is..."Huangdi Neijing" records...Human beings are born from the Qi of heaven and earth, and are formed by the laws of the four seasons...Human beings are born in the earth, and their lives are suspended in the sky. Heaven and earth combine Qi, and their fate is called human...Traditional Chinese medicine has always Paying attention to the unity of nature and man, when a person is born, his body will naturally have the five fortunes and six qi of a specific time and a specific place, and the surrounding environment will put a corresponding unique mark on that child. We call it ' 'Sui Lun', borrowing from Western medicine, means that from the moment everyone is born, the code of life has been printed, or it is stored in the kidney essence, or in the spinal cord, or in the heart... In order to facilitate memory, the ancients created Although the recording system of 'birthday and horoscope' has changed over time, it has remained unchanged through vicissitudes of life. When we encounter Te Zhu patients, we only need to follow some special medical logic to trace back, and a lot of valuable information will emerge one by one... ..." Bian Mu began to preach the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine...

(End of this chapter)

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