Merchant and doctor

Chapter 790: You must learn to make yourself more powerful

Chapter 790: You must learn to make yourself more powerful

Luo Zhanqi has only one goal in going to the city: to make money!

If possible, he also wants to make a lot of money. In order to achieve this goal, he must continuously improve his medical skills in "stilt pressing" and bone setting. Since working at the "Bian's Clinic", Luo Zhanqi discovered that Bian Mu was doing acupuncture. His technical accomplishments far exceeded his own knowledge, completely refreshing his superficial understanding of acupuncture.

Bian Mu has been keeping the charging standards low, and Luo Zhanqi always thinks that is a pedantic move. If...he wants to learn 40 to 50% of Bian Mu's skills, he will set up his own business immediately. In terms of charging, he must take a high-end approach.

Rent, daily expenses, unexpected expenses... Luo Zhanqi felt that he could never afford it. Even in the next 20 years, he would not be able to afford it. Privately, he made many calculations. Even if his monthly income is stable at more than yuan, he will not be able to start a family in Lijin.

The clinic receives at least 60 patients every day, all kinds of people, and the proportion of rich people is getting higher and higher. As long as it is not too busy, there are people upstairs and downstairs. Luo Zhanqi likes to listen to people's heated discussions. He is particularly interested in hot topics in life, such as the rise and fall of house prices, the increase in wedding gifts, and the minimum price of a standard family car... he is particularly interested in them.

In the dead of night, Luo Zhanqi used to stand in front of the window and smoke. He was in good health and was not afraid of the night wind. He opened a narrow slit in the window to disperse the smoke. Looking at the bright lights in the distance, Luo Zhanqi decided that he would be unlikely to be a formal official in the future. Become a citizen of Lijin City.

After settling for the next best thing, Luo Zhanqi still returned to his original life plan: to return to his hometown to open a clinic. He couldn't be a general practitioner, so he had to go the route of a specialist clinic and give full play to his strengths. Although he couldn't compete with Bian Muxiang For example, after returning home, he is sure to reach the top spot in the local area. Of course, the charging standard must be the highest in the local area.

If everything goes as planned, Lijin's trip will not be in vain.

For this reason, Luo Zhanqi imitated Bian Mu and took notes on work every day. He had to think about it for a long time before going to bed every day. He drank at parties, went shopping, found a partner, watched movies, played billiards, and played games... all of these life contents were included in the book. He cut it off. Like Bian Mu, Luo Zhanqi also started a "full-time ascetic" life mode.

As a result, Luo Zhanqi had no fun in his life except fatigue, boredom, and hardship all day long.

Suddenly, Bian Mu pulled him to teach and guide the sick little boy. Luo Zhanqi's fierce and competitive spirit that had been dormant for a long time was suddenly reactivated. ... Wherever the force of his palm touched, the hard bricks were shattered into pieces by him. His aura was completely unlike that of an ordinary Chinese medicine doctor.

After being shocked, the onlookers all looked at him with admiration and approval, which made Luo Zhanqi especially happy.

After all, Bian Mu was still young and energetic. Infected by Luo Zhanqi, a heroic spirit slowly emerged from the bottom of his heart...

Bian Mu casually picked up a brick with hard cement on it, walked to the back wall, and fixed the brick close to the wall with his left hand. The height was roughly the same as Bian Mu's shoulder. Suddenly, With a sudden sweep with his right elbow, Bian Mu smashed the brick into pieces with his elbow. The degree of smashing obviously exceeded Luo Zhanqi's "record".

The onlookers were all shocked.

The little boy was so shocked that he stuck out his tongue, his eyes showed a look of admiration, and his two little fists clenched tightly involuntarily, as if he hoped that the divine power would be transmitted to him immediately.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zhanqi became excited.

Picking up an ordinary brick, he turned around and selected a metal lamppost. He fixed the brick on the lamppost with his right hand. Using his inner strength, Luo Zhanqi suddenly hit the brick with the inside of his left knee. , in the "Boom" block, the brick immediately fell into pieces and flew far away. The other onlookers suddenly became silent. This time, they had truly learned what real kung fu was. The two men in front of them could use any part of their body to fire, and the power was astonishing. It was the first time for such a young person to witness a shocking scene with their own eyes. Everyone suddenly felt that they were so weak and weak. Even the lively little girl was so surprised that she couldn't say a word for a long time.

"You see! As a man, you have to make yourself more powerful. Studying is only one aspect. Your high school entrance examination results should not be everything in your future life. But... don't misunderstand our original intention. It does not mean that we will give you Set an example and teach you certain practice methods. As for you, secretly practice hard at home, and then go back to school to fight back and beat the classmates who have bullied you to pieces one by one. Do you understand? You should be over 14 years old. Once you take that step, you will immediately have to bear all legal responsibilities. Forget about going to school. Your parents will have to go bankrupt to compensate the families of those classmates. Think about it with your brain. If you really go that far. In one step, your family will be completely destroyed in your hands?!" Bian Mu knelt down, took the little boy's right hand, and explained a few words in a deep voice.

Not bad. The little boy nodded solemnly. It seemed that he really understood.

"Nowadays, there are not many people who know this skill. Uncle Luo and I are one of the few. You don't need to learn this. However, you should do more exercise to make yourself stronger. Take a step back and try again next time. If you meet bad boys, even if you apply oil on the soles of your feet, you can get rid of them in three to five minutes and make them invisible." Bian Mu said a few words with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present laughed except for the little girl. The child was still young and she still couldn't understand many words.

The originally depressing and solemn atmosphere at the scene suddenly dissipated into happy laughter...

While laughing, the little boy's almost rusty heart lock was finally opened.

"It's cold outside, let's go back inside and talk!" As he spoke, Bian Mu greeted everyone back to the clinic.

Bian Mu was really hungry, so after a few jokes, he insisted on treating everyone to hot pot. There were children around, so Bian Mu treated everyone to a small revolving hot pot.


In order to save money, Luo Zhanqi ate very simply three meals a day. He sat around with everyone and ate the steaming hot pot. He felt very comfortable. From time to time, he even made Ms. Yue's daughter happy.

Bian Mu sat with Sister Lan and her son, the little boy sat on his left, and Sister Lan sat on his right.

"In addition to absolute force, we have another weapon to choose from, the law! The child has suffered some internal injuries. As for the severity, the relevant appraisal agency has the final say. As soon as possible, follow the normal procedures and go to the relevant department to treat the child. For an injury assessment, if necessary, I can provide relevant medical certificates at any time. With the first-hand evidence in hand, the rest of the matter will be much easier to handle. Most of the things that have no background are hearsay. Don’t believe that evil. Since ancient times, Since then, evil has never prevailed over good!" Sister Bian Muchonglan explained seriously for a long time.

"Yeah! Let's go find out tomorrow and do whatever we have to do!" Sister Lan responded immediately.

The little boy listened quietly while eating the delicious snacks he chose, without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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