Merchant and doctor

Chapter 776 Haike Yingzhou

Chapter 776 Haike Yingzhou

The so-called "Baizhen Stew" is actually freshly made beef. However, there are two prerequisites for this: the beef must be fresh meat that has been killed and cannot be frozen or soaked in water. Secondly, the chef must have passed the basic skills, for example, it must be good. The beef bullocks and beef tenderloin must be cut into paper-thin slices of beef in a completely natural state. Of course, some parts of the meat would be even better if they could be both fat and lean.

Pineapple, apple, and unsweet pumpkin are cut into large dices, processed with a special process, and stewed with beef cubes. Finally, some marinade is poured on them. The fruity beef dices are paired with fragrant long-grain basmati rice. It is a perfect match!

Paper-thin beef slices, sea cucumbers, vermicelli, kelp shreds, quail eggs, lotus root slices... are combined into a dish according to a specific cooking order. There are no flavors involved, there are soups and vegetables, a great dish for winter!

Bian Mu and Uncle Yang didn't need to drive, so they naturally opened a jar of the best "Fenglingchun", a well-established wine with more than a thousand years of history. Boil it and drink it while it's warm. It's so beautiful!

Later, the chefs gave special favors, and the two of them almost finished one dish, and the other two dishes were already put on the table in a hurry.

This meal was really pleasant and enjoyable!

"A few of my friends named Pan own fishing grounds, both in rivers and lakes in the province and at sea." Uncle Yang said with a smile.

"I know something about this. I met someone in the ward yesterday. He seemed to be quite loyal. What's wrong? Is the problem in the circle of friends?"

"It's hard to tell right now. They have built a private club, which generally does not accept outsiders. It is called 'Haike Yingzhou'. It is brightly lit and very lively all year round." Uncle Yang responded with a smile.

"'Haike talks about Yingzhou, the misty waves are dim and it's hard to find a letter; the more people talk about Tianmu, the clouds are dimming or visible.' "Sleepwalking Tianmu chants farewell"? Where did the allusion come from?" He looked surprised, while he was bathing. He asked with a smile.

"That's right! All of them are uneducated and arty, hahaha... The person named Pan is a regular visitor there. He eats and drinks without restraint all day long. Judging from the information I have heard so far, the problem may be the puffer fish. "

"Oh! TTX poisoning?" Bian Mu couldn't help being slightly shocked when he heard this.

"What is that?" Uncle Yang asked in confusion.

"Tetrodotoxin, tetrodotoxin, a non-protein neurotoxin, an alkaloid, a highly toxic substance. Don't tell me, Mr. Pan's current clinical symptoms are quite similar. Combined with his symptoms, it should be Chronic poisoning, I heard that eating puffer fish is legal now, right?" Bian Mu responded with a serious expression.

"It depends on who the chef at Haike Yingzhou has the final say on how 'wild' they can eat. According to a friend's investigation, ever since his income exceeded one million, people named Pan have been particularly I like to eat some weird things, especially puffer fish. Logically speaking, if the chef over there chooses Eastern red-finned dolphins and Eastern dark-striped dolphins, it should be fine. When I was young, I would occasionally cook a few and stew them. When you eat it, your tongue will be slightly numb, but the taste is actually very average." Uncle Yang responded with a smile.

"Nine times out of ten, he is 'late-stage stagnation chronic poisoning'. He is incomparable to you. He is not diligent in all aspects of his body, does not distinguish between grains, and spends all his time living and drinking. In addition, he has a special physique and cannot metabolize at all. You have helped me. I'm very busy, it seems...Pan will have to move to another hospital, and everything will be clear once the blood is drawn and tested."

"Where are you going to move him?"

"Central Hospital, I'm familiar with the director there."

Hearing this, Uncle Yang couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

"Listening to what you just said, Pan's matter should have been delayed for a long time. The laboratory at the central hospital may not be powerful!" Okay! The old man knows quite a lot.

"What do you mean..." Bian Mu asked.

"This kind of thing probably has to be done at an occupational disease specialist hospital or some kind of occupational disease research institute. Why don't people named Pan stay put, coordinate the relationship between all parties, and let professionals come to collect blood? In addition, from now on, wouldn't it be over? After that, he will stop eating those bullshit raw seafoods."

"No... I'll contact him now." After saying that, Bian Mu called Mr. Pan.

After explaining clearly, Bian Mu hung up the phone.

"Also, let me tell you something. According to my friend, Pan's wife's surname is Kuang. You are from Lishi. She is not an authentic person. On the surface, Haike Yingzhou is a small business with Pan's surname. In fact, , but it is his wife who really has the final say. Her cousin, named Kuang, is the manager there. Her cousin has the final say on what ingredients to buy, what to eat, and what standards to serve. He has the final say all day long. I'm afraid only his brother-in-law knows what kind of rubbish Pan has eaten."

"Oh... I seem to understand a little bit... I guess... the person named Kuang is probably quite ambitious." Bian Mu guessed. "That's their family matter, no matter what kind of relationship they have. If Pan wants to live and live relatively healthily, he must handle the relationship between his husband and wife rationally. Otherwise, his illness will If you treat it, it will be in vain." Uncle Yang said calmly.

"You're right. To a large extent, I'm just curious and want to thoroughly investigate the cause of the disease. Otherwise, I feel weird. Then... I'll have a good talk with him later. If he can't deal with the relationship between their husband and wife decisively, I don’t care about the relationship between you.”

"Hey...that's right! There are limits to a doctor's kindness! Come on! Have a drink!"

"Cheers!" As he spoke, he clinked a drink with Uncle Yang with a smile on his face.


At about five o'clock in the afternoon that day, Miss Xiaojing's vicious stepmother came for a follow-up consultation, and registration was normal. Miss Xiaojing's father did not come with him. After Bian Mu's careful treatment, the vicious stepmother was much better.

After checking his pulse, Bian Mu lowered his voice and asked, "Do you believe in cause and effect?"

Upon hearing this, the woman couldn't help but froze.

Nodding slightly, the woman said nothing.

"There are many kinds of cold poisons accumulated in your body. If you still insist on the way you dealt with people before, I'm afraid you won't be able to eliminate those cold poisons in this life. If you really get to that point... you should have heard of 'Bird Zombie'" Right?" Calmly, Bian Mu warned the woman a few words calmly.

According to Miss Xiaojing, her stepmother usually reads a lot of old books, and she has some talent in that area. At the very least, she still has a certain family foundation in interpreting old characters.

Upon hearing the word "bird stiff", the woman shivered involuntarily.

Nodding slightly, hesitating for a moment, the woman asked for advice with a humble look on her face: "I did a lot of things wrong... My husband also criticized me and I want to change... I also asked Dr. Bian to give me some instructions." road."

"Have you read the Heart Sutra?"

The woman nodded slightly.

"Can you still hold the brush?" Bian Mu asked calmly.

"It's okay..."

"Once a day, copy it down calmly, and feel it with your heart while writing. It depends on your luck. If one day you feel a slight fever in Yintang point, come and tell me, and I will tell you what to do in the next stage. In addition... …I would like to remind you that if you still can’t find that feeling, you might as well try to be kind and do something good. At the beginning, if you are unwilling to do so, just try to force it. It should feel more and more natural as you go on. , by then... the situation may have improved." Bian Mu said a very special "doctor's order" in a calm tone.

"Thank you, Doctor Bian! Then... I won't interrupt, you are busy first." After saying that, the vicious stepmother stood up and bowed slightly to Bian Mu, turned around and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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