Merchant and doctor

Chapter 758: Unstoppable

Chapter 758 Irreconcilable

What Lao Hou practices is mind-centered, conveying spirit through form, and controlling mind through spirit. "Bian's Clinic" is the kind of place where anyone who comes will feel a strong sense of security, man! When the sense of security is in place, the mind will naturally be stable. Once the mind is stable, the flow of qi will naturally be smooth and accessible...


A thin layer of sweat broke out on his back, and Lao Hou walked smoothly for a short week.

"I feel much more relaxed, thank you!" Lao Hou stood up and walked to Bian Mu's side, cupping his hands and saying politely.

"You're welcome! The blood spots are much lighter in color and there should be no substantial lesions yet. It should be fine after three to five days." Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"How reckless! Haha... this is art?! What do you want to express with the colorful strips? I couldn't understand it when I was in middle school, and it's even more confusing now."

"I don't know much, but all the principles in the world are the same. She has a very sensitive nature, and she distinguishes the boundaries between truth, goodness, beauty, fakeness and ugliness more thoroughly than us. To put it in layman's terms... she just can't tolerate sand in her eyes. The sense of boundaries is too strong, and it is too difficult for her to be like the light and the dust, but... after all, she and her family have limited energy, and there are many people and things that she cannot understand, and she is unable to completely solve them... As time goes by... It was very painful. In order to relieve the innate pain, she must have thought of many ways, including painting, which was obtained from the heart and concentrated in the hands. Her emotions were integrated into these oil paintings, such as , anger, depression, determination, inability to let go...etc., she is already quite good in painting techniques, and many things are naturally absorbed into it. From this...the more you look at these paintings, the more interesting they become..." Explaining, Bian Mu pointed with his fingers for a while.

"Oh...then she...sounds like she has a very rough life...right?" Lao Hou knew that he was not up to par in some aspects, so he was naturally much more cautious in what he said.

"Yes! That's it! Come! Please sit down! You must be running business on the street all day long, and you must have encountered a lot of hostile colleagues, acquaintances who harbor evil intentions, relatives and friends who are kind-hearted but evil-hearted..." As he spoke, , Bian Mu found a bag of melon seeds, tore it open and put it on the coffee table.

"That's right! It's been much better in the past two years. In the past few years, I fought with them a lot." As he spoke, Lao Hou grabbed a handful of melon seeds and smacked a few of them, eh! The taste is quite good!

"I'm not much better than you. The business here is a little better. The pressure from the surrounding peers immediately came up. Overtly and covertly, they tormented us every chance we got. Some people are timid and have no ability to do evil. They also do it secretly. Cursed me a lot! However, when we were eating on the street, we could chat for a few words while sitting together, laughing and joking. Outsiders thought that we had a very similar relationship. We had to move on in life, but she couldn't do it anymore. When doing things, liver depression becomes a serious illness, and people are half crazy..." At the end of the sentence, Bian Mu couldn't help but sigh deeply.

"Oh... my mental quality is a bit poor, me! Last night I had a bloody fight with my colleagues, but the next night I still sat at the same table drinking, and after finishing three to five cigarettes, nothing happened."

"Why don't you talk about your man! Haha... She is different from us. She has a strong sense of boundaries and her subconscious doesn't want to bridge them at all. She follows the path of either the east wind overpowering the west wind or the west wind overpowering the east wind. Black is black and white is It’s Bai, and they are irreconcilable! So... some time ago, I was thinking about whether I could help her move the black mountain that was weighing on her heart!"

"Do you need my help?" He blurted out with a Jianghu aura, and it could be heard that Lao Hou also had a very loyal side.

"No, no! Let's talk to you. My heart is much brighter now. In fact...painting and being a human being...are almost the same as practicing medicine. As long as you can see through that layer of appearances, some things can be easily solved. Maybe I’m also looking for some kind of inspiration. Whenever I have some free time, I’ll try to figure out these paintings, and I always feel like I can find some kind of answer.”

" her opponent pretty powerful?"

"It's not bad! Anyway, she is quite rich, and her social relations are quite complicated. If I don't bring them down, I won't even be able to transfer her to another hospital. And... the black mountain in her heart will always be a hidden danger, alas... ... If she doesn’t do it right, she won’t be able to live a good life in this life!”

"Oh...then does she have any handle on those people?"

"Maybe...maybe not...I can't say, but her intelligence is definitely online. According to common sense, there should be some adverse evidence against the other party on hand." Bian Mu responded casually.

"Then...could she hide something in the painting?" Lao Hou prompted with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Bian Mu immediately came to his senses.

"Yes! Let's take a look again!"

The two of them immediately took action, opening the curtains and facing the sun. They searched one of the oil paintings carefully under the strong light, one on the left and the other on the right. One... there was none, and another one was found, and there was still no one. Then another one was found... …   “Eh?! What is that? It’s dark.” Lao Hou’s eyes were sharp. There was obviously a small interlayer in the canvas of the fourth oil painting. I don’t know what was embedded in it. It was black and triangular.

"Put it aside for now and look at the last one." Calmly, Bian Mu put the fourth oil painting aside without doing anything at that time.

Everything was normal in the fifth oil painting, nothing unusual was found.

"The problem may lie in the fourth painting. It's quite troublesome. I don't want to involve you,'s getting late. Drink some hot tea and take a good rest. I'll deal with the painting later. "

"I don't care what you say! But...if you need me someday, just ask, I promise to be there when you call."

"Thank you! By the way, I still don't believe that Sima Kui has been single for most of his life. You should have checked him out. Does he also have a man and a woman under his knees?"

"Probably not...what? What do you think?"

"Even if Sima Kui is not officially married to anyone, there is a high probability that he will have children, so... I'm just guessing! He is seriously injured. If I hadn't happened to save his life, his ashes would have been cold for many years. Well, then... how can he hold on until the day when I see the sunset? Right! My child! In order for his children to live a better life, he might risk his life to get the things passed down by his master, and then Realize it again...what do you think?"

"It makes sense... Then I'll ask my friends to check him out right away! By the way, he opened a clinic over in Beicheng. It seems to be in the middle of Yugui Road. The location is a bit remote. I've been there a few times, but he doesn't recognize me. , I probably didn’t notice anything.”

"Oh...what is he advertising? General practice?"

"That's not true, let me think about it... By the way, bone setting, Chinese medicine bone setting. I saw that he also prescribes prescriptions for people to treat other ailments, but his main focus is bone setting with Chinese medicine."

"That's his strength. It seems that he still has some ideas. By the way, I have to remind Guan Yuelin to be careful. What's the name of the clinic?"

"'Dan Qitang' sounds weird."

"Elixir, Qihuang's Technique... It makes sense. Let's go over and take a look another day." Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"Okay! You call me then. It's getting late and you should go to the afternoon shift, so I won't disturb you anymore."

"I'll get you a tube of good tea. Drink it every morning and afternoon. It'll be good."

"That's so embarrassing!"

"Someone keeps bringing tea here, and we can't drink it at all. Besides, tea itself is a kind of medicine. Just take this tube, it will be just right for your symptoms." As he spoke, Bian Mu gave Lao Hou a tube of good tea. Send the gift out the door politely.

(End of this chapter)

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