Merchant and doctor

Chapter 755 5 Colored Medicine Rope

Everyone was very busy. After coming out of the art exhibition center, the three of them didn't bother to make an appointment to have lunch together. They were polite to each other at the gate, and the three of them parted ways. Those who took taxis took taxis, and those who drove drove, each went his own way. Busy with each other.

During lunch break, "Bian's Clinic", second floor.

After finding those cliff-themed oil paintings, Bian Mu pondered over them for a long time...

Others may still be guesses, but Bian Mu felt that she must have spotted one thing correctly: Ms. Fang had placed extremely high expectations on sunshine, independence, and unrestrained vitality deep in her subconscious mind.

"No wonder many painting masters in history tended to have some mental disorders, and some even regrettably embarked on a tragic end of self-destruction... Looking at these paintings of Ms. Fang is really inspiring, such an excellent painter Even if I risk my life, I still have to hold her back..." Bian Mu thought to himself.

Bian Mu was thinking about it, and seemed to hear something moving downstairs. He poked his head and looked down. It turned out that Lao Hou was here.

"Have you eaten yet?" Lao Hou asked with a smile when they met.

"You just had a bowl of noodles, haven't you eaten yet? Let's go! I'll go out with you for a few drinks." After that, Bian Mu took off the white coat he was wearing, walked to the coat rack and hung it up.

"It's past dinner, and there's nothing good to eat on the street. Do you have any instant noodles here? Just cook two packs and your stomach won't be empty." Lao Hou said with a smile.

"Look what you said, I can let you eat that kind of junk food! There are some frozen dumplings in the refrigerator. A friend on the street helped make them. They are quite good, but they are not very fresh. If you don't mind, I will give them to you. You can cook it a little." Bian Mu said with a smile.

"That's good! Dumplings are like wine. The more you eat, the better! This is much better than the food on the street. That's it. Please cook it first, and I'll go out and get a bottle of good wine."

"What? Don't drive anymore?"

"I left the car at four o'clock in the morning. I just finished it. I have a rest in the afternoon. I don't have to leave the car tomorrow. I took a taxi just now."

"Then...drink some beer! Liquor is somewhat harmful to the body after all!"

"Okay!" After saying that, Lao Hou quickly went out to get some wine.


Cold vermicelli yuba, five-spice peanuts, dry-fried yellow croaker, steaming dumplings, and a bottle of dark beer each. The more the two chatted, the closer they got.

"Two days ago, I went to Dongsheng Township to pull some meat. I didn't feed him feed, I just fed him grain. By the way, I also played music and fed him some beer from time to time. Don't tell me, the quality of the meat is really good. I'll prepare it for you. I kept some and I will bring them to you during the Chinese New Year. You have many friends, so you can share them and celebrate the Chinese New Year happily." Lao Hou said with a smile.

"Really? Thank you, thank you! That's a good thing, I appreciate it so much, I appreciate it so much!" Bian Mu thanked him repeatedly.

"One of our own! Don't be so polite! It's all a trivial matter. The place where I pull pork is called 'Zhangwang Village'. It's a big village with a population of seven to eight hundred people, and there are many young people. Unlike other villages, young people have all gone to work in the city. , people just stay in their hometown to engage in breeding, and after a year, they make a lot of money. Unintentionally, I found that there is an old village doctor in the village who has some skills." As he spoke, Lao Hou took out a cup made of white copper from his jacket pocket. cigarette box.

The edges and corners of the copper cigarette case have been polished to the point where they have lost their original color, and the paste seems to be an old item.

Pressing the small switch, the copper cigarette box opened automatically. There were some tinfoil papers stacked inside, made of pure metal. Lao Hou gently opened one of the sheets and saw several colorful strings inside.

"Oh! Medicine rope?! Did the old village doctor prepare it himself?" Bian Mu asked in surprise.

"You are a master after all. You can recognize it at a glance. I asked several people, but you are the only one who knows this thing." As he spoke, Lao Hou handed the medicine rope in his hand to Bian Mu's hand with the tin foil in his hand.

Bian Mu took out a pair of disposable PE gloves from the drawer and put it on his hands. He gently picked out the largest medicine rope and held it up high, looking at it carefully for a while against the sunlight. "Five-colored medicinal rope! Maybe he has been in the village for many years and has not made much progress in his business. You should know that an expert can make this kind of medicinal rope with nine layers of seven colors. It is known as the 'Colorful Exquisite Rein', and some people also call it ' "Qise Yao Gang', after all these years, very few colleagues use this method to treat people's illnesses." Bian Mu explained casually.

"An expert is an expert, and he can tell the depth as soon as he reaches out. The old village doctor's surname is Mi. He is a foreigner. He married a widow in the village, and his career as a wandering doctor ended there. He settled down there and settled down." Lao Hou explained a few words.

"What happened next? Do you have any children?"

"His wife gave birth to a son and a daughter. Before they got married, the woman had a daughter who was a bit brain-challenged. I asked about it and Dr. Mi gave that girl acupuncture for more than two years. Hey! My intelligence gradually returned to normal, and I married to Nanjin. Dr. Mi's son now works in Lijin, in a securities trading company, and is involved in finance. His daughter goes to college in Beiqi and will graduate next year. I have a son. I heard it’s good to study.”

"When you tell me this, do you mean that Doctor Mi has some relationship with Sima Kui and the others?" Bian Mu guessed with a smile.

"You are so awesome! You can guess right. Doctor Mi was Sima Kui's companion when he was traveling around the world. I feel like he knows a lot about Sima Kui."

"Is that so...has this medicine rope been used in front of you? Otherwise, it wouldn't have suddenly attracted your attention." Bian Mu continued to guess.

"Nothing can be hidden from your eyes, haha... I was pulling livestock at a farmer's house, and there was a boy who was very naughty. He might have developed feelings for one of the cattle. He was so stunned that he held the cow and wouldn't let us go. Let’s go. The adults were trying to persuade me, but if I wasn’t paying attention, the child was kicked back by the beloved Huaniu. He was bleeding profusely, and there was a lot of blood from his nose. Anyway, I was a little flustered at that time. Well, as a result, his grandma dug out this medicine string from home and tied it around her upper lip. Well! Within three minutes, the bleeding stopped, the swelling subsided, and I regained consciousness... all in one step, which shocked me at the time. ...When I inquired about it, I found out that this thing indeed has some origins.”

"Oh... Sima Kui and his three brothers are really good at making this kind of medicinal rope. Brother Qiangzi mentioned it to me before." After saying that, he found a pure white small plate while bathing, the glaze was like new, and it was a high-quality product. Good porcelain.

Bian Mu went to the faucet and poured some water into the dish, then turned and returned to the table.

"Drink some tea, there's good tea!" While greeting Lao Hou, Bian Mu took a pair of surgical scissors and cut off a section of the medicinal rope just now.

He casually threw the small piece of medicine rope into the small dish. In less than 10 seconds, Lao Hou was surprised to find that the small piece of medicine rope disappeared without a trace and completely merged with the water in the dish.

Colorless, odorless, invisible and traceless...

"Ah?! So magical?! It seems that those three brothers are definitely not simple!" His eyes widened, and Lao Hou looked very surprised.

"Haha... to those three brothers, this is nothing. What do you think... could this medicinal rope be related to the secret recipe we will find in the future?!" Bian Mu suddenly said this.

Lao Hou didn't dare to pretend in front of Bian Mu at this moment, and nodded lightly naturally.

"It's because I had the same idea that I came over to you to check it out. I was really wrong. So... what should we do next?"

"This... find some time, let's go to Zhangwang Village and explore the bottom."

"Okay! You are an expert. You will understand everything just by looking at it. Then... I will prepare an off-road vehicle later?"

"Just small bread, it won't be conspicuous." Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"You are still careful! From now on, I will obey your orders!"

"That's right...the tea has cooled down. I'll give you some hot water." After that, he got up and went to get the hot water.

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