Merchant and doctor

Chapter 750 Encirclement and reinforcements

The "spinal ointment" business is extremely popular. Bian Mu only needs to take a simple pulse and ask about his daily diet, occupation, etc. before he can give a doctor's order. Those patients with chronic coughs who are of higher quality can go home and be cared for by relatives and friends. Just apply it to the corresponding acupoints on the back with help. If it feels inconvenient, Nurse Ye and Luo Zhanqi will help apply it. Occasionally, Bian Mu will also do it.

Teng Daili thinks very highly of herself and never helps.

Yan Yunxiu was so preoccupied with organizing the medicine cabinet that she didn't even bother to help. Besides, she had a pharmacist's license, and it was illegal to perform traditional Chinese medicine treatment!

The sales procedures for Chinese herbal medicines have been completed, and the more common Chinese herbal medicines used in daily life can be purchased at the "Bian's Clinic". The relevant departments have regulations on specific prices. Yan Yunxiu is quite expert and marks the prices of each medicine by category. In her spare time, she I have already started selling medicine with my help.

Bian Mu and Yan Yunxiu calculated the accounts very carefully, and the price was neither high nor low. If they got the right price, they even prescribed prescriptions and medicines, which added a new income to the clinic.

Yan Yunxiu has not quit her job. When she is away, Bian Mu is unable to get medicine for patients. The patients can only take the prescription and get medicine elsewhere. Bian Mu thinks that after the Spring Festival, he may be on the right track.

There was a patient who really didn't have time to queue up, so he bought ointment from Bianmu and went to other nearby clinics and asked doctors to apply it. Some clinics would charge a certain fee, while most clinics would help for free. This immediately boosted the popularity of nearby clinics. It also added a lot.

Colleagues in the industry have some private discussions, saying that Bian Mu is young, has a flexible mind, and has complex social relationships. When competing with him, everyone obviously has no advantage. They can only cheer up, improve the quality of service, greet him with a smile, and reduce the corresponding expenses. Invisibly, the industry atmosphere has also corrected a lot.

For a time, the reputation of "Bian's Clinic" spread further and further...

Bian Mu is still quite clear-headed. It is definitely a good thing to make more money when the ointment unexpectedly becomes popular. However, his main business is to contact as many clinical patients as possible. He visits the clinic every day. He still focuses on daily outpatients and work. Notes are still written continuously and meticulously.

Being busy all day long, Bian Mu has to worry about many business details. Bian Mu must have to divert some of his energy, maybe because the purity of the essence is not high enough. In recent months, Bian Mu feels that his progress in medical skills has not been obvious... …

Maybe, everyone will experience a similar bottleneck period, so just take your time.

At noon that day, at 12:57, the last spinal patient was sent away. Tiredness struck, and Bian Mu fell down on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested for a while.

"Dong...dong...dong..." Someone knocked on the door.

When I got up, I saw Nie Yawen standing at the door with a smile on her face.

"Please come in quickly!"

"Have you eaten?"

"I just sent away a patient, and I haven't even taken care of him yet! What about you?"

"I want to change my appetite. I happened to pass by. I thought you didn't eat either. Why don't you find a place to sit?"

"OK! Assorted hot pot? How is it?"

"Okay! I'll wait for you in the car! Our old place!"

"See you later!" After saying that, Bian Mu went upstairs to change clothes.


"Baixing Restaurant" is an old restaurant. It was just past dinner time and there were not many diners in the store.

Old-fashioned hot pot made of sand, burning charcoal, old taste! The bottom layer of the hot pot is laid out with some vegetables, vermicelli, and fried tofu strips, with some meatballs, roasted pork, and chicken nuggets placed in the middle. In addition, shredded kelp, day lily, Shantai mushrooms, and other vegetables are garnished. The owner of the shop is good at making the sauce. When the steam is steaming, there is no odor in the upper and lower layers. It can be said that it is a unique secret skill.

"It smells so good! It's been a long time since I've had this kind of old hot pot. The last time... I remember I was in junior high school! I can't remember where I ate it, but it tasted good here!" Nie Yawen tasted it. After a few bites, I was very satisfied.

"You just have to eat well. Baked buns as your main dish, right? Vegetarian fillings?"    "Okay!"

"You eat first, I have to buy some from across the street right away. The freshly baked ones are delicious." After that, Bian Mu left his seat and went across the road to buy baked buns.


"Is it convenient to ask you something?" Nie Yawen said with a smile while eating delicious baked buns.

"Don't be so polite, please speak!"

"I heard that you treated Dr. Pan?"

"It can't be said to be a formal's a chance! He's not in a very good condition, so I'm going to best it's a mental soothing treatment, at the very least, let him walk normally! Don't tell others. , Director Pan was frightened this time..." With a calm expression, Bian Mu explained briefly.

"Rich people are afraid of death! It's not hard to grandfather said that in terms of cancer might have some ideas?" Nie Yawen asked tentatively.

"I've only been out for a few years! There's no real success, at most it's just an immature idea..." The roasted pork is fat and thin, and you won't get tired of it no matter how much you eat it. As he spoke, Bian Mu couldn't help but take a few more bites.

"Can you please tell me? My grandpa is getting old, and there are some things that he can't come forward with. Senior brother has promised quite well, but he never comes to you. My grandpa is always thinking about that matter in the study... I look awkward, this What’s there! They’re all gentlemen, just doing business exchanges! There’s nothing to hide, right?”

After hearing these words, Bian Mu couldn't help but smile.

"What are you laughing at?! Are you laughing at me for being childish?" Nie Yawen responded bluntly.

"Don't dare! Haha...Lan Bingru! He seemed so kind and approachable before. When we first met, I had a very good impression of him. Later I found out...he only pays tens of millions in taxes every year. , Why is he?! Isn’t it just that he is unique and has his own school in the treatment of difficult and miscellaneous syndromes such as cancer? After all, it’s not just money?” Bian Mu responded with a few words with a smile.

"Yes, grandfather doesn't think highly of him. What can I say...that man seems to be very weak!"

"Really? Is Mr. Nie worried that his path is not upright?"

"Otherwise you are smarter! Let me think about it...what did my grandfather say about him...right! Neither Chinese nor Western, both good and evil!" Nie Yawen responded with a smile.

"No way! Teacher Lan looks very upright... Oh... Mr. Nie means... the traditional Chinese medicine methods taught by Teacher Lan are not very authentic?"

Hearing this, Nie Yawen smiled and did not reply directly, but her eyes were filled with praise.

Maybe the living environment was too favorable when she was young. Nie Yawen's personality was a bit wild and energetic. She had no taboos and lived a very free and unrestrained life. Even so, compared with friends like Su Linwen, Assistant Zhang, and Qi Yuewei, how far away were they from? If she didn't say anything, Bian Mu would naturally not delve into it.

"My idea is quite simple. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, cancer is nothing more than temporary accumulation and blood qi blockage. Mr. Pan, I'm lucky. So far, no signs of spread have been found. As for me, let's start with That tumor area is assumed to be Neutral, yes! Just pretend it doesn’t exist. Why make this assumption? Because we cannot completely eradicate it with all medical means. Before it spreads, we first assume it is a Qi and blood spot. , meridian contact station." At this point, Bian Mu felt that the food was a bit salty, so he scooped up a bowl of loofah and vermicelli soup and took two sips.

"Neutral? Gap? Blank? But... it's really stuck there! The blood is poor and the nutrients are consumed a lot. I'm afraid your ostrich tactics are a bit self-deceiving, right?" Nie Yawen immediately retorted.

"Don't worry! I'll use acupuncture to create a barrier around it, seal it up, and starve it for a while."

"Wow! What a strategy to encircle a point and call for reinforcements! You are awesome. It sounds novel in theory, but... there are so many nervous systems and meridian systems, how can you calculate them?! Are you still a human brain?" Nie Yawen Laughed and made a few jokes.

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