Merchant and doctor

Chapter 716: Using a needle is like marching to fight

Yan Yunxiu's husband has a typical cautious personality type. Whenever something happens, he always looks forward and backward. When he heard that his wife planned to give up her current job and go to work in a little-known small clinic, she was furious.

However, Yan Yunxiu and her husband have a very good relationship. Seeing that his reaction was so strong, it was not easy to say anything more. Anyway, it is the end of the year, and the Chinese New Year will be celebrated in two months, so Yan Yunxiu will no longer Mention this matter.

Yan Yunxiu's husband became much quieter when he saw that his beloved wife never mentioned this matter again. He never had too deep thoughts. His beloved wife must have been confused for a while, thinking that he strongly opposed it, so the matter passed away.

In fact, Yan Yunxiu has always had her own ideas since she was a child: what is Bian Mu's level, what is her medical ethics, and where is the best development prospect... She knows better than anyone else that a woman in her thirties can only hope for the best. She put it on her husband and children. However, she had already seen through what kind of material her husband was after only a few years of marriage.

The child is still young and can't see much right now, but he probably won't have much potential in the future.

Although she didn't say anything, Yan Yunxiu had already made up her mind to leave her job and team up with Bian Mu to start a small business.

Based on female intuition, Yan Yunxiu privately determined that Bian Mu would never be simple in the future.

Considering her husband's feelings, Yan Yunxiu planned to go through the procedures after the Spring Festival next year. After making up her mind, she went to the "Bian's Clinic" for a while after work every day, and soon she and Nurse Ye became like sisters. .

Bian Mu was smart enough to understand, so he didn't say much. As soon as Yan Yunxiu walked in after work every day, the two of them had already started to set up the pharmacy.

As a result, all the cocktail parties and other banquets arranged by Qi Yuewei and Mrs. Mai were cancelled, and Su Linwen's appointments such as art exhibitions and technology exhibitions were also cancelled.

Fortunately, everyone got along very well. The three ladies expressed their deep understanding and not only didn't mind, but also went to the clinic to see Bian Mu from time to time and brought him a lot of delicious food.


At noon on this day, the sky cleared up, the ice and snow melted, and the warm winter sun once again emitted the colorful brilliance of gold.

After sending away the last patient, Bian Mu was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed and relaxing when the three strongmen came to visit.

"Look! How is this bird?"

"Wow! This is so beautiful! It doesn't look like a domestic species, does it? Where did you get it?" Mu asked in surprise while looking at the beautiful bird in the cage.

"Tch! It's called Chaffinch, a species from Liyun Mountain, an authentic domestic product! I picked it up on the way, and the sound sounds okay. How is the treatment for your female patient?"

"It's good. At least I can communicate with my relatives and friends normally at home. My diet and sleep are much better. I still don't dare to go out and interact with strangers. This time, it's your fault!"

"That's good! Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue will help me buy an apartment in the city as soon as possible."

"Oh! Don't you plan to continue recuperating with your uncle in the countryside?"

"My dad has basically recovered from his internal injuries. It's more convenient to live in the city, but buying one is too expensive and a lot of effort. It's better to rent one first. How are you paying attention to it?"

"I have looked at a few apartments, and two of them have been rented out. There are still three vacant apartments at the moment. You have to prepare one year's rent and one month's deposit. Is that convenient? If not, I will pay it first."

"I have money! Let's eat first! I'll go over and take a look after dinner."

"Okay! Then come with me to Ms. Suhua's house to see her daughter. By the way, check out the wren. If her pulse condition allows, I may have to give her two injections."

"Let's go! What about this bird? Let her live too?" Sanqiangzi asked casually. "Sound therapy has shown miraculous results. As a newbie, if she becomes dependent on that wren, how can I ask her parents for it? Forget it, facial paralysis requires acupuncture. Let’s stop the sound therapy! They can’t send good birds over to their house anymore. I know that birds are like good friends to you, and we can’t break your rules just because of a few patients.”

" brother, why are you so unscrupulous? If she really likes it, just give it to her. The birds that pass through my hands are very spiritual. If you don't feel comfortable staying in her house in the future, they will fly by themselves." It’s over, just treat it as you should, don’t think too much.”

"Then... pack up and leave now?"


"Hahaha..." Amid laughter, Bian Mu sorted out several "Rolling Dragon Golden Needles" and several packs of stainless steel ordinary acupuncture needles and took them with him. After locking the door, the two went out and hailed a taxi and went straight to Ms. Suhua. Home.


Ms. Suhua's whole family happened to be there. Her husband's surname was Yan. He was the financial director at the headquarters of the company run by the Lu family. He was considered to be a high-ranking and powerful person. He always had a frosty look and was somewhat pretentious.

However, he still understood the importance of Bian Mu and his party, smiling and looking very polite throughout the whole process.

Sanqiangzi was good at physiognomy and felt that Yan was not a kind person. After a few polite words, he asked Miss Xiaoye to go to her bedroom to pay a return visit to the wren. The chaffinch had a pretty appearance and a clear song. It was so sweet that Miss Xiaoye couldn't put it down. Holding the birdcage in one hand, she followed Sanqiangzi to the bedroom to ask for advice on bird training.

Sanqiangzi has the contact information of Miss Xiaoye, and he often teaches her how to tame birds.

The wren and the chaffinch come from completely different living areas and were originally difficult to get along with each other. However, in front of the three strongmen, that was not a problem. Not long after the whistle command was given, the two birds got along well. Same brothers.

After being shocked, Miss Xiaoye absolutely adored the Three Strongmen. Invisibly, the two of them stayed in the bedroom for a little too long.

Seeing their daughter not shying away from a strange man, Suhua and his wife, as well as the female nanny at home, felt it was incredible.

Bian Mu deliberately coughed a few times, and then Sanqiangzi realized. After training the two little birds, he invited Miss Xiaoye to the living room to prepare for the injection.

Following normal procedures, Bian Mu carefully took Ms. Xiaoye's pulse...

"Let's try a few needles to see the effect!" After that, with the help of Ms. Suhua and the female nanny, Xiaoye took a needle at the "Taichong point" on Xiaoye's right foot. The medium-sized "Gunlong Golden Needle" was used. Needle, regular size.

Then, Bian Mu inserted five more needles into the "Shixuan Point" on her left hand, using ordinary steel needles and the smallest-sized filiform needles.

Bian Mu took a long path along the meridian, and both the Small Five Needle and the Rolling Dragon Golden Needle took the "burning mountain fire" needle path. The reason why the Five Needles were inserted slowly was to separate the Qi paths arising from the soles of the feet. The "Five Routes of Soldiers and Horses" are led towards the Baihui point on the top of the head, slowly and slowly, dividing the troops and sending generals, which is almost the same as marching.


It was very exhausting. After all the needles were inserted, Bian Mu had a slight sweat on his head. No matter how understanding they were, Suhua and his wife knew at this moment that Bian Mu was definitely a master at this. Moreover, she had really worked hard for her daughter’s illness. Ms. Suhua I felt very sorry.

After resting on the sofa for five or six minutes, Bian Mu took Xiaoye's pulse again. Well... everything was normal.

"At this rate, with two more pricks, most of the symptoms of cold paralysis and numbness on the face should be eliminated. By then, this family will be truly relieved. Being a parent is not easy." Bian Mu thought to himself. road.

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