Merchant and doctor

Chapter 714 Golden Pills

Seeing that the man surnamed Xuan was walking away, Li Yunhu came down from upstairs and chatted for a few words.

"Is your hand okay?" Li Yunhu asked with concern.

"Ouch! It hurts a little now! Alas! Since I started practicing medicine, I have become much more delicate!" As he spoke, he took out a small porcelain bottle from the medicine cabinet and took out a small stainless steel bottle from the side. tray and poured some medicinal wine into it.

The right hand was clenched into a fist, and the injured side was soaked in the medicinal wine. After a while, the pain had dissipated without a trace.

It was a kind of medicinal wine prepared by Bian Mu himself. It was made with good recipes, good medicinal materials, and good craftsmanship. It was very effective. Usually, a few trauma patients with mild symptoms would occasionally come in to the clinic. Bian Mu would ask Nurse Ye to give them some medicinal wine, which was well received by the majority of patients. Because it was free, Bian Mu had gained a lot of good reputation. .

"What's the matter? How much effort does this person have?" Li Yunhu found a place to sit down and said with a smile.

"There is no way. If our clinic wants to continue to operate smoothly, we must maintain the highest, fastest and cheapest cure rate as possible. This is a hard target and cannot be ambiguous at all. The common people have limited education and average moral standards. They don't care about you. How good her medical skills are, regardless of how complicated her condition is. After being treated by you, she will have to conceive a child in a year and a half. Otherwise, it will all be your problem. Simple and direct, what I just wanted to do is It's not like I tried to suppress Xuan's arrogance and forced him to change his gender a little, huh! There's no way to have children within ten years?!" Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"It's true... By the way, if you didn't mention it, I would have forgotten that in the past two weeks, three or four clinics around us have been unable to operate. There have been some discussions in the community, saying that we have overrun them. ...I was so angry that I argued with those old men and ladies for a long time!" Li Yunhu suddenly remembered something and quickly reminded him.

"Really? Have you been to the site to implement it?"

"I've been there. One time, Mr. Fan even went with me. I'm stupid, and he chatted with the merchants on both sides for a while. I heard that he wanted to find out why that clinic couldn't continue its business."

" the past two years, all walks of life have become increasingly saturated. If we want to take a step forward, we must make breakthroughs. For example, our clinic can barely be regarded as a technological breakthrough. We can treat difficult and miscellaneous syndromes that others cannot treat. If you're lucky, it's possible to completely cure it; 'Ren Geng' should take the same path, or you have to work hard on the business model and financial advantages, otherwise, there is really no way to survive! Think about it ! Doing business on the street is like sailing against the current. Those who don’t advance will retreat! It has almost nothing to do with us.”

"That's it, that's it... the common people are uneducated, and they can't understand such a profound truth. By the way, I'll treat you tonight! It's not good to eat your food for free, haha..." Li Yunhu said with a smile.

"The salary has been increased?" Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"As I grow older, those born in the [-]s are still quite aggressive. Although the company's scale is not that big, the benefits are quite good, and it seems to be thriving!"

"Really? It's really good! Then let's change our appetite and have Lao Feng's soup dumplings, a big bowl of pimple soup, and a few seasonal side dishes. How delicious!"

"Okay! Pour some water! Mr. Fan will probably be back soon!"

While the two were chatting, Fan Sanqiao got off work.

The three of them drank a few sips of hot water, locked the door, talked and laughed all the way to the old "Seal Soup Dumplings" shop.

It was lunch time, and the three of them finally found an empty table. After sitting down, Bian Mu looked out the window and looked into the distance.

"Drink some! There may be snow tonight!" Bian Mu suggested.

"We're not driving anyway, why don't we each come first?" Fan Sanqiao responded with a smile.

"Okay! Just Qinghe Laosha will do!" Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"Then let me go over and say hello! Warm up the wine." After that, Li Yunhu got up and went to the kitchen to say hello.

"How is the company operating recently?" Bian Mu asked casually with a smile. "It's not bad! It's just that... Director Chen and Mr. Wu are a bit greedy and aggressive. I explained it several times at the meeting, but they didn't listen half-heartedly, which is a bit annoying!" When mentioning the current situation of the "Ren Geng" company, Fan Sanqiao couldn't help but He frowned.

"Oh! President Wu's level is average, and Chen Yueqing is scheming, so he should be able to listen, right?" Bian Mu responded.

"I'm greedy for money! The two projects we are working on are all about making money. As for me, if I want to get a big one, it will take time! Moreover, more than [-]% of the company's technical staff have to be dispatched by me. What about them? , On the surface, they have a good attitude, but in fact, privately, they have started another set of quick-money projects. If things continue like this, sooner or later they will part ways."

"No...who does that female master's degree belong to?"

"Her? It's okay. She knows how to support me at critical moments. On the surface, she seems to be quite selfish. However, she is very considerate and hardworking when asked to do something! Generally speaking, she should be regarded as ours. , Miss Xiaoying’s business ability is nothing to say, and she is naturally from our end. Recently, I have also been a little hesitant about forming gangs. I have always disdained it, but... with such good equipment... it will really make things worse in the future. They pushed the three of us out?! Wouldn't that be a waste of resources?"

"You mean to create another team?"

"Hmm! What do you think?"

"I'm a layman, so I don't dare to give out random ideas, but... there is a young man named Qian. His family background is quite good, and he seems to be relatively simple. How about I invite him out some other time for you to chat? What if we chat? Come on, maybe he will change his mind and go over to help you. Gradually, you and Chen Yueqing will be able to compete."

"That's great! You can't go wrong if you like it. Tell me, what's going on?"

At this time, Li Yunhu came back with xiaolongbao, hot wine and side dishes.

The three chatted while eating.

Bian Mu briefly told how he persuaded the eldest grandson of the Qian family and how he met Yan Yunxiu by chance.

"I think this may be possible, but... we have to talk in detail to see how far his professional level has reached." Fan Sanqiao responded with a smile.

Li Yunhu didn't understand anything and just kept his head down eating and drinking. However, he liked to listen to Bian Mu and the others chatting, and when he heard the important joints, he would also go through them in his mind.


When they were almost done eating, Bian Mu and Fan Sanqiao basically reached a consensus. Due to various long-term considerations, Fan Sanqiao began to cultivate his own power within the "Ren Geng" company.


The next morning, Bian Mu discussed with Nurse Ye and Luo Zhanqi and increased the number of registrations to 30 in advance.


They worked hard until 13:12, when Bian Mu and the three of them got off work.

The three of them all felt a little tired, so they said hello to each other and dispersed. After locking the door, Bian Mu called Huang Boxi to make an appointment, planning to entrust the old man to prepare Midas Pills for the special patient Ms. Fang.

Hearing that Bian Mu took the initiative to treat guests, Huang Boxi naturally went happily.

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