Merchant and doctor

Chapter 664 Qingping Sword Therapy

Chapter 664 Qingping Sword Therapy

According to the latest version of the Pharmacopoeia, there are about 8900 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, including more than 4700 kinds of botanical drugs, more than 700 kinds of animal drugs, and more than 80 kinds of mineral drugs. There are 170 kinds of traditional Chinese herbal medicines used as single herbs and processed products. There are many kinds. In addition, there are many Chinese herbal medicines that are not charged.

According to statistics from traditional Chinese medicine classics, there are more than 12000 types of Chinese herbal medicines in normal long-term use, of which more than 500% are plants. There are generally more than [-] types of medicines commonly used by professional TCM doctors.

There is a jargon in traditional Chinese medicine: The use of medicine in traditional Chinese medicine is like arranging troops and marching to fight.Every mature, stable, and relatively professional TCM physician has his or her own “heavy-arms” medication compatibility list.

Specific to Bian Mu, he used to use Bupleurum, Gypsum, Jujube, and Angelica as the "Four Marshals", use Licorice as the supervisor, and appoint "Rhubarb, Rehmannia glutinosa, Dragon Bone, Pinellia Pinellia, Asarum, and Dried Ginger" as generals. "Atractylodes, Poria, Alisma, Daphne, and Euphorbia" are the vanguard officers in the front, and those at the end are "Coptis, Scutellaria, and Ginseng" as the three general officers.

In view of the daily income level of ordinary people, in most cases, Bian Mu will adjust "ginseng" to "codonopsis". In the future, Bian Mu also plans to cooperate with drug farmer Lao Pei and forest ranger Lao Liangtou to find ways to train people in Cuiwei Mountain To produce high-quality "Purple Cloud Ginseng", in Bian Mu's view, with his medical practice style and flexible use of "Purple Cloud Ginseng", the compatibility efficiency of Chinese herbal medicine will only be higher, and naturally the therapeutic effect will be the highest.

I have been busy all day long, and the plan to resurrect "Purple Cloud Ginseng" has never been mentioned on the agenda.

When the patient Hu Yuqin's son made such a fuss, Bian Mu suddenly realized that he should immediately set up a pharmacy and replant "Purple Cloud Ginseng" to truly achieve "dual practice of medicine" and elevate his medical skills to a new level.

However, the top priority is for Bian Mu to go around the surrounding streets and conduct a comprehensive investigation into the actual commercial use of Chinese herbal medicines in the market.


After the patient Hu Yuqin's daughter and daughter-in-law left, Bian Mu naturally added an additional diagnostic and treatment procedure when he started prescribing: asking the patient in detail what level of pharmacy he would choose to get medicine after leaving the "Bian's Clinic".


The last patient is a lady, 37 years old, a single mother. She has been here several times some time ago. Her surname is Zheng. She is a tally clerk in a large supermarket. In her spare time, she also works part-time as a "door-to-door chef" for those whose children are not around. The old man cooked a few meals, and listening to her usual dictation, it seemed that her cooking skills were quite good.

This Ms. Zheng can't earn much money even though she works hard all day long. She also has an 11-year-old son who goes to elementary school in the city. On the count, he should be a fifth-grade elementary school student.

After working hard for a long time, Ms. Zheng suffers from various chronic diseases. She came here mainly to treat irregular menstruation.

Based on various medical information, Bian Mu diagnosed that the root cause of Ms. Zheng's illness was "deficiency of both Qi and blood." This time, Bian Mu gave her a different prescription: 15g of Codonopsis pilosula, 12g of Atractylodes macrocephala, 18g of Bai Fuling. Angelica sinensis 10g, Chuanxiong rhizome 12g, white peony root 9g, Rehmannia glutinosa 12g, and licorice root 6g.

"This is an old prescription. It matches your condition very well. I just changed the 'ginseng' to 'codonopsis'. At the same time, I also lowered the dosage of all the medicine. When decoction, remember to add five or six ordinary ginger. slices and 6 jujubes. Remember to tear them into two pieces with your hands. If your hands are not strong enough, don’t use a kitchen knife. Use a ceramic knife or a bamboo knife to cut them. The medicinal properties of the decoction are guaranteed. Just now you also See, the family members of the patient surnamed Hu bought cheap medicine to save money, but...then...where are you going to get the medicine?"

"I usually go to a small pharmacy in the community to get medicine. After taking it, the effect is good, otherwise... I will still get medicine there!" Ms. Zheng responded with a smile.

"Small pharmacy, is it a chain?" Bian Mu asked. "No, it's an old pharmacy. It was there when I first got married. My Xiaogang is already 11 years old! It has been open for nearly 20 years, right? Should it be okay?"

"It's... it's not easy for you to raise a child alone, but we'd better be careful. In this way, you can still grab medicine at that pharmacy, but... just grab one pair, and don't say anything to the waiter in the store. What, after you get home, spread out various herbs, take photos and send them to me, and I will review them. If the Chinese medicine there is not ideal, I still suggest you go to a civilian pharmacy to get medicine, what do you think?"

"Okay! I'll definitely listen to you. Let's grab one first."

"Yeah! By the way, you should get a fitness sword recently. I think you should be over 1 meters tall. You need to get a 65-inch one. The length of the sword is about 28 centimeters. Remember, you can't get a cheap piece of wood. Or bamboo, that won't work. The sword has to have some weight to be effective. It has to weigh 80 and a half kilograms anyway. After the sword is finished, bring it over and let me try it. I will teach you a set of 'Qingping Sword' sword skills, a simplified version. , it’s easy to learn. If your son is interested, he can also practice with you. It will be of great benefit to you, mother and son." Bian Mu smiled and warned for a long time.

"Is this considered auxiliary treatment?" Ms. Zheng asked with a smile.

"Yes! I'm trying to save you some money! I have to make some modifications to the specific martial arts movements for you. Theoretically speaking, this set of swordsmanship is tailor-made for you. Of course, as long as you are a woman, whoever practices it will They all benefited from it, but there is no curative effect."

Upon hearing this, Ms. Zheng's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Then...does it mean that after practicing, you will need to take Chinese medicine? Even though you try your best to save me money, a set of medicine is still a big burden for a person like me!"

"Theoretically... your understanding is correct. If you practice carefully, the prescription prescribed today may gradually be reduced. In the end, you should be left with Codonopsis pilosula, Rehmannia glutinosa, and Angelica sinensis, and there is no need to add licorice. In addition, I would like to remind you that people cannot be poor all their lives. Once your economic situation improves, Codonopsis pilosula will naturally be adjusted to adult ginseng, and the dosage will be slightly increased."

"I understand! You are so dedicated. They really shouldn't come here to mess around with you. It's getting late. If there's nothing else, I won't delay your lunch."

"Okay! Try to stay in a good mood!"

"Thank you, Doctor Bian! For taking your trouble!" After that, Ms. Zheng stood up and left.


"Chuanyu Renjia", a typical Sichuan restaurant, is only two streets away from "Bian's Clinic". Bian Mu accompanied Mr. Liang all the way there on foot. Luo Zhanqi is the kind of person who wants to be skinny and shameless, and he can usually He was determined not to go without following Bian Mu to make a living, and it was the same today. After saying hello, he went back to his residence and ate by himself.

"Chuanyu Renjia" is a high-end Chinese restaurant. During the peak dining period, there is no seat available unless you make a reservation. Bian Mu chose to treat Mr. Liang to dinner here out of respect for the old man. Of course, Mr. Liang usually loves spicy food. It is also a consideration.

(End of this chapter)

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